T'lesaav February-19, 1023: THE DAILT NEWS PAGE SEVER Fashion Fancies General Every Typo DfilUy of Coat Sport For CLASSME D AO VERTBEMENTS S. FilR J A B, Si ELA H.AL F FUR RFNT LOST & FOUND THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE HEAD BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. 7 -.n, ;-r--7n.rr, iiau. i i i n. r '"' mvviiyB uuen me law- -nritp for . Jinan .soarts. and tmt without imtim wwmMimx, most uiiivcmnllv hiTntnintr tn . ..... .. . r . , ., wi nu-"iucii cnrcKH anu snarKiimr eyes, and while it offers no con- try -l; to the landmape it can ho , u ' ;', ' uilr.pt ,i.,f tri,.(.l vivid colors. Her.- is a r.U i -lUynrart spirtlVWM.'. ro.it for winter sfcorp. Of JrVhiteyti t:uru ui it in threr-ofuai-tar Twrui 'tf ana t ;ir les a lonif, narrow scarf the s. iini' shade. Note that the fllOVes. if white wnol. are trlm-Liitnif m- d in of st-nrlct a ' 1 PRINCE RUPERT TIDES a Tuesday, February 19 i Hih 9:35 a.m. 20.4 ft.J 22:56 p.m. 17.4 it-1 l. vi S:12 a.m. 9.1 iu 16:28 p.m. 4.1 ft. Wedrlesday, February 20 rf.m. 2K2 ft. Si'A ;p.m;. 1R5 ft. I vv . 4flMiJi.n. 8.8 ft. ,17;2' p.m. 3.0 ft Thursday; February 21' Hih . H-.ftc. a.m. 21.9 ft. I .. . B:."V1 k.tn. ' 7.9 ft. vl.l7 pLm. 2.0 ft Friday, February 22 Hirh i::i5 a.m. 19.6 ft. 12:2.1 p.xji 22.4 it .iiH Ml t in, m. ft. l!i:02 p.m. 1.2 ft Saturday, February 23 Ii 1:16 a.m. 20.6 ft 13:11 p.m. 22.7 ft I v 7: IS a.m. 5.4 ft 19:44 p.m. 1.0 ft DouMc-rich compared to fresh milk, Bordcn8 St. Charles gives cream results to cooking at the cost of milk. Mall Cwnponl Thi tlon din Co.LixtTit, Dept. A 71 I lamer Arcade Jlldg., Vancouver. Stmt m fH SI. ChmM ftictpl Boa Nam..., AddreM.. TED CLOTHES Lines moved and set up. Radio ioltH furnished and tt up. Hatinfiiction jruaruil-teed. Zumkehr, The Handy Alan. Phone 3. WANTED Folding Go-cart or Sulky. Phone Blue 482. 40 CLERK, Oracle . 2, ..niu,, iur, Department of murine ana i Fisheries, $1080 per annum. For particulars of examination apply to T. II. Peddie, Principal of School, Prince Rupert, not later than February 21st. 40 Ti:l)KHS WANTED Sealed tender marked Section No. b Muln ScweT No. 1 Will be received up to noon of February 18. 1928. lor supplying aim ueuvery ui aijproxunaxery ' '.WO Lineal Feet 12" double thick Vitrified Tile Sewer Pipe; 1.000 Lineal' Ft " double thick Vitrified Tile, "! Feet 6" double thick Vitrified p t v. 2 oniv. 11x8" Junction double thick Vitrified Tile; 34 only. 13x6" Junc tions deubfer thick Vltrlllivl Tile- ft ,r,l 10x8 ' JuncJon double thick Vitrified Tile; S only, 10M" Junction double thick Vitrified fllei 250 only, art" Junctions oniy, jxxiu Keaucera, aonw itnmdvnie; xt only, 10x8" fit tiefl TuV . 80 only. 6" long Bends double thick Vltrlfleef Tile; 250 only. 8" abort Bends, double thick Vitrified Tile. 5. 340 only. 6" Traps, double thick Vitrified Tile. S. 1.600 lbs Jute for double thick ; Vitrified Tile flcaUons Cn?U b' .. ii-'. ; :.. ' i le city Bturlneer "Tr Cltv " Hall. Prince prince it Run. up- i ert. B C The lowest or an, tender not , fUrnitUre drt iPriee FOR Prlnr ftunart inrf'" ' '"Ji r ,W"""l 1U1 tne ijon-oari.rri. rf.n!i iT2i. ''"''PM'y auttortelng the City to enter Into carl.eet date of of to K- be stated 1. ' delivery .k the um, same and .rui t to validate viirt.tK. the Mw said ..P D. J. MATHESON, Pure basins Asent. Prince Rupert B.C. AN1 AC Notice of liilrnlioii to Apply to iane uiim In Prince Rupert Land Reoordlni D1X-tiict of Prince ftupert, and aiuutte at the south end of Kiina Ialand, adlacentlto tot eMiTaanae s. limited, of Vluteouyer7adtlah CoiumbU. occunauaii. raWnaiaoturera. intends, M apply for a taie of tbe foiiowlng de- lbed lamlar' " . - :ln ax trie i Lot oaan, Ranaa erlv 3a decrees Id eet. mora or lata, to lota water mark: tnenee' aoutbwesterl follow ma hiw water mart to a point due anat on the moat eaattrlj point of an unnamed ialand: thence aortaerly lolknn the kiauaaitiea of Ihi inland to the moat northwaaterly point ot awne: thence m a nortnwi terlv dtfee- tlon to the northeasterly Mint of an un naated ialand; tkanee north woaterln u hlph water mark: thence In a northeast- rrlv direction along hlnh water mark to the OTP. Railway rlfht-of. way; thence easterly alone the aputhern boundary Of corner of Eo siiiooaltla of the ie ald lot to the pottit of commencement . BiLUion SPhuci mills. LiurncD. B. C. Uoraan. Aaent. -Jf' tbyJWnd 138, WATI.K NOTICt Dlvrrklun and Use Taka. notice that Bilunor Spruce Mill. Umltad, whoae addr -as Is 311 Roger Building. 470 Oranvllle St., Vancouver. 8X., will apply for a licence to take and use IMAM oi water out of an unnamed utreeun. whloh flows southerly and drains into the head of Porootae Harbour, half mile northeast or Lot 8585. Range 5. CD. The water will be diverted from the tirram at a point about half mile dl-t.uit irom its mouth and will be uaed for niiiatrial DtirooM upon the land de-Mn.Kd as Lot 68M. Range 8. Coast Dia- npHou ws posted on the ground '. ( find day of iVcenber. late. A r.uv of this notice and an aoDllca--.on uvirauant hreto and to the "Water u t - win dt ItitH hi the office of the .v.iu-r.Rocorder a. Prince Rupert. B.C. (Milecttorn, to the anllcation mar be led wltk the aaid Water Recorder or the' Cnmi ntroner ot of Water waver Right wo". rliameiat Bulldlnita, Victoria. B.C. Mfhln t'hlrt' thtrtv flava after the fir' appetr- ncc of Utls no itlce In a local newspaper. trt run n si IPRUCE MILLS. UM1TEU, AODilcaui.. BY B E. MOROAN. Agent. m The date of the flrat publication of tils notice la January 5th. 1938 . cnXi-rains ,.r the rt Msndaya. Wednesday and Saturday at 1180 am. from ' kiuM-Sundays, Tuesday and Thursdays at 3 :S0 pm. BRINGING UP "l!i. ana to validate a - bylaw - (tf as 'iented - to bv .-.jr the IT'. Jectors. to whnm It ."TZ la - agreement and to grant and confirm to the Oompany all the Dowers. DrlvllnH and rlghu thereby conferred. DATED at Print Ruper.. BlC. this 5th day of February. A.D.. 1929. E. P. JONES. Solicitor for the Corpora Uonof the City of PrlncejRuDert. MlNr.nAu ACT mmiiin ii iui . NOTICE.., nia APPL1CAMOK TOR CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS . BOH rRAOTTC IONAL AND3 WANN tTMCTIOWAX MINERAL CLAIMS, alt-1 "1 injinc main aiming uiiiskhi ot Ca4alar District. Where locstedFThe Bob Kncttonai jMlnacal Claim 01. Tfliku Arm. between the Speculation and Chawana, UIimmI 01sliT and the Wann Fraction? Mineral Claim on Winn River, ad loin tun ana no we norm or tne Jack Pine Mm eral Claim. t . liMP. holder: ENOINEEB GOLD Sli.lEB LlUllEU IKU f Number of the holder's fre miaert oertincate 97030 OT1CE that ENGINEER OOLD IUITED. INC.. Frees Miner's ! No. 97020. intend afithe end of tlrty dava from the date hereof to apolv to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements for the pur-Dpae . of obtaining Crown Orante ot the above claim. And fujther take notice that action under section SS of the "Mineral Act" mutt be commenced before the Issuance of such certificate of lmnrovements. Dated th a 1st day of January. 1929. ENOtNBKR OOLD MINES, LTD.. INC. II. McN. Praser. Atent. "NAVIOtllLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT It 8. C. Lhaptrr 140 HOME OIL DIS1TBUTORS, LIMITED, whoy. f principal .place of business la at 587 Jhirfard street. Vancouverf British Oelutabla.' hereby give notice that It ha under 8cc'J4n 7 of the said. Act depot-Red w:tM the Minister of Public work at Ottawe. and in the offices ot Uie DlatrJct 'Reiclttrar of the LandReglttry DiatriM of Prince Ruprt. British' Columbia, at -Prtnre, Rupert, aforesaid, a description of tpe' tlte and the.laru of Milldrage and : vtharves proposed to bt built In the harbour of Prince Rupert In of Mat otXot S'M Waterfront Btock "Q", ' vfrl& TArtfOTICE that aftijr the ex. plratlcn of one month frcm the date ot the first publication of thlt notice Homo of Oil Distributor. Limited, will under Section 7 of the said Act apply to the Min uter of Public Work at his office In the City of Ottawa for approval of the said site and plana for leave to construct the said wharf a aforeeaid . DATED at Vancouver, British Columbia, the 18th day of January 1939. HOME OIL DISTRIBUTORS. LIMITED. By Iti SnUdters. ROBERTSON DOUGLAS ft 8MYES. FATHER ( AHt lf YOO 3W I NO J DEUOOU-j I klnv DtfNlT VQU OW Tew D C5Pint.VJ ULM LUVV wc,wy FOR I HINT ITirnlhed house-iFOR kjeping rooms liy the' Jay, week,' or month. Phone Red C07. U FOR RENT -Aulornol)ilea.,pianos' nhonot-ranhti and siwlni" mach- : inea. Walker Music ; Store.. " T V"','' t,Hn KENT Mortem house, near prt.H(Vlofi.,n eh'ufch. Apply 216 Fourth Awnuc E. tf! HOUSES For rent. F: W. Hart. 54 NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an application will be made to the Legislative Assembly of the Province ot British Columbia at its present aeealon by the Corporation of the City of Prince Rupert (hereinafter called the City) for an Act empowering the City to sell, free . from :ill encumbrances upon such terms u. u. may aestn. iu to. .the Power corporation of Canada, Limited, (herein- tlr ai- wer de-and to grant to the company the sole and ex-' clualve right, power, licence and prlvi-1 lege to carry on In the City of Prince I Rupert the business of a light, heat and power company, and for such purposes to 1 natal, extend, nnrritr. rpfviLir and maintain In the said City's strtts, lanes and other public olacea Doles. Conduit. surface and underground wires, cables i and ail other emilpment and appliances ir me tnuumuaion, amnnuiion ana; lie of electric power for light, jbeat and I wer -pr DurMtes. ana emnoweMne the lty I to to intir Into an agreement with the Company ii pa for auppiying to the city and its ciiizeu cltt electric light, heat and power UUn allah VP1I inrf MnHltUn. . . . , tt tf&t&Z', tae over.tn wnoie or any part of the. TC5ubOGOfS.,b-r OI5H- I WOOLD oVf TrVV "TH ACT- ANDME FOR SALE ' SALE-Universal Marine Engine, 45 II. P., comitlete with"! ' reduction tfe&r. Practically j new. Apply Dr. Large, Port , Simpson. B.C. 47 F,0R SALE We offer for -aje,!d , together or seperately three 4- slrable fjve roomed houses, lo-, Jcatl on Fifth Avenue West, to be purchased on favorable terms. Apply to McCaffery & Gibbons, Ltd. 43 j FOR SALE Monarch stove in goo'r condition; Drop-leaf table.itne and Lnairsi Arm cnair ana Couch. Phone Ulue 405. FOR SALE One line shaft 18 liver, kidneys, stomacTi. etc It feet long and l34 inches thick. ! may be alsf due to the after ef-One 20 Inch Hanger; Four 11 fecta of infltiema. inch hangers. Two large Iron i Conault the Chiropractor in all Pulleys, speed 15 to 12 Inch, 3V4 inch beltt Two line shafts 8 feet' long, l1,-.. Inch : thick. Three Iron 'Pulleys,- yiree speed B 12 Inch to 8 inch, ""wo Woodetl ' Pulleys. Apply Dally N News; ' ti MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE RoH. Rr.rtnir. Mfltr Din. 1 . .. . . .. itlg Room Suites. Bedroom Suites, Llnolpum and Linoleum Hubs , . , ,. . . , ... . H urn IT. II TP flf flll Klhnt. W P Will take yur oId furnlt0re ini'.ed by our new form of dletet trade lor new as we are now A. MACKENZIE Phone 775 SALVAGE ANU TOWING "If It's on or under the waler we do t" PRINCE RUl'ERT SALVAGE & TOWING COMPANY LIMITED' Fully Equipped for piving "And General balvajre, "hk ' ' ork. , Boats and Kr-nwa. nf all descHif- ttr,. . n,t0. Raw Boats anr4,Caos foj hlre. Bargains In.riaa, j-Ingbes.,, ' AGF,NTSnFOR,... Van Rlerck; Kasthopo. Hicks i Rallantyne Engines. Northern B. C. DUtributprs Cool id ge PropeUerB' " Phone, Day or Night,. 5fi4 P. O. Uox 1561 SHELL 'FISH Crabs. Shrimps, Clams or any kind of shell fish supplied in large or small quantities. District Orders a Specialty HANSON & WALLACE Prince Rupert ! Phone: Hlk. 330 P.O. llox 832 55 CHlMNEi SWEEP H. J. Zumkehr General Handy Man. Furnaces and Stoves Cleaned and Repaired Phone 3 Prince Rupert. 11.. C. IN PROhATR Tn tha aunreme Court .of BrlUeh Oo lumoja in tht matter or the Admlntatra- j tlon Act and In the matter of tne avtaie .Aaron WUllam Edge Deceased. . TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hi Honour Judge F. McB. Young dated the 28th day of January,. 1039, Edward; h. Mortimer and Leonard M. De Oex were appointed tdmlnlatrator of the Estate Aaron '.V Edge, deceased, and all par-tie hrving claims against the aald Eetate are hereby required to furnish tame, properly verified to me on or before the 7th day of March, A.D. 1929. and all parties Indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their in-debtednea to me forthwith. EDWARD II. MORTIMER. Executor. 334 Second Av., Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the 7th day of Feb., A.D.. 1939. 33 Wl-btt MB I VSRr Coots "WELL HiNvC "TWO ORDERS BEAUTY OPERATOR ffdnXS yj LI D iL M1J MARY MACFIE Experienced operator, modern methods in all lines of beauty euture and hair dressing. Hake appointment by phoning cninopiiACtlc. RELIEVE HEADACHES? CERTAINLY This distressing malady is very prevalent at this time ot year, and as a rule Is a such as affections of the cases. Relief guaranteed. (tonsil It v)i. piNjLi.: ' . C. and, 7 Exchange; RIock Green: 211. Phoney Rlark? 28? Opfrt: Evenings,, . ; RESULTS' COUNT : ,t iM 1 tRe SlOe, JnaigBSUOn,' no. ,tn..i, TTanrinoVoa Mov. --. "C"v.., vousness, insomnia, Catarrh and i re-! ic and spfnal treatment. Read our National "Ad's," in the Liberty Magaiine every week, then consult DR. EYOLHrtON Phone Iiiue 85, or Red 589 Open Evenings LRI-Tt.ll im CUlJ.r.CTIONS AM. p u1 Gfbham &.44Uta A vs. ..... 9.00 lt Aye. It aih ii . St , p.05 sth Aye, m Pulton St atn - Ave - Thompson St. "th Atav & Brterwooke 9JO tU,, . mt At A. csnrad ttnh VMwi A Bay n-e Ave.v 8th A. Haya OM arcle SUi Ave. A, Cottrn, 9 ....... 1 5th Ave. A Oreen St. (HapU). 5th Ave. ft McBrlde St I ProV. nov luilc'ing .... . Prov. Uov warr . jo.TJ Wbarf i O.TJ iStaUon 2nd Are. ie iqd Si. . 3rd Are. & Fulinn St. rt Are. & 8th St. . . MAIL SCHEDULE ror the Eat Monday. Wtinesday,- Saturdays, mail doeet 10:30 am It coin le Out Sundayea Tueeday khd Thursday. mall due 8 JO pm lu VdnruttveT" Via tfnln Wtdnetday and Saturdays ...10 30 ajn. Tueadi y 3.15 pm. Friday 8:15 a.m. Frlaayi u pm C.P.R. F, 13 and. ,37 .....p.m. a-nii . ' : S'tnday ..'4'pjn' Wednesday . 1030, .46 FrKlsys iW CP. a. re.' and '33 .. From Mruatl. erriuwr.rtnyox and I ArScJ Sundays J 1 . .' 7 njn jmAafi ...,..,...,..9 1 9fl MewSrt and Premier Tuesday nso am Friday ..8 ain. To Naaa Klvr rHHil-t , . ; Sunday 7 pjn From Naafl Klrer Poln.a Tuesdays 1130 am To Quern Charlotirn Feb. 0 and JS 9 p.m. From Quern Chat arlottr Feb. 7 and 31 a.m. Tn Alanka imlntv Feb. 8 and S3 a.m. I rom Alaika llttt Feb. 13 and 37 p.m. f MV: itk'T THAT A ttUCIOWi OtH I't-t OLAO TOU UIKR-IT-I MUTAW HIM WHAT T a MADE OF' J uattawalj fill . I I 1 aj If). Intt Fr.i an !UnlK, W, Oyit BrHala rithxt W.J4.T--" EMBARRASSING . ' , 'A3 '" .. . .. .' . . .'. . - . ' .- 1 iKSUf 'Y&1M'm!Fttt& iwjf r 7 ' i-7. 0 n of the 01 - (i ... 1 ll'T 1 .' .' . i &7 1 . mm a 1. 1 a -J mj - jmBBa& n ,a vaitmsSBfittmm imylUU , I :.; 1, ,-. f u 0m Mtmla. aaWhamnl f rt .sikarMM l A.C. rWwto r,. ill MWWltt' i BE PROUD TO BUYPRODUaS Early Ad. Copy By l,OOr4"r KNOW JO'V THE. fcAOCE. MSD -TWra.?MAtKl INIcr1fettC31B.Nl-Tb are conMco oaett CAtSBACkw "5 iwrwd. ' MOMENTS BfiiUL. - ov Aonce. TXe Pledge Newlyweds V.TAllhlAOE Belli! Tkerf 1V1 a borne to be planned, rac,h. room to equip and arrange, eome plans to JisCnas, con-ullatiom with contractors, manj itore to visit and many visits to stores. To the Dewtyweus tbeie are the spending days of a lifetime days of joy and thrills buying for the home to be. But still .another pleasure Ihey have added to these tnrrnorabte shopping hours a pride in demanding Grit the product of their homeland. "Because our mutual pro treat through the year to come depend on the pros perlty of our, country, we will build our house and make our home with the product of our local ln dutrlet.""ThlUthepledfe of the newtywed. SOUND ADVICE Young married people will eatlly recognize the importance of the "Buy B.C. Product Idea. The pro. perlty of both depend on the young husband' progrci tn hit vocation. A the demand for the manufactured article of British Columbia Increase to will the young husband' position be made more tecure and hit advancement more certain. Obviously w thould demand first and alway the B.C. Troduct. is appreciated George McManus h3w1 GVJT ano ntiffiii 1 RlrJC. It4 MORE-