rlc Prince Rupert Daily News "handover i . Hangover' Lodges Urged for Drinkers n THE oL ETTERBOX wty of reducing :u arMng from Friday, August 24, 1P51 uau utK( it-tiy on fi. -it.n i ! "4 "mic Lou w. . An Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association G A. HUNTER, Managing Edi'or. H. O. PERRY, Managing Director , -.- SUBSCRIPTION RATES: nyjrc, d v. umiau oars lud w it- should provide some way of "K u" sob('i' getting the elbow-bender back ' Bl'lo serving a on his feet, says W. A, Schaffen-1 barte"cll'r would" ask ; berg, executive secretary of thejm?. he was driving'-, International Temperance Asm- 11 tne ""suit i, ," elation. !'-, Bcrutrffenben. Editor, Daily News: We stand in perfect ac:ord in the last paragraph of your editorial of August 22, on Parks. And 1 further agree that Totem Park should be renamed Aider Park in honor of its founder, and that its bolder should be By Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c- Per Year, , $8.00; By Mail, Per Month, 75c; Per Year. $8.00 I t(-"Uer should u.ti i J In an interview here he said and keep a i r f the bars should provide the a man has iinhiuV'i facilities for getting a man 'llama, he sh,Z 1 18 Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. Published every afternoon except Sunday by " !"- imngover lot! f fur i.,, I j decorated by planting alder and mountain ah trees. But how i are we to develop parks if we j dispossess ourselves of natural lark sites and lands. Roosevelt Pa.'k is the object- AAai e nnrl Dah.' f Lilt iviciidai.u uuya v.101 FOR DRESS AND W0R I Ive of a drive not for park pui poses but for a real estate j venture, for profit. Buch an un-! dertaking I will oppose to my Inst breath of life. Roosevelt j Fark area is a natural setting aj j was recognised by the OTP de-; signm and town planners. I As it overlooks the harbor, the I pa. k places in full view to all lovers of nature's work of art I the beautiful miniature island ! harhnr. With driveways rpady made, a free gift to our people fell N-3 Daughters Found WHEN I got home from Saskatchewan I found a most interesting bunch of letters waiting for me. Many vt them are in answer to my query for names of firms featuring father and daughter partnerships, rather than the usual John Smith and Sons. FIRST to arrive was from J. Weir reporting "John James and Daughters" They are phatosraphrrs at. Second Ave. East, Owen Sound. Ontario. Next was a card from N.M.. which says: "I just returned from the town of Midhurst in Bussyx i England i. One of the chemists has his sign over the shop thus: "Blank and Daughter." Blank is not his name, which I forget. But it was new to see "and Daughter" on a sign so I remembered." Seeing Is Believing MEM'S St'lTS All wool. Perfect "Stand still, mister we'll get through!" RATS Of Other Days and Circumstances let us protect it and develop H, as our ratepayers have dlrect?d us to dj. Regarding Algoma Park as a ball Held, all 1 see there is a Dog-hole. If it ever serves as a ball ground, the ground Will have to be imported, and Including drainage, the cost will be By M. E. ANDERER) PART III fit Now $35 to $43.15 MEN'S IiAHAKDINB COATS -Good styles. All sites Now $25.00 MEN'S AND YOt.NU MEN'S PANTS Well tailored. 500 pairs to choose from. . Nuw Sclllni J7.S5 to $14 00 MEN'S WORK PANTS -All hvavy material. Oood fit. Nuw $4.2$ to $5.00 WORK SHIRTS Full cut ... big selection Nuw to $3.50 MEN'S IlENIMS Heavy weight, full cut Now $4.00 pair KVr The battalion was holding the front line on Hill This year we have already 60 and the particular section was "the snout." The spent over two thousand dollars distance from the German front line was a mere 30 Taxd man u"?" JOSEPH L. SMITH writes from; Kimberley, B.C., reporting an- yards, and when the eneillV is SO close, one is always years gone by. Now we are be- New Routes Are Old WITH all the various development projects in force in British Columbia the problem of transportation is more and more being solved. With the aid of air surveys, possible ground routes are easily discernable and a tremendous saving of time is the result. ; One surprising development is in connection wjth the proposed road from Terrace to Kitimat. According to the Omineca Herald which in turn quotes a report of the deputy minister of mines in l(l9, the newly proposed route was probably in use a thousand years ago. I The belief is that an offshoot of the Haida Indians established themselves at Kitimat and later moved overland and settled at Kitselas on the Skeena River. ! At the time of the Yukon gold rush the route was used to cany mail to the interior. Later it was surveyed through as another terminus to the railway (Grand Trunk Pacific). Considerable work was done commencing in the winter of 1907-08 to make a proper tote road, and a small stretch of right-of-way was built or cleared at the Skeena River end. ; Only a low divide in a plateau-like area separates the Lakelse and Kitimat watersheds but apparently ground surveying northward from Kitimat won't be easy. A provincial government survey party which went into the area in June, 1949, reported that it realized movement in the Kitimat valley must be planned like a military invasion. To reach the proposed control camp on the Little Wedeene River, they planned to use the Kitimat River. It was swift, muddy, and filled with boulders and log-jams. The up-stream trip took eight hours and 10 shear-pins (in the outboard motor) ; the rUwn-stream journey took 55 minutes. River travel at, varying heights of flow was so unreliable and dangerous that a trail was commenced through the green hell of swamp, bush and muskeg of the west bank. cther surh firm this time a'so , n . mi i . i- lnS urged to abandon the whole with two daughtres j very much on the alert. This section of our line was uiing. 'Rnu Millpr nnH Tin ni Vitfirc" fill t hp niitsirlp lm nf a orAtvr that had been made when ' The majority of people now MEN'S UNDERWEAR All kinds. Union suits . $1.75, MEN'S DRESS AND WORK SOCKS By best C, makers Nw m, the Germans blew up a mine some time previously eaeS the hui climb. To many in an attempt to get control of the ridge. are guides and outfitters, at Ta Ta Creek, which is fiftepn miKs northeast of Kimbirley on Highway 95. which runs to Radium and Banff. All sizes. the bus company for him. The exritemr-nt ticn. Just think of Vancouve.- MEN'S RCBIiEK COATS Well tailored. Now . They had failed .owing to tha stubborn defence put up by the Hers is a real top notch family waS over. And we relaxed in without its Stanley Park. In firm sign. It is in gold letters on , battalion holding the line. At aughter : years to come, Roosevelt Park BOYS' CLOTHES AT REAL VALUES the ground floor of the YMCA the bottom of the crater there Some time later mv fellow ser will be to Prince Rupert what building in Halifax, Nova Scotia ! . Stanley Park is to Vancouver to- was a small pond into which geant returned. The boys are and reads. BOYS' GABARDINE PANTS - shades, well tailored. 6 to 1 drained the seepage of the rains having an argument about arith- Ttn nil V, .... . , .,. vu ! ...H a. know v.. . u Mi "6' uu -" Now $3 75 1 uiai leu nequciiuy. yvuii win ...p.v. -.. mc . lmp.oved parlcs but plea.se don t -ines uoing a cunsiuciauic - o, e-- try t0 Dreak up Roosevelt Park amount of tunnelling there Was your answer. Here's the question: "T. J. Wallace, Sons and Daughter." Mr. Gorge Smith writes, "My wife recalls with saitisfaction how well the daughter fitted her glasses." BOYS' Al l. WOOL PANTS - 0 Sizes 10 to 14 years Xo BOYS' SCHOOL PANTS Strung GEORGE B. CASEY, Chairman, Parks Board. If you want to sell It, advertise always the possibility that if the ! If it takes a sergeant a bayonet 1 tunnellers cam.- too near the j thrust and three bullets to kill j surface the water might drain a rat, how much ammunition awav ouicklv and so it was our I would be required to kill a Otr- Bl.cs 4 to 18 Now 8J.JS 1 Mrs. Edward Loney writes that several years ago, while walking j duty l0 keep an eye on tne man?" through the market building at jwater level. At the same time j Rats! HOYS' DENIMS Heavy w.'Wit. Nuw SEE rp FOB . . . Hoists, All-Steel Dump Bodies. BOYS' WINDISREAKEBS All Wool. All sizes. Aim nw Westminster, sr.e cair.o on v,e WPre 0n the lookout for any this sign, I other sism that might indicate "Cooper and Daughters." j the enemy was sapping under-It was a florist stall, where a :n-ath. PRICE Nuw S3.7S w man and two young girls were in On the near side of the crater Machines Now To Pick Hops VANCOUVER For the first HOYS' SCHOOL BOOTS All solid. Sizes 11 to 13 S.zes 1 to 5 i attendant-.;. After a lapse of: several years Mrs. Loney saw the jwe nac. our tront line trench that linked up with the main front fine. In the parapet here same stall carrying on business Nice shades. 2 tfl 6 yean. BOYS' SPORT SIIIRTS-Niiw at Winches. all sizes Heavy and Light Trailer Frames and Wheels. Power Take-Offs. All Certified Operators for high pressure and general welding INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. but the at one soot was a sniping post. "P-P-"B ' "Q in the new market, daughters were alone. This was set into the parapet the Fraser Valley will b? done by with a steel plate, properly ' mechanical devices. The change Moke sure that you are in the right sta Look for the Biq Sign! Scripture JpaASaqe for oday "Unto you . . . which believe he is precious." I. Peter 2:7 WELL It all goes to show that ' ramouflaged. on the outer side. I g0e8 into effect this si ason It An opening for the sniper's rifle ' there really may be nothing hM a, lven wcpks f m. new under the sun. Anyway it .was covered by a small steel 22.T -lnt K. Phone C.rren M4 seemr. to me to be a grand idea. P'aie mat couia be swung to one r"f' ".ZJZ . . . . . Cne man who sent in the name ! side. Then, as an additional a father and daughter busl-; caution to prevent the light hop and 'ave at ' TOUGH PLANT PORTRAITS The central stem of the cab- Films Developed and Printed j bage plant is so woody that it PROMPT SERVICE may be used for making walking sticks. CHANDLER'S STI DIO 2184th Street Box 645 Phone Green 389 Prince Rupert ness firm adds a P.S. which . from shining through, there was , reads: Ian empty sandbag suspended! "How are Indian fakirs on ar- i ff"m the top of the sniper's fir-thritis?" j lng position. I am sorry I can't answer that Dne warm afternoon, in the ore. I wasn't in India long 'en- montn nf June 1918i T Was re. ough to find out many (It the laxing, lying on the checken wire j things most interesting to me' that made the sniper's post I personally. ' ShabUable. Suddenly I heard an ! One young Indian did want to: nusual noise. It sounded like' treat my arthritis. But as he , tihe suctoin of a pump and I barged up to me on the street in immediately associated it with STEAMER Prince Rupert SAILS FOR Mac Constructs mew ueini ana Degan insisting the p-()Sslbility that the enemy in a loud voice that he would had a pump at to kepp I treat me on a "no cure no pay " , frnm fmnriino ..the snns he' basis, he got a bit annoyed when was- digging under our trench, j I listened, and then called an- . Company i declined on the ground that I was too busy with my job to tr him out. Vancouver and Intermediate forts Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Luxury at Low Cost For Reservations other sergeant. He agreed it might be so. Then the sound stopped and we said that if it recurred we would notify the officer in charge of the platoon. I I I HERE is a little bit that I think I forgot to write white out in India. In both India and Pakistan there are a few pensioners The next day the same sound PLUMBING and p HEATING The Reliable and ; Prompt Service You Know PHONE For Repairs and Alterations Smith & Eikins Ltd. P O. Box 274 WILL DO YOUR JOB CHEAPER Roofing . . . Sidirg . . . Alteration! Estimates Gladly Given Black 6G0 Bin : occurred. I called my fellow who served in the Canadian army sergeant and then one of my men, preparing to send for the officer. In looking over the situation I raised the empty sand in the first world war. Don't ask me how they got into our army. It was some sort of flute. Anyway they were in it. Some of Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. bag hanging ovr the sniping them still draw pensions and j post, and there was the solution live in style in their own native and the explanation of the noise. AWAY, RIO ! We're btimiil for the Rio Grande, And away, Rio aye, Rio ! Shir Jut e-ye-zcell, my bonny yowiR gi l, Ivr we're bound for the tfio Grande! For over a century Lamb's Navy , has been the call of those who know good rum Smooth and mellow, it is matured, blended and bottled in Britain of the finest Demcrara Rums. Lamb's Navy Rum ANNOUNCEMENT villages. Not long ago one such pensioner died. His lawyer friend had heard that the Canadian government paid funeral expenses for all pensioners. (So it does, up to very low limit, i So the Indian lawyer did the funeral up in style. He put on a party which lasted three days, and invited the whole village! F.S. Did he get his monjy back from our government? Nay, verily!! A huge rat was performing his ablutions, with the sound of his washing the cause of our dls-tress. I let the sandbag drop and i ached for my rifle. With a strong thrust I shoved the bayonet at the rat. But the tough sandbag carried my thrust upward and the rat was uninjured. Then standing back I fired one shot into the beast. He remained upright. A second shot followed, but he still was erect. A third shot, this time through his head, Tri-Weekly Air Service from PRINCE RUPERT to .VflMJUHM.H.Tm ALL YOUR FAVORITE Terrace Smilhers - Bu JVtffiL ARTISTS Vanderhoof and Prince Georj This Jdvtriistmcni n not puhtiihrd tw de-ptjvcil b tht Liquor txjnifol Board ir b ihc (ntvernmLiii tit Brihvh Columbia Now available on Leaving Prince Rupert Mondays, Wednesdays and We are ready for the back to School Rush... For the MEAL that REFRESHES -DECCA 45's-Rupert Radio and Electric At 3 P M. PACIFIC DAYLIGHT TIME' ARE YOU? FINEST . OF COOKING BEST OF FOOD CENTRAL B.C AIRWAYS Hi FOB TAKE OUT OBDEBS PHONE 200 BROADWAY CAFE 14.1 ? c:t. pi:l Phone Bio 1