October, 22, 1919. jeaday Just Arrived - Fresh and Crisp CHRISTIE’S MARVEN’S Asst. lee Wafers Locoanut Bar ocoanut Bar Cocoanut Fingers Cocoanut Brittle Fluted Vanilla t. Paul, of the American Asso- TO SEE OURSELVES = * THE DAILY News Pago 9 : AS OTHERS SEE US: ! ! >the Dawson News, tir we 4 shy ». formerly man us Jack MeLennan Drug if the worthern capital, Prinee Rupert was a tremen- dously busy plaee, and certainly | is the place of north B.C, if one! stand the looks eal climate. The fu-! ture The first chap) I et was our old. friend, Simp-| 80) late of Dawson. I bought a} ticket Prince Rupert te Winnipeg, | zood, ! miles, by wavy of Prince Georg Edmonton Saskatoon. | rn scenery up the Skeena river! | i and also about Mount Rob son and Jasper Alberta is badly hit by drought and the country looked bad, the towns and} cities looked good and thrifty, es pecially Edmonton, Saskatoon and Winnipeg. I thought Saskatoon | | | | but extra good,” FIFTEEN YEARS IS ADDED TO LIFE BY LiWITING LIQUORS (Special via GO. T. Pr. Telegrapts | New York, Oct. 24. Progtéss| in surgery in medicé¢o therapeutics | since the civil war have added | fifteen years to the average hu- |} man life, Dr. W. Mayo, of Roches- ter. Minn., told the annual Con- gress of Surgeons, with continued | promise and aided by the limiting | of liquors, fifteen added. years more | would be A. W. EDGE CO. DISTRIBUTORS | a WRIGLEYS| C a package before the war C a package during the war C a package NOW TRE FLAVOUR LASTS . SO DOES THE PRICE! - Ne 2nd Avenue - Prince Rupert) ciation, at Los Angeles on Friday. The went the full nine games and both teams were very series evenly matched. rhe score of the deciding game was 2-1. “re led Kid Lewis is after a bout ith Benny Leonard. Lewis de- feated Mike O'Dowd in Syracuse on Labor Day and thinks he is entitled to meet the Fightweight champion, as he had offered to fight O'Dowd. Wien Leonard and Lewis last fought opinion was ibout evenly divided ~on_ the merits of each, although Leonard got the popular decision. ETHEL CLAYTON IN- “MAGGIE PEPPER” AT WESTHOLME THEATRE Ethel Clayton is to be here to- night in pieture at the Westholme Theatre in the feature picture ®Mageie Pepper.’ This is a fine film and is up to the usual stan- dard of Miss Gilayton’s work. Fatty Arbuckle is also on the pro- gram in “The Cook.” At the Empress, Ruth Stone- If it hasn’t the Beaver trade-mark it isn’t Beaver Board Finish off your attic—partition off a room in the basement—put new walls in your . Do it with Beaver Board. | Seotent sme tage, for your new haqme, for the club, the store or the office—Beaver Board. it takes the place of lath, plaster and wal!paper, gives you better walls and ceilings, more handsome, more san- itary, more durab'e. There is every reason for—and nene against your using ver d. Get the gennine. It will pay you to be particular. A. W. EDGE CO. , house in “The Edge of the Land” is a great picture. There is also | the thirteenth episode of “A Fight} Millions’ and a comedy for INDIVIDUALITY! IS THE MARK‘ OF SUC- CESSFUL BUSINESS AND IS SHOWN IN FOOTWEAR AS IN OTHER THINGS. You can obtain Individu- ality and distinction in the SHOES AT OUR STORE. You will be convinced by examining our stock. McARTHUR’S Shoe Store THIRD AVE. Distributers, Prince Rupert 586 - Phone - 586 The goods on our shelves are all priced in large plain figures to aid you in your shopping. LINZEY’S GROCERY FORT. FRASER | Mr. and Mrs. Fred Aslin have| moved to Burns Lake. Though} he will make bis home there he | will still run his store here. All unsurveyed pre-emptions In} this distriet have been at last sur- veyed by V. Shelderup, who has left for Burns Lake. . * . G. Sumner, of Vancouve! returned to his home after visit- ing with Mr. Fraser of the Gov- ernment office, Mr. Sumne! has lived thirty years in north central British Columbia and still believes best farming district | has this is the in the country. DD. MeAloney arrived from Usk} last evening to become first aid man in the local shipyards. Mr.| McAloney formerly held a similar are registered at the Hote! Prince having arrived on last Rupert night's train. position on the Dolly Varden Railroad, 1 B. Daniell and Waltet ~ Crocker, both of Prince Georee, We sell rrisbie Engines Complete and ready to install, accessible in a few seconds. An opening directly struction effects a gain of manifolds are cast ana 6” « 6". your hardest teste. Frisbie Motors give jong, uninterrupted service with practically no repairs except occasional grinding of valves. Vaives in cages; “all throughout, every part designed for hard work. into combustion chambers. No pockets or crevices to gather carbon, and waste fuel. This type of con- 7 15 to 2 per cent. more power than is possible with L or T-Head designs. intake and exhaust integral with the oylinder; the old, leaky, bolted-on manifolds. Large vaives insure full charge on the Intake and @ complete, clean exhaust. 1 to 6 CYLINDERS—-5 to 76 HORSEPOWER Frisbie Motors are made in following sizes: t-oyl., 6 and 7 H. P.; 2-cyl., 10 and 16 H.P.; 3 oyl., 18 and 26 H.P.; 4-cyl., 30 and « 40 H.P.; G-oyl., 60 and 76 H.P.--Bore and Stroke, 4%" « 56" For work or play, the Frisbie will measure up to Lipsett Cunningham Co.; Ltd. ——— FRISBIE the friendly motor muscle” construction Overhead valves, 5 Horse Power, $450 $600 $700 10 ” ” 16, » $900 25 ” ” $1400 Ask the Man who has used one miles ahead of ot a ae +e ~ Sf, af. bua tir Ora = Ss