niouiitalne. "Goo-Goo fluttered "OOSe Prince Rupert Daiiy News Tuesday, M;iy 8, 1951 nrhlv and ent. nhnnt fV,,.. fw tin Old Mallard Famous Pet Black Hclge ackwood on (Or off the ground. Then she sank ! "'$t list hrt, pQrtv She'd put on too much weiuht ! wi.,. . ' Rw Enclev Blockwocd Z"'e,r.s 01 ' to fly." i nlf!ht & 1 UOO-li irsmnea ne f Vii.. n ""'sit. to the qui-et life and now toddles M.ii Yr,i0n,Sln ft around in the sunshine, smug in Re!n-h m Tt its fame. I?.'8 i BI,i. . , a" a,,a , Budi When Mi--. New's three-spade bid came around to old pet mallard, goo-goo'; b.u . , , , , . . , become a famous uuck in .le-C him, Mr. Muzzy consulted his abacus i tor the third Pa:-ts. time in this deal. Again he counted the beads repre- ."aid senting the number of "points" in his hand. The beads the biggest egg of ail by tu nin,? ... ht hi ..I into a drake. Since thut 13 'Didn't Caie," "Tennessee Waltz,1 !"01' Man River." "Joshua Fougjit the Battle of Jericho," "Steal 'Away" and "Maybe I'm Right." ! The party consisted of Jimmy ; Bryant, New York City, tenor and master of ceremonies; Ar-j thur L. Be-atty, Boston; Biiiy McDuncan, Detroit, second tenor; Columbus Robinson. Brooklyn, bass, and Grover Lee Wembley, New York, pianist. ; Art Olsen and Eugene Nelson pre-ided at the door and usherettes for the evening were Barbara Dumont and Claire Ritchie. The troupe drove in from Terrace yesterday afternoon after a tour through the central interior and left this morning on their return to Vancouver direct enroute back to the United States. -Goo has neve. haul to pas, air. luuzzy ih.m-u. years ago Gc he did sa he looked a;vun.l A: r ? - r! Don't trust your ey .North (Mr. Mhz) K .) io !i a A 10 u 10 tl K Q 10 2 1!- r-c- la-l (Mr. Ii:ilr) '') P Id fc H : (Mr. riianipiiin ) S--Q 4 II-J (1 4 3 D-A K J 3 c;- a 4 a at the kibitzers in a superi.r: fashion as if to say, "N:. watch hew accurately thi.s point count thing works." South dealer Neither side vulnerable Mr. New proceeded to mak1 fcur-odd. Mr. Champion took the flrv. two tricks with the king and ace of diamonds. He then shif'ed t" the trey of hearts and dummy's r.ce wen. Mr. New now led th; nine of spades from the board and won it with his ace. He followed with another spade lead H K Ql! I- Q !) 3 CI 'J 7 ft 'Harmony Kings Wegro Jocai JPaAij Jlearcl VocaF entertainment of a different type for Prince Rupert was presented to an audience of about 300 persons in the Civic Centre auditorium last night by the American Negro Harmony Kings quartette of radio no'e. They harmonized and swung In Negro spirituals, tales from the Bible, semi-classical selections and straight ballads with some smart patter for some of their popular numbers such as 'Ten- ; nessee Waltz." , The voices and the harmony were excellent although the vem in which some numbers were presented might have seemed a t little drastic. 1 Outstanding numbers included the unique arrangement of or Man River" and "Just a Closer Walk With Thee" with its , vocal background to the solo- '' 1st. The four vocalists had splendid support from the pianist. The numbers included "Swiii; Down the Chariot." "Just u Closer Walk With Thee," "River Uf Jordan," "Shadrack," "Lucky or Sun." "Dcm Hones," "If I looked back. His pins ar? rusty wKh tMt and he hubbies wearily around the backyard of Mrs. I.unuun-taine, who found Coo -Don whe: it was a dewny baty. In the first blu.h of g owt!. Goo-Goo laid some 324 esa then output slowed anci it b-gan clucking. Th tad feathc I'haiuicd and the colored riiv typir".! cf mole mallards anre i-ed on the neck. The baak dark ened and the eggs stopped entirely. Epe:H came around and suggested its name be changed ( "Sir Francis" o; something .-uit uble to its sx. As a lady cluck, Goo-Goo had onlv one brief 11 nsr. ' A wiii mallard was winginj ever the ya d ar i saw Guo-Q : and put addcnqerS it -tltt !l (Mr. N) H A 7 0 a H 7 5 l-7 0 4 2 C A J 0 The bidding: Hniilli rt Nuilli , Pass Puss 1 C 1 S Pa4 23 3 8 All pan DENTIST-POLITICIAN Dr. John Lome Macdougall, 53, is ment for Vancouver-Burrara. A dentist. Dr. Macdougall was wounded three times in the First World War. Married, he was first elected 'o the House in in 19. He 'as formerly Liberal organize for British Columbia, i CP PHOTO) I ml Pu;,M and when Mr. Champion's queen I fell it was all over. A third spade lead was taken and then Mr. New led fouri rounds of clubs, discarding his) iast heart cn the fourth round.! "Fourteen point, is ihi mini- HE FOOLED THEM SASKATOON , Sunk. ft-Wel-wftnors all wore green tics, na1-urally, when they greeted Sean Murphy, Republic; of Ireland ambassador to Canada or, a visit here But the ambassador him-;:if v."i c a l)!ue tie can fool He fumoed a heart in his hand, 'mum which I can raise even trumped a diamond in dummv ""..: e, ' he said. -I eoulc.i'i imi:K nnd conceded the last trick. Th"s doing it U'U'e." he won a total of five stxuie ' How abaut 'prom jting' thoi; tricks, four clubs and one heart. s;sJde lienors?" Miss Brash sug- "Weli, what happened there?" tc ted. asked Miss Brash. "It wasn't ice- "No," . eplied Mr. Muzzy in r cold tar game. You might hav rcnsclentlous tone. "You an!, lost a fourth trick to the queen promote honovs in yotir partner': of spadei. but I'd certainly have suit when they total less than wanted to be in four on tiv fo,lr points. My kmg-ja::k o hand. Couldn't you have bid spades totaled four points ,-.o n again, Mr. Muzzy?" promotion was in order." ( Irltii'iil llliikiaiiiM tin. l. ..i, ..I To Vancouver (today) Mrs. H. J. Wilson. R. D. Whitmore, Dr. Whitmore, L. Ryd-'r, Mr. L'Ahbe, A. Cavil, G. Milburn, G. J. Robinson. Mrs. C. Rogers. E. E. Campbell, H. Craddock, J. Kitchen, H. Goltz, J. A. Kenmuir, L. E. Pooke, O. L. Elliot. From Sandspit (Monday) P. Osmenchenko, P. Deminehuck, T. Holawaeh, D. Kedorza, C. Hauca, V. Purcel, N. Nelson, Mr. Robiol-lard. From Vancouver (Monday) B V. Kane. V. Miller. H. H. Douglas. Mr. Dennis, J. Mauw, H. Var-nry. L. Prafow. Mr. Robins, Mrs. A. F. Robins. J. Mathieson, Mr. Babock, S K. Claiv?. To Vancouver iMondayi Miss G. Hughes, Miss E. Bialaski, G. Kellclt. To Sandspit (Monday) A .A. Arri;:on, R. Eslick, Mr. Ellis. Vnm Vancouver (Monday) W. Getz. W. I. Carver, D. Law-i enct. Miss Ccreerhan, C. E. Ben-"ptl J R. Benchom. T. H. Barbour, N. Birt, R. H. Dixon, J. wi'.iR C. Berg. T. H. Stevens, L F. Manson, Mr. Gillespie, C. File, Vi. E. Leeman. ...... .,. u, amuvH iriwt miir: lieu il foiiiti lo paint, your fv ian f,,ul uiii; Any uint (tixiil tvlicn ii firs apply it. Bl will it look, in five j eum . . . yen, even one iciir? Eli Mr. Muzzy laid his abacus in "As I get it. then," Mi ' CM. PAINTS you can ee, (uiality you can I met. You run i1eieiiil on llicm for llie liigli liiilin;; iu;ililii, llie einluriiig rmiNlauri' In wciir mid wcallier, wliirli imike y our paint il( no fjrlln r. continued, "the ICl 3 2 of apat! would have ecunicd just rs- m points aj you-: a:-lunl s..ade ho', ing." "Foui' in either ras-,'"EaU M Muv7y. . 'We're gett'.ns nnwhera," In i.Cfrui..led Mr. Champion. "Tak-ou. h:pin off Die table and pu it bfick in year lay. Muzzy. LH'; r1 nn tn the ii"-t, hand." me mianie oi tne laoie. '"mere s your answer," he said dramatically. "Count my points." 'if the abacus says it's so, it must be so," said Mr. Champion. Mr. Muzy explained that h.- a;t 14 joints in su-n))- of hU araicr'S s,:ade bid: five in hit,-, fan- in hearts, four in -rnd" and one far the doubb-on dlamcrd. II hrnrrrr yw paint, it pari to tif ymt t -l-l. I'mnl Itpulrr fitU. Mi 654 5 v '- Brings out their sweetness and natural juicy goodness. That's how Sugaroasfing develops the flavor of Post's Grape-Nuts Flakes . . . makes them crisper, tastier, more appetizing. Delicious Grape-Nuts Flakes supply nourishment for quick energy. They're so economical. SILVERS1DES BROS I'KIXCE Itl'PEKT f IL DF.AIB- R t ECIPES : 1 Vil rlliPBMW B'l IhM adYiitiuiiKiil it "oi uUi)i( o Lq0 CM,I itmi M b iKt GovnmM BHtllColiinitil. H . WINE JELLY ?, cups cf.vour favorite wine 3 cups sugar i t bottle liquid pectin FED Measure wine into top of double SU6AR0ASTIN5 MAKES GRAPE-NUTS FMKE5 the z eomctmi .'.w..... I j i. . ...i, ..... uiiiii it'll ulaititdti. PS II'. IK.OI'Illllll Clllil'lie iHlt. ttlllll HUIIl!P .MC. CillU "1 'I'lWIlKfc '' i.i hiler and add sugar. Mix well. Place over raoidly boiling water fid heat 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Rmove from water and nt once stir in liquid nectin. Pour ouickly into glasses. Paraffin at onc (Makes about five G-oz. glasses). 'This rpc;rje may be used with Sherry, Claret. Sauterne, Port, fii.'-catcl "r Tokay. Funeral Notices, Marriage und K ,ati-i'"'" rt.iiit.iiii'cm'-in $' Ot'CAlrtU iJMt'LAt, kU(.-Ui.t, I'lULb S0NUSl-5WEET-AS-ANUTfWWR LOST tow'Z-ixm ouick ihew A Producf of General Foodi LOST Rins ot nmlit oetween 1 Cale anil i Finder uifase FOU SALE FO.t RALE Il)u."ehold furnisn-ui.i ue. .'! ii 1U and U a m. or u Din., Suite 2 Siini-mil AM. , (1120) FOH RALE- Tennis raqitet and buMebuli ulove. both in pened 'initiLiuu. Aiinlv 3lU 7U Ave. 15IKTH NOTICE WRIGHT Hon, to Helen an.l Thurlow .Vmiii in ini- rrni.c Kuueri Hospital on tiaturdav. Mav o. u ilaughtt-r. Janice Lee. t lii.-i. 'i ot.. u , -suiter ior Tcrrv. lltui Fl'NFUAL NOTU'K lci'iiiinai. LOST Man's w'f i in o y ter 3 o i- "" Name eiimaved East. itl-nci return to mm? " MncM an eiiiona I Burdics. Lone Mlur" at li- llOlhl ADDISON In the citv. Saturday. Mav o, ltfjl. jo.ivuii ,.,,..m) ton. aned 1U. beloved nu.soand oi Mrs. Eh.abeth it AdilLSoii, 1071 Hays Cove Avenue. Canon ei itieus runus. uargain, j ,,UTr.ntliitur;ii.; 285. - , IV lUll,,"'l" ' uunle oil burner (service at Greiiv'iile" Court, FOR SALE Pot offer? jly Nun (irinkcri r.U. box ao2. What ki'chen ranue. Chauel at 2:3(1 n in WeHnesii.iv itf) HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE 613 3rd Ave. RARE TWINS Twin son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Young were born nearly 10 days apart in Vancouver's Mount St. Joseph Hospital. Shown with their mother are James Dougla's, left, and Wendy Joan. (cp phoTOi 1 WANTED TO RT . i in- 4 room sni'f ' 'Mav 9. Interment to follow in Fairview Cemetery. B. C. Under- takers in, churge of urranoe-nienls. Utei CAKS FOR SALE MA HC, A RET McLEOl) 31'TOMETRIST Room 10 'TONE BUILDING ".. . . e C n 111 88!) Deiuir u n-- ,. I-Oil ' FOR SALE 1947 Plymouth five-: ivii-iiuit eimne Radio heal-, FOR SALE er. Cash or terms. Phone HOUSEKEEPING GENERAL CONTRACTOP.S Building and Repairs of all kinds . :, HOOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS For Your PAINTING and DECORATING . See ; SPENCE & MATIUK Green 017 Phone Black 215 (evenings) ureen 10a ueiore i o in. un" Din i nine FOR SALE Comolete household A County Court case, Clarence Callow, plaintif,, vs. Ross Bros. Taxi Service, which has been postponed several months, has again been stood over until next court, June 4. 1930 Chrvsler Sedan 41 .U-DKlva, lurniMunus. Must be sold Uls'FOR SALE u-.ii.i, uu., i;ii: niniiiiinit 1 ;il mi i;rtlivl (jrenville 1c PEUS0KA1 PHONE DLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 Wfrn. JIIO.UU. 1UU Bill AV' (112oi FOR SALE Gillnetter "Alpha" with used socKeve net. one tail net, one set ot lines, trolling Kurdles,. poles and leads. Blue 621. (lU'JDi .-.ju fur scrao PHONES Black 752 Red 894 P.O. Box 1670 -1937 Chev. Go 'd SttOO. . Phone H"d ll()!)U' FOR RALE -condition, 296. ha 1 1 Mies " yri u, fnone a-' City. FOR SALE-1947 Plymouth two- ' On a children's quiz show, a boy about seven was before the microphone. "It's . man's bsl iriend." bean the M.C., "and the word bins with '!)'." "Dame," the youngster replied instantly. Fasty'teaRO door sedan, radio neau-i. Cash or teriiH. Priced reasonable Phone Green 135 before 7 p.m. 110p WANTED SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis SEE MAC for your . . , ROOF RE-SHINGLING or SIDING Phone Black 600 (Mini) 1 lie Ruuert m 043 fur orders. , FOR RENT; ntfHT-Cil OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Oeo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. EXPERIENCED stenographer re-uuires full or part-time em-miivineni. store o". oliue. Apply Box 97. Daily News. HEATERS and AUTOMATIC FLOOR FURNACES RANGE BURNERS Unconditional Guarantee of Satisfaction on All Services GORDON D. RONS0N 21? A plumber. doin some work -'for a friend, grew expansive about his family. "My daughter's a fine gi:l," he' said proudly. "She graduated . from college last year and now she has a ,inb at $35 a week." That's a pretty fcood saiary for an educated person." FOR SALE Tenders will be received by the undersmned up to noon of Tuesday, Mav 23m, 1951. lor the or the hereunder described lishiiw vessel, together with equipment thereon, beloimina t-o the estate of John Mattson, deceased. Name: Princes1!. LeiuUh: 20'. Breadth: 7'. Deulh: 3'8 ". Powered bv an 8 h.p. Renent enmne. Arrangement to inspect the vessel can be made with Harry Welda. Victor" Cove. Successful tenderer to take possession at Victory Cove B.C. Terms: Strictly cash. Hiehest or anv, tender not necessarily accepted. O. F. Forbes. Administrator of the estate of Joan Malison deceased. Room 13. Court House, alter 5 D-m- .- F()R RENT- l)pri 471. RELIABLE BOY renuires n;ut-time emulovment. Phone BJncK 40'j ilt)8u' HELP1 Oil Burner Specialist -5th Ave. W. Black 503 scott mclaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block G08 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 ' AlATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818. P.O. Box 520 330 Second Avenue," Prince Rupert, B.C. 733 J" THE BEST I flCKl QualityL I Wffiffl P N.T-G I i WANTED - MARKET ,rrj5T3yoW ' - TOP WAN 1 iron 1 loV, D for scrap vi cooper. l.-art. etc 1 per KiUm, aiw.i PRICES PAID at utl tm v Honest Kiadlns Prompt payment, made. Atlas Iron & Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St- V Prince Rupert. B.C. (110) Stnndhv? at a hotel desk in a college town last fall, a youn:? lady said to the room clerk: "I'd like to make reservations for June 1964 for Commencement week-end one room for my parents and one for mv fiance. Of foune," she ciinfki?d in a lower voice, "I haven't q fiance yet, but I expect to have by then." eniivor K 1;. r'lione " 6357. NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES colussps music store Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 -4th St. Ph. Black 389 Lina-belt Speeder Shovels; I'I,FITbING AND HEATING and Cranes: DraiUines; Adams A. I GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. BELL, C.A. ROY SHAND. C.A. 353 3rd Ave. W. Box 203 Phone 88 st. II. G. IIELGEESON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 98 Evenings Black 899 Phone 543. 1 (it) sheet metal work, call 629 Cth West. Koad Graders: Littleford Bros. Black Tod Rtvad Maintenance Eauinment: Owen Clamshell Buckets and Rock Granules; T. L. Smith Concrete Mixers: ness. an"11, At'COliNTAFTS ...nlH iretic. r ' ' ,iit Jin Green lumber may be dried mere swiftly by a process em-F loving ammonium carbonate. Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson Bucket Loaders for Stockpile nerson t.R Craftsmanship In Type... Let Us Solve Your Printing Problems rilONE 234 Dibb Printing Co. 15ESNER BLOCK PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT tnco'iin Tux mwlnllst.. S O rulk Stone Buildinor Red 593 t 151 SI''-". f ' RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besnet Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Us branches 204 4th Street. Phone 655 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSHTAL REAL ESTATE FOR SALE - Biff four f"!'nJ-sli,'i?1; 1068 6th East. O. Rhodes', Bo iiu. .L1J3. FOR SALE Four-room wartime house Good condition Ail 1-cial firenlace, electric hie-Furnlslied or unlurn W led. Owner leavlna citv. Ry.J'. nhlii nrloo for PHSh. PI!'"1? and Snow Removal: Rice Portable Centrifuaral Pumps: National Dragline Scrapers and Buckets: National All Steel Gasoline Hoists: National Portable Sawmills: ' National Rot.arv Screens and Conveyors. Full Information from National Machinery Co. Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) FOR SALE New and used furniture, hardware end tables, chests of drawers, beds complete, bedroom suites, small size carpets, field glasses, used loeainu boots, sewinir machines, radios and bicvcles, also other useful household articles at lowest prices. See B. C. Furniture Co. Black 324. (tf-C) CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES D.C 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 ELECTROLUX Sales and Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1628 For genuine parts and service phone or write above. ERNIE SINCLAIR PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Phone 22 or Black 280 General Delivery WE RENT TRUcks, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 Blue 165 or call at 133 0th Wes.- nn lima (tl-nCI Tins advertisement m not pulilislii'il or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the (lovernmout of British Columbia. FOR SALE Three room hmise Jeweller- " teed. wllh bath ADPlv (108p) 1078 11th East.