IXubkiis erowtTi th. j nnrt. of M......l"ml l A i Prince Rupert Daily News f ' V 1 ft 'til,' t 5 : Scientists Join Stern Rust Fight Fridav. January 12. lnfil 'other parts of tllt. ' n'- year. , I 'Hie 1616 Ktem rui As I iiFii.iiI Ilk1 I i ,L' kiu. lie.. Ottawa -Scientists in Can- ""u; , au 1"'"t '" ti'taria ada and the United Slates are , mobilizing to fight a new attack . 0 S4 An independent daily newspaper cvvoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Centra! British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association G. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES! i of stem rust threatening to orin? m carlonde of trceM k rtiv-oaler In wheat, frnm In both I . . 1 ee li MH - f. 1 4 ' t " nIr,,.s. , were siuppeu from P,ilwR UK::':-' V ''""J! v--viitsiuMifrrim turn Dr. F. L. Drayton, Associat1 rn Thursday night, fuui by ra,; of Dominion Botanlits, said the f i-wo r: ooui. By Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year $8.00; Bv Mail, Per Month, "?5c; Per ear. $8.00 If . : Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert .' r Siocl IZiLchuj SALE k, . t 3 T Cy ELMORE PHILPOTT WHITE BOSS OUT ON THE EVE of my rip to the Middle East md India it might be 'i good idea for me to giva readers (especially new readers) my general in Men's Work Clohes . . . Boys' School ClortiJ r; 'J jt f . J&fr -"!k . ' -. Men's Work Boors Good solid build. Alt sizes. fm .,i Usually SO 00. Now, per pair 11 r terpretation of what is happening in Asia. I bOl;il-i.' WH. I Men's Work Oxfords Black or Brown. Strongly built. Usually $. 95 tlS Nov., p-jr na!r 0,J' Boys' School Boots Iteully slroni; school biKils, :o'ld M ML p. yj FOR FOLIO .TREATMENT One of the most mo lern pools for pliysiotherapy treatment of polio-myelitiii vicliiiui is Included in the new Toronto Honital for Sick Children, to be opened Jan. 15. The oil. 14 hv 30 feet, ranges in depth from 15 inches to eight feet. The water is kepi between S3 and 8 decrees hy thermostatic control. Ito rc two physiotherapists, Miss Marion Naylor, left, and Miss Mary M icTasfiart, right, of the hospital stuff, art- thown giving exercises to two young patients. In the background is a hydraulic lift -believed the only one of its type in Canada (or placing the crippled patients in th pool. T e public is inviti'd to tour the building from construction. Sizes 11 to 13 Pair Sizer 1 to 5 iMi. January 15 to 20. (CP PHOTO) 4.45 5.35 25 YEARS AGO Ray Men's Work Ponts All wool, alr.o cot'.on mixtures. Suitable for work or fish All sizes. Jt l C m a Initials ami ! ! January 13, 19Z6 ' R. W. Four-Finper Bob ) Martin, accompanied by three men, wa r. passenger uuourd thv: Princess Mary today enroute to AUln. whence he will lead a mining eupadition Into the Dease cmtniscei Russia vs United Nations WHEN the United Nations Organization was formed, the supreme purpose was to prevent .mother world war. It was thought and believed that, as the three great world powers Britain, the United States and ltuss?a had united and fought together to defeat the aggressor in two world conflicts, they would naturrtlly and gladly combine to prevent a third. Britnin and the United States put f o much faith in that compact that they demobilized their military forces, capped millions of dollars worth of equipment and dumped tons of ammunition into the sea. They virtually disarmed themselves for any adequate defence and applied their resources and energies to the restoration of the war-shattered world, confident that thoy were entering a new era of peace for mankind. Even though Russia did not demobilize her forcer,, but 'continued to strengthen them and thwarted every effort to arrive at a peace settlement, the western powers still held on to the hope that the Soviet government would eventually honor its pledge as a member of the United Nations. Why should it not do so, since that organization was intended as a bulwark of peace for Russia as much as for all other countries? Wh 'it was the reason for the Iron Curtain? Why the veto? And why the cold war? The only answer to three questions was that Russia was in the United Nations under false pretences, and that the Soviet government had never any intention of co-operating for the establishment of world peace. The Sov'et delegates were at Lake Success for the purpose of disrupting the proceedings, maligning the westerr powers and spreading communistic propaganda. In spite of all this, the western powers displayed great restraint and the utmost patience, and the wonder is that they endured it so long. That re- People living in the Sand. p:t Lake area, area of the Queen Charlotte From Sandsplt (Thursday) J. Kruniiam, Mrs. Svboutin, R. Bean. From Van:ouver (Thursday) W. A. Johnson, A. Fraser,- Miss K. Martell, J. P. McFarlane, J. Wiedwong, N. Nelson, J. Wier. To Vancouver (today) R. L. McLean, Miss J. Oalbralth, J. Gavey. To Sancisult (today) S. Wil- 8011. and I Boyr' School Ponfs Strongly tailored, all 2-25 to 2.75 Boyr' All Wool Windbrcokcrs Pu:i zipper, best of tallorint. buriruins at, each 3.50 to 4.2s Pair Z? . I It f i-enis to me that It Is a mistake to classify tlu wars in Asia as a mere expression of the ' uper-powe. struggle between h U.H.A. an Russia though of course that Is true of Korea, des- j pite the fact that it is Russia's allies, and not Russians, who are doing the dirty work. Bui op the most bedrock basis the great upheaval in Asia seems to me to centre around the truth that the long-sleeping Asia giant is saying "white boss get out." i oco j FOR A FEW HUNDRED years what we call "the white man" the pale pink, or dirty grey skinned human from northwestern Europe got the Jump on his fellows. He never was a world leade r before, in the long history of the human race. He may, or may not, be "boss man" in the future. But over a period of some four or five hundrjd years he became the virtual overlord oi the human race because oi a unique combination oi circumstances. The development of comparatively quick means oi navigation (sail power, instead of oar power) coincided witli tlvj discovery of the globe shape of the earth. There were vast new continents for the white man to exploit. This he did beause his gunpowder weapons were too much for other human beings to cope with. The white man became world bos; not because hU civilization was superior to that of all the people:; he finally overcame. On the contrary, it became superior, economically because of thu material wealth the white man gained in his conquests. J. O. OIobsop, superlntMident of the elevator, statel this morning that there may be notice at any time of grain comiiiR into the local plant. Islands conipiain tlvcy are un-abie to know what day it is because of. inability to obtain a 1951 calendar. What are thrj doing? Like enough, in the autumn, they fi.sh.,Aiirt in wiiitur, they do not hunt. Hon. T. D. Pattullo left Van- the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from a trtp to Vancouver. mm hop and Inspector Ernest Oammon, provincial police, sailed last nl:ht on the Princess Adelaide for a trip to Ocean Falls on official businsss. , couver last night on the steamer A fleet of mahogany fishing Princs Rupert for this city on vessels is about to be built in departmental business. i Vancouver. Being cheaper tiiun I cedar, ths mahogany was 1m- The account of the Prince Ru-ported Iro.n the Philippine Is- pert dry dock against the city for land;;. This may be setting a power supplied during November precedent from the econuniic and December, when the ci'y standpoint. A wage raise might p'ant a. Bhawatlans was closed seem to bo th? proppr rouise to down for overhaul, was :ettled by j follow. Mahogany is a stylish if tlw council last night. : not exclusive sort of wood, with j. C. Brady, district engineer lor the provincial department of public works, tailed lout night on the Princess Adelaide for a trip to Victoria on official business. historic past. It will never dGtolfN VCADC A ( l iiiioiiiiccinen . have the Inferiority complex show Its weather beaten face. We have nn our flour fur yur iimpartion (!-f y!ini! II t. TARACON MARINE KOIll INDI'STKIAL liNfllN't This engine is fitted with removable cy'liiilt r sii . vc;, f" January 11. 1941 . T. C. Wilding and Ernest Wilding have received word that their mother's home, at which she has resided for 42 years, at Streulram Common war. bombed an:l destroyed recently. exhaust valves.' counter-bahuu eel crankshaft with hi:rr PERIODIC PAINS...use PARADOL Since DecimUvu', fifty dai'y papers in the United BUtes have raided prices on mailed and tle-livevad copies. Increases averaged five cents. Ami to this may be added Urn L'Evenment-Journt'l, Trench rifiUiing pubiicalionjf Quebec. Bacre-Blcu! iIm rwl itnli'iin... U.,.. Vw. w. ..... ,.,1 I, . . 1 K nnr.r-, ings for extia wear tiuti u guaranteed for 1 Shears by P.u Marine uatnst lusting from salt water. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS Maiiufat'turem' Agents Thomas Morgan returned to If Frr reaching and earnest continue efforts to movent the outbreak of war. In deed, there U already a suspicion that a movement like warfare has a!rdy developed somewhere across Ihe Pacific. What gives the story an air of credence is the rumor of leneato'i db.pulT. between correspondents and hirhiy-piaed officers fn the service of the Unitvc! Nations. 1 0O0 THE WHITE MAN teamed up with the brown man to enslave the black man. (Arab slave merchant." actually captured the negro men, women and children who were herded to the coasts of Africa and sold to white slave ship masters). The white man's conquest of the brown skinned vas more often by infiltration and. political deals. i But the white man never did fully succeed in. achieving over-lordship of the yellow-skinned races. Japan showed an amazing facility to imitate the mechanics and techniques of the west. China was slower to wake up but who can fail to soe the handwriting on the,, world wall now? Whatever else is certain this is: China which for thousands of years was one of the recognized Today is Friday, January .2. It could have been a shacij ii.ore disturbing. ! The deputy sheriff of Brighton, Colorado, tells this one witn relish. Noting a man struggling to board a car, he suggested to him (Not exactly as Illustrated1 HAMMOND 2-Piece main pillars of human civiliza tne that surely it was not his inten- tion Is destined to regain ri ... proud place which she held for so, 10 a"u anve- lnnp- nnH Inst nnltr W a h,l- YU JUSt bet it iS, said the fJJri Control J rt,Mlnnt not published or displayed by the Liouor Board or by th. Government of Brituh ColumbU Bed Chesterfield .Miami anu iJaLiciiue 'rtve uccii i cjdiueu uy iviuncuw i!S appeasement and a sign of weakness and fear. Whenever we have turned the other cheek to the smiter he slapped it with increasing vigor. When the Soviet delegates walked out of the United Nations' councils the doors should have been closed against their return. But they were received with open arms, although it was obvious that their absence was a ruse to avoid taking part in further d'scussion on the question of the admission of the Chinese Communists into the United Nations. Plans had already been laid for the invasion of South Korea, and the Soviet delegates did not want to be present at the UN when that took place, because they would have to veto any action against it. Moscow wanted to get the United States involved in a war with China, and Korea was the trap. The only hope now is that the UN forces can retain a foothold in Korea and continue the war from the sea and air until the Chinese Communists come to their senses r.nd realize that they are not lighting for China, but are being used as a spearhead for Russian Conquest of the whole of Asia. When they realize this there might be some hope of a compromise betweon Mao Tse-tung and Chiang Kai-shek. -They are both Chinese and their followers are blood brothers. Millions of their fellow-countrymen don't know what the fight is about. It would be a great thing, and the United Nations would be fulfilling its supreme purpose, if those two leaders could he brought together at Lake Success and resolve their political difference for the sake of the Chinese people, whose interests they both profess to have at heart. They have a historical example in the conclusion of the American Civil War, when the leaders of the North and South came together and the United States entered a period of "construction which resulted in the creation of the JlOst ilPaee-lnvintr qnrl nrnoTPssivp nation in thf red years or f,o. drunk, "for God knows I'm in no shape to walk," mum NOW ON DISPLAY BIG SWAMP I The densely wooded swampy GORDON & ANDERSON 0O0 ANYONE WHO THINKS that this revitalized g:ant, China, will long remain a bears-paw for Russia should have his head examined. It probably was Japan's victory over Russia in 1904 which acted Matto Grosso in Brazil covers an LIMITED area of 530.000 sauare miles : 1 like a galvanic shock through all Cafe Hollywood We Specialize in Asia. The yellow man had beaten the white man! All Asia learned that given modern arms she could tell the white boss to go home. Now all Asia has arms. So Russia's present rules, may not be in the seventh heaven of delight about the proof of strength of the reborn Chinese giant. , Have you heard of Russia mov DISHES FOOTHILLS "HARD" ALBERTA TELKWA COAL IN ALL SIZES Lump . . . Cobble . . . Egg Nut and Stoker PHONE Fur Immediate Delivery ing any of that vast Rusian army . .....1 llljk, lj. E ui ifiiiMue FHirrs in.,'.-' from the Far East, over to Eur ope? If not, why not? urtH FROM 7:30 P.M. to 11:30 A.M. LIMIT SKI JUMPS OSLO 0 Thirty-nine out of PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. FISHERMEN . . . 68 leading Norwegian ski jumpers BUILDING SUPPLIES LUMBER have voted in favor of limiting ski Jumps to a maximum capacity of 270 feet. Super jumps, they maintained, would threaten ski jumping as a popular sport by discouraging newcomers. western world. By following that example, a United States of China could emerge from the present conflict as the greatest nation of the eastern world. China's only alternative is to become a slave state in an extended Russian Empire. PRINTING For complete overhaul of your High Speed Gasoline Engines, see Rupert Motors Ltd. We have the trained mechanics and specialized equipment to perform this work for you . . . efficiently and economically. To avoid delay this spring when the ru. h is on, let us huve that Job now. S5 Highest Quality U PURPOSES Experience Versatility I Daily Health Hint mm Those who are careless about sneezing or coughing are among the world's top germ spreaders. Everyone should have cough and Scr!plure passage j'ot Joclaij "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we cenfess our sins, he is faithful and Just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:8-9. Dibb Printing Co. sneeze disDosable handkerchiefs acrvmiserr.imt ra nor published Rupert Motors Limited this would heln nrevent. snread r "P'yro t-y tne i.iqunr uoiuroi g- 1 H(rr fir rv I Iiu r m m u.. . .iT BESNER BLOCK PHONE 234 ui auun uiseases us cuius. BrltWih Columbia.