DAN DAILEY - BETTY GRATtiv Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, May 19, 1951 TOO Ay 7 - 9:00 Area 2A Willapa Harbor, Washington, to Cape Spencer. Alaska, excluding Areas 2B and 2C , Area 2B Off the east coast of ..................................... aunaoy m.amqnr Monday and T....J NO MONDAY iWATINK.E-SHOWS rl .MO ti ' WATERFRONT - WHIFFS - '-a. j . She s Smart! go at once but his 15-man crew boo-ed the suggestion good-naturedly. It was decided that refreshments were first In order. As there was no way lot the W13 crew to get ashore- the jetty hovered some 30 feet above them a bucketful of money was passed up to an assistant on the dock who reappeared some minutes later with the required refreshments. The W13 has been "based at Ketchikan since March, where she finally landed after a continuous trip from Cleveland, Ohio. oftfrican X.ri She s Thrifty! She's A Good Dresser! Moresby Island. Area 2C Off the west coast of Dall and other Islands between Cape Addington and Dixon Entrance. Area 3-Between Cape Spencer and a line running true west from Sarichef to Unimak Island Area 4 Bering Sea north ol the Cape Sarlchof line. Up to and Including yesterday halibut landings at Prince Rupert for the season to dat totalled 7.429,000 pounds compared with 5.482,800 pounds at a corresponding date last year and 4,739,000 pounds in 1949. The total landing figure for this year Includes 5.300.000 pounds landed by Canadian boats from Area. No. 2 247,000 pounds by Canadian vessels from Area No. 3 and 1.882 000 pounds by American vessels from Areas No. LUO! The shrrtest -.alibut fishing reason on record for Area No. 2 A and IB. which Includes waters betwrvn Cape Blanco, Oregon, and Cape Spencer, Alaska, will come to a close at midnight May 28, a week from next Monday, which has been set as the deadline for the closure by th Inter-nalknal Fisheries Commission. The season for this area ts three Canadian Navy and U.S. Coastguard in Rescue First Phase of Halibut Season Nears End On her way from Kodiak to Seattle, the American halihutter Cape Spencer suddenly stopped about 380 miles due west of Prince Rupert. After several attempts to get her motors functioning again, Capt. Egil Hanson was informed from the engineroom that it was useless. The timing gear was stripped, he was ,,', gilded u,e hise C;vpe Spcnc r , Hundred ; of miles from no- towards the shore. The United where, the Cape Spencer drift- state Coastguard at Ketchikan ed. by radiophone, Capt. Hanson had been contacted and a patr.,l tried to contact other vessels cutter had been despatched im-but he got no answer. He was mediately. thinking about the 80,000 pounds prom out of tne early morning of valuable cargo on which his mist us coastguard W13 hove crew of ten men depended forilJlto signt and ,t was onl a a living. The halibut was wed- malter of minutM before the iced and in good condition but cedarwood was on her way how long would it stay that again and the Cape Spenceri M fjll'lSSlf I m m mm t k lonier; 2 and 3. Prices on the Prince Rupert If you have a good credit background and regular family inconv., then, Wallace's Budget Plan Is a "natural way to buy. There art noservice charges. days shorter than In 1950 when June 1 was the closing date. The Commission says that the limit of 25 500.000 pounds for Area 2A is expected to be reached by the deadline. Area IB closes automatically with 2A. Fishing started on May 1. Explaining the shortness of the season. Com At WALLACE'S Jfyf' DEPT. STORE &fyr way: now long ueiore lie'P , tow of her new rescuer, proceed-: would come? j ed t0 prinCe Rupert, where she1 TTlrrhr. "hour's later therp WIS arrival ol A. r m vnitnpHov I Exchange showed somewhat of a stiffening when they went up to 18c, 15c and 13c yesterday but this does not look so good against the 23c, 21c and 20c which were being averaged this time last year. Frank Waterhouse freighter, SS Chllliwack, Capt. O. Pengel-ley, arrived in Prince Rupert at 6 a.m. this Wednesday with 190 tons of general cargo for this port; 50 tons of aluminum sulphate and 100 tons of cement for Columbia Cellulose Company at Watson Island, and 300 tons of cement for Albert & McCaffery Ltd. mission spokesmen explain that the fishing fleet was larger this year and fishing was good. Fishing in Areas No. 3 and 4 will continue until later when their quota has been exhausted. In Areas 2B and 2C, newly designated this sighted, just before sundown, ; nearly 30 hours later. the form of a ship on the hori- j At prince Rupert dry dock it zon. It drew nearer and the crew, was nnv a three-hnnr tnh tn ov f j in als saw the ensign flying at thejtne Cape Spencer under way! p Tk titt but Tfia laMn Wanted-Public Health Nurse Prince Rupert and District Health Unit is still on the lookout for public health nurse for the Terrace area following the recent resignation of Miss E. Edwards to be married. Pending an appointment, Miss Freda Hilton PHN, senior nurse here, Is giving Terrace ten days a month attention. The United Board cf Health, at Its meeting this weik. decided to seek the assistance of Hon. E. T. Kenney. minister of lands and forests and MLA for Skeena, in the quest for a nurse. siern oi me approacimig ves- agajn and headed onward to sel. It was a Canadian Navy Seattle with her cargo of north-ship. Capt. Hanson made con-ern halibut. It was the lira tact by radiophone and it was time for severai of tne crew to not long before HMCS Cedar- land here others had been here wood drew alongside and ths,eignt and i0 years ago. crippled halibutter was under Meanwnilei tne rescup i had tied up alongside a barge For 16 hour the Canadian at tne dry dock jetty. Capt. Navy weathership coached and Lieut. R. Shane said they must year, mere will be a special open season for the first time between July 26 and August 4. A definition of the various areas might be Interesting: Area 1A south of Cape Blanco, Oregon. Area IB Cape Blanco, Oregon, to Willapa Harbor, Washington. At Stewart the SS Chilliwack -6 Ward BL'TMIJ n will load Silbak-Premler ore and on her return will stop to load piling at Prince Rupert. Then , . she will proceed to the West Coast of Vancouver Island to TODAY 2 P.M. 7 P.M. 9 take on a load of fish meal. ' SS Alaska Prince, B C. Steamships Ltd., arrived last Tuesday morning with cannery machinery for Canadian Fish Co. Ltd., and 100 tons of general cargo for Prince Rupert. The Alaska Prince also serviced the canneries along The Command Performance Picture $ 0 the hi TlMudhrk jfk J DONT I 1 1 Mlss O THIS the Skeena River and Port Edward unloading machinery and equipment. OH products were unloaded at the B.A. dock. At Alice Arm Alaska Prince will take on 200 tons of Torbolt ore before returning south. Two more freighters are leaving Vancouver this week-end laden full with cargo for Prince 2a The story of the kid who wanted to sit on a Queen's Throne! ALSO MONKEYS AKE THE CRAZIEST PKON.K Rupert. The Island King. Capt. Bert Gough, left the southern port at noon yesterday. The Yukon Princess, Capt. John Campbell, Is leaving there day night. Both vessels are due m C ATS SIKU I.I) SING Mon. to Wed. 7-9 p.m. Mon. to Wed. 7-0 pin. here Wednesday. Joi,n W. Atkin.juu, vice-president and general manager of Kaiser - Frascr Corporation of 'Canada, and Mrs. Atkinson alsg ere making thvj round trip this week on the Princess Louise. Thirty-five other tourists are FRASER HOUSE Wc shall not be responsible for articles le'' storoae or dcoosit after 30 dovs from this d nJoylng the Inside passane j May 14, 1951. MR. AND MRS. HK cruise on the Louise this trip. CT7 9 m P w u n v K TIMIIKK hAI.fi X.-ii r'S Bpalrd tendir wilt be received by the District Forester. Prince Rupert. B.C., not later than noon on the 1st day of June. IBS1. for the purchase of Licence X:ll2i Gttusted on Pitt lxland. to cut 3HO.0O0 fent of Hem- Ladies and Gentle '"t Spruce. Balsam and Cedur Baw-loga. I wo (21 yn..a will be allowed for removal of timUer. Cl,int'sv Chop Sucy - Chow Mcin HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Oulslde Orders Thone 133 I I I V'' I yjl Tne BOSS ) ( ME SOUMOS LIKE ) I ' X" l 'bAG6A,--K MANIAC-' LONDIE .'J 4 fwi ' JT- rTlr.'" .YT) PCX -v f ( DID VOU PUT ) - 'l ' r V v.iy O rv- ( OAGWOODy THIS NOTE ON S I J . f CxJ C "7HI lA I S-,, s. ( mv desk asking ) I - A ves T I I 1,- .Jtiu dollars.') 1 cs - 72T( SAtAPV TEN DOLLAPS I g TGl TI ?S. '-AYf OLD Guy AFTER 1 llft-r-S.V A WEEK STABTINC Xfl T THANK "V VittLmF7KL? S. VOU LEAPN J LING the tailor Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria. BC. or the District Forester. Prince Rupert. B.C., or iianger s. i. Btrimboid, Prince Rupert. BC. (ltc) f ?:.m sixth si '.J Jm Huge Success!! Voted bv amaicd Prince Rupert oudicnecs bo the arcatcst show ever to hit the old to GREAT MORTON1 THE He's Atpazing! Adult Admissions Only TONIGHT at &30j CIVIC CENTRE A Oood Place to Stop 244 Miles to TELKWA HOTEL Telkwa, B.C. Just a Nice Day's Drive iifeilii "Hospitality and Good Food" That In Our First Aim rii.me 17 for Orders To Take Out DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 . Commodore Cafe IX you want to aell It, advertise I ADVERTISING IN THB DAILY NlWS BBINS