f a i i Sum mane Date ' 7 Prince Rupert "Daily News Tuesday, May 8, 1951 Sprinc COAL and PERSONAL i M IO . rl'uh Mo&pilat j Rummage sale, staged bv the' Women's Hospital Auxiliary Fri-. day . and Saturday brrneht in in , David Murphy, who 4a.s been visiting here for the past two ; weeks as the guest of Mr. anil ottuteinenti faui 'iusm nmmaiy uj u.r. oi. 9 Conrad Bcnool P-TA general Canadian Legion card partv !kIrs' J' A Teng' lelt by la8t even" May 9 " ln8 s traln on his return to his frfoglcal studies at Ut-ina Card oartv Cathnli- Unii By MURIEL NARRAWAY Canadian Press Stall Writer SPECIAL! Alberta Deep Seam ...i u.c auxiliary miriKs " union meeting ur weanei- meeting postponed until Friday 's very gratifying." day night postponed until fur- May 18. 3oeial evening (lie) The money is earmarked foi ' tner notice. 1 109.-; ; ... May 10. - Allege in Keglna. wi' "- ' "i me nr-ii purchase of hospital equipment : Br, D , ,.,.,, w. F. stone stone saiied saiied yesterday yesterday on on days days of of spring spring sunshine sunshine bright bright Chrlstlah Life crusade First to be u.ved in a new wing o b" J?Jn? .u 3T Ciub. the Prlncess Louise for br'ef hoP windo Ped an irre- Baptist Church, AprU 29 to Mm V Prince Rupert General Hospital m reg(ular monthly bustaMi trip to Ketchikan. Returning sinible magnet for British worn- 10, week nights 8pm . i when it opens, session at tomorrows luncheon. ; Thursday wvenlnn. he will be en bored bv the lone wet in. ,... ..... ' ' ! ( 5 H .75 pep rnu 3 LUMP me executive 01 trie ciud met accompanied by Mrr Stone who ter. 1 " ' - An annual tea and home cook I hag been visitine t Ki-t'hiknn inn sale will h hin , yesteiday. - j - iHi.hiwiiaty j, ca Lunch-time crowds flocked 10 SACKS 8.50 church hall. May 16. i tor ths past week -..v. riiuciK-p . Nightingale Day. next Saturday. ! -r,, around clothing stores, drawn bV WlnHnu.'Q rlrucct ! ... Eastern Star Tea, Muonic convener at th'o h-3 rummage rummage sale sale n( t' Regular Moose meeting, Tui.sduy, May 8, Temple, May 17. S O N. Smorga-asbord, May 11. Dr R. g. Largo has revived flowers and displaying crisp a letter from the Vancouver Pub- fre$h linens and colored cot-liclty Bureau congratulating " him tons. 1 PHONE 116 - 117 or 58 was virs. Jens Munthe. assisted by Mrs. A. M. Hurst, Mrs. Robert Davidson, Mrs. R. G. Moore, Mrs. Norton Younes nnrt n!h- , 0 p.m m.i.i on hi. -.ffnrt. .;:. k:;k ... . i bf rs who collected th lt.rr"L fur sale. 1 f 'e totem Land Society form- s u m m "i" ,am"r"" J.rrv MMh!-r c" 'o- of e r wort cr.di on U,, M'2 3' M' J""e Physical education for U,e pro- ed here' He has t.en taking the Thames or rush trips to the ' vince of bS Conlmbia Pl.i matter up with the Chamber of sea.side, and the Mayfair deba-' " vw.t' and Puhlic Hclatlons tante Ascot' rived in tho eitv ,m omm.erce contemplating her Aib ert & McCaffery I iiiiTm LIMITED afternoon's plane I from Vaiicou-f J T'"' wlmlow-shvP- ver. He will open the annual j Mrs. Catherine Laurie, secre- ?i ll J"gaZ'"g' as they Rup-Rec. display here tonight and tary of the Prince Ruper Credit With mm'iorii- of n, ,trt.t wUU.sc vblt the C.ic Centre at Bureau. Is leaving Thursday winter IdVe dl Icrrace clunntr his stnv n v.- meht on ttr. Prhf Punrf t, ... ...... . yic.u Par J('Uni Two de'egatn frcm Princ3 district .Portland to attemi th Pnnifi,. h-u ,... :.. ..' " i 1 7e A.s .l ACHIMG BACK? 19. wu 1 ----- - -n 1 inane up ineir mino.s - ; Northwest Retail Credit confer- between shantung or taffeta j encfl . Mrs. W. M. Scott has joined organza or nylon and the sen- Bv luflff wan urn Bactic or pa mi hi v is? Many lind qijiik rtlirf by Uking Rupert to the Canadian Legion Women's Auxiliary annual convention nt Port. Albernl will be Mrs. Shci'.a Chater and Mrs. J. E. A'l man. it. wnq Anfo,i f Thti Here Chjiff Kuinfv-i-iver rnii. Saliva ( yn ri-itie.lv treats two condition! at 'l'5?ft Ule credit Bureau staff as bureau sible light-weight wouls - thai llllsl 1 assistant. may mean the dlffeience be- ; Inuun U... . I iwth kidney and livt-r dtwrderp w hi eta Be careful buyt.K Jewellery Z T" "'.'";y. . ' a sm" backache. Lh Lhaif 1 a nam you caa r.mi urrtd'urs or le . an- 'V " u "P ra,e-. Korean War-S n ?Uw' dfjrnd 00. 49 voters. Factories make up .pec- 7 uZiLYJ LEl I Piano solos featured the Music weT"' tTfcaVw 0t MM- J' 3 vice-president, tfcj Capitol Theatre Friday after- of th, Dominion command wi'l ment T.h T" ,USCfUl COm- a att"1 convene r, ' and Kthar,'fSvf AdjUdiCalr W,M '"Wnt tw" .sc,h,ti, fmm Bui ' ton th f .Van(,UVP'-. in th- )al auxiliary, one of which asJor.at Ua- "'sJlal tailored cleverly cats o Travel ling? .COMPLETE RANGE of DISPOSABLES at A Unite;! Si!,l. ww n(rt, .""V ."' ' .I0U.r loca Jewel: lung and taffeta and m u.chir,. - ' 1-"- ''"j li'r nil! BT'inr orn rrrnn.-ie an r. . - REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED cn.c.-M, si-ond clars, who has ,..: ,,.. 7", S'Z I , , ' or or "ghter-wei lighter-weight dresses. One been m the thick of m-tiim in .. . . t . "V" .7 '. sucr attempt Is a milium an raM's n rptorrPfi rt r- Uo - v.. slim woven b.ack and ...V.." ., , "T snaiitung dress in white horizontal patterning Juhn Bulger, Jeweller. ' (108) the difficulty of the test plecel UmcTn frU 7h '' Si"le AUgUSt' ,S VlslU tUr.PSSr,Under,Ur- Le faJhio tf, r a SSr1':itLrlL!t org. nMi wa, award- fThlpSht at ! R. E. MORTIMER 353 3rd Ave. W. I The Stork Shopoe PORTRAITS ins :i vi linn ii nnd Printed PROM IT SERVICE niVNKI I K S STI IHO ii - llh Wicc l. Hox C45 ,w- (in-i ii W.) Prince Rupert 07 Pioneer learned with a full black taffeta coat with big bell sleeves cut in one piece. , ' This ensemble and others like it cost around 40 ($120 . The full coat Is complementary to the diess when merely carried over the arm. Mai garet Olson with Hi an raffle. R 'freshmcnts were servivl several beachheads - Including 88, and Sylvia Bellis. 81 and 83, ft,u'r the meeting. Laid at Rest Pnriprnl nf Vltiponn r'atHorrino bombardments, landings and ..lclru uie unncr-iiueen vjais ..rt., j d, . . .... . cluss. NYLONS FEATURE Sena Paviiikis, 83 ...... 1 lu'iiu ;ivc i,.r.;illl inii.iLC'i vji igniiuiy lioin lor each and T.m-na M..i,,i ,..,v, n. 'ii.,.,Km ik j 80, city pioneer, was held at 2:30 op cholce in summer mate-r. p.m. m. vr yc ;terriav Jterday from (mm nronvlll. Orenvllle rials' bolh for race meetings and SUNDAY May 13 f" .ur'-.r.'. 5nu"'s'"'"'were rolnt !MS. sved in the Korean ramnai-m holiday planning, will be the O. Bleber t chapel. Rev. L L ""un-sBveiuc-Jn years Anita Rogerson and Eloise on USS Henderson, a destroyer. latest latst nylon-s- nylons, a a British British producl product uf First United Church officiated. lalibearers were Louis Amatllo. tn new weave. and . I In the oocn Bach ., itr l! XJlj rec.eived I: ' 5 yesterday by plane Of Knrth t,,j , f'" "irir urusuc p?riorm- irom san Diego. -ti d.. iiro ni, 1"ere are more man 51) tynes brocade materials showed mt...H,; ; :. " ... ..f ""LJ"no. Bftv; After a month's visit here, he " a"": . " . ' 7" T of of sheer sheer and and t Sec our lovely section of Plavlne In li n, " T !inuina a piase in th.. honor will be transferred to Atlantic n Cardvrman u ... including the latest orgaiwas u 0 . . . w . vifaa ijau- .'c. iu 1 u re, omvUn v , , pi -MA I, mafle from .superfine varn. , - 0171 JltT, ' A.OTHEPS DAY GREETING CARDS. find "Ablile With Me.' nrrroniat woven lace eUects, voiles with urganist sfttin strlpes and irideS(.ent or. U" M s J C Oiiker. I I 'Hoipitaliry and Good Food" Bjnzas wnn metal tnreads. Burial took nlae at the family Tub frocks and earden tricks plot, Ealrvlew Cemetery. I'l,. Our First Aim VJW A .T!a. ' iv In eaily-colored cottons can still ' be had for less than 30s. $4.50, while lovely shantungs with skirt fullness, cuffed, strapless top and matching bolero cost around 8 r7M I'lione 17 fir Orders in lake Out ioioiodore Cafe Manslaughter Case Adjourned Surprise of the season is the i Increasing number of smart-cut MAKE YOUR CAR LAST! PHONE GREEN 884 ion WELDING OF ALL TYPES piuj-su.15 unu oeacn-suns nt ,i , - . . , . Clifton Borje, taxi driver, moderate prices Typical is a charged with manslaughter In tailored white sharkskin play-the death of Joseph Addison Sat- suit with straight, .strapless urday night, was remanded until bra-line and brief, uncul'fed May !5 In police eourt yesterday, fchorts tied by a colored wal.st Earl Miller, pleading guilty to sash costing only (i3s. l charge of assau't In which he injured Michael Sheridan with Leaving for Vancouver today' a knife, lvcelved suspended sen- on steamer Camosim wei j John t-nce and was ordered by Police Hansen, of Terrace; J. Llewelyn, Magistrate W. D. Vunco to post Mrs. I . Stone , O. A.-Black, Mr. Wind of $'200 to keep the peace and Mrs. M. Norclhagen. of Prince in- a yenr. Rupert. Mr. and Mrs. L. Holland For speeding within pity limlti left for Klemtu. Dymitro L trosl) was fined 113 and $2.50 in costs. Russvll R. Mrs. C. H. St. Laurent, pns!-Cameron and Guiseppl Rossi mistress at Hyder. arrived in the were each fined $5 for Illegal clty 011 the Camosun this morn-parking. i" from the north. The funeral A third offence under the of ner husband, who died In the f r til- I ! ! .r ' r dustrial Welding ' o M P A N Y JOHN H. Liquor Act drew for Daniel reuruary, win ue Held this week. BULGER Doolan ao days In Jail. Earl '-.culie and James Mcintosh were -aeh f !ned 110 and -3.50 costs for Vlng drunk. ' Vives Vernon Cecil, Larry Watts, Ruby Green, Leonard Wesley and Peter Morrison umr WASHING'S NO PROBLEM N0WI Q (. s 'n Culgcr Ltd. Tli'l Avenue n r I i . - - i . .:- s- .A I each fined $10 and costs on drunk BRING IT HERE FOR THE BEST OF SERVICE! Aliv Superior Auto Service LIMITED RfDMflS STUDEBAIER and AUSTIN DEALERS '" Third Avenue at Park Green 217 1 narges. Use Classifle .1.: for Results. V K, i . l 4 V . - f- tv? . uv d'-l -:if, -:iv ' V-MASTER REELS Rcdurrl v.l PLUMBING and HEATING 50c each J mm WRATHALL'S I'lMo Finishing 'mid Ave '-V'. ,. ...2 Tliis is the sort of bedroom where you'll "wake up niu! sing". It's so "chintzy" and cheerful. And the floor covering, too, will win admiration, for a Gold Seal Congoleum rug stays so new-looking bo long! The reason for that is Congoleum's wear layer of heat-toughened paint and baked enamel . . .equal in thickness to 11 coals of "Mummy foot Auntm't aJv'tca" 'It takes seven colours to make true white, Auntie said. 'One of them is blue. That's why you must use Blue in your wash. Just swish Reckitt's Blue through the rinse. It prevents that yellow tinge and you avoid taking chances with anythinx that may damage fabrics.' Reckitt's Blue costs bo little, mummy says, 'and out of the blue com the whitest wash.' , The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know PHONE ' IVpiHrs and Alterations Smiln & El kins Ltd. TO. Box 274 nnouncuici a 5 A NEW SERVICE the liest floor paint applied hy hand! Gold Seal Congoleum freshens prettily It i ly with with just just the the swish swish of of a a damp damp chilli. cloth. Be Be s sure to look for to S up l the seal when you buy. ll curries the famous money-of satisfaction! See your house furnishing dealer hack guarantee ce Rupert SAILS FOR Vancouver a" ''"'rincUiale Ports tQch Thursday 7 alH:15p.m. NM)Y 1MION1G1IT '"Xl".v at Low Cost KITIMAT s soon. Ynu'l1 le ;hted with how much long-lasting beauty you can get for so little. dehgl i TMll ISA NG0LEUM1 1 H YOUt M0NL7 kACK M f This superb tea guarantees the flavour of every cup . KILDALA ARM ! ECEMAMO BAY j Commencing Friday, Aby 11 i F,r ! RATES INFORMATION RESERVATIONS PHONE 476 CONGOLEUM CANADA LIMITED, MONTREAL Also makers of COCOK ALL, the wall coming that looks lite txpensivc Ule ami mid low-tosl colour to any room. ''w Reservations Write or Call V OR DEPOT OFFICE JRINCE RUPERT B.C. .. Queen Charlotte Airlines ltd. ilhlSllU!, CONGOLEUM available at GORDON'S HARDWARE McBride Street, Prince Rupert CONOOLEUM Dealers Kaien Consumers Co-op Hardware 251 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert mmE wee: t Killa?& Christoper Blcg. Air Freight on all Flights "iu Get CONGOLEUM from A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. 308 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert CONGOLEUM handled by GORDON & ANDERSON 382-338 Third Ave . Prince Rupert