3 Frmce Rupert Daily News Friday, January 12. 1951 RADIO DIAL Black wood on CFPR Indian Tram Nearly Ready 1240 KUix-yOn (Subject to Chans) By Eosley Blackwood Dale L. Pitt, managing direc Let me repeat thnt the requirements for use of tor of Silbak premier Mines . SI. 00 . AM the Blackwood four no trump bid are that there is a Limited, who ha jum returned U?4 rUS .1 A WEEK Cr plus p small down oavment reasonable prospect of slam, that the hand is safe utit0 Vancouver after two-ana- c- ,i , . . , , . I a-hah-monthi stay at Premier, tive-oda, and that tho only information you need for! jus maae a aeuned report to FRtUAV P.M. 4:15 Stocic Quotations ftnr Interlude 4:30 Sleepy Tiiim Btnrir 4:45 Lyiical Lady 4:55 CBC News 5:00 Int. Comly. 6:10 There's Music in the Alt 6:30 Now I Ask You 0:00 hupper Beremide 6:t5 Henri Bene Oruh, X 1 I JLJ- ' TV your decision in the number of aces partner holds. the directors of lniuan Mines Limited. None vulnerable, Mr Pitt advises that construc- you should be delighted to get ,:,. ' k ml ,ht. . w0-mile aerial i ii'- aUveisemen " l iruuiislieij or displayed hy lueu Control Board or by Iht Government of British Columbi South dealer. Vi.l t l Olr. riiuiilon ) a u o -i H 7 8 3 3 U 7 C A K J a 4 vi plus score of any kind. Mr. tiaimkay being built from Bil- IDale knew he could beat six bak.s ,, t0 lhe Indlun ,nines I hearts, but he was not sure he 1(. 8U ))er eeilt completed. The ; could beat six no trump and he 1()Wt,. ul!lunal anct uj towers on I wasn't willing to take a chanee lha mnire lilie httV8 been com- , of drivuiT the enemy into it. ptcd. Cables are In place to I Miss Brash went down only Ladder Late, over halfway to one at six hearts, proving that the mine, unci a temporary her play is better than her bid- sheave Installed there permit (ling. She won Mr. Dale's op?n- running the tramway that far. Executive Meets Tt Cleor Business TERRACE The ex ecu council ol the Terrace M, Dllht (Mrs. Kt'CU) B-a 5 4 K- U 4 U J 10 0 5 C Q 10 7 3 (Mr. ICiIp) 8 K Q J 10 a H- K Q 10 D-o a C II 6 2 6:30-Musical VurinUrw t,:46 -Suddle Rookin' Rhythm 'C00 t:t(U Kewr 7:15 CUC News Rountlup 7:30 -Easy Rhythm B:00-London Cavalcade B:3uOpt!ninn Night 6:00 - Uui'iis Chiu kwutton" B:30 -Cuiiiiiliitn HIort tiuities ' lO.t'U CW! Nw 10:10 CUC News 10:15 Club Date 1 10:30 Riverside Runi ln 1 lOfti-Iiiteiliiile ll:('l) Weal her day evening and disposed coirespondonce; so that Tr "Magic"' Margin . . . sets margin! nc sUtntly, $ureiy! 9 Finger-Flow Ky . . . shaped to ringer-tips for easier, faster typing! Speed Spacer . ... space bar is built right into typewriter frame. Your thumb can't miss it! Streamlined Beauty . , sweeping tines! Pleasing tone combinations! And the new niglitf annua' meeting -nc ing iead of the spade kin.? with Timbers and oLher tremht are her ace-and promptly led to the bcin hauled over the train to ace of clubs in dummy. On the this point currently. All this sw-klng of clubs she discarded her tion ot the trum is working very seven of spades. Uutisluctoi'lly. Then she led a heart and put A small amount of rock ex-in the jack which Mr. Dale won cavation at the upper terminal ti.llh tho mi..an THo cnarla I'n. ,,f M... 1 ,...,.... . ilili li.,u.. t, l.. j turn ol olhceis vnii stl , way without unriue delay ' n. .if ihn MI.,n , 0:15 -Saildie Serenade ' 0:30-CBC Stamp Club C:i5 The Answer Man 8:59 Time signal 10:00 - -Bandstand 10:1.") -Minuet 10:3(1 --"Melody Time" 10:45 fhC News 10:55 WKHinei and Interlude 1 1 :00 Saturday Date 11:30 Weather Report 11:31 - Message Period 11:33 Keeordcd Interlude 11:45- Scandinavian. Melodies SATURDAY P.M. 12:00-Mid-Day Melodies 12-25 Prrirm Resume 12:30 Musical Program i on-Poos on Parade 2:00 Dance Mu.sic 3:00-This Week 3:15 CBC News 3:25 Rec. Interlude South (Ml j. r.r.iili) 8- A 7 H-A J 8 5 U-AKQH3 V 0 The bldoln.;: Kim Hi Most Niirlh t'.nt ID IB 2(j fuss 2 H Pusi 3 H Puns 4 NT Ptias 5 D Pass 6 NT Pkss 6 U Puss 0 H All pus Miss Brash's hand today did signi; stll' appear;: to be l and tho Board is verv ft fled with this stale of a(U iturned was trumped with the ciune. This is at the muuth of -ul'-Mi- C04fffl TO PAY SSiPffS WW 6WAL fOm$lf five of hearts. The lead of the baturii.v a:-e of hearts here would hav Koyal is as sturdy as it is beautiful! RcsUtrd Trademark . . 'otn-u inu iiuri -a. ,. 4 . , tit i v. No. 2 tunnel where Uie loading oie bin will be built. The drilling in this excavation is complete and partly blasted. Work here had to be stopped for the present as excessively (f :00 - Musu al CUx'i B 00 - CBt Nev a 8: 10-Here's Bill Ootid Tliere are 48,000 tcleph. Voueuela divided bt'Urr government service and ; vate companies. BIO NETWORK Australia has more lha: miles of railway track federal and state railway: i , I 1? 1 """""""'i But Miss Brash led the ace of named She q, had to no ri8lit as-1 dlarnond ruffed a small di;1. jsume the trump suit was Boodmond , d t, enough to go Her - ha'nd lan;nB. tunied lo her wltll lne aie partnei s two club bid should j of tr No h , tf d have cooled her ardor somewhat diamonds t"kl.s tu Mr Dale 8:1S Hits and Encore neavy snows maKP u pracucany, 8.3oMornlng Devotions tAcRae Bros. Ltd. 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BDC News and Comty. mipLi&MUie tu lliaKe any iicuu- way. There has been a snowfall of 11 feet so far this winter and , because her own singleton club his high heart and the rest of a misfit-the thin3 her ha,id Is good bridge players feari 1 warned of ' that good 1 1 most. ""' """" at the present time over seven feet of snow is lying on the ground. Any attempt to shovel PJj ! Knowledge' that her partner rivic llll' I I lit I II I IJ III ENTRE had the ace of clubs did not lor should not 1 assure Miss Brash that a slam in hearts was make-able. Actually Mr. Champion could have had a lesser hand, not including the aae of clubs, uus ciiu N so inai roi;ri wui ic ur conftrustion could be carried on entailed such expense and such disappointing results that all the work was discontinued. Just as soon as the weather fettles down in the early spring, work wili be resumed and the Irnrrrrav rnrr, nlp'pr! Wit.h the III Lcl 5 Classified Advertising. is payable in advance. Plea, refrain from te:nhonta6 CtoifWi i The Civic Centre has one boos- which would have made th I'lIOE 21 222 SECOND AVE. lav-. ter wno !!ces t0 remain anony- charge 50c. mnn wovi.xs u:. . '-'' ' word per ln. crt.ion. minimum Funeral Notices, Marriage and E magement Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE iiearu siam practically a ciown. For example, give him the mou3- He ls an old pensioner j completion of the tramway, de-1 livery of ore to Silbak's mill will king, queen four long in hearts, year ne laKcs out a mem- the kine of soacles and fivp flnhs bership in the Civic Centre. Yes- FOR REM 10 the Jack. terday he dropped around to see . commence. FOR S.LE FOR SALE Broadway Cafe wick FOlt RENT Furnished or fno eAiP Fnternrlse UMlll. bill tLll Wt.l. t burner nood condition. Rea-,itmhlo once Phone Oieeu Note that Mr Dale did not " nUi membershio was due again, double the six-heart bid even ."I do lt for the klds-" he said-Uiough he waii morally certain "Wnen 1 was a kid we didn't he could beat it. His decision was n"vo anylnlnS like this and I absolutely right. When vour op- thlnl " a Bood Wea." lllo 720. 6miy Ccsf Fo?d FOR SALE Austin A10 sedan, newlv reconduioni'd. Like new. A real savili j. Kupeiior Auto Service Ltd. Ureen 217. UUI pmienls have such a preponder-an e of hih cards that they are w.!.in:i to contract for a slam, FOR RENT Suite o! lu.idein in tveiv rts iiiluruutiuii aoulv o. r U Co. L.tll., be J.rl Phone 4'. U-UKiVE. l'l.oiit-41 .'i! v.lie court. Fia-ser ol. FOR RENT Light lwiu FOR SALE At bargain prices. Maruueite A C. arc torch com-oiete wim extra carbons: Harris caionlic preheating cliesel oil blowtorch capable of flame uo to 4 tt ; Atlas 2 cylinder 30 h o. manne (tiesel conmlete: l.K L. 1-iiun chain saw. prac-t. tiliv ii. w; tiiiO lb. Fairbanks-Morse fuiv. platform scale; No. 2 Sheldon ixnuast Ian. ti" sujUoii; 2 eyimuer v cucin uuiau. could easily be lOnverieii to compressor; all-b.ass oowerlut lav marine sejivhii'iht. Bvtowi) Ma:hine Wjiks. U3c Finest Cooking Miss Eileen Cross will be taking classes at U.B.C. most of next month. For Uie duration of h-r course February 5 to 24 classes at the Civic Centre will be suspended. ltKAL l.STA'lii loom, tu uui tuxM. Hours: 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. For take home orders Phone 200 ATCH REPAIUS-Prorf Clashes in square dancing were resumed last night vv;th participants just as enthusiastic FOR SALE 7 room houseclose in, concrete foundation. Phone Red 501, ,1'tJ' HOUSE FOR SALE Five room furnished or unturiuslied. isutf 9th West or phone Red no. U2p) n:e. vir.Ji.- K A-l lOI SA-.E-1940 Ford, dition. Phone 712. uus.atuuii : llcieoi, Jeweler, tetd. 1 as they were before the Christ mas break. FOR SALE Complete household furniture including an jil uuuNut sretf u ioii.vjii. i;..n .ui I , cnurtmenl oiano. used 2 years. poR SALE Completely furnLsh-j-noii ; il.ack 70.) or call at 372 . ed iwo-bedroom house with hi-itur Piace (llci foil concrete basement. Phone Business and Professional Fui Market is Booming! Demand is Terrific : Prices Highest in Years! Don't hold any Purs, while lt Is lt)s.,lilo to get these em rmnusly V.i'A Prints prices trua we thlnK muy nut be uviillable too long. Ort AI,L your Furs In Quick HUHRYII For Immetllnie ship-immti wi ore still paylnn itP TO llitse TUP Prices: SQUIRREL 60c; MUSKRAT 3 50; WEASEL 4X!. 1.1INK (Wild Durk Interior 80 00; LiKAVEfl mid OTTER 40O0: MAR-TiiN 75 00; FISHER $100 00. Complete Pur and Trapping Supplies Price List FREE, on request. Don Hive your tars away lor a mere unction of t:ieir full value ship tu "SHUIiEirr' VANCOUVER (No tixport Permits required i and get every lust penny your Furs are worth. Ship IMMEDIATELY! ijt.-pt. 1J4. A B. SHUBEItT CO., Winnipeg Ship to VANCOUVER 111) JtstJ Hed yaa. tiii" ill II.DIIIIS &. CONTIll PLUMBING and HEAT oncet ihc'tai woiii. ' mavel rooium. Coll West. 1'l.jiie 43. and dons. 654 Wanda Dale is so enthusiastic about her Run-Rec classes that she turned out yesterday afternoon at 2:45 for a class that started at 3:30. The Drama Service Library of Ontario's community programs branch has more than 1000 plays available for local programs. MOSTLY SUGAR Sugar plantations form the main industry on the Islands of Mauritius and Reunion, twin LARGE honse Four bedrooms upstairs, four rooms downstairs Fullv furnished in excellent taste. Ideal lor rooming house or large family. Reasonably priced. Terms available. For further particulars and Information apply G. P. Tinker & Company Limited, phone 508. . (tf l H.G. HELGERSONLTD. REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 90 Evenings Black B99 MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BCILDINO MODERN Palntina awl-iliK Mpence ami Pliolie blacK -li noon huur. P.u. Uo ACCOUNTS TS it Llquat Cwal tmt m W QmtnmM l B.ifc Cil mi II tA. peaks in the Indian Ocean. FC.1 SAIE-Firewood and kind-iau. ;i.a.eii iraiisier. ited !2. (3iipi FOR SALE Iron Fireman hot u;r luniace. t-none rteu tf7b. (lap I FOR SALE Furnished float hot'e. iv ata .--o. li.i"-e at New Fioats. (12p l O.T SALE Secondhand six-by-eiuhts. Phone Green 093. (15pl CLEARANCE SALE .303 Rifles lll-l'oweied Lou Ratine En-lield.i. Model C14 with built-in 0 shot magazine, only $19 95 KMLE Model iMarki III with 10 shot detachable magazine. S24.Ua B.adc loresmliLs. Ad-jusl-.ible rear si 'hts. Uaimeg to 1600 yards. 6 im-li barrels. F u 1 1 v guaranteed. Box 48 rounds ammunition with rifle order $2 9.) r'romnt. shimnent. COD. HUNTERS SUPPLY COMPANY 193 Sparks St., Ottawa. Ontario 1T.F.S-1H PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Tax specialist, a ' Stone Buildma. K ""ilELP WANTED Bottles represent money PHONE HI. UK w PO ROX 1184 A. P. GARDNER & CO CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. BELL, C.A. Resilient Partner 324 Second Avenue EMPIjOYMENT Cana. Slates, Alaska a,: How, when where i Send $1.0U for latest Box. 203 Phone 88 , ment opportunities f;' FOR SALE 1 Wartime 4. vacant Feb. 1. $350000 cash. Sale Includes electric stove, oil heater, lino and Venetian blinds. 2 7 roomed house with concrete foundation and basement. $3700 011 ca.sh $3900.00 terms C:o.-e In. 3 Small 4, furnished or unfurnished, in 2nd Overlook $4500.00 furnished and $3500.00 unfurnished. 4 Wartime 4 on 8th East. Sale includes two stoves, all floor coveriihi and chesterfield -r-$3350.00. 5 .Wartime 4 In excellent shape, fullv furnished with new oil burning ranae wa.shinu machine. refrinerator, bedroom suite, chrome kitchen set. Cash or terms. For further information or Inspection nlea.se rontact H. G. HELGERSON LTD Phone 96 (11c) ln turns hirini!. d" reau. Dept. N2. P.O. Saint John. N.B. HELP WANTED - Re" clerks Permanent ply Box 858 lor it''1! Inif lull particular perlence. etc. COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest - In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED , 210 4th Bt. Ph. Black S88 in your basement. For the balance of this month only, we will help convert them into cash. Phone 13 2, and our truck will call for quantities of not less than ) dozen Coke and North Star Brand. North Star Bottling Works Telephone 132 HI-POWERED Snorting Rifles HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 204 4th Street, Phone 055 .303 British Enlields. Also BSA. ' From $33 9j uu. Excellent val- ties. Send name with address for free folders Illustrated.' with prices and detailed soecl-. ficalions. No obligation Deal-! BOVH WASTD) ers enquiries invited. TARGET KALBiS COMPANY. 154 Mae-1 Laren St., Ottawa, Ontario. ; (T.F.S-H) j FOR SALE Propeller adjusting! QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heelj and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave A nood o poor tu I youni lads with 0 delivering Daj'v routes. Phone '48 1 at the Dailv News and leave your mir and phone nmnbtf. BOY WANTED - "!; route in west end ot c able for reliable Office. RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS h AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 LISTINGS WANTKI) uuoiiit.1.1 n n ii,h t7ij mijiin-iiL. i iii.i is an excellent opportunity for . ... qpi i iMn n,,-uZ- w - spare-time work and could an 5I?ir?H experienced m-pl ,,'!t with very easily be developed Into realtor. For prompt in.suection see Arm-slronit Airencies. Phone 342 or Green 297 teves.l. (14c) lull-time operation. Bvtown ; Machine Works. (13c)1 LOST On Saturday, m LOST FOR SALE coal and wood I heater. Wartime house front room style. Phone Blue 105 (tf) ! let L. Lorenu. rir Grand Cafe.Reward WANTEf SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 LOST Chrome wheel rim and hub cap. Please return to Jerry's Earber Shop. (15o PERSONAL ELECTROLUX Sales and Service R. W. COLLINS Phone 451 Box 1626 For genuine parts and service phone or write above MATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES Llniv-be!t Sneeder Shovels: Cranes- Drairlines: Adamt WANTED 38' to 45' if. statinK price and 0 JOHNNY COME TO IIILO . O Johnny come to Hilo, O wake her, O shake her, O shake that girl with the blue dress on. O Johnny come to Ililo, poor old man. For over a century Lamb's Navy has been the call of those who know good rum. Smooth and mellow it is matured, blended and bottled in Britain of the finest Demcrara Rums. Road Graders; Litt.leford Bros. lars to box . miMTrn TOP ' PRICES PAID for y Black Tod Read Maintenance . WILL GIVE first, mortaee on B.nuloment: Owen Clamshell t7000 00 home. Require $3000.00 Buckets nd Rock Grannies: I Rt 8 dIus $500 00 discount. 7.1 n It.h CJoriorete Mixers; Payments can be arransed. Clark Furkhft Trucks: Nelson' Box 13, Da llv '-- News i14di Bucket ziade'-s for Stockpile - - and Snow Removal: Rice Port. TASTY, freshly baked pies with able Centrlfuaal Pumps: Na- biscuits and buns are now betnis :!!taIt,'at1i"nSrui,r,''80?"1 the Rupert Bakery itt HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Agent VANCOUVER DAILY PROVINCE Phone Black 787 311 Second Ave. W. sicri. Miaaj V..M,- Honest grading: ment made. Ajw; Metals Ltd.. 250 P r conver, B. C. P'l0W 6357. n i n ."Yj w.. "SiC i r"u,1 " ur oraers, (M2 Portable Sawmills: National i WANTED - Junior stfj-. Full p,','i. ,'n,L1?..'?.Vd inlormation from f'f. Na 1 IF VOU ?re cnntemplatjnn Ret- bv Nortnern a. tB (: Apply Room 15. B"'" FOR PLANNING FOR BUILDING FOR REPAIRING Call 363 MITCHELL & CURRIE L1M1TID Euililcrs ti Contractors tional Machinery Co. Limited. Vancouver. B.C. rtf) tins a furnace we suinet now Is the time as steel supDlv very short and prices expected to rise Kharnly. Thorn TT?.VT.t$' Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS PHONES Black 334 Red 394 P.O. Box 1670 Lamb's Nay; Rum fOH SALE Mew chesterfield! beds: beds comoiele: umaitiU' oneei. Meiai. Black 884. (i,f) room "commo( nit . ilv of three a.dulls rf e tv Write P MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERINQ rhone BIup 818. P.O. Box 520 330 Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B C. ed chest of drawers; sewing rsmnf l.,",n.,.ri. machine: kitchen stoves; heat, r C,fn ca' bra. fP-ers: hardware: eotfee tables. C?:...?atte.rjes and radiators. News-. end tables; bedroom suites; i urAVTirn Housework Thu dvertirnent n not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Ct (tf oiuno new carpets. AXinmsier, ,, .... . - , 1 1 sizes 2' X 4'A'; scores of other NORTHT.AMn ni... ou j.,,; ing cniinren. News. useful furniture at lowest ered 24 er quart. Why pay niore? Phone 18 for daily de- WANTrn-Parrot 8tjt, nrices. See U. C. Black 34. Furniture. . (til nvr servMie (M-2M1 Box 11. Daily rrw.. SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysts OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Oeo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 212 Train Schedule For the East-Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays, 8 p.m. From the East Tuesday's Thursdays and Saturdays, 10:15 p.m. rr 99 GtYipDY ELS1 EJSf NA1LY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BRING) RESULTS