"""""""I Prirtee Rupert Doily News Saturday, May 26, 1951 TODAY 6:50 - 9 Hayward is Ambitious Th ig, .-trapping fUhvrmtnt wept unashamedly as he took his I 71 -year-old mother in his arms, i Fifteen years of separation had i ended. In her native tongue. I eyes smiling at her son, the tiny ; old lady said: "I have never been ! Suspenscful Film Coming Impressive Holy Year Delineation on Local Screen Thrilling story of a fugitive Sunday Midnight and Mondoy Mori .. , Ej I EVELYN ANKeI happier in all my life." ?You can thank the fish,'1 said Joe. Su.san Hayward, Dan Dailey and George Sanders hold down : the leading roles In the film' STANLEY CLEMENTS In "MILITARY ACADEMY" in WATERFRONT WHIFFS past ist week week wore wore the the lightest lightest in n ,.rui-.i-.. .... aggregate for any week since the season opened at the first of the month. With the Area No 2 f ui xuu v iiuit-aaic, uct:u uii the best-selling novel of Jerome Weidman. I The background for the story SJW HAYWARD f DAN DAILEY f GEORGE SANDERS' season closing at midnight Mon- fabulous and teeming gar- trailed by a thousand police in j a strange country of whose language and people he is completely Ignorant comes to the screen of the Totem Theatre here next Monday and Tuesday in "The Great Manhunt," starring Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Glynis Johns and Jack Hawkins. In the picture, an American abroad, is forced to flee for his very life when, by chance, he becomes party to a state secret, leak of which would mean dis- avlar I r th'. rpifrnlnfr irnvArn. mcnt industry of New York. The ...ov v'i ve.cj are now at sea for their final trips to that area and catches next week i.ti ft Organizing Tulsequah Shipping For Smithers as Area No. 2 Closes In connection with the organization of transportation for the company's new operations in the Tulsequah area, R. E. Hawkes of Trail, supervisor of transportation for Consolidated Mining- & Smell drama of a woman of fashion's rise to powqr in the business world, at the cost of walking over a few people on her way up, Weidman's novel told a frank and penetrating story of excessive ambition. Susan Hayward has the cen should be heavy. Then the larger vessels of the local fleet will head for the more remote Area No. 3 and the smaller ones will tie up until July 26 when those that are not engaged in other EflPJTCl! Added: pursuits by that time will oper tral part in "I can Get It For Cartoon - News ate in me newly designated 2B You Wholesale. Dan Dailey ls ing Co., was in the city this week heading north. He arrived Wednesday from Vancouver on the freighter Down the picturesque and twisting streets of Italian cities, a grim pursuit proceeds and Fairbanks finds several unexpected and unwilling allies In his Journey of terror which rises DORIS DAY TODAY 7-9 n.m. and JC areas. For the first time a sharpshooter salesman. George this year, prices for first class ' Sanders is Dailey's rival for halibut . topped the v 20c mark Ifuyward'i affections in "I Can during the past week. ! Get It For You Wholesale." Halibut landings at Prince -Rupert for 1951 to date total ' Yukon Princess and sailed that niRht on the Prince Rupert for rescarch wia also cxtcnd to slmi-Ketchlkan whence he was to lar communities on iand. Plof. proceed to Tulsequah by Alaska pUs5ury s work ls bpinK carrled " Men's Gabardine SUIT - HAT - TIE and SHIRT All For 'LULLABY OF BROADWAY1 out under the auspices of the Monday and Tuesday 7 - 9:20 Princess had on board 130 tons Nallonal RpsearPh council and m Rupert Men's! Mori nee Tuesday 4 p.m. "THE VATICAN" A Film Pilgrimage to Rome for Twenty-Fifth Cclobratlon of Holy Year Added Feature o I ireigni or uqui.n . . ,h R . h FolI,Kati()n of the sriL t:; ssss 'sf;; f Department of Fisheries by ob- operation which has now been closed down tainlng transport on their boats. Several weeks ago, Cominco K- ras bcen visiting islands on announced that two properties the c(,ast nar here so far and in the northwestern corner of will lat?r visit the Interior and British Columbia will be ship- the Queen Charlotte Islands, ping lead and zinc concentrates Pro- Pillsbury is one of the " and : ir Boys' Store j miiiiiiiRiiiiiiiw some b.zu.ooo pounds. This is about a million more than at the same time last year. About 1300,000 pounds were landed during the last week. The Tantalus, a 5-ton Raso-line-powered yacht, registered at St. Paul, Minnesota, tied up briefly in Prince Rupert yacht club floats Thursday on her second lap of a proposed world tour. Capt. and Mrs. Harry Christianson stopped at Seattle early this month, their first port of rest on the cruise. They are headed for all ports on the Alaskan coast. Three crew members sailed with the Christiansons. to a crescendo of suspense high in the Dolomite mountains. Miss Johns Is a song and dance girl I who shields him from the police. A second attraction on the first of the week bill at the Totem is an impressive film delineation of "Holy Year 1950," which shows spectatcular scenes of Christmas Eve and Easter Day ceremonies at St. Peter's, the colorful Swiss Guards celebration and intimate views of the Pope. qulst's dummy rather than the string-operated type. I Recordings are used for music and dialogue In the puppet shows. The children have work-1 ed behind a small stage built by older boys In the group but now, plan to put on shows In a dance pavilion and the community hall. Puppet Show By Children PORT HOPE, Out. (r Painting and dressing puppets has been the main task for the last three months of 33 children in Bewd-ley. 10 miles north of here. Now tliry re ready to stage a series of strictly home-grown puppet shows. The youngsters, ranging In age from four to 14. have been taught by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nickels and Mrs. Dora Holdaway. In addition to making the puppets the children have also learned to manipulate them. They ape similar to a ventrilo- (ttrmtlt lM Sf S)1 to Trail. These are the TuLse- real pioneer ooys oi prince ku-quah Chief and Big Bull. Ex- pert, b.ing the son of J. H. Pills-ploration and development work bury who was an engineer on which has been carried out on townsite and harbor planning these properties during the past here in the beginnings. He re-three years has established adc- eelved all his public and high quate ore reserves, and mining school education here and later operations are underway. , graduated from University of The nearby concentrator be- Brit sh Columbia where he is longing to the Polaris Taku Min- now professor of biology. Bwrju FAIRBANKS, k. i I- Tt QUALITY STORE ' (PETTENUZZO'S 521 FULTON STREET Open 8:30o 10:00 p.m. Sundays 11 to 10 p.m. CASH AND CAKRY (We Specialize in Chicken mid Italian Foodsi Phone 470 JOHNS HAWXINSJ TOTE For Action Advertise! ing Company has been leased by Cominco for a minimum period ACHIEVES AMBITION of five years. It will handle the ore from ' both the Tulsequah Chief and Big Bull properties Joe Njakara landed in Mont- j real from Yugoslavia in 1936, : at 250 "! ' J "le ""s on approximately tons per . rf.,v day. n Three -nnnonirotoc concentrates will iu h be nis back and nothing else. He ' y Tr-'ZiP But they're) I JIA s n-s.( j fl BLONDIE M mfi T worked his way to this coast and produced lead, nine and copper The ore also contains some eolri signed on a fishing boat as a and silver, which will be rc- deckhand. Nine years later he covered was skipper of his own vessel, the I t ii .rssi u ii -m mu v v i mi These will be trucked seven Snow Cloud, and was a natura Thousands of Yards of Broken Concrete from i'linre Rupert Warehouse Especially recommended for water front fills, by engineers. Commencing JiinrWi'1951 Peq's Wrcckinq Co. Kraser Street .Vancouver, B.C. CWC YOUNG- cfll f!V3 ' fA-iofpM MLA'&zzO Ml miles to Tulsequah landing and iwcl Canadian. He had prosper-.shipped by barge down Taku l by tne salmon and h?rring River to tidewater at Taku Point, that filled his nets. Joe had The copper will go to a U.S. enough money to try to bring, inciter, and the lead and zinc, his mother here but the Germans to Trail. marched into Yugoslavia and he i j Some 200 men will be employ- c-uldn't arrange it. A year ago,! cd at Cominco's operations Hi the Canadian government re-; the area. Most of them will be newed its representations and experienced hands from Com- finally the red tape was un-, inco s other operations. There tangled. An airliner that landed ! are quite a few houses at the tn Vancouver a few days ago Polaris Taku mill site, which irom the east brought an old will be established a.s the main iady witn tattered sandals and a community. . battered suitcase. Joe's mother The community already boa.sts had completed the long journey, a bowling alley and movie U CM C. 2'2-T(N- TKICKS All trucks in good condition. Frank G. Dirkson, Box 518, Anchorage, Alaxka. Phonr 31472 . , . , (1251 theatre for recreation, and a landing strip a few miles from j the settlement makes Juneau, TTt-T- AiasKa, a .snort, one-nau-nour trip by air. Sometimes during the summer, a brand new Cominco community will be born. " rmniMiinn m ' SW C HA-HA--VOU FOPGOT.Sl I I I I IT FITS ALL-" 1 ( GGtTAT SCOTT VWHAT J." 1 ' " ? yit Vf UWjOCKrA Z SIZEDPOOTS QVPEf?5l STENT f jv r -rHAv ffl I IT-. rZreJ SP?irrF II F 111 I TNC BEST QUALITY Accumulation of freight for Prince Rupert on Vancouver t'ocks has been pretty well cleaned up by two coastal freighters which arrived here the middle of the week the Yukon Princess, Capt. John Campbell, on Wednesday and the Island King, Capt. Ed. Swank, on Thursday.' I'm; Island King arrived at 8 am. Thursday and, after dis-charg ng 350 tons of general caigo here, left at 10 a.m. Friday for V. atson Island and Skeena Rivr canneries. The cargo for Wat. n Island included 100 tons PRINTING PRINTING ; jTl r I) ' ( MV V.CTOKV OF MAN ) QTTTI 1 of aluminum sulphate, all the way from Britain, which had been brought to Vancouver from the Old Country via Panama Canal. From the Skeena River. Craftsmanship In Type... Let Us Solve Your Printing Problems PHONE 2,14 Dibb Printing Co. BESNKR BLOCK MODERN PLUMBING is a wise investment, in terms of family health and , . home economy. " Coll Blue 846 ' PLUMBING SaanicH HEATING ! th! Island King is proceeding to Alice Arm, to load 200 tons of ore from Torbit mine, thence going ! to Stewart to unload mining machinery. The vessel is expected back here early next week southbound. -I- Prof. R. W. Pillsbury of Univer- I I slly of British Columbia has been I In the city for the past week and ! I will remain hereabouts for the ''""""s uhjiiwi cngugi-u in siuay ( LET WIM KEEP eflNGIKKj A-' ri 1 I -m I , inn l 1 THAT OOOR8ELL-ILL J -TfC? VSrDjN ( CELE SPATE MV VlCTO?V i S u7prS A 1 7 to soothe mv sTrv: - 7SK IlISS VzLL i! u imiuim ;uiiiiiiuniies oi plants and animal life on the beaches on this part of the coast. His AUCTION SALE Timllrr hulr XMUX Then- will be offered (or sale at Public Auction, at 11 ajn.. on 8t- tlrdHV. .Illlv 14th IQM i l ..aa V .3 - J JK 1 MjT" Tin hit R 3 ! i! 1 1 "Hospitality and - Good Food" f - That Is Our Flist, Aim ' -'Phone 17 for Order To Take Out 1 i ' ' ' 1 ; -. v'i of the Forest Hanker at Queen Charlotte City, B.C.. the Licence X504B4, to cut s.030.000 f b m. of Spruce. Hemlock and Cedar on an area cov-erlnK part of Lots 98H. HM. 1B07. 1808 and 1S14. situated on the west H'j of Kumdls Island. Queen Charlotte Inlands Land District. four years will be allowed for :e-moval of timber. ' Provided anyone unable to miend the auction In person may submit tender to be opened at the hour if auction and treated as one bid." Further particulars may be obtained from the Deputy Minister of Forest!. Victoria. B.C.. or the District Forester. Prince Rupert. BC. (M19-2S. J2-9) j! Commodore Cafe A Good Plac to Stp 244 Miles to TELKWA HOTEL Telkwa, B.C. Just a Nice Day's Drive RADIO & APPLIANCE , SALES & SERVICE GAS AND ;;,,aKCTIUC RANGES Phone Blue 992 PACIFIC ELECTRIC FRASER HOUSE We shall not be responsible for articles left in storage or deposit after 30 davs from this date. May 14, 1951. . MR. AND MRS. HICKS if ' I 7T..r. C'-''j'''yr r...y,f, 5,njict. In. , Cnrl,l iehi. rewtn) 4 a