We Hurry - Fayi-Phone 99 ia Jight } Day am New Managemé Opet nt - Legisintive Libr, THE DAILY NEWS TA XI Phone 75 and 35~ We Never Shep PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 707 Second Avenu: M. H. LARGE | en, 196. . PRINCE RUPERT, B.C, SATU MDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 19419, , eT "Sateen dike co cae Governor General and Party — MOVEMENTON Ne ittist rw (CANADIAN CLUB Greeted by Large Crowd on» ‘UTTOMAKE | rorauscensunnen, — ENTERTAINS tioned that the war was not yet won, he city turned out last evening to greet the Gove: ; nd his party on their arrival from the east. Th promptly at 8:30 and as the visitors stepped fron @ hey were met by Mayor MeClymont and three past mayors Vu. P. MeCaffery, Fred Stork and 8S. M. Newton, a: fudge Young, A. M. Manson, M.P.P., and Major McMullit | MeGregor, V.G., and Inspector Ackland of the Mounte: pjiee The ladies were welcomed by Mrs. McClymont. ' ed men were drawn up at attention on the platforn party had been introduced to the members of the . mmittee by H. MeCall and George MeNicholl, th ner of whom had gone up the | = — | meet them, the Governor | | veterans and chat-| for a few moments.) ‘fan hour later a reception | vas held the Exhibition Build- | Mayor MeClymont with an and Prince s were presented to he Duchess by little Margaret ty nd to Lady Dorothy by ss MeMullin. ie Governor address ¢ yeieoine the reception had seats on the plat ind there was a large and siast crowd present. The Governor’s Speech. : to the address the ernor said: \s the representative of ing ive the honor to thank 1ddress presented my lweh priviler: His Majesty of thi lovalty i Wii pe and devo the a strongel When th saw th one of Empits pos! eve bpepore, ime to a close we neient dynasties of Europe com: ! ne to the whil ps the most notable feature ghout the Empire the spontangou Mpressions of devotion to His jesty In the metropolis, th stinctively turned t and their on King one cry echoed through it the Empire, AL this ground, was and i is Palace want George His Excellency the Governor. ‘especially during the times whet moment throughout) things looked blackest and whet Thew Arrival in the City Inspeech in reply to an address of welcome The Duke men- but that there was need of unity of action to complete the work. vel p the growth of a sound pub- l lie opinion that its influence can s brought to bear. Glorious Scenery. “We have today travelled through the most glorious seen- '‘lery it has ever been my privilege to witness. I able to see and hear something of the im- See potential value in various | industries, have been agriculture, mining and many others ‘with which you are all familiar. -| The opportunities and the assets iwhich we timber, fishing, possess are enormous, jbut after all none of these assets are of the slightest value unless the capacity of turning them to the best use and advantage. At this very moment the whole world is confronted with a condition’ of affairs never before known. For the best part of five years the best brains and intelligence have be solely employed for the pu poses of destruction. While trave'ling, Twas told that your jspruce here was indispensible for the manufacture of aeroplanes, which were also used for destruc tiom. We cannot afford any longe: ihe further destruction of life, of material and of time. We must ti al construction and it is for every one of us to see in what direction we can best handle mors work, Not Permanent. Kxpedients and _ palliatives cannot improve economic ocial. conditions permanently. There are only twe ways to do it, by economising our resources and increasing production. We can all contribute in these directions and it is solely by economy and vork that we shall be able to inake up for these five years 0! uction, HU realize what our duty is with the same foresight and discrimination as what our duty desti we now, we realized was to look forward to the future with ,Jequal confidence. Canada sentially a country of faith. is es. Her { and during the war, we shall be abie| | i i | Special via G.T. P. Telegraphs.) OTTO RULER Charies at Head. ne. G, W. ¥.' A: Speeial via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) ihe Government. Geneva, Sept. 21.—A Budapest uisateh says that'a movement i TRANSFER ALLIES’ on foot in Hungary to restore th: monarchy with the former Areh OBLIGATIONS INTO duke Joseph as leader. If th ‘ powers still refuse to allow the} TERM SECURITIES Archduke to accept the erovwn it} a is proposed to make Otto, eldest gotiations, it is announced, son of Former Emperor Charles ll be shortly under way for the kine of Hungary. ransferring of the Allies’ obliga peti ttiininllttindpeieana lenin ions te the United States into This it is |REJECT PROPOSAL TO. j'vrs-time securition, The i i | NBUTRALIZE FIUARE ore or tne countries that nae time securities een engaged in the war and will ‘ 4) also help to restore the depreci- President Clemenceau Spoke for — | Two Hours in Support of Peace Treaty. T. P. Telegraphs Paris, Sept. 26. It is reported that President Wilson has reject d the proposal for international-| with its and | railways. | Premier two he GERMANY INSISTS ON EQUALITY AT (Special via 6 izing Fiume doeks (Special via G.T.P, Telégraphs.) spoke fi Berlin, Sept. 27. Thé Govern- of}ment will likely refuse passports Deputies yesterday in support of|to German delegates to the Inter- the Peace Treaty, declaring if the |national Labor Conference at chamber refused the ratification|Washington next month it would make the treaty an ‘in-|the delegates are guaranteed ad- strument of death to Franee,|mission to fhe conference on i while otherwise it would sedan thatie of absolute equality. life and resurrection of the ecoun- try. Clemenceau urs in the Chambet unless \ILSON THREATENS — Ottawa, Sept. 26.—Colonel J. A.|dent Wilson has threatened ar ‘ rrie of North Simeoe has giver notice of motion in the House of|in holding Fiume without an _——— ATY THEATRE WORKERS -_ | DECIDE 10 STRIKE) | 3!."5 Se." botasnn Special via G. T. P. Telegraphs. terms of the peace treaty as com- Paris, Septs 2 7.—The Federa- pletely inaceceptable, objecting ition of Theatre Workers has de- particularly to arrangements be- cided on a general strike involy. |iween Bulgaria, Serbia and jing seventy concert and music| (Gpeece. wonto, Sept. 27.—Writs have ios Phi issued against J. H. Fynn, dent of the United Veterans Would Restore the Monarohy in rm : ene eG mea sue or ailerer Sianaer o , Hungary With Son of Emperor > “ WwW. V. A. officials, to the effeet that was in the pay of ated currency in several countries, | LABOR CONFERENCE economic boyeott if [Italy persists Commons {That a general am-jagreement having been reached nesty be granted soldiers under-jameng the Powers. going imprisonment for military offences committed “during the BULGARIA OBJECTS war. : THE GOVERNOR Keel Laying Also Taking Piace This Afternoon at the Shipyard. the Duke of Devonshire was the guest of honor this afternoon at a luncheon given by the Cana- dian Club at the Prince Rupert Hotel. Judge Young presided and there was a large attendance. Excellency gave an inter. address and at the close vas thanked by resolution. This afternoon the keel is being | of the first steamship to be : Lat this port. Practically ive | whole city is out for the great ent and the weather is ides: | iis sting BRITISH COMPANY _ PROPOSES TO CARRY ORE BY AEROPLANE (Special via G.T.P. Telegrapns.} Mazatlan, Sept. 27.—There is a proposal here to use aeroplanes for conveying supplies to the | mines and carrying hack the ore to the coast. Most of the mines here are located in the mountains oo 30 to 300 miles from tue |coast and the cost of transporta- tion on the, backs of burros is ery high, slow and uncertain. | It is at present impossible to \ Jhowever, had it not been for th ver in ) aX . a spl noid support which they» “ ; * «ae ka ig CK d fram th who perfor aie f Peas had to remain at borae, and fren Chester Outing Picture { ° the women of Canada ana tei Se i ity of Pri ce Ru t : ie mane he ¥ an hen cera sen a . ari per eeers Mutt and Jeff Comedy SALE < RE the war, wo will have : B For D i OF Lots never again will it be possibi Two Shows - 7 and 9.15 elinquent Taxes uch an outrage to be perp: Admission, 35c and 15c ‘ Pon In the grea conference i : . t 200 Lots will be Paris, steps have been taken M P R E S ; = ered by public auetion which we all trust will lead & 'N THE Cc such eonditions throughout | } . i { itv : ew Show Tonight ( WALL world that mever aga wil } ee A, have wat Arinies may aeco VIOLA DANA epicm PY plish mueh, governments muy IN 4 complish mueh. but after all the \ “T R qd” ; @t 10 am. course. of ovents tn. directa: VIAVAV SP he Only oa 4 , ~ the people and it is for everyone - os Eoin ot of us, individually to tak« ; not oh sale can be ee cond ‘a “uy park ii ein ae ¢ Houd'ni”--- The Master Mystery” the eu she i oo ‘ iv 7 | Collector's vod Leiping that peace tch from Brussels King Albert and Queen Wlizabeth will leave for the United States Gave HeneayY Comepy ° w aad ere oa lasting According to a desps here one month, At the American Embassy to Brussels, however, it was said the ; co Provan VANCE, Tea aa ee t potent| September 22, and will stay Me ; not been made public, Cardinal Mercter will leave for the United States Sep | imaisaice 1S 0 “SuPer and Collector Puniie opinion is the re - . rn date of departure for Ame we = a de Watchter, bis auxiliary bishop, and Professor de Wulf. They will remain - ade Snr. . ° aeko of 4 ase ’ g2ove 4 : Z . ’ eon fact r of all th a tar ite tember 2 in company with eae ee the King and Queen Bitzabeth in America. human actions and it is to de in America two months. It be 88 meet