f in f: ! Frince Rupert Doiiy iew3 Thui.-Al.iy, December C. Itfil THE EXPERTS HMIICS3 J 1 JOHN H. BULGER (CLOSl'KE TIME 1 a.m. Ml day of publication) Classified Advertising Is payable in advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, 3c per Word per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement. Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE l'RICE. 1 FOR SALE STUDENT HOLIDAY OSLO The Norwegian Stu- j dents' Travel office has invited 150 foreign students to a 12-day i stay in Oslo during the 1952 win- ter Olympics. Only requirements for the visitors, who will be quar-tered at a sports camp, is that j th.'y are members of a recognized athletic association. 'Wings over the Interior' a L lo Terrace daily lo Prince George and Intermediate Points ' Three Days Weekly To Kilimai and Kemano Doily Except Fridays from TERRACE I. B.v- LTD. Crawford Moore, Agent Prince Rupert Terrace Phone Black 907 Phone 133 PLUMBING end HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know PHONE 174 Far Repair!! and Alteration Smith &Elkins ltd. P.O. Box 274 Moving, Packing, Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co, Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Pailt Avenues Est. 1910 Phones UO and G8 : .4. ,,f CARPENTERS fl H of your on uu r pwiMun utMi'li iitv. MfohMiiirully rcuraU joint-ititt. 1i( 1 imc ft m 4 I tri(. r PRECISION SAW FILING 1345 PIGGOrr PEACE Box 10U Stutkm B ' Agent: Bus Terminal Island City Builders John F. L. Hughes, D.C. . CHIROPRACTOR Urs : 10:30-12:30, 2:00-5:00 Eves : by appointment only 21 - 23 Besner Block I'lione Blue 442 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT lames Block 008- 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phonn 317 P.O. Box 314 Colussi's Music Store ARonts for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4tn fit Ph. Black 389 GEORGE R0RIE& CO. ACCOUNTANTS ft AUDITORS Bi sner Blot k Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 204 4! h Street Phone 6"5 WE KENT -TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 QUALITY rtEPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL B.C. MESSENGER For Prompt and Courteous Service Phone 678 2144th Street Proprietors: Ed. Dawes, Sid Alexander Train Schedule For the Fast Daily except Sunday 8 pm. From the Fast , Daily e ept Monday 10:05 p m. MARGARET PHOMJ BLUE 593 P0 BOX !!! KUCTKOLli S;i ;i!es aiid jy-r, R- W. COLLI: Phone Blue wo R rui Kl'IlUlIlf p2Ils. phone or tik TERMINAL M ESSENCE' Phonp cu All delivrics In;;, Phone K STiRr Blue 8'jS alter I Brick, Bionr and Bi Tile Setting ami K, HANDYMf HOME SERV GENERAL COSTB.- liuildliig nnd kmdj roofs - caar oil Brasa piiosa: P.O. Box 1670 MATTSC UHIOLSTEF.:, Phone Blue 121 PC 234- 3rd St Prince Kit:' ; H. G. HELGE" Lffirnj REAL ESTATE Ii 3: Phone M BvoitpB Oil Heatina Se LAWRIE milk Blue 18" Complete service k: burners ar;d,:i:; Stoves. Healer;, S: Eddie's Eeauh Permanents and E, 739 2nd ivt PMONEEH n Anmx,APPL!1 SALES & SERV CAS ... rrVSIir bav pacVfic lec Phone ; t DIUi - Bv CHIC VOL r nwi.V A WK'-a,. "' 'NSliT5-?jATARFPUTiN lonu friit John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue CI Old. E DAWKS AUCTIONEER I'lione Orecn 8M and Kerl 127 Closed for Alterations Wotch for re-opening dote Commodore Cafe HINESE DISHES Chop Sucy - Chow Mein Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 WELDING (iiiveriiment Cerlifieil Operators HiKh Privsure Tanks Itefi iueratiun , Slacks and Eire Escapes INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. 225--JK1 E. Phono Crcen HX4 Jaiforiiifj jor Ladies or.d Gentlemen LING the tailor I : -7 s- Plate The Rebuke Courteous 'J By KOY REX Cnnadlan Press Staff Writer LEEK COMES INTO OWN The leek, an onion-like herb largely ignored by Canadian housewives, has come into its own. Europeans who have brought their culinary skills to Canada are pointing up its value They have created a demand where hitherto none existed. With this demand has come an increase in price. Where once leeks sold for five cents a bunch, now they cost 15 cents and the demand is growing. Leek soup, a favorite dish with the French, is one of the tastiest 0! luncheon treats. Ingredients: Three good-sized leeks; three medium-sized potatoes. Wash leeks thoroughly, making certain to get all the sand from the leaves. Cut off some of the lop out leave oil as much of the green is possible. This gives the soup its ellective green color. Cut off root end and slice in half-inch pieces. Peel and cut potatoes in small chunks. Boil wilh leeks In just, enough water to cover the vegetables when they are pressvd to bottom of pot. When cooked, put leeks and potatoes through .vegetable strainer. The thick soup resulting should be reheated, then served with plenty of salt, and pepper and a chunk of butter. Crusty bread goes well with this di'-'h. SENTIMENTAL NOTE Rose potpourri is for the girl who wants to keep her wedding roses or for any woman who en joys an old-fashioned rose sachet. Pluck petals from rose and spread to dry. Sprinkle well with table salt which draws out moisture and helpi prevent mold. Turn the leaves each day for About three days. When dry and crisp'dredge the petals with red roses sachet. Keep them in a box with the lid on for at least 24 hours, until petals have taken up the sachet. Make bags of four layers of rayon, net of tulle, cut in eight-inch squares. Cut another round size of a teacup, at least two-ply, and place on bottom of sachet square to keep powder from sifting through. Draw up the four corners of the square, tie tightly with ribbon, then round or fringe the corners for decora-I tion. For travelling, make flat pads Jbv folding tulle. For use as hangars in closet, add loops of ribbon for hanging. If all-white petals have been used, add snips ct bright red crepe paper to the leaves for color, as seen through the tulle. CHRISTMAS JINGLE The National Council of Women says there's nothing like a pair of hand-knitted socks to please a man at Christmas. However, better not become too ambitious if you'r planning to betiin knitting Cl.rlstmas gifts now. For instance, you don't have time to make a knitted dress or skirt before Christmas. If you're knitting a jacket or bonnet for a new baby, make it la,.er than his Present size He probably has plenty r- thinks he soon will outgrow. EMINENT ROLE EALING, England Xt A British film company, here, planning a screen biography of the late President Franklin D Roosevelt, expects to assign un English actor to the leading part- PHOTO WRATH ALL'S FINISHING DEVELOPING, PRINTING ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES , Phone Green 136 Box 47J 'PERSONALIZED See our Jarge . selection of Holiday Cards in imaginative designs Dibb Printing Co. KF.SNFR BLOCK RADIO DIAL CFPR 1240 Kilocvciea (Subject lc Change) THURSDAY P M 6:15 Internationiil Comty. 5 Mb John t-ihcr S:M Mu.sical Pribram G:uO t'iinadii nl Wurk 6 15 J.au-y Given ami Orch. G 30 Musical Varu-lles 7 (K) C'HC News 7:15 CllC Nrws H'muiup 7::i0 Kventule 8:00 t'itiwns' Furum 8:40 C'niens' Fiuum News 8 45 RaCio CurUKHis 9U0 ChC Vancmiver Concert Orch. 8:S0 Wlnnipfe! Drama 10 .00 1'BC News Hint f'H' Npw ' 10 15 Ca-si's unci Chases I0.SU To tic Announced 1 1 (10 Weather Keporl anil Sin-ift FRIDAY A M 7:00 Musical Cluck 8:00 C11C News 8:10 Here's Bill Cloud ; 8 15 MnrmhK .Snn 8 :i0 MornliiK Devotions 8 45 l.lltle Coneelt :00 hliC News and Commentary 8:15 Music lor Moderns U :) teunnw Serentuie :50 lorolliy Diunlas Show 9:55 Recorded Interlude 9:5!) Time Sanud 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Harry Wood Show 10:30 This Week's Artist 10:45 Musical Kitchen 1 1 :0O KlnderKurU'n ot the Air 11:15 Rolindufi Time 1 1 :IiO WcHUMir iexl t 11 :n Message f'ei'UKl 1 1 ::i:i Re-colded litU'iltide 11 :45 fejcaiulliiHVuui Mci-Miies PM U 00 Mid -day Melixli 12-15 'I1C News 12:H5 Program Resume ii:30 ,li C' Fai iii Hroaticast 1 2 :55 Recorded Inteilude I 00 Afternoon Concert 1 45 Yuu and H u m ft n Rights Comty. 2 00 National Hclntol Rroudcast 2 30 Records at Random 3 HO Tea Tune Wall tin- StuJ'H 3.15 Musical Program 3:30 Pop Tunes 3:45 bolo GULat CARS FOR SALE 1050 MORRIS Minor. A-l condition. What oners? Phone Green 328 or can be seen 1233 Water Street. (287pi FOR SALE 1931 Prefect, radio, healer, 2200 miles. Contact A. Olson. Red 54. 288pi, 1 ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income J Tt'.x siieciHiist. S. G. KnrK, SUnie BuiidiiiK. Red 503. (20mi j i R. RAHMER ! Fainting, Interior Decorating ; ipertianging Phone Red 110 (291pi GOVERNMENT L1CUOR ACT iHeellon 271 NOTICE Of API'MCATION FOR CON.SKNT TO TKANSPBJt OK LEEK LICENCE NOTICE Is hereby tmen that on the 3rd day o." Oecember next, the un-ciersii'iiect intends to apply to the Liquor Control Ilourri lor cooHeut t) transler of Beer Licence number U270, issued in re.pwt of premises being port ol & bulkiintt known Savoy Hotel, siuuite at. 6ia Frsr i fctreet the city of Prince Rupert. in the Province of British Columbia. upon the lands described as Lots 11. U. 13. 14 and 15. iilocjt 3:1. Section 1. City of Prince Rupert. Map number Prince Rupert Land Registration District, in tile Province ot British Columbia, from Willis. L" Woods to Hart Investments Ltd.. ol 426 Standard BuildiiiK. 510 West Hustings Street. Vancouver, Bntisii Columbia, the transferee. DATKU at Prince Rupert. British Columbia, tilts 5th day of November, A D. 1 '.)! 1 . HART INVESTMENTS LTD. Applicant and Transleree. Hy: Max Osten. Esq.. 426 Standard Building, Vancouver, B C. Its Solicitor. ADVERTISING IN THE , DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED COLUMNS MEANS PLUS ' BUSINESS FOR , YOU ANNOt'M'EMFATS Catholic Card party and drawing ot Grand TuiKev Rattle. Dec. 13 Pre-Xina-s dance, Chatham' Driil Hall, Dec. 14. I United Church W. A. Kill Ba- raar, Dec. 6. 11 J.SOXAi, MR. rlxiT' 1 yiiewrners rlranetl riui iU'rvlecd till llurm-rs liiKfcwnik 'in iM'ittei 11111 llckl J.Oa Phone (ircin 77:1 KO.SS A: MAONUSSKN I i 174 Piirti Ave 291I 1 I PrtEJISlON Sa F;!l:;s ; announce tliat you may mi",' ii ave your sas at Island C:l v Builder tor daily pick-up and speedy .service on all types of .as. We have modern automatic loai iiHiery and can guarantee our work to be 1111-exc( -Led 'hi: Ui 1 Vancouver. i28Hci KINSMEN Peanut Day. Saturday, December 8. Peanut aie of 3 cans in a pack - '2 pound peanuts, ca.sncws and almonds. S2.00 a puck. In aid of children's parly lund. 1 licit PHONE 18 vour Norlhl.'mn Dairy, lor daily delivery except Sunday. Bv liKikiiiL' alter vour milk vour nnik will look alter you. Keen it ceil. All milk guaranteed. tf WE pick up C.O.D.s 1T.M.C.1 Call 640. 1 288 pi ELKS mooting Thursday " 8 p.m. in the EiK&' home. 285ei LOST AM) lOl .M) LOST-Bunch of keys, in black case" across honi City .store. 2nd Ave. and 1st St. Tuesday morning. Reward. Return U Daily News 285u LOST-Child " black and white Norwegian mitt. Return to Daily News. 1 286 t MALE. HELP WANTED WANTED Full time messenger boy or girl with bi-yele. Apply Canadian National iYlcu.rap'.is. 1 285c 1 HELP WANTED. M AI.K-l'hM ALE BOYS OR GiRLS-0nins.s for boys or ijirLs on Daily NV'V-.s routes in various parte, or city. Apply at office Special bonuses for fiooa jCrvlce. tfi FOIt SALE CHRISTMAS SPECIAL We are offering as a CHRISTMAS SPECIAL THREE AND FOUR I DRAWER CHESTS j also MR. & MRS. The perfect (?ifl for the home. Place your order now merchandise to be delivered before Christmas. This ofler pood only until December 15th CHRISTIE'S WOODBILT PRODUCTS Phone Blue 720 or Blue 9C4 . (285c GIFTS OF FURNITURE Walnut che.st of drawers; baby icrib and new mattress; fV drawer' dresser 'with mirror; electric' rsuigette ex-ellent condition; Connor washing machine; dinette chairs new; vanity dresser with mirror; walnut col fee table; chesterfield; occasional chairs; dinette suite complete; brass bedsteads: pillows, dishes, several chests of drawers, 'tc. Woodbuilt Products, First Avenue and McBride. Blue 720. 1285c) FOR SALE Blue mohair chesterfield suite, $75.01); pot burner kitchen ranue in white enamel; Boc'ty washing machine, preen e-iuunel tub, $75.00; ' 50 HP. electric, motor. $85.00; electric sander and edf-er. Numerous other articles. Phone Green 400, J. H. Mair. 288c 1 FOR SALE 5-tube G. E. radio with record player; one Quebec heater, cheap. Apply 813 Fra-ser St. or phone Red 548. itfi FOR SALE Cabinet radio, like new. Long and short wave, five bands. Phone 105. i28fipi FOR SALE Man's or bov's C.C.M. bike. Blue 712. (28flpl FOR SALE-Faweett oil range. No. 15, Besner Apartments. ( 29()o i BOYS' and pirls' sweaters and ski pants Boys' pullover V-neck sweaters, attractive shades, all sizes, $1.75. Also boys' and girls' ski pants at reasonable prices. B, C. Clothiers, Third Ave. (tf) FURNITURE for Sale-Bodroom rugs, radio.;, chest of drawers, airtight heaters, chesterlield heds complete, cribs, etc. Lowest pastille prices. B. C. Furniture Co. Third Ave. (tf) FOR SALE New lu-ft. row boat. Equipment with two pairs cf oars and oar locks. Phone Green 663. (289p) FOR SALE Six piece dinette suit at 1333 8th Ave. East. Phone Red 110. (285pi FOR SALE -rausre, -Coal and wood like new. 1404 First Overlook. i285pi for SALE Cedar, kindling, coal. Cail 640. Terminal Mes-j seneer. 1T.MC.1 (28pi FOR BALE Girls' bicycle as new Box i'M, Dailv News (287pi FOR RENT FOR RENT Two room apartment, private entrance. Men or workuw couple. No children. 743 9ih West. 1 286c 1 FOR RENT General Electric floor ooiishers, $1 Der day. Pnone Blue 9!)2. Pacific Elec ! trie. tfl 1 ROOM FOR RENT For aentlc-meii Central location. Phone Red 916. '2B9pi ROOM FOR RENT In private home. Phone Green 517 (285pi 4T U-DRIVE CARS. Phone 41. 711 Grenville Court. (If) WANTED TO KENT WANTED TO RENT Reward Urgent. Three or four room unfurnished house by December 15. Green 785. ( 287p WANTED TO RENT One or two furnished rooms by C. N. employee and wile. Room 78 Rupert Hotel. i285pi WANTED Housekeeping room or bachelor suite by yonn ladv Box 252, Daily News. . (285pi ItOAKO AM) ROOM ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman. Red 192. 1 287c I TAXIS 70- - SEVEN-0 -Rodio 70 Cobs 24 Hours Daily. Service Chartvr trips to all points ASSOCIATION MEMBERS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE --Four room house, centrally locai-ed Phone 57. d. V. TINKER & CO. LTD. Uf) H(H SES WANTED TO Bfi' WE HAVE buyers for houses Possession January, February or March. For quick sale phone ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Phone 342 Black 1 97 evenings 1 288c I WANTED WANTED TOP MARKET i PRICES PAID for scrap iron, j steel, brass, enpner. lead, etc. I llimest irradine. Promrft, rv- I merit made. Atlas Iron & Metals L'd.. 258 Prior St.. Van- i eouver. B. C. Phone PAcific f.357. U 1 WANTED TO BUY Boat 30 to 33 feet. No junk please. Call Roem 3 Savoy Hotel. (,280pi WANTED Single bed in good condition. Phone Red 085. (28(ipi CASK for S';rsr cast, brass, cob-Der, batteries and radiators. Phone 543. Call 623 6th Avenue West. Citv. (tf ) Fl'R REPAIRS EXPERT fur repairs and remodelling. Fast service and tow cost. Fowlie & Ruttle Ltd. Phone 522. (tfi CARS FOR SALE CERTIFIED USED CARS 1950 FORD FORDOR Seamist green, heater trim, rings, etc. Only 21 It) 00 1949 METEOR COUPE One owner. Radio, heater, fog litos ... 1095.00 1948 MONARCH FORDOR. NeWpalnt job. Heater, seat covers 1395.00 BETTER 'N WALKING 1841 DODGE SEDAN Lots of extras. To go at 800.00 TRUCK SPECIALS 1939 CHEV. SEDAN-DEL. New rubber, etc 675.00 1949 FORD PICKUP Yosemite green, 14 500 miles. Reliable trans portation 1550 00 1949 FORD PICKUP Clean, grey. Lots of miles left ..125000 ALL RE-CONDITIONED, WINTERIZED BOB PARKER LTD. Phone 83 or 93 for Prompt and Courteous Attention i: f ' ,l - vCVv I I i 1 A I For New Constructs and Repair Work SEE GREER & BR1DDEN H f It' lVf k' " ! i 215 1st Ave. W. Phone 909 For the MEAL that REPRESS BEST OF POOD - 'Seagrams-' II -is 11195 PHONE ! FOR TAKE OIT ORDERS BROADWAY CAF Scagramy 5urc PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STIDIO 2184t,h Street Box 645 Phone Oreen 389 Prince Rupert - - - - - . ' This advertisement is not published or displayed by the liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia BLONDIE --iii!!!" :n" 'o! r' V!?rn I '. S it was just ( " Is! . A V GOOD iJA ST S ( T"E milkman ) HIS ,A DAGWOOD, WAKE Upf1 Tir morning. ' S anO hiS v-lVvlFE? (I HEAR PEOPLE WHISPERING MR : t 1 WIFE VV V-OM OUR BACK PORCH , . fc ," BUMSTEAD K j 1 fJt, A Vl yJ 7 THE BOTUtV, Classified Ads Pay