Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, May 15, 1951 Two Buses Condemned I COAL -nylican Synod JJen Olds IVeeh The twenty-third synod of the Anglican Diocese of Caledonia oca Two Arrow Bus Lines vehicles have been "temporarily con and PERSONAL will meet In St. Andrew's Cath- , SPECIAL! demned" by M. Deblaquiere, inspector of motor vehicles, Aid. Douglas Frizzell, police and licensing committee, reported to city council last night. , lbcrta Deep Scam edral on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Delegates will be in attendance from as far east as the Peace River district and west as the Queen Charlotte Islands. Mechanical conditions as to brakes, front and rear ends of Saint John First Aid exams, Tuesday, May 15, 7:30 p.m.. Fire Hall. U14C) Mrs. E. M. M. Jones, resident nurse at Port Edward, left today on the Camosun for an extended holiday trip t Lulu Island. IP $ 75 PER TON Reduced prices on odd lines of skirts, blouses and dresses at Star's Stylewear. . (ltc) Norman Nelson of Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd. left by today's plane on his return to Vancouver after one- of his periodical visits here on company business. MM M 1 ( I V in-veri the other buses, however, were 10 SACKS $8.50 Mattson's Upholsterers will ! Wnmpn of the Moose Will The proceedings will open with a synod service In St. Andrew's Cathedral at which the preacher will be the Ven. Archdeacon E. Hodson. Fallowing the service luncheon will be served by the Women's Auxiliary after which the business session will commence. In the evening the service will PHONE 116 -117 or 58 I considered "good." Bus operators have promised to clean up the Interior of the buses. A further report from the inspector will be received during the first week in June, said Aid. Firzzeil. Fee for the Shrine Club carnival was set at $25 a day, on recommendation of Aid. Frizzell. He said the club had Riven assurance it would be wholly responsible for operation of the carnival. be closed while moving from 330 nold thelr reg'uiar meeting on Second Avenue to 234 Third Wednesday. May 16. (115p) Avenue East- (ltc) Tn t.Vio ctvil action nf Saank'h Richard Stephton, British Co-1 pi.jmbir.g St Heating' vs. Charles jert 8f AAcCaffery be -conducted by the native lay ! lumbla manager of Mutual Life readers from the various Indian Assurance Co., arrived in the villages assisted by St. Peter's LIMITED city on yesterday afternoon s plane from Vancouver, being here on one of his periodical business visits. Policing from January 1 to March 31 had cost the city $4800 he said. K. Ytreberg, $15805 and costs was awarded the plaintiff In County Court Judge W: O. Fulton heard the case. Mrs. L. W. Kergin left on todays plane for Vancouver to attend the graduation of her daughter, Miss Dorothy Kergin, from Vancouver. General Hospital nurses'' training school next week. 1 Mnthr AJiint tm. Int. Church Choir from Aiyansh. The preacher will be Peter Hill of Ma.sset. Afterwards there will be a reception for all delegates and friends at Bishop's Lodge. Business sessions will continue on Thursday. Rt. Rev. James B. Gibson, Bishop of Caledonia, will preside "I told you that Up wasn't sufficient" Sons of yjorway The Clyde, Scotland s principal river and one of the world's most important, waterways, is enly 106 miles long. GUERRILLA WARFARE KUALA LUMPUR, Malaya (CD There Is no let up In the bitter Jungle fighting that has been waged In Malay for nearly three fl years. B.-itish armed forces cur- and clergy delegates will be: J Archedeacon E. Hodson, Tcr- f ffll-Hi: i.1 Ui'U Not Satisfied With Housing City Will Have to Get Better Housing Deal From Ottawa icntiy buiai a.uuu men, 01 wnom 17.GC0 are United Kingdom Narcissi and daffodils were the spring-like floral setting for a successful tea and sale Saturday City Wages Are Boosted Employees Get Twelve Percent More-Official Salaries I pped race. mini i Canon Basil S. Prockter, Prince I troops, 11,000 are Ourhkas, and 1 4,000 belong to the Malaya by the Sonja Ladies' Aid In the I Rupert. Sons of Norway Hall. Canon C. A. Hinchllffe, Smith- The president, Mrs. George ers. ; R TRAITS 4vrUiK-(J and Printed pn SERVICE llMI US STl'PIO whAt. th r.Horai o.m t Morgan, welcomed many guests. Rev. S. Kinley, Aiyansh. Rev. Montagu Young, Masset. " I H.i.H ,,-o were Ji Fllnn Civic Employees' Union No. 5 and Central Housine and Mort- em.en.lS Rev. M. A. Stephens, , Ocean ' ( Including inside and outside 'gage Corporation have done so .,,Tl'l X 61S Falls. . employees of the city) and the far in getting housing for Prince Waseng, Mrs. John Pederson, Mrs. Jack Ritchie and Mrs. Hans Knutson. In charge of the kitchen weie Mrs. Hans Petterson, tn 33'J Prince Rupert Presbyterian Missionary Tea, church hall, May 16. Tea, Home cooking and White Elephant sale, Catholic School Hall, May 16. Eastern Star Tea, Maaonic - - - " " 1L n i Sr Rlichae Rupert "certainly is not satisfying and they will have to do better than that," Mayor G. W. Rudderham said last night at council meeting. He referred to a letter from T. B. Pickersgill, B.C. region superintendent of CMHC, which said there was "nothing definite" so far. j Temple, May 17. Rev. H.'G. Bird, Seal Cove Rev. J. Hayhurst, Kitwanga. Rev. E. V. Bird, Hazelton. Rev. W. Atkinson, Burns Lake. Rev. K. M. Colllson, Vander-hoof. Rev. O. L. Sergent, Dawson Creek. Rev. W. H. Blackstock, Fort St. John. i LAY DELEGATES Lay delegates are Mrs. Bird of Telegraph Creek; Mrs. D. D. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Union (maintenance crew and telephone operators) have, accepted a 12 per cent increase in salary and wages offered by the city. Aid. T. B. Blacs, reporting to council last night for the wage committee, also said the salary of the assistant fire chief had been Increased to $302 a month and that of the fire chief to $307 Mrs. Olof Skog and Mrs. Peter Anderson. The cashier was Mrs. Harold Helland. . The home cooking sale was conducted by Mrs. Reg Webber, assisted by Mrs. Jack Strand and Mrs. Carl Strand. Mis. Oscar Giske and Mrs. Julia Slatta looked after the S.O.N. Smorgaasbord, May 18. Canadian Legion card party May 22. Lutheran tea. May 28. Card Party Catholic Hall, May sale of fancy-work. A letter was also received from E. T. Applewhaite, MP for Skee- VOOIltM ioc Mrs. Walter Ballineer conduc aft JZlwr' : 31. Job's Daughters Jamboree ! a montn wlth "vln8 quarters. na, who had talked with ts i t.pH thp rnfflft nf a thrpp.nnnnrt Thomson, Fort Fraser; J. S. li housing minister but had noth-jlar of pnffp. whlrh w donated i Brown, Purns Lake; Peter Hill iirpH snrtprlntonrtonf et mnrlr c t H i U i ... i " " . ... . . . May 31, June 1, 2. Queen Mary I.O.D.E. tea, June " --"----- ""'"8 imuKi w report, aw. Apple- bv Mr, Hans p,tU.rmn flnrt wnn musaci; Mrs. w. J. weison, ucean Falls; Nathan Shaw. Kltkatla: Thornton's 400 4th T lc'"u"e uueiimeiiueiu r wnaite nad admitted the situa ' narl hoon InnMOEul K. tie ni.i . . ....... by Miss Irene Hansen. 21, Mrs. F West, 2-5. Solomon Doolin and William Ste -- '" "i uon was noi uxj opiimistic. mumn, ma. uiacit sam. Council had Drevlouslv writ Tea and Home cooking sale, Catholic Hall, June 14. . Wc have just received a new shipment of All increases are retroactive to j tan Mr. Plcgersgill saying most i Ispitolity and Jood Food" lis Our First Aim fir 17 for Orders o Take Out podore Cafe vens, Kincoiith ana r. E. Anfield and Q. S. Reade, Prince Rupert. TAX ON TALL DOGS January 1, 1951. i of the materials to construct 50 PDSTERMARITZBURO, South 'Snyder ClicslciieicL No Money For Hospital Airica Lrj a tax ol 15 t$15) is homes in Prince Rupert were I expected to be available locally. In answer to that letter, Mr. Pickersgill said he had forwarded this Information to Ottawa, but Urere was still "nothing definite." Aid. T. B. Black moved Mr. to be levied on all dogs over 15 inches at the shoulder in sheep -breeding areas of Natal. This Purchases of City Property Prince Rupert General Hospital Association will have to go d Steam Boiler ends a five-year search for a legal definition of a dog that can kill sheep. ADDlewhaite be sent a conv of , . . Iteration and One dozen sales of citv prop- thi. ik, oh hS h h sisiance, my council indicated at its meeting last night. P3 Welders erty were reported by Aid. T. B. t0 -pursue the matter (housing) oidcii, i:muuiuii ui liimiii;? cum- to the utmost 1 A further request from the hospital that financial aid be if loci Operators (Tome in and sec our selection of . DEAL-CRAFT and SNYDER COCKTAIL TABLES COFFEE TABLES LAMP TABLES miuee, at last nignts council 'IUih ml vert imminent is not publisliec or displayed by the Liquor Cuntro Hoard or by the Government oJ British Coluuiljia. meeting. The following lots were sold: Lots 1 and 2, Block 11, Section S, for $1250 to Msr. Anna E. niW Stacks, Fire jjnd Tanks all sizes )USTRIAL '.DING CO. i: Plume (irccn 884 reconsidered by the city was referred to the finance committee but Aid. T. B. Black assured council there was "nothing we can do." . Aid. Harry Dagget suggested the hospital start a campaign of its own for funds. "Perhaps local citizens would buy bonds," he said, citing a former example where funds had been raised in a similar manner to erect the first nurses' home. Aid. Harold Whalen, council Figures Are Not Jibing Mitchell & Currie at Variance With City Over Sewers Although the Cow Bay sewer project is completed, city figures and figures of the contractors, Mitchell & Currie, do not "jibe." t EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME GORDON & ANDERSON 510HN H. Johnson. Lots 33 to 38, Block 7, Section 7, and Lots 9, 12, 13 and 14, Block 24, Section 7, for $1075 to Wilfred McLean. Lot 7, Block 23, Section 7, to Olaf Dudsvlck for $100. Lots 15 and 16. Block 44, Section 5, for $550 to Marie Stanko. Lot 11, Block 22, Section G, for $167 to Laurence Stanwood. Lots 37, 38 and 39, Block 7, Section 1, for $750 to Otto LGER representative on the hospital board, said the hospital "cer- tainly is in a bad spot," but he Vvlu icfrhf The contractors' bill for the Job ijnew too that the city was in out Is $153,604.76 , while the city no position t0 nelp. maintains the cost should be Breimo. Lot 9, Block 41, Section 7, fr $75 to F. B. Qulnn, Easterly half of lot 33. Block 28, Section 8, for $70 to Mrs. M. Use Classifir - for Results f Bulger Lfd. fiiiKl Avi'inie $127,445. ! In the absence of D. C. Stew- j art, superintendent of works,) who has compiled the city fig- ures, city council did not feel it Fox and that her previous offer for the westerly half of the Tiki,todm BREAD same lot be cancelled. Home Permanent Sets $1-50 and $3-00 CURLERS SHAMPOOS The following properties were f'-MASTER MODERN Yours, with wonderful could go into the matter too deeply at last night's meeting. I However, Aid. George Casey said the "wide gulf" between the two ' figures was serious. I Up to date, the city has paid! contractors $92,535.71. Penalties,' PLUMBING sold subject to veterans' rebate: Lots 17 and 18, Block 22, Section 8, for $150 to Robert D. Mitchell. Easterly half of Lot 4, Block 26, Section 5, for $125 to Mac fast-rising DRY Yeast! 11 pas I Reduced Qc each ATHALL'S f"U I inishing . I 'I'liiril Ave. W. A 'U is"4 Gagnon. charged to the contractors for Lot 5 and westerly half of Lot not compCting the contract in 6, Block 26, Section 5, for $325 timeDy October, 1950-amount- to John H. Atkins led to $4,100, leaving a balance Lots 40 and 41, Block 9, Sec- owl o $30 809 29 contractors tion 5, for $820 to Vernon F. claime $61,069.03. Carpenter. , K was declded tQ put tne Finance committee also rec-1 who,c ,n t hanfjs f w ommended that Miss A. A.nmain mM.,tn. 0th is a wise investment, in terms of family health and home economy. Call Blue 846 PLUMBING S AANICH HEATING Wrathall be appointed acting I orizatlon , ' t' to make ,, '-,. "., MAKE YOUR CAR LAST! I a $15,000 pay city clerk during absence of City l-MER Clerk Rrf W. Long. ment "on account. Further investigation of this matter will proceed upon return of Mr. Stewart, who is in Vancouver at an engineers' Rupert Council Grants Trade Licences on nn a You're ure of tempting, delicious bread when you bake with Fleischmann's Fast Rising Dry Yeast! This wonderful new yeast keeps its full-strength and fast-acting qualities without refrigeration! Buy month's supply! n mm fncouver ' '"I'-rnirdiate Ports Hch Thursday I 1,1 U:15 p.m. Ladies and Gentlemen LING the tailor Ten new trade licenses were granted by city council last night. They are to the following: . Benjamin Windlc messenger service. Kirby Clean Co. Ltd. vacuum cleaners. Armstrong & Montelth-Con- mm mm iiaM JIMS ' onf m WHOLE WHEAT BREAD 'KETCHIKAN Phone 649 wo Sixth st "H- MlDMdllT ) struction Co. Ltd. building Henry J. Whiteside agent for '7 11 low Cost Ke.serva lions Wi ll;- or Call 1 ii v oit w:vm Ol'TICK I'UlNCE JtUPEItT, B.C. Something New for BABY VIYELLA SHAWL make a soft dough. Knead on lightly-floured hoard until smooth and elastic Place in greased bowl and grease top of dough. Cover and set in a warm place, free from draught. Let rise until doubled in bulk. Punch opwn dough, grease top and gain let rise until doubled in bulk. Punch down dough ; turn out on lightly-ftoared beard and divide into 4 equal portions : fonn.into smooth balls. Cover lightly with cloth and let rest for 15 mins. Shape into loaves ; place in greased loaf pans (4'j x W). Grease tops, cover and let rise until doubled in bulk. Bake in hot oven, 400", for 30 mins., then reduce oven heat to moderate. 350. and bake about 20 minutes longer. Combine 3 c. boiling water, Va c granulated sugar, 4 tsps. salt and 1 ths. shortening ; stir until sugar and salt are dissolved and shortening melted; cool to lukewarm. Meanwhile, measure into a large bowl 1 c. lukewarm water, 1 tbs. granulated sugar : stir until sugar is dissolved. Sprinkle with 3 en-vciogtt!, FieiM-hmaims Fast Rising Rrv Yeast. Let stand 10 minutes, THEN stir well. '- Stir in cooled sugar-shortening mixture. Combine 5 c once-sifted bread flour and 5 c whole wheat or graham flour. Stir about half of the flours into yeast mixture ; beat until smooth. Work in remaining flours and add additional bread flour, if necessary, to Shores Credit Jewellers. Thomas M. Christie auctioneer.' A. F. Williams electro-plating baby shoes. " Jurs. Mae G. Anton taxi operator. William E. Halght painting and decorating. Adee & Son Construction-building contractors, i J. Fitzgerald messenger Moving, rackiiiR. Crating Slvppiiiff and General Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Effi-ricnt Service. Also .agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all voiding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910. Phones 60 and 68 BRING JT HERE FOR THE BEST OF SERVICE! m . Superior Auto Service B2J STUDEBAKER and AUSTIN DEALERS "tPHlRS Third Avenue a( Park Green 217 The Stork Shoppe fx. Ki,rr? Result.,. ! - 1 i For Action Advertise: