-3 tior.al Railways and the lumber-1 Prince Rupert Daify News Thursday, November 8, 1951 ing lndurtry-ls everywhere Edson New Boom Town Alberta Optimism Voiced by Mayor Of Growing Community Banker to Clergyman In a humorous talk at yesterday's weekly luncheon of the Frince Rupert Gyro Club, Rev. Even the eown police paw by th diunk unless they annoy! other peop'e. 1 ERTCrtT PROSPECTS ' That casual approach to life may not last long. Ed -on district may gricn have: 1. A mulii-silll'im dollar wood j pulp plant at, Yates, seven miles Mrs. J. Cormery is leaving on the Prince George Thursday night for Vancouver where she Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blckle and Jack and Howard Brott returned to Burns Lake by car yesterday after attending the funeral of the late R. B. Skinner. Mr. Blckle is a cousin of Mr. Skinner. Miss Margaret Blckle, who is visiting with Mrs. Sikinn-er, will be . returning to Burns Lake in a week's time. Jack Skinner returned to Van- eeuw on Tuvsday morning's plane aftr attending the funeral here ot his brother, trw late R. D. Skirmer. . J'am? Sadler, of provincial welfare department, after being here for a 8ew days on official j m- mess, returned today by plane i to Vancouver. aion 1 plans to make her future home. Noel Jones, who left Prince EDSON, Alta. 0 Mayor W. H Canon Basil 8. Prc?kter revealed O H II I I O I Rjpjrt about three months ago to visit the prairie province3, returned by the Prince George that he had had a banking Kankewitt waved his arm expan-care-r in his native England be- sively over his prosperous town, fore he took up the ministry and ! "We'ie not a boom town like that he had .fluit banking of his ' Edmonton," he said. "I hope we ,,n the Canadian Legion Ladies' Auxiliary ! oJ Inn rA 1 -fi. . yesterday. He was also in Vancouver, where it becamj neces to the northeast. 2. A reopened cement plant vbotit 14 miles away. 3. A brick-making Industry, based on nearby clay deposits which could end Medicine Hat's A berta monopouy on buff-colored bricks. Best estimate Is that these three firms, if present plans go own accord. He served as a i..ver win be. tneii" .iiii aim ica vv truiienuiiv ill 1'rrnmn i n Bat for a'l that Edson. 1.951 junior clerk with Barclay's Bank sary to receive surgical treat -. ( J ulian Legion auditorium, the president, Mrs. ment, after which he had a few ! in his native Norwich before in population by this year's census estimate, may well turn out weeks in Vlctoila. being transferred to a country ' j V, L-iirwincii nuinc i,.jtj JJIR'SLS. It inI t vi'lage? He told of the conditions to be 1 ,,-tivi' lace cloth and (Continued on aage 4 under which h? operated in that j half way between Edmonton phase of his career. i a-d Jaipsi, Alta., this steadiiy- 300" Ciora ( Cjronp j-rattiid Carols MONTREAL, Nov. 8th If you have -hod-age chilitren, yon have extra irasnn to reach enthusiast-irally for DEXTOCILUN Tooth Powder. For in i-mr text, ammuj whnol children, thi penicillin tooth powiler reduced tooth deny bb'c b times th: reduction reported for a famous university's nmmmvttrH formula And in each year of the test, 3 out of every 5 childrtn using Dentocilhn developed no new caviti.-s. (Memrie "cavity rale'' is to be sub-divisional non-cm-missiom.d oflicer at Prince Itu-psu under the iiew Royal On-ldian Mounted PoU:e set-up which is bdi-.g established hero, arrived in the ctly on Tuesday night's train fvom Prince George II v.aT about f ix years after Stow.ng town i3 the only sizable World War I that Canon Prock- j -til3ment between those betlJT-t a- had had his banking cxper- known ce. It has added alienee and he had found among to its peculation in 10 returning service men at that yars a growth insul.ed by no time an aftermath of turbulent, tmKle factor, rebellious and bitter ideas. Ten-1 N-w industrial expansion ctency, he felt, had been to give ! seems likely to double Edson 's th se men too little resnonsibil- Population within a few years. I ' 1 Christmas carola are the cen irse rv minr-munia giaccu . ..'p al which the pour- Wallace, .Mrs. W. . --'is M J. Simpson. fe-mr and tea was con- i .1 Wolstenholme. ...2 nr the tea were .jilinibronk. Mrs. V. Dun- C Strand, Mrs. P. ,m ai Mrs. H. Burrow, rmrnJ the tea wene v (j.iu Mrs. Barker, and I v.n- Mrs. J. S. Black tre of activity of the Three Hi ' - ! to assume his duties. Mrs. Slew-art will be arriving from Prlnci Jecrge later. ' "i 7 iMMi'ntr w,.t...,t '-hi'rfi: ahout 1 a year.) Sin.." tun uiiL-ueiu aclioii ol penicillin lasts up to 24 hourj, Dentocillin a effective with just morning and evening bni-diini. But children (find adults) must use Dentocillin. reffulnrly ior full bem hi. Taotes wonderful. Heally cleans teeth. 75c lor 3 montlw' supply. I nugirest you try Dentocillin, right away. . FRF.E1 . . . Here's a handy household gadget I know you'll enjoy Wrlsht Davles retuned to the itiy and after World War II there "Whei-a will we find the money recmM a simitar tendency. He to expand our services as the Hundred Club choral group these days. Tuesday night choir leader Ray Sahlen introduced the group to the four parts of a popular carol, drilling soprano, contralto, tenor and bass sections- separately and luter having them sing together. wondered if this was not the twn grows?" Mayor Kankewitt w having! A plastir hnkiT to mix up those bubbly, rX?f1 foaming OVALTINE ririrla your youngrtets love so -3jS3l kl 1 I Vinn,,Ut,Hni-.Hi(vl wrong policy. Would the effect, asKs' city on the Prince George yes-tsrc'.sy from Vancouver where he has teen in Shauhnessy Military Hospital for the past lour months. Mr. Davies reports that James N. Kelly is now in Edson, toon after the turn of not be better if greater respon-libility was expected for the sake all concerned? the century, was a staging point on the old Grande Prairie trail Ovaltine, shaken up with rold milk for a tasty, tall f" and whoh-some drink! And the kiddies will love these W sliakers, too! Bright red t.nd blue plastic decorated 4f j l"c UUIU" w 1 c Pi-esIJc-.it Don Forward pre- ! Pand Pce River country. The rail- We over the luncheon The choir has been practising Shauahnessy Military Hospital for six weeks and is beginning fallowing a recent stroke and to ' take shape" as a musical would be preatly cheered If he ( team, ascordin? to Mr. Sahlen, j could hear f.-om old friends her?, who Is confident that, as the i with big pictures of cowboys or cowgirls, uere now to net vmrt . . . For each ihaker limply send your (jij f 1 Homo and addreu and the aluminum teal from jnsiif . lid of jvur Otaltint tin to - Ovaltine, Dept. 12, Peter- horoiurh, Ontario. . . P.S. State nether you want cowboy or cowgirl Ovaltine Shaker Mugl waj jiu, it, un A viiiiaiieill, ing. But Ed,on retains its frontier i guests were L. E. Cuthbcitson ar.U Sjt. T. A. Stewart. Next Wednesday the club wl'l bp having an evening business session. tlavor. Mackinaws, ski caps and Cowichan Indian sweaters are Dame Fashion has a brand new if F BiUermun acted as .-'t. k -:i ' f.H'tivfly decorated j , i, offered a lovely ij i i - r t ai ray of choice . 'c or the fancy work n Mrs. I). Gomea and gfHH'ii: at the woollen ,,, Mrs. J. Ritchie and g Marshall; the candy l ; w Rothwell and Mrs. vn the novelty booth, jhA .iciman: of the sewing i'l-s W Croxfo.-d and Aljd'bipiiie. . ct !ie home cooking I n T. Fallant and J I ' vh. ,'( ut I he raffles was ders season progresses, the number turning out for practices ViH grow. There were 12 present ati Tuesday night's practice at the' Civic Centre, j Hate To Get t In The Morn-cn fs itig? I know I r do when it's a iJdL. . ', - -1 rolH OTPV dnv . rea lorma! garb in winter. Talk of :-hj two activities which keep Edson alive the Canadian Na- i'Tu 1ut one I buy ahd sell anything of falitA Kn it fiifnitura Mrs The choir is only one of the ' ' t IiniKr it. a tvuavM bag of cciouv-trirka up her sleeve for fall and winter . . . and GOTHAM GOLDSTKIPE hopiery colours are keeping rijiht up with her ! Yen. for A'ul WiLomes ers cheers me ' Up Ule Three HUndrPi art'y.itlr,i boats! etc. If you are In need ' OC ' CIUD. Qf &ny f urnlture or olher ltpms 'y' f ana gets. ne contact J. H. Mair at Green 400, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. J. H. M-iir, FROTHY PROBLEM (203c) I.CIfDON r Of ficlals are con- Auctioneer. Outstanding quality has made Salada Canada's largest selling tea. YOUR GIFT SHOP has lots n i a i Out ii. r, .' ider rig whether th? present brimming invatur? on beer glasR-es shou'd be chunked to a line of everything and just about ,8i j ,1 ,1 s of the auxil-.sorlal evening Two new members were wel-?omei at the monthly meeting of the Ladies' Aid of First Presbyterian Church which was hld Ti?ccday nlcht at the Manse. The .resident, M,s. William Brem-.ir, was In the chair. Flavis vere c-mpleted for ths fall ba-?ar which will be held November 15. At the elos? of the just b''lov; TOTEM POLE GIFT everything The too An official, imt '"K;Pp!?.B S SHOP. 211 Sixth Street. tltc, u i ii nimaica ov ine ill report tald that ' slopping g ;.r I lie raffle p. izes. of th prizes weie as appal foreign visito.s." , m s.O.N. whist drive and dan-te, Friday, November 9. 203c) out oi oea m a humr. That's "CREAM OF Y 1 1 K AT" for breakfast ! Yes, you'll find that wonderful-tasting, smoo-oth-as-velvet 5 Minute 'CVeam of Wheat" is a real eye-duener. And there's not long to wait Iwfore you sit down to enjoy it, for 6 Minute "Cream , of Wheat" takes just five minutes of boiling to cook to full diuestibil-ity even for babies! It's to goo(l and so good for you . . . for it provides Iron for good red blood and Calcium and Phosphorue for diets deficient in these el-inents That's why I recommend a "Cream of Wheat" breakfast' for all the family beginning j ai breakfast tomorrow! Here a Something that will do eheer delipht and to thrill any woman (glamour giri or grandma) . . . I've never wen anything to equal t he beau t if ul G ot Imin cast ot colours! Soft shades of rey pale, pale browns and gentle beia;e to complement the new autumn greys, browns, blacks and blondes. You'll love these beautiful Gotham nylons ... so cobweb- , sheer yet alrong us can be . . . they're a very practical investment in beauty! Next time you buy hosiery, ak for Gotham Gold Stripe nylons you are always sure of the best with Gotham Gold Stripe. On sale at all better stores. MANY RIVERS tomatoes and! meeting delicious refreshments In nil Its rivers. Brazil possesses Hcme-srown i h ( I table cloth 27,318 miles of navigable water- strawberries are both sources of i were served by the hostess, Mrs I ur.inbie, Jr , ticket No. ttays vitamin C, or -ascorbic acid. e. A. Wnsht I i.ish -Marl? Richards, -i of coal, donated by t t ( iffi ry Ltd won P Ci iv Icy. No. 1814. aoout every iusi louaecleaning job tK i.;i:nper won by K. U. k Nu. 411. ran won were: I Mis A. A. Sheardown. CITY OF. PRINCE RUPERT Couit of Revision Re Municipal Voters' List OTiCE is hereby given that a Court of Revi Miuir.'d Dowsley. yuu can iiunK oi from washing windows to waxing floors! It's that grand C-I-L SPONGE! There's a handy . siie ior every purpose and it's such a "wonder" if Apple? -Mrs. Beattie Vi N N Mr. D in'on Pallant !jAi ;iti"r- Mel Holkes- ''loth and Runner Set ly. sion to correct and revise the Municipal Voters' Lrsv vM be held in ths Council Chamber. City Hall, Prince Rupert, B.C., on Thursday, November 15th, 1951, ot 10:00 a.m. Folks Are Surprised when they taste this instant coffee! It's to good the flavour's there and the body and the real lift. No wondfr even-one's talking about INSTANT CHASE 6 SANBORN COFFEE! Just try it T I know you'll set a rfal kick out of (Aft "instant"! That's berause it's made by real coffee people. There are eighty-five years of coffee-inaking ejrperienee behind it to make it as full-bodied and flavour-ful a tup of coffee as you've ever t tasted! For your between-choreS cup of coftee tomorrow try Instant Chase & Sanborn. You can make ne or ten cups at a time to there's no waste. lluJnif to work with! Its snunce shape gets inlo comers to get out dirt. And it's velvet-soft when wetr- kind to your hands and your finest furniture. fdeu( for damp dusting and perfect for washing walls, windows and woodwork I TIhw are just a )cw of the reasons why I couldn't houseeleaa without a C-I-L cellulose Hponge neverai, actually -to help mef Try a mop made of C-I-L Sponge, too so easy for cleaning floors and walla. , , , , R. W. LONG, City Clerk '. ytnalton i 'd to priesthood In the I Church last Sunday iou Ml Be Like The While Rabbit in Walt Disney's picture, Montagu S. Young, of t Inli -t Mission. Service, I by Rt. Rev. J. B Glb- '("k piare at St. An-Ihedriil tiere In nssoeln- AVE 50 on (uei bills with the new improved patented "BOOKER" nme in nonuemiul". tie rashod around grttinis nowhere fast, (houtingr "I'm ktc, I'm late." No need for you to be late where desserts are concerned. No imleeil, not when vou know how to save lots and lots of kitchen time with JKI.L-O PUDDINGS. Nourishiim, tempting Jell-0 Pudding dishes re so iimple and quick. You'll be amazed at how fast you ran prepare this delicious dessert Scotch Apple Pudding: Prepare Jcll-O Butterscotch Pudding according to package directions, but add 1 cup dioed apples to the Duddinir while cook-inir. Cool, aturuic i the ' morning Holy I on rlebration. t-i'ii S. Prockler. as ex- Copyriiht Walt Disney Productions occasionally, tmd turn into bowl. Serycs 5 or 6 tl i fchuji'.a'n lo the bishop, Rev. Young. Rev. H. G. I Peler's Church, Seal I i a.ssMed In the f 't-muiiy. Rev. Prockter the fermon. v $ mug. a retired buslness- Folder showing 4 models of BOOKER heaters or furnaces free on request at family a rfc Take Up Badminton This The Folk$ in your "Tops" . . . and 1 a tt f ' ' ! KIND OF SOFTNESS W4 Winter i ... a wonderful idea, you think, until after the first game, when sore muscles complain .is llr.it ordained 14 you can phow them you think so by giving them- special rr-PAttt fit. meal Island City Builder's Supply ?o and since then has ihaice of the Masset time 8. A n d 4 with every move Phone Blue 820 I a I 503 MWMe Street Lra you make! But which Includes Old Mafset, Juskatla, Port f and Tlell. Dleaje don't give ud vour badmin &.1ciJ - ' mmm mmm - J j li . i i3SE3 CENTURY i - m iiiMi i j. r.TTx an w am kv ixn vtsn mm mi III. Out. (P; Mrs. Harry! "its just celebrated her Fn.1 5at.tr f; May at the horn of her wlieu I say special I don't mean something that will make your budget red-faced! I mean something good and economical like C oli ten Corn M u tfina or ho! , crust v Corn Bread made with QUAKER CORN MEAL the corn meal made by experts. Try it in doxens of dishes it's a truly versatile food . . . and much better than bread or cracker crumbs for breading oysters. lish or cutlets. Ask your grocer for Quaker Corn Meul tomorrow. You'!! find three family-plensing recipes on the package for Muffins, Corn Bread and delicious Hasty Pudding. X I I ton! Just be sure to have a bottle of SLOAN'S LINIMENT handy.; All you do is pot it on and ita soothing, penetrating heat brings' almost instant, welcome relief from muscular aches and pains. And Sloans is just as effective in relieving the pain of rheumatism nd neuralgia ... a good thing to' know with cold winter just around, the corner! You'll be pknnuitly surprised by the price of Sloan's . . . just. 50c for the small-sized: bottle 90e for the large. 1 'f '. neiir this eastern On-f' ii. Mrs. cioss is In re-m good health despite her MEN'S PYJAMAS NYLON HOSE Claudia Pinza 'pares Blue Bonnet i Loves It Best! YAMA STRIPES Soft and warm. Full cut. Well made. All sizes n stock Baby Can't Crow Big And Strong without your help . . . nor without ' ALL PERFECT STOCK New fall and winter shades. 51 quaae, 15 denier. 4.50 Evening sheer quality. Full fashioned cradle foot. me iieip oi oauy-iooa experia iik? flcinz. Yes, Heim takes care to see that your baby is well and wholesomely fed from the age of just a few months to several ye.trs. Firsi came Heinz P re-Cooked Cereals then HEINZ STRAINED BARY FOODS . . . meat food products, soups, vegetables and desserts, all pre-cooked to wit baby's taste and 1.49 Sizes 8V2 to 1 1. PAIR : 0 CHENILLE BATHROOM SETS Attractive colourings. Good quality, thick set chenille. Mat and Toilet cover. M QJ Values up to 7.95 SPECIAL Tt"" Plaslic Shower Curtains 72" x 72" and on pair curtains to match, grummets in shower curtain, all ready to hang. ri,.ii0 n frilled and neatly finished. tummy. And, when your RfMI.-r in max a little older, HEINZ JUNIOR FOODS become a snocinl part of hie dier. Ynur dealer has them all -for you ... all the Horn f teds made specialty for babies. Ask for them! You know they're good because they're Ilcmfct - . YOUNG MEN'S Vcol Gabardine Slacks B'ack, Navy, Ore-jn, Teal. Smart cut. Pleated. Zip fastening. A Sizes 30 to 36 PAIR J.Tt'' Plastic Collage Sets COMPLETE SET FOR AVERAGE WINDOW Pmart new designs. 4 QQ SET L0V SNUGGLE DOWN PYJAMAS SOFT AND WARM ' Ski style pants, pullover top. Assorted shades. Q O Sizes, Small, Medium and Large .... w W C 'I Can't Mention Thit "Buyvord" Too Often ... for I know you'll be glad to hear about it if you suffer from corns or', 1 calhimi. Phcnylium is the new wonder ingredient in . P "fJ HIA'K-JAY Cora anil Callus Plasters. It's the happiest j fTS news in 71) years for folk who suffer the p-u-i-n-fttlneaB V j of corns and callusc--! it took 10 years of scientific re-'. " W rch by Blue-J:iy to develop Phvnylium. It works) J i' ( 33 faster and is effective in 51 of the cases tested. ( C;. r 'or y"r r"rn or callu worries, just buy Blue-Jay I I Corn and Callus Planters with Flievfytium and end your 1 J troubles! ' Shower curtain and window curtains. I rin-url'i FTK SFf for if11 mvitntiim fmm r-i.,.J;. rAr'i No Suck Thing At A "Pre Shrunk" Dollar bat I've found ', a way to a-t-r-e-t-c-h ciuic. It's io secret ... I ! tuit mv 4nlt., Kill. ,k . ...11.. r-i..t ' ' ' 41 K J.I LADIES' BLACK WOOL GABARDINE STRIDES Extra good value for this quality. Nylon AccSafe Curtains Tailored style. Tvory shade. Substandard. Impet fed ion, will pass unnotifced. Regular quality rolls for 8 95. W?5 r "iwre Km ir Honnkt Mur. siiiwid at, an;? prim. 1 "eiT.i( tmtr, daughter, , f " Ku-k HoNNftr'. 7nh I i'-li nutrition I Heal 1 ' I'-1'' -"'WNKTimiiie quality "B miiiTOrin. I'ae Bl.UB 5 IT ';' vefteMilen, as i.'! iWnilll-CH,! , - I'lavorl Nutrl- i'"'Nvi-;1' Mnrnarine is sold in r V "'B'tlar economy piu k-. ""! wafer, and alo in the .V Ciu"t baK ft, process called Personal Plnnmwj! This BANK 1 OF MONTREAL svttem of budnet-eontrol really makes your money go farther buy more. Ii the lui?h cost of living seems to be shrinking your hard-earned jcllnre, cive them that Fe-innnl Plntimng treavnn-ut ! Before very long you'll be nieetinpj today's hiuh prices and out t ma money flannelette Diapers Extra good quality, mads up In seal?d package ready to use. O QQ ONED02IN 12.50 Well tailored, good fitting. 12 to 18 SPECIAL, PAIR 4.95 Size 41" X 81" l?l P. PRICE m the bank. too. It's a grand way to get vour finances well in hawj hv, ( uistmasione! Ask for your free copy of the buokiei. ' fE,r(.iAi. PLANNING ". at joiir neighborhood branch of the BofM today. . w SET