;ti.i it m TAOE Fotra The I m Ac s THE DAILY NEWa 'f' " '. T?" '' B 111 . . . wuaav. jn. .. UMMER the season when the world and his wife are out of doors on the highways at the beach in the garden ' XT on the golf links by stream and lake. The season that develops a multitude of new wants and makes insistent demands on everyone for the goods and services necessary to the enjoyment of its varied delights. - Hot weatfctqq SiimnjeUrofiiKd eequipment atning suits and sunburn alleviatives-r-sports ctpih.es and furnishings for the 3urnmer cot- tage gasoline and-spare tires. : j 8 J Sit i And iifilSiQlalicfifiSaoljeople's normal all-year-round buying activities, Forfamily larders and wardrobes need replenjshiri0ully as much in July as in December. '. 'Youthful couples buy and furnish homes in August as well as in February. . , ,i ,; , Astute advertisers do not cut down their I" ' 4 advertising when the mercury goes lip."- 4 They realize that Summer, which brings Canada' its $300,000,000 tourist industry, also brings them sales opportunities afforded by no other season of the year. - . .' And they know that the quickest, most economical means of capitalizing these opportunities arc the advertising columns of the daily newspapers. . to. t ' s f irWOTAfi,Mr-ii,--Tr.-'-HT-e- - 'T ' I II f.irs& v. i 1 -- 1- - ill iJsr?Sfgl. -i r,i Win 1 1 " " l - i i , Newspapers ot Canada This advertisement is published under the auspices of the Canadian Daily Newspapers Association