Saturday, July 20, 1920 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE Man in the Moon Prince Rupert people are said CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUNi use terrible English - and awful THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST mQUNGnAND OLD. to S'-otch. There was a stampede going on in the town and one of the riders w;is sore because he was given a bum steer. Alwayt be accurate In the information you give, then people won't get sore. If an amplifier were attached that the voice of conscience berame audible, some quee,r things would be heard. Anyone wishing to develop will power should go to any place where mosquitos nuke their home, distrub them, about 8 p.m. anil then refuse to either slap or .cratch. Some people wear socks on their feet and others get a sock In the eye. It's just a matter of location. Ten Years Ago In Pr'nce Rupert July 20, 1919 J. L. Mullen, president of the Mullen Construction Co., announces that his company has taken over the entire local dry dock plant and will continue operation!' there. This is the outcome tf a dispute between the Mullen t o. and the Erb interests. Mayor McClymont announces he is determined toprose- . Life baseball players who engage 1 1 the sport on Sunday In con- tiiivnntion of the Lord's Day Act.' j NEW BOOK ON BRITISH FLAGS IS PUBLISHED i "British Flags on Land and S.V is the title of a well illus truted book by Andrew D. Mac Lean giving their. History, tra- uitinoa ajid.nracticaliiaes ashore . .i - l tv.. -:.... u- fnf are all shown in their na- tural colorings with special re-, ( 'i ida. It gives the International 1 de of signals, the morse code, n. British naval code and mueh i thnr matter of interest "Why haven't you creased your 'nosers?" said the Sergeant Major. "I put them under my mat-lr"f, same as the others," said hp recruit, " but I'm such a lifht sleeper." Sword and Gun. LAXD ACT Not toe nf Intention la Apply to Ur land in the Prince Rvpertund Racording Dwni-t of Prince Rupert, and situate ne Bouth West coast ol wales Is- . ''ii fapinc Bnrton Islands. i ike notice that Anglo British Colura-tJi Packing Company Limited of Van- ver B.C.. occupation, Salmon Can-ners interds to apply for a lease of the "wing devrlbed lands: foreshore: mniencing at a post planted on the i h West Coast of Wales Island facing ' ' e Western extremity of Boston Islands; F:m forty chains following high water 1"Rrk: thence South one chain to Low j ur mark; thence West forty chains J H awing low water mark: thence North locating post; ana containing Ten 1 more or leas. ' "-LILO BRITISH COLOMBIA PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED. "w E Walker," Agent, , rv.. K'.ed ' 1 May 12nd, J929, ! ' Br ,ied tenders addressed to the under- I 'K:?d. and .niinM '"r.n n. nwli. Jater and Repairs to Approach. Dlgtoy Dated 30th June. 1929 Wand B.C.." will be received until ilMfet AiV.'r.k. J"M.'.n. f'"'''' lng). Irldartfesc,,, --..-. , lor lne oonsirucuon o 'kwater and repairs to approach, at, Dl;;by Inland, Skeena District, B.C. t Una ana form of contract can be seen i ui specification and forms of tender, ' 'I' .itiied at this Department, at the of.l , ?f the District Engineer, Post Of-.' Building. Victoria, B.C.; Victoria! Builders Exchange, 2J09 Prior Street. Vlc-i ., n"..D c; an tn BuUdlng and Con. "ictlon Induatrlea Exchange; CIS West1 "; H,w Si''. Vsnnouver, B.C.. alo at ; if Pit Otflce. Prince Rupert B.O tndor win not be considered unles VJJS '. printed forms supplied by tha I l'artmetu and In accordance with oJ-, 0 Oons contained therein. t k.i i tender must be accompanied by; ji aiveptcd cheque on a chartered bank, t lh order o' h Minuter of 1 Ullllr m Works, Works, ariual tn In n.. int n( itrm,um of the tender. Bonds of the , , mmiuI! ' cada or bonds of the Ca-'"inn National Railway Company will ? " aocepted as security, or bonus , ' nil ,,1 a nmouirt. chrtju M - required to make up an , OT J01" PrtiU can be obtained at , I; 'jnrUneiit by depositing an ac-1 rneque for the Um of ilO.OO. fc T,,!'K.V ih ord 'of the Mlnlater of ;,'W p Works, which .will be returned if intending bidder submlU a-regular By order, B E O'BRIEN, Debsrtment Public Works."'10' otuw., 2, i29. (icJ) Summer Resorts Where to spend nn enjoyable holiday boating, bath' ing, fishing, mountain climbing, etc. KITSUMOAI.LUM LAKE LODGE Terrace, B.C. Spend Your Vacation at Kalum Lake Good fishing, ... boating and bath- a ( I ing; ueaumui scenery; twenty miles from Terrace. Stage leaves Terrace 9 a.m.. Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, $2 return. Rates, $3 . 23 per day . Write for special weekly rates. H. E. MX, PROPRIETOR Terrace, B.C. WONDERFUL TLELL Queen Charlotte Islands THE FARM HOME Pine beach and meadows for cnimren s playgrounds. Salmon and Trout Fishing, River and Sea Bathing. Excellent Cusine. TcZrX reservations. , MRS. RAJOUT , TIelL Q. C. I. ' , ' ' '. . . 1 ,1 . V "RUMMER COTTAGE-; .AXvIlEAUTIFUL FKAKCOlS, " ' I LAKE A If For Rent iBy the Week or Month "Partly Furnished 'Apply Mrs. Henkel Francois Lake Lodge Queen Charlotte Islands Visitors When travelling between Port Clements and Queen Charlotte City, hire cars and trucKa from YOUNG BROTHERS Skldegate, B.C. LAKELSE f.ODfiE AND HOT SPRINGS la opened to guests. The lodge is situated on the shore at Lakelse ... n . ,. , . c. uuwi jijr iisiiiiik ior rain- bow trout. The hot springs con tain Lithia which is fine for rheumatism. Cottages for rent J. Bruce Johnston, Manager. nKI.KNA LAND HHOKIUMl DISTRICT TAKE NOTICE that the BrIUwi Columbia pishing Is Packing Company. Ltd.. of Vancouver, B.C., occupation, fishing and packing, intends to apply for a lease of the following described foreshore, altuate (rooting on Lot 10, Range S, Ooaet Dtetrtf: Oommenolng at a post planted at tfce southwest corner of Lot 10. Range A, Coiut District; thence uth S onalne; thenoe In a southeasterly direction IS ohalna; thenoe In a south-easterly direction 38 chains, more tor leas, to high water mark at a point distant 10 chains, more or leas, westerly front the southeast comer of Lot 10: thence northwesterly, following high water mark, to the point of commencement and containing IS acres, more or 1ms. BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHINO A PACKINO CO., LTD. J. H. Btislinell, Agent. ricknickcr. Uo..pcod -cop on you'd iM- come come and and time time some some eggs eggs FOR SALE FOR SALR Studebaker coach, mechanically guaranteed. Burns andCo.Ltd. tf FOR- SALE Good Eats Cafe. Good location; reasonable. Phone Blaek 700. (170; FOR SALE Iron and wooden pulleys, also two pieces shafting. Apply Daily News, Box xx. (tf) FOR SALE 3 sets adjustable iron hangers for shafting. Large site. $10 per set. Apply Box 00 Daily News Office. (tf) FOR SALE Fishing boat W. T., 52 feet long; beam, 13 V4 feet. 30 h.p. Friseo Standard engine; eight years old, in No. 1 condition. Phone Blue 150. tf t-nn oat rat,u.... UU S-S A J AHUUtlll 111 UwlllvM bungalow at 308 Seventh Av enue W. Good condition, oak floors in living room and din ing room. Terms arranged. Box 207 Dally News. 1C7 FOR SALE Jo close an estate, offers are Invited by the un dersigned for lot CO, group 1, Cassia r District, situated near Alice Arm, B.C. and containing 142 acres, more or less, John L. Christie, 3215 Cambie Street. Vancouver, B.C. 172 BOARD AND ROOM BOARD And Room S35 per month. Phone Green 21C. tf WANTED WANTED HenHtltchipg. lirs. Chas. Edwards, at Wallace. ! ' 179 AG ENTSWANTED $26 PER WEEK Made by our personal Christmas greeting cards agents in their spare time. Write us for particulars toda. Regal Art Co., 310' Spadina Ave. Toronto. ' .. LAND ACT Not Ire of Intention to Apply to Lease Land ' In toe Queen Charlotte land District. Land Rseordln Dutrlet of Prince Hup-art. and situate near Klashwun Point. Orahaoi laland. Take notion that Eugene H. Simpson of Maasett. B.C., occupation, cannery-man. Intends to apDly lor a lease of the following described lands: Foreshore. Oommencinff at a post planted about M ahalM aoutheasterly from Uie N. W. corner of Lot No. 3741, dralnm Island; thdAM WMt in 'K-! Tl thanM nnvlh ft oraalna to low water; thence east 10 ccroceTnetafldMnamC1 OI mmcerrien, ana containing a ,. EUOENE HUMPHRY 8IMPSON. Henry White. Agent. Dated May 11th. 1929. OKICENA LAND UlXOItDlNO DISTRICT TAKE NOTICE that the British Co-tumble Pishing St Packing Company, Ltd., of Vancouver, B.C., occupation, fishing and packing Intends to apply for a lease of the following described loreshore, altuate fronting on Lot 2. Range 6, CoMt District: Commencing at a poet planted at a point on the southerly boundary of Lot 2, Range S, distant about IB chains from the southeast corner; thence N.SS'E. to the production southerly of the east boundary of Lot 2: thence northerly to mean high water mark; thenre westerly and southerly following mean high water mark, to the point or commencement, and con talnlng ten acres, more or lees. BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHINO St PACKINO CO.. LTD. J. H. BushneU, Agent. Dated 24th June 1929. m fa. 11 . k vrvfj a w police-trap; duty) : "I wonder if for me?" " Humorist, Lbndon.' FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished flat. Ap ply Mussallem Grocery. (tf) FOR RENT Four room flat with bath. Furnished, Phone 547. tf. FOR RENT Furnished suite. Summit Apartments. Phone Blue 345. (tf) FOR RENT Modern house near business section. $25.00. Apply 216 Fourth Avenue E. tf FOR RENT Automobiles, pianos' phonographs and sewing machines. Walker Music Store. FOR RENT furnished housekeeping rooms by the day, week, or month. Phone Red 607. tf FOR RENTr-Clean, well furnished modern two and three roomed suites. Palmer Apartments. Phone Red 444. (175) FOR RENT Furnished two fam ily cottage close to new La,. else Lodge, on lake shore. For rates apply to V. Soucie, Terrace. 159 j CHIROPRACTIC PROGRESS The practice of chiropractic ist recognized in forty states of the union . This recognition has been i sought and gained by the people ' 191G that legal recognition was first accorded. For your health' sake consult DR. W. C. ASPINALL 6 and 7 Exchange Block Green 241 Phonet Black 282 Open Evenings CHiROPnqrio Adjustments given according to our new Spinal Indicator, produce better results. Consult r, e. eyol.fson chiropUactor G23 Third Avenue Office Telephone Blue 85 Residence Telephone Red 589 Established 1924 ' . FURNITURE , , EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME Dining Room Suites, Chester field Suites, Simmons Beds and Bedding, Linoleum and Linoleum Rugs, Ranges and Kitchen Hardware. Wo Jnvlte you to call, MacKENZlE FUlINlTUHR PHONE 775 LAND AC Notice M Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Prince Rupert land Rsocrdlng District of Prince Rupert, and altuate op the East snore of Portland Canal one , tends to apply for a lease of th fellow, mils south-east of Spit Point. line described lands: Foreshore. Take notice that The Anglo British i Commencing at a post planted near Columbia Packing Company, Limited, of i 'hs southern end of Hidden Island; Vancouver, B.C , occupation, Salmon thence northerly 10 ohslns; thence eut-Canrrs, Intends to appfy for a lease of ! chfrns; thence outhwly 10 the following described lands: i chain, following low water; thence I . . . uommencing at a post piantea on vnei east shore of Portland Canal uanaj ons one mile nuie south east of Spit Point; thence North ten cnains; inence cast rorxy ensms; thenoe Bouth ten chains to High Water Mark) thence following high water mark back to staking post; and containing forty acres, more or leas. TTIK ANOLO BRITISH CbLUMBIA - PACKINO COMPANY, LIMITED, Per-W. E Walker." Arent. Dated May 17th, 1929. t 1 , j .' . .strait' OLD LADY: "I'm looking for a book that will Interest a girl of sixteen or seventeen." BOOKSELLER: "I'm sorry, hut we haven't any of that type in,! stock, just pow you Ve'.va LOST LOST Silver wrist watch with I Kiajr nuuuii uaiiu. r inuer re turn to Daily News Office. Reward. (107) SALVAGE ANI TOWING "If It's on or under the water we do It" PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped for DIvtng and General Salvage Work. Boats and Scows of all descrip tions for Charter. Row Boats and Canoes . for hire, Bargains In Gas Knginer. AGENTS FOR Van Blerck-, EaBthope. Hicks & ttallantyne Engines. Northern B. ,C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Phone. Dnv or Night, 564 . P. O. Box 1554 BUY SHRUBSALL'S SMOKED FISH PRODUCTS (Smoked Black Cod and Fillets) De Luxe Smoked Salmon-To cook, cut the salmon into small strips, place in pan, pour boiling water over the fish and stand away from fire for fifteen minutes. It cooks itself . . qm Co., Ltd., Frizell's, Bulkley Market, Watts' Grocery Makes nice lunch sandwiches - for husband or picnics. Paints, Wallpaper, Etc. SILVERSIDES. BROS, Wallpapers, faints, Glass and Art Supplies P, O. BOX 120 PHONE 22 LAND ACT -Notice of Intention to Apply .to Letwe land . In the Queen Charlotte Land District, Land Recortlng District of Prtnre Rup ert, ana situate at Arniston point, North - Duntfai Island. I Take notice that Langara Fishing ' Packing Company, Limited, of Missel t. ii. c, occupation canuera, m lends to apply tor a lease of the fallow Ing described lands: Foreshore. Commencing at a post planted at the extremity of land on Arniston Point, thence westerly 20 chains; thence norther) S chains to low water; thence east erly 20 chains: thence southerly to point of eommenessiicnt, and containing 20 acres, more or less. LANOARA FISHINO Sc PACKINO XV I.TTl. ' By Its Agent, John William Uuorehouse uateo June Tin, ivw. LAND ACT Not Ire of Intention to Apply to Leusn Land In the Queen Charlotte Land District, Land Recording District of Prince Rup - ert, ana situate near tne mouin oi Mas- sett Inlet, Oraham Island. asks nouce mat tjana;ara nsmng ,v Packing Company. Limited, of Mss-etc B.C. . occupation, salmon cannera, in- MW-rl. vwti. nf MunmMtMm.nt w" "" , " v,.w LANOARA FISHINO St PACKINO CO.. LTD. Henry Whits. Agent. Dated May 11th. 1929. Daily News "Want Ads" bring quick results. been raided ..twice this month!" J ' "Humorist. London. AUCTIONEER prince RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy, sell or ex- chanire WMUKc an any kind mu or or furniture ' D1trlct ' Prtnca Rupert, and, situate jurnuurejonB m,,e Eftst Bllrtlrtt Polnt or .household :gQpds, -musical in stnimonts, machinery, .etc! General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black f 120 and we will call. GEORGE1 J. DAWES, AUCTIONEER Federal Block ELEVEN YEARS OF KNOWING HOW Is applied to all work in our Mechanical Department. A triaj will convince you that there Is no experimenting, but an actual saving to the motorist to deal with us. ROSS & 3MOORE.XTD. Chevrolet Dealers Goodyear Tires, Itaybestoa Linings, Home Gas LAND ACT Notice oMntentloti to Apply to Lease Land In the. Queen Cbjtnotte Land District. Land Record lust District of Prince Rupert, and situate near the mouth of Na-den Harbor, on Macorredo Island. Take notice that I, Author Robertson, of Maasett, B.C.. occupation, mill owner. Intends to apply tor a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted near the south east corner of Lot 2719, Masor-redo laland; thence northly 10 chains; ' I ti 1 t-ULtvr I v K f h a I ri a tn Inw .tpr i thenoa following low water southerly 10 cnains; inence wesieriT vo point oi comi mencement, and containing four acres, 4 more or less. : c ARTHUR ROBERTSON. -B Henrr White. Arent. Dated May 12th, 1929. .1 M LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land u w. Muwu;wu.jwtM imui vmh;,u. un muuwuiwuwoimi unnamea point: ;Utna Kecoramg-uutrici or prince itup- i ert, and altuate near the mouth of Mas- mr . . . octtu hub rwu.. Take notice that Langara FUhlngi & ' rocsuiK Lumiwu;, umuni, vi uwwii. B.C.. occupation, salmon cartrtent, tn I tends to apply for a lease of the follow, j Commencing at "a post plsnted near the northeast "bonier of Lot 2i59. Oraham Island; thenoe westerly 10, chains: thence nartlierly 6 chains: tbencf easterly 10 chkijs following low water; thence aoutherly1 8 chains to point of commencement, and containing 5 acres, more or less. LANGARA FISHINO St PACKINO CO.. LTD. Henry White, Agent.. Dated May 14th 1929. TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenden marked "Concrete Slde- signed up to 12 o'clock noon of July n. ivw, lor ue otmsvusium k eoncrets walks .on the following streets In the City or Prince Rupert. B.C. i . tjfeona Avenue ovn c. to na o. (N. sidet 2. Third Ave. 7th St. to Eighth St. (N. side). 3. Third Ave. Lot 38, Block 34' to McBrldf (S. side). 4 . Seventh St 2nd Ave . to 3rd Ave . (E. side). 5. Second Ave. 3rd St. to MeBride St.- (S. Sldel. : i Instructions to bidden and spesyttasVf : lions may be seen at ine erare or tne ' city EHgfneer. City Hall. Prince Rupert, u.u. uie lowmt or any tenner no nec teasarlly aseepted. II. A. McLEAN, oit, srHfo) Prince Rupert, B.C. LAND ACT Notice of Intrntlon to Apply to Lease Land In the Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and altuate on the coast of Wales Island half mUs South East of Bartlett Point. Take notlea that The Anglo British Columbia Packing Company, Limited, of Vancouver, B.C., occupation, Salmon Cannera. Intends to apply for a leaee of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the Coast of Wales Island halt mile Bouth cut oi Mturo mui'i wiciivjc nuitii East ten chains; thence South East forty cnains; South west ten cnains to mgn Water mark; thence foUowlng High Water Mark to staking post, and containing forty acres, more or less. THE ANOLO BRI1ISH COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED. Per-W. E. Walker." Agent. Dated May 17th, 1928. LAM) ACT Notice of Intention In Apply r ni irae i-anu In!ritrmcilurrt I, Land Recording Dlstrlcl'of lutrlcl 6f Itirie Itiri'e Rup Rupert, and 'situate ons iqile South East of Spit Point on tne nasi snore or roniana uanaj. Take notice that Anglo British Columbia Packing Company Limited of Vancouver. B.C., occupation. Salmiia Owners, Intends to apply for a leaw of the following dewrlbrd lands: foreshore: Commencing at a post planted ons nine ouuu awoi opu rvinv vu uie Fast shore of Portland Canal; hence East 4Q chlns following High water mark: thence Soath S chalna to low water mark: thenoe West 40 chains following low water mark: thence North S chains "u " S"El ANOLO PRITJSH OOLTJMBIA PACKINQ Tfi. -Tf COMPANY, UMITEU. . jSUv iVWv'K Walker." Agent. DutedlJay 22nd, 1929. LAND ACT Notice of Intrntlon to Apply to Lease Land In th Prince Ruoert Lend Recordlne ion the South Wert coast of Wales Is- 'rH'Re'hotlee tnaY Aiilo Brttikrf Ibla Packing OomD&nv Limited of van. leouver, B.O., occupation. Salmon Can nera, intend to apply tor a lease of the following described lands: foreshore: Coran.tnetcg at a pct planted one imile South East of Bartlett P nt on the tdqum west coast of Wales Island: mince cast ion; tv chains following hls-h water mark; thenee South West five cnalna. to low water mark; thenoe West forty chains following low water mark; thence North East five chains to loca-Unx post; and containing 20 acres, mora or ls. A NOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKING COMPANY. LIMITED. . w' "w- E- Walker," Agent. Dated May 22nd. 1929. LAX!) ACT Notlre of Intrntlon to Apply to I .rase l-and In tlie Prince Ruperv tand Recording District of Prince Bupert. and altuate on the South West coat of Wales Island bait mile South East of Baxtlett l"olnt. Take notice that Anglo Brltlan Colum- wmer!0 b? . .oouptionsitoonoan- tiers; Intends to apply for a lease of the following de-crlbed Unds: foreshore. Commencing at a post planted un the South West coast of Wales laland half mUe South Bast of Bartlett Point; thence South East forty chains following High water mark; thence South West fire chains to low water mark; thenoe North West forty chains following low water mark: thence North East to locating post; and containing twenty acres, more or leas. ANOLO BRITISH COLOMBIA PACKING COMPANY, LIMITED. . . E Walker." Agent. n Dated May 22nd. 1929- LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease. Land - , . , ' 'V . la the queen Charlotte Land District. Land Recording District Of Print Run. lrv ana situate at an unnamed nolnt on kiS' nortfceixt ot Zayes laland. north of (Wreuiny .i ir.a i.niiu.ui-d ks oh Zayea Islano-. lace notice that Eugene H. Simpson and Author Robertson of Maasett. B.C , occupation, oanncfrmeu. Intend to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Foreshore ConuneiMlBa; at a post planted 200 feet south of hlsh nur -t th .ttnnit. tneig-e east 30 chains: thence north S chauia to Mw water; thence westerlr 20 vuutiim. uicnr souui to point or corn- mencement. and contalnina; 20 acres. ui-jvv or ess. EUOENE HDMPlfhtt SIMPSON. AUTHOR ROBERTON. j! A,fn,Jh? WUllam Moorehouse. Dtd Jun 7tn- 1930 LAND ACT Notice or Intention io Apply to Lease land In the Prutce Rupert Und Recording District of Prlnes Bupert. axvd situate one mile South Saat of Bartlstt Point on toe coast of Wales Island. Take notice that The Anglo BrMlsh Columbia Packing OompanyTXlmitea. of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation. Salmon Cannera, Intends to apply tor a leue of the following described tends: Commencing at a pnat plsnted one niile south Bast of Baatlett Point on the Coast of Wales Island; thenoe Nnrth fT" '"vn cnains: inenoe cast forty --r - mwa chains to hlsh vittr mark- tlww-j. ri. lowing high water mark back to stuklng post; and containing sixty seres, more or THE ANOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED. Per "W. E. Walker," Ageut. Dated MAy 17th, '929. LAND ACT Notice of Intrntlon tn Apply to ltwe Lnnd In the Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and altuate on the South West Coast of Wales Island 'aclng Boston Islands. Take notice that The Anglo British Columbia Pasklng Oonapany. Limited, of Vancouver, B.C., oooipatlon. Salmon Cannera, intends to apply tor a leane of the following described lands: Oommenem at a uost nlanted on the South West Coast of Wsles Island opposite Boston Manda; thenoe North tea Chains; thenoe Bast forty chains; thence Bouth ten chains to Hlfh Water Mark: thence foUowlng High Water Mark West to staling poi more or teas. THE ANOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED. f wsixar " Agent. pa'J " u. 17th 17tn- 10X1 1929 LAND ACT Notice of Intention tn Apply to Lene Land In The Stlklne Land Recording District nf Brltloh Columbia, and situate : about on.. Iwlf :.illc Easterly frjm the j mouth f the Tuiscquan River, wiiioh j into tke Taku nivcr about six miles ..pp-itrram fn:m the Alaska Boundary ' llu ' . . 'rr 1 Jmm u' 0"vr lr Angwa, occupation, mining en !iMr, lnt4Dd to sp.'Iy for pernilaiton to DHrchasc the f Jkuwlng dewrlbed Osmtnenclng at a post planted ons half mil,- Easterly from the mouth of the TuluKt'.ah River, frtenre Bast 20 ahalns, thence North SO chains: thence ' . . 1 v...., ,.. ,, 30 ' lmln- "" 8out "iim nnd containing 40 acres, more or less. JAMBS B STAPLER , Dated Jun. 10th. 1929 220 A Daily News want-ad will bring results.