a Cr Eta ne tied ene iat a A ins ek ae ‘. * Buildings are getting older and chimneys secure. Winter fires are being started. risk is increasing as winter less he fire approaches. The value of buildings is high and steadily mounting as the cost of lumber and labor goes up. Insurance rates have not advanced. lower than formerly in this town. They are materially Do you not think this is a good time to fully cover the value of your building, furniture or stock with in- surance? We write it. —— H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Insurance Keal Estate Bonds es el Prince Rupert Ory Dack & Engineering Co. LIMITED Vessels of any size Docked Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. boats making Several section, fees can te docked together on light. one small Large stock of repair materisls is being laid in. Foundry Work Castings in tron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made at Reasonable Prices. Machine and Boiler Work of all kinds Business of Industrial Plants, Sips, Mills and Canneries Solicited. Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. M.M.Stephens is Notary Public Conveyancer FOR SALE i A well appointed apart- ment house consisting of two flats view five - roomed modern harbor rents for $70 with excellent Borden Street, per month- Price $5,500, Terms. M. M. Stephens REAL ESTATE, LOANS, INSURANCE ~ ~~ CniltiConCarne and and Hot Tomales at the CHILLI PARLOUR 835 Second Ave. iaanin Co., telephone 123 | House. Willman of the For all Household EMPRESS TONIGHT _ RUTH STONEHOUSE -IN— “The Edge of the Law’ 13th Episode ‘A Fight for Millions’’ and A FINE COMEDY Two Shows - 7.15 and 9 mission 15 and $0 cents WESTHOLME TONIGHT ETHEL CLAYTON. ~ 8 “MAGGIE PEPPER” FATTY ARBUCKLE in his Latest Success “The Cook” ond Gazette Admission, 35c and 1S¢ Two Shows, 7:15 and 9 Kleanva returned to the U: mines on the train today. k Furniture Barrie's Furniture tf Delivery Service Extra Phone 557 Anyone DENTISTRY Don’t neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE Offiee Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur- d«y, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- day, from 7 to 9. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE ome May Shop Anywhere He or she likes Bul all the same it sometimes makes a difference where you £0, We have thought and worked to accurately sup- ply your wants at every point jewelry busi hess From evllar buttons to diamonds we strive to make our store perfect This is our invitation to you to gee it. We do not ask that you buy anything. You'll find pleasure in just seeing; and we in showing. JOHN BULGER Jeweler The Store of Worth aod Beauty. of ihe PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT 5 m steam heated modern house near drydock, $2,600, Terms. {-hoom house, 7th Avenue, Section 5, $1,760, Terme. {-Room house on Fifth Avenue in section 5, $1,600, Terme. 2 Lots, 6th Avenue, Section 5 $060 cach, Terme. 2 Lots, 6th Avenue, Section 7, near drydock, $350 each, Terme. Lot 25, Block 29, Cash McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. Agents Phone 11 « 3rd Avenue Insurance Real Estate Rentals. Section 5, THE DAILY NEWS PUBLIG ANNOUNCEMENT | The Mussallem Co., Ltd... (Keonomy Store wish to inform the public that they have purchased the whole of the stock and fixtures of S. Mussallem & Co., Ltd., from the assignees and from now on will run that business in conjunction with their own. Grocery Old customers of 8. Mus sallem & Co,, Ltd., are here with invited to continue trading with us and we can assure them of lowest prices, st quality and = prompt service, us @ cal), or PHONE 18 or 36 Mussallem Grocery Co., Ltd. Economy Store 417-419-423 Fifth Ave., E. (rive VANCOUVER BOARD OF TRADE PRESIDENT IN THE CITY TODAY Chris, Spencer, prpsident of the Vancouver Board of Trade ind head of the firm of David spencer Ltd. of Vancouver and Victoria arrived in the city this morning on the way to Alice Arm to look over the Dolly Var- jen mine in which he is infer- ‘sted. During the trip northward word was received which seemed to indicate that Prohibition was defeated in Ontario. As Mr. spencer is an ardent prohibi- tionist he was much disappointed hut was greatly relieved: to hear on arrival here that the vote was “xpeeted to be a quarter of a mil- ion to the good. Mr. Spencer was here in the ummer with the Board of Trade arty from Vancouver and ie says that the members are still ilking about the rip. Word hina ‘hoon tegistrar Burritt that Mr. Jus- tice Clement will take the As- sizes at this city which open on Tuesday next. There are two criminal cases; that of Rex vs Michael J. Noon, and Rex vs Peter La Franee of Stewart There will also be civil ‘ases. received by several — ese eee eeeeevr ee ere * TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY * SHeeeeeeaeeaeaernas FOR SALE-—New modern house. containing five rooms and bath- room, on Eighth Avenue East Phone 463. 251 FOR SALE—2 double beds, one brass, one white enamel, in good condition. Phone Black 246. 258 No tee | will so stomach the liver and the health as a dose of eechainis Pills Largest Sale of any HS ia a erect everywhere, in Phones 41 and Red 391 For Hire by the Hour, Day or Week Launch Alice B. Pienic and Fishing Parties Trips round Harbor J. MYHILL-JONES wer ~~ Home Made Bread and [ Local News Notes ee ee ee re ees eee me @ ee et ee ee ~~ ee | 8. A. Asbury, of Vanderhoof, is in the city Pianos correctly tuned, G, © Walker Phone Blue 389. if J. Buiger returned from a busi- ness icip in Vaneouver today. Are you hard to fit? Our new shoes come in all widths from AA to E. Wallace's 247 . . , A. L. Carruthers, provincial government engineer, Was an ar- rived on today’s steamer. : . W. Percival, of Sunnyside, and \. M. Kipp of Port Essington, ar rived on last evening's train * * . \mong passengers up river this morning were Alex. Manson, M.L A.. and Judge F. McB. Young. >. * * \ feature of the Brass Band Dance on Friday will be the large orchestra, ensuring good music. . . C. W. Hower, provincial asses. sor, left for Hazelton today on duties connected with his depan- ment. No. 4 a season's the is in the salmon Queen Charlotte The Haysport harbor after packing at Islands. . . . Rev. H. R. Grant returned from the south this morning. He has at Swanson Bay and Van- ‘ouven. een >. . * Holler, managing director Belmont mines, was a pas- senger on the Prince George as far as Ocean Falls. . . , Navy League Tag Day yes- terday, in which the Daughters of the Empire assisted, resulted in the collection of $101.45. . . . W. Baugh Allen of the Wire- less Station at Digby Island has resigned his position and will leave at the end of the month. Whether you dance or not, buy a ticket for the dance on Friday night to raise funds for more in- struments for the Brass Band. > > 7 Miss Jean Grant returned from 1 short holiday in the south this morning and left on the east- vo. of the The bound train for her home in Hazelton, . . * 0. B. Bush, formerly owner of the Premier Mine at Stewart and still holding mining interests there, arrived in the ‘city today from the south. . . . W. J. Pitman, the piano man left for Prince George and Ter race on the train today and will spend two or three weeks on busi- ness up the line. >. . A. J. T. Taylor, of the Taylor Engineering and Mining Company which owns and operates the Dolly Varden Mine at Alice Arm, arrived from Vancouver this morning en route to the mines on a visit of inspection. . * . Knights of Pythias, Attention! The unveiling of Honor Roll and supper to returned brothers will take place on Monday evening, October 27, at 8 o'clock. Al! Knights and wives, Pythian Sis- ters and visiting Knights ane cor- dially invited. Those who wish to attend, please notify at once, J. S.. Carmichael, K. R. & 8., or Mes. George Leek. 246 Ladies’ Lemsanted battleship grey dress shoes. New arrivals. Wallace's. 247 Two-color window cards take the eye quickly. See them at te News Job Department. Spirella Black 257. Corsetiere. P'tc ne i) OA f : Ea. ae Ye a ms 4 —_— a Al Royal Crown Products carry Coupons, redeenable | for useful articles. The Smeeton Tea Rooms weeeses 309 SECOND AVENUE erererucncnrnrnrncare The Business Man’s Restauran’ REAL HOME COOKING. BOARD BY WEEK OR MONTII Cakes Always on “ale. ee — ne me eee WEEK - END THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND Groceries at Lowest P rices —— SPECIALS SATURD,y in Tow, GEO. HILL RELIABLE SCHOOL SHOES FAMILY SHOE STORE The Practical Shoemen Sustralian Jan n tb. tins each of $2.75 a dozen . FRUITS AND VEGETAR, Libby's ‘pinar hin 2% th. t ; = Speca J3 Canned Pumpkin, 2? tins for 2he« Canned Tomatoes, @-Ib ting, 9 tins : for $e as bel Monte Pork and Beans, 3 1 i for @5c¢ ‘or 95 Canned Peas 2 tine f ' . } Libby's Catsup 25e per bot ark Libby's Salad Dressing, @5¢ per bot, | PROVISIONS any FRESH sour ix Jelly 20c per jar | Finest MEATS Sour ~y Pickles, $1.35 per gal Lard lon t k " Chow P chic Ss, $1.40 per gall: mn jar Breakfa Sweet Mixed Pickles, $1.60 per gal jon jar Kellog’s Corn Flakes, @5¢ for two BEEF packages ! Quaker Puffed Wheat, 40¢ for three t packages i b Rolled Oats ay for 6-1b. sack Seal Brand Coffee, 81.20 for 2-Ibh tin | Vietorta Cross Tea hoe per i Pacific Milk » tine for 81 VEAL Fagie Brand Milk , I Italian Prune Jam he per t Raspberry Jam, #1.15 per 4-l M.B. Baking Powder per 1 z tin—80¢ per 2% Ih. tit MUTTON per 5-tb. tin Seeded Natsins pkes Sultana Raisins in bulk, 25¢ per tt Jello, 2 pkes. for 25e or 81.4 loz Palmolive Soar 2? cakes f 81.40 per doz PORK Feonomy Jar Tops 5 The i iaant' r. able >upply Co 0, Phones 211 and 2 . —— — oe | ' - ARE RERE HERE .. ee . ed owe ‘ bhi gn epee sees EE Outfit Your Boys and Gi: t E. R. TABRUM Phone 357 FIT, STYLE AND QUALITY GUARANTEED, = ‘| Ormes Limited "Foal Remedios Phones 82 and 200 We have a Kodak to suit your special requirements. Full range from Vest Pocket to Post Everything in Kodak Supplies Store ard Avenue end 6th Stree’ Card size. P.O, Box} 1680 (7 aaa Ss — Phone 524 Motor Delivery The Gurvich | Transfer Phone Green 548 P.O. Box 102 Office, Fraser St. FOR ELECTRICAL WORK Geo. Waddell 336 2nd Ave. Phones BLACK 367 — GREEN 394 Save Money in Lamps. National Grocery C0. VEGETABLES A SPECIALTY : in 1840. : | ing stoves I" > pusiness the same se Hundreds '? ° Rupert’ a J — Cor. Fulton and Sixth prompt Attention eee | A TORK’ 1919 Prince