Frince Rupert Daily New; Friday. January 12. 151 BO-ME-HI NEWS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED Bo-Me-Hi .Hard water is bad for household uses because it scratches he furniture. Effective Living Is Demonstrated The grade ten girls held a Talent Show in their Effective Living class in connection wiih the unit 'Living Effcctivelv J.C's Plan Big Festiva R. E. Mortimer swimming, cycling and horse p2 Znu n-. tpi vitr; ! -0-- i The Jtide was very kind. H. back riding. He came to Canada in 1947. asked the deceased If he had With Others" which they aie taking now. I This showed that the class was ! i Bulkley Valley of 1951 Beauty 1 Queen contest; an Industrial and j commercial exhibition of lue valley; the best Cental B. C. dance orchestra obtainable fjr the two day festival; carnival and midway games and other Itatu es dependent U)jmi tlie a-v.ii'ubUitv of time. The site of the annua! evn i" b-i d'termined as ve" but negotiatio ns are proceedin'; iz: the airport hanc-ar. and prices quoted the departmena of t an-:p.irt fo.-rentals were considered tyuiinK to my, 0 interested in the unit and that JOHN H. fill cA jWrangell And Petersburg j Series on Bo-Me-Hi Tapjs Now that th Ketchikan series is over and tho bitter pill of defeat doesn't taste so bad, Bo-Me-Hi can look forward to better things. Plans have been i laid this year for more high school series than in ; previous years. If ther,e plans materialize we could easily have the most successful basketball season in SMITHERS Jaycees are planning to add another big springtime success to their record of top entertainment programs. This year's etfot will be known as the Bulkley Valley Follies of 1950, and the Klondike Nifeht of 1949. 1 Feaiures w::; rnclude n Mi's BULGER , u' weathers are not Uvuv; they are livillg effectively wUa as long as they usd to. jolllers and can al;:0 ai3i) , with others. Tobacco lowers the ment.iliUi . , , . . . of the heart. Uv, , 3lCnt Slng',n the first i songstress being Pat TwalU dnging the 'Cowboys AlKeb.6ieal symbols are used Leona Webster (Girls' Sport Kep t Leona Webster leads a busy life being girls' fPorts rep., a cheerleader nnrl nlnvini? Vinxlrpt- uihnn imi tin nnl Vn,m, uikg ""eni. nils Appealed 05 .1 our history win or loe. John Bulger lid. Third Awnu I lew ZJeaclie, First on the list U a serlei with t Wrangell, Alaska, on January 29 I and 30 In this city. A series away jlroni home Ik planned for February 17 and 19 at Petersburg.' ball. . are talking abet. .was very sad. Juw, Henry and Leona was born in Prince Ru- 'mJ,,,?"' wn and attended Borden Street As the forty-niners travelled m"if?V, .i?f. for her elementary schooling, west they beset by famine am' KiV" She s now in grade 11 and is disease; many left their borro JJ" lZeLu taking a commercial course. Bhe-hin, in the plains beam-! fitS' says she enjoys all subjects, par- em- Anna Swang and Fr,U! tlcularly P.E. Leona enioys ull .., , which was "Old Shep" a ver; iq-TT1m, 19 old few ' " ". women, a sports and her favorites are j d Do-othv Mar- w J ,cf whom were men, wt. hung. I , , ' swimming mimmltia anrf and hnt'hoii basketball. " .fhall i sang two popular con7. She was an Alderman on Fu- .;. . the .,'., ,'"Up the Lazv River" and "I" Mi. Davidson Mr. Davidson, the vlce-prln- ninol natvio XXr.nll I Alaska, This series will be played if transportation arrangements c "TV , r""c" -an be made for the boys' return ?lverH,e t!UBht scho01 ln lnal disuict for 12 years. ha-i I Although pHijent ture Citizens' Day and taken tn , '' mi.';,'..,' Never Be Free." Barbaa Msorc trip, the difficulty being that the boat stops at Petersburg only twl"e monthly. Arrangements for Hi coaches a basketball team add Is very popular with the and Jean Gibb also sang FRAMES! FRAMES! Come in unci clioofw one Mr that Christmas Photo. Wc carry a large line (it 'p-To-late Mouldings WRATHALL'S riiit Finishing 31!0 Third Ave. W. with the rest of the having a series in Rupert with I boys as t , , hi. , .. iiCTi mccii lata in ucioic, i . . active part in all school im Uvi- W()ke up dead lles- 0 Jock S!.o rpc Th fp shois "'an? out. Two of Boys' Sports Rep.) ,the servants fell dead, the other Jack was born in Mirror, Alia., went through his hat. mi Jan 0 1031 H. allAnrlnl IVin n the Petersburg nquud may or school, may not materialize. It depends. Although BUILD MARINE The Indian Mercantile Marin-; has about 400,000 tons of shipping and more medium-sized he is very fond of A Good Host is a Mind Reader Tastes differ. Some like dry drinks, others the opposite, sweet drinks' EXTRA Burnett's ts an because Only DRY (unsweetened) Gin can you add and meet or leave out the sweetness every individual preference. BURNOI'S LONDON DRV an vessels are being built. Ripling Elementary School there A Scout is a friend to all. an1 ACHING DACK? on now far the Petersburg team can go in the Soutli Alaska illation series. If they are nated quite early, a series will be held here In Murch. Contact has been made with Mount Edft3ombe, Alaska, for a scries In Prince Rupert but sports he says that English rugby !r the only one In which he excelled. He was born in Victoria, going from there o California where he spent 4y2 years. Coming back, he completed his high schooling, and hence attended and at the ae of wven came to a bother to every other scout. I Prince Rupert. He completes liis elementary schooling at King COAST SALMON , Ed and is now in grade 12. Salmon canneries on the Pa- Why suffer with backache or painful Joints? Many find quick relief by taking lit- Thaw's Kirinev-I.ivpr Pi I In. Thia Dumbing & Heating He IS taking the general course cific COaSt began to Vie With At- proven remedy treats two conditions at and ana his nisiuLureisunciecideci. fuliirp i nnHwirlMW ....... ! once; contains special remedial ingredient lanUc faeries as early as 1880. for both kidney and liver disorders whh . . .. His W n unrll crviil a n n line fi.i 1 as yet. teaching In different parts of the bMci he 3 ALWAYS BRITISH -e country. I inmu triAon nr. ,wo in iarnattta nns a wave rpmnin-- I nil unrr Cl jDR.CHASE'SI Mr. Davidson is married and mers. ' ed in th nossesslon r.f Rrirnin. SMI " , by whom it was settled In 1627. Examination Time Again - i the father of five daughters. Mi. Aldridge -II I l 1 r- 4nM II ..Rainmakers Mr. Aldridge was born in Ba MARCHAND SPACE HEATERS "Captain Ingstoke, Hampshire, England. Ht attended preparatory school Students of Booth Memorial High find that examination time v iff ivw In Big Time is upon them once again and, a 'r ven years, then Sir Robert VORTEX OIL BURNERS ! Uat ! USr NX CRANF. PLUMBING a result, many students are stay- Mays College for five years. I One week ago the Bo-Me-Hl ing home evenings for the pur- lfe ihen wrote an 'entrance "Rainmakers" played the Har- mtomL$tf for Technical TrainT lem Globetrotters. This is the ndoSicUvS IttZt T'Z-TTnZ tlmC that the Rainmak-accord, " but tiiere are a few .hifev.rn ers have Uls famous r, students who mu,t bo prompt. JKXX team in three seasons. It is pro- FIXTURES FHONE Repair; and Alterations iilh&ElkinsLtd. TO. Box 271 good rerrra" usuan;nply; had a -Tear appren-. bab.y the on.y High School on off better Uian an evenings fun "ceshlp and graduated witu the continent to have played Uie The report raids will bo l-wiici KiikUsI' and Higher National oiolotrotters twice and the in February . j Enfe-CerUficate. He was -employ-, ..House of David, , McU. u ; nc a nffinpr r1 till - nrln,t rf Royal RJ. E. Aircraft Research J"""" . 7 TS w-'YiVrmj Montreal Forty delegates f Est., Farnboi-ough. In 'he war wears, he was ot 1 VST.- 5TrJ slated to attend the onen-1 HMCS Chatham Makes Donation lachea at various times to three SPcSion Monday of the Sea- servKT an iiiuwsi.tjjiiii; uw jarers jnlemational union, Uan-ivf with Uic R.A.E. two years on adlan district. They are to dis- A donation of $10 was received an aircraft carrier wh tlie i euss for "an intensive organiza- And he rates a ; by the Bo-Me-Hi Band Fuud Royal Navv, and attached to K.A. tional drive against any remair,- lrom riMCS Chatham. ; in Germany. (Iw; non-union vessels and com ; This donation and the other.-, 1 His favorite sports are pricket, ponies." from the' Trades and Labor' 1 distinguished welcome in any gathering . . . for Captain Morgan is Canada's largest selling rum. Gold Label is rich and full-bodied . . . Black Label is extra smooth and flavourful. Try Captain Morgan Rum you'll like it I "Hospitality ond lAJiniell and Co-op wife ' tuily received. , Good Food ' 'hat, is Our First Aim f ACME January Clearance j I'lione n tnt Orders J To Take Out Cimniodore Cafe V7 kAfl-t v, Senior Dance Is Coming Up The dance which was to be held De-ember 20 will take place on Friday, January 19, ln the Navy Drill Hall. THIS ADVERTISEMENT 1$ NOT MBUSHED Ot DISPtAVfO IV THE UQUOK CONItOl IOASO Ot IT THE GOVERNMENT Of IRITISH COLUMBIA This dance it is hoped will be an annual uliair and will be 'called the "Snow Flake BaJl," Make Your $'S Go a Long Way hi This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Senior students may invite one guest of the opposite sex. Tno dance will be aUuimal. The Senior Council is looking after other arrangements for i this affair. VKRVH'TORIA G Sl'lTS.' Regular $64.dt). Sale Price t There will he a Valentine dance in February at which I tlie Bo-Me-Hi Queen of 1950-51 START the New Year GENERAL ELECTRIC WASHER with pump control PRICE 29-50 32-50 44.95 will be crowned. mday, 8 p.m., Chilcotin Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun H ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON "day, Camosun. 11 D.m. C SUITS Regular $19.50. Sale Prince A 15 St'ITS only. Regular $56.00. Sale Price Il Olt NORTH Ql'KKN 20 ONLY SPORT JACKETS. Thise -f A ft A to -M Q j sell reg. to $34.50. Sale Price I.i5UU AO Presentation : Of Sweaters , The recent Christmas Card SCARVES Pure wool knit Cashmere Paisley Scarves. ilAULOTTE ISLANDS Chilcotin, Dec. 22 and Jan. 19 and 31 9 p.m. 95c J i Sale contest sponsored by the ' Oil SOUTH QUF.EN Regular $2,50. Now 12 ONLY OUTDOOR JACKETS. Regular $10.95. Now 15 ONLY SPORT SHIRTS. $159.50 HAKLOTTE ISLANDS Miitcolin, Jan, 12 and 26 The Pioneer Druggists DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 7.00 1.95 9-95 DELIVERED Regularly priced from $4.00 to $6 95. Sale Price I Students Council was very successful. Bill Toderas, who sold the greatest number of Christ-jtnas Cards, received a beautiful school sweater which was practically donated by Bill Stone. I Jean Ckilds was such a cloe j runner up that the Students' 'Council decided to present her with a school sweater also. 9 p.m. I RANK J. SKINNFR Prince Rupert Agent 1 Avenue Phone 668 GREY FLANNNEL TROUSERS. Values up to $17.50. Now to clear at NORTHERN B.C. POWER CO. Phone 210 Stewart, B.C. Prince Rupert The above Merchandise Is NOT displayed In our windows. Come in and see our Special Sales Counters . r 1 John Antrobus looked aiter the contest and did a splendid job of it. He Is due appreciation for the time and effort he shows in school spirit which is lacking in many students of this school. ACME CLOTHING Serving the public of Prince Rupert for over 33 years It's SERVICE You Want Phone 383 CABS' SPECIAL! Wens' 15 $eJ QM 3l(U WRIST WATCHES 522.75 s SSI n BUSINESS COUPE 10,000 miles By CHIC YOUNG BLONDIE An Averted Matrimonial Crack Up 'ili&lllllll!!!!!! iiiiliiin OH, MV CJOODN'ESC. X LOOK AT THI! 3SA.f I rpFUFSVTUlNC II FKV 'MtftN , f A HUSBAND ISN'Ti , ON FLIT? XAT5 V tm'wRE DOING J V" t A Ml 't.RilWn MWTll TRUCK SPECIAL 8 CHEV. PICK-UP , ..... , , fcT-i si akjo ,-nMir iki r kcmk r r. I X- ' Ht t.AN CLEAR t? t P THE TABLE IM J y ONE TRIP ftly Al condition SEE OL'R REVOLVING WINDOW DISPLAY! Manufactured by reliable Swiss factories Guaranteed to give satisfactory service Smartly designed choice of modern shapes and dials Black or brown genuine leather straps Roman or Arabic numbers fill i-dkMrlfv tllil H M i !r yfi Parker Ltd. . i BULGER'S JEWELERS Prince Rupert, B.C. This advert! sement is not published Board or by the Government of or displayed by the Liquor Control Biltiuh Columbia. L fe .ii4- t.f itfmnSiOT