June 30, 1030, THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THHEF CAMERA f B.C COAST ISTEAMSHIPS r?. ti? FREE Wc have just received another lot of these cameras from the Granby Store, Anyox. All children horn in 1918 arc entitled to one. n i an DEMAND M aSi - m Mi Pioneer Druaaists Low Summer Fares Now in Effect VMatioinai 11 rHlRDAVt &blxmbT. TELEPMONFii 8?t,200 Three Graduate Pharmacists UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED nnmmi rioni mure Hubert r VANCOtTVBR, VICTORIA, BuU-d.lf r t Ba7 etc Tlnad.. .n nm VoTo.' "T,,WAKT "WrMSliBKi. r POUT 81MPKON and WAIJtfl 1SI AND Thursday pm tnd Aienue R M SMITH CJ Mrnl Princ, it,,, n r B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS FKO.M PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wraniiell. Juneau, Skagway rune 0, 16, 20. 23. 27 30. To Vancouver, Victoria. Seattle- June 4, 14, 21. 25. 28. Princess Mary Ocean Falls, etc., Vancouver and viciuru, every r nuay, iu pjn Agents For All Steamship Lines W, C. Orchard, General Afent, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, Phone Si TRAVEL DE LUXE Kf ACROSS CANADA Leaving Prince Rupert Daily except Sundays, 1.00 p.m. for Joscr and Edmonton, thence by de luxe ' Transcontinental trains . . . The "CONFEDERATION" - ' "CONTINENTAL LIMITED" through to Toronto and Montreal. Serving also the principal Prairie cities, making direct connections with all important points in Eastern Canada and the United States. W4h It F McNaughton, District Passenger Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. PFMMN A EGG-Deliverecl, Per Ton $12.00 MINEJIEAD EGG Delivered, Per Ton 12.50 AUNEHEAD LUMP Delivered, Per Ton . . . 13.50 FUltNITUKE and PIANO MOVING A Specialty HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE KUTEKT, B.C. ' -T I ' , Local Items Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Heilbroner's store. n't forget Dominion Day dance In Moose Hall July i. 152 Mr -f-H AtfT'vi'J Mrs. is. e. jarvte,uwho la iden tilled with .the service of the B. C. Packer In' Vancouver, -was a passenger aboard the Catala last evening bound for Anyox on a holiday visit, .. ' j Mr. , and , Mrs. Jack Clapperton and Children ' arrived In the city on yesterday's train from Prince George to pay a visit with Mr uappcrton's father, Alex Clap- perton, at the Government wharf Miss Christina Nucieh, who Is in training for a nurse at St. Paul's Hospital, Vancouver, was a passenger aboard the Catala last evening going north to spend a holiday with her mother, Mrs. Helen Nucich. D. Zarelll and daughter, Miss Ermy Zarelli, returned to the city on the Princess Charlotte this morrflhf from a holiday trip to Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle and Portland. Loyal Young, who has been attending school at Vancouver, was a passenger aboard the Catala last evening bound for Port Simpson where he will spend the summer vacation with his parents, Mr.' and Mrs. B. Boyd Young. the tajjth and sailed at 8 pan. for was also Ayox, Stewart and other north-, boat era pomti whence she will return here tomorrow afternoon F. D. Mathers and nd in the city on yesterday afternoon from Vancou u" ver to take up residence here for or j I the summer. They were met Namu by Mr. Mathers who accom YOUNG WIFE STRENGTHENED After Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Bancroft, Ontario -"Win J 6ri took Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable panted them to the city. They will race July 1, take up residence in the M. P. Mc- Caffery house. TERRIBLE SUFFERING Day And Night ith Eczema Mrs. Martin H. Glesbrecht, Winkler, Man., writ.': "IliaTonaed with good remits fur e.-zema. My faea and ehoulderi wure aimply eovertd with bloteliM of this terrible diaeaae. "Nothing did me any good until I took ytmr medicino and it fcaa relisted me of the terrible suffering I had to go through day and a'ght." Put up only by The T. Milburn Oa, Limited, Toronto, Ont yrea-iliHiPl till an mi II ill III1 In HIM LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, ana Distributing. Team 01 ' Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano ana Furniture Movlne. Dr Alexander X-KAY SERVICE PHONE 575 IJESNER BLOCK DENTIST BBBSSBUESsXEB Compound I bad been married about a year and my strength was leaving me on ac-count of my condition. I waa only 19 and it was my rat child. My movber told me I needed something to steady my nerval and a gin ehum told me to take the Vegetable Compound. I am so thankful I did because tt strengthened my whole system and now I feel perfectly well and have a tweet bttle baby boy alxa. J. . SrtUES, Bancroft, Cjaiario. Money to loan on improved city property. Helegerson. Mrs. Stepheoe Is again open for business at her beauty parlor on Third Street. Fb-cer William returned to (hi1 ternoon from a. builness trip dovfyfl Staff Sergeant Alex McNeill, pro' vlncial police, returned to the city on yesterday's train from a brief trip to Terrace on official duties. Mrs. W. M. Watte and little daughter, who have been visiting Jack Nelson returned to the city ; for the past couple of months at on the Prince Charlotte this morn- Kelso, Washington, returned to the lng from a trip to Toronto where, city on the Catala yesterday af-he attended the Imperial Shrine ternoon. ceremonial and the graduation of his daughter from the Toronto Mrs. George Harris, wife of the General Hospital training school manager of Mill Bay cannery, and for nurses. j daughter .Miss Irene Harris, were . IpaaMngerd aboard the djatala la witn a. fair-sited passenger on board. Union steamer Catala Capt. A. E. Dickson, arrived In port spend the summer. Mrs. Montieth at- 4M yesterday afternoon froml-wlfe of th&rerpn at-MlLl Bay. olffl; tftrtlftoif thesame ANNOUNCEMENTS Dominion Day sports, Acropolis Hill July 1. Children's sports track meet, baseball, football. Dominion Day danco Moose Hall July 1. Canadian Legion Island July 3. picn'.c Digby Moo3e Baaaar. October 1G, 17. HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel unii;k sr.iv M.fK.(rY:.MRMT Strum llrulrrt. TravellerK' Sumlr Kooiiiv: Hot mid fold IVatrr t'rrt litis Ml All Truln and IllHlll. Kates S1.00 and Up 81'tCI.VL MONTHLY UATl.h C. U. BIGGAKT & A. DONALD roprlftoni PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Riipert's leading family hotel, hot and cold water In all rooms A. J. PUUDUOMME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts i Savoy" WUllam O'NeiU, R. Farrelly, J. ik. Dunn. Chris Ede. G. Fraser land J.Munro anc ramlly, city; O. iWahtrom. P. J. Carmody and Mrs. 1 P. Pallwoda. Anyox; 8. J. Mayer and F. V. Foster and son, Smlth-ers; George W. Shortall, Skeena; q, M. Shoebotten, CJi.R. New Royal Hotel I. Zttrlll. rp, TIIK IIOTI.I. WOKTII WHILE Hot As Cold Water. 8tm Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Trlejilimir gHl Royal a H. Leslie. F. Piklaga, E. Nip-pa, and O. Butt, city; Dan McDonald, Kltlkie; L. Isao and G. Karlmlr, Anyox; J. H. Peets. L. H. Bra wand and W. T Felton. CJI.R.; Charles Knott, Hamilton. Dinncrware,. china, crockery, glassware. Heilbroner's Store. Liberal workers will please turn out this evening at Committee Rooms. tf Dominion Day Dance in Moose Hall July 1. Premier Orchestra. holidays. M. 1S2 JoLn MltiellXH .Mrs. B. Jeave on .tomorrow's train fan southern Alberta 'to visit with her parents. She will be away for six weeks or two months. Mrs. M. M. Btephens, who'. left for the south recently, is at 'present In San Franqlsco visiting with her son, Melvln, who met her in Seattle art drove her south. Chris Cain and Harold Spencer of the Qranby stqre staff at Anyox were passengers aboard the Catala last evening returning to th9 smelter town after a holiday visit in Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. CNJl. steamer Prince Charles, Capt. McKay, arrived in port on time -at 1U0 this morning from Vancouver with a full list of pas sengers and will sail this evening Miss Hester Richards and Miss Doris Greenwood, who are leaving Anyox after having taught school there for the past two or three years, were passengers bound for Vancouver aboard the Prince Rupert Saturday evening. The Vancouver "On to the Peace Association" has obtained for dis tribution Mrs. Stewart Is south for .a while nort at 9 o'clock this morning from Skagway and will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Ocean Falls, Powell River and Vancouver. The vessel is taking south a full list of passengers. John Schotield. hotel architect for the Canadian National Railways, and H. C. Cann, engineer with the same department, after havtn spent a couple of days here to look over sites for the proposed local hotel, sa'led on the ss. Prince Rupert Saturday evening for Van- BLOOD ud applf BiKklr't Oiatmont Jlill to iu IklO. A food tinMto btginUnow. You will wrr.1 al tho mulls and lb. InpMttaam ia your bMlih. TRU. BLOOD nm 1.00, In Oiat-awat Oc. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST ,. "BUILD B. C. PAYROLLS" What Quality Will Doj We 'have H far j) . JrvAPosiTt' V.IIMII IAi: BHafallllinaW.lt J ' aTcTWrteuchlnlr quality of Pacific Milk which is surprising. We will print the essence of this letter later. The virtues of this good milk have given It a popularity that is widespread and impressive. PACIFIC MILK j Factory nt Ahhotsford. B.C. on the Football tonight at 6.45. Domln ion Day cup finals. Canadian Legion. Regiment vs. Dance at Elk's Home tonight from 9 to 2 o'clock. Balagno's orchestra. Refreshments. Tpmorrow being a holiday ."stores will' be open until ten o'clock tonight and all day Thursday. Retail Merchants Association. Miss S. A. Mills, principal of Borden street School, sailed on the Prince Rupert Saturday evening for Victoria where she will spend thei, summer vacation. R,. D. Bartlett of the Post pffice. staff, who has been oh a three-weeks' vacation trip to Vancouver, returned to the city on the ss. Prince Charles this morning. There were 175 passengers I Kiver xwenty years aEO. left Fort fpr Stewart, Anyox and Massettl Smith. N.W.T.. a few davs aeo for ituet points. Misse Walker, daughters of W. E. Walker, manager of Arrandale Cannery, were passengers aboard Uie, Catala last evening bound from Vancouver to the Naas River Mrs. Nell McLean, wife of the skipper of the C. N. R. steamer Prince George and family will arrive in the city shortly from Vancouver to spend the summer months here. They will take up residence in Miss Jessie Rothwell'3 two thousand copies of j house on Fifth Avenue East. Peace A party of Knights of Columbus consisting of A. L. Mclndoe of New Haven. Connecticut, and M. J. Sweeney. F. Hoad. J. Wlckett. A. Adair and W. La. Sage of Vancouver, after a visit of a few days in the city, will sail by the Prince George this afternoon on their return south. A T A 1H eft nrAll IrnnnrM Oiiaam 4.. " W8" w -"'-I Charlotte Island logging operator UUIUWl CUMiUUlSUVUlCJll, us w LUC te selected for r,he local hotel will be made later. Mr. Schofield said- ECZEMA Boils, Pimples and Lin .ruplioni mult from blood lo puritiM. To lharauf hlycruaM I ho blood mwA A .1 . L . L : . , .... .n.. who has been spending the past three or four weeks in Vancouver arrived in the city on the Prince Charles this morning from the south and will sail on the Prince J William tonight for Queen Char !lotte City. I Dr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Nash of I Victoria were passengers going ! north aboard the Prince Charlotte ;for a honeymoon trip to Alaska. ! The bride was formerly Miss Atlia- He Gibson, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Gibson of : Victoria. They were married last j Friday in- the Capital. I Many delightful showers and other social affairs are being held In honor of Miss Lorna Tltc whose marriage to F. H. Clendennlng of Vancouver in St. Andrew's Cathedral at noon on Saturday will he one of the outstanding society events of the season in Prince Rupert. After the ceremony, the couple will embark on the new steam er Prince Henry for a honeymoon' north as Dawson. R. G. Mellin, prominent Stewart mining man, is a passenger aboard the Prince Charles today bound from Vancouver to Massett. F. V. Foster, CN-R. engineer at 8mlthers, came in from the inter-, lor on yesterday's train, accompanied by his son. They are staying at the Savoy Hotel. - H. A. DeWolf, local manager for W. H. Malkin Co. Ltd., sailed on the Catala last evening to make the round trip to Anyox and Stewart on company business. J. W. Kilpatrick returned to the city on today's train from Laka Kathlyn where Mrs. Kilpatrick and little daughter have gone Into camp for the summer months. J. W. Plommer of the King Edward High School staff sailed Saturday cvenlncr on tha Prince Ru- aboard the steamer Princess Lou-ipert f0r Vancouver where he will lse which was in port Saturday af- spend the summer vacation. ternoon southbound from Skagway to Vancouver. A half-a-dozen or Bill Nohornik, an alien, was fined so passengers disembarked here $10 and the weapon confiscated by from the vessel. (Magistrate McClymont in city po- (lice court this morning for having The stern wheeler steamer DLs- a colt automatic revoivpr in his tributor, which plied on the Skeena1' possession. Miss Leiehton of the Anvox hns jher first trip of the season dowrtipitai nursing staff, who has been ine AiacKenzie Kiver witn tnirty- on a holiday visit to Vancouver, is five passengers on board, . 'a passenger aboard the ss. Prince pupns irom uoquaieeiza institute Miss charge of Miss French of the In stitute staff. Charles today returning to the Aboard the steamer Catala last,smeiter town, evening were twenty-seven native' Wnnnv T-loo qwIvo In where they will spend the summer, at Sardls bound lor their homes the city on the Prlnct Charles this jon tne Naas Kiver to spend tne r-ornine from Victoria to pay a "summer vacation. Thpv were in ..ii n. i -i . - iuh wiui iici uiuuici mm aiaiei- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Davies, Sixth Avenue East. Crowded with tourist passengers CPU. steamer Princess Charlotte, Capt. C. C. Salnty, arrived in port, at 7.45 this morn'ng from Vancouver and sailed a couple of hours later for Skagway. G. W. Tolin. is by John 1 Chief Justice Aulay Morrison in.hniinrt fmm vmnr tn Imrie, managing director of j Supreme .Court at Vancouver hasiv,-. i win i.it ,ut, hi. ttheEdmonton Journal. A. H. Stewart of the Granby Co. office 'staff at Anyox was a passenger aboard the Catala last evening returning to the smelter town after spending a holiday on family t r . J Vancouver Island the Catala . .f;y HMning In the . longer, Elks' Dance June JO-Blks" Home. I. A ft&ftnleD.,Tl.rt--Nrt Xl,lli5ltvM , 9l&H Vc-N4- reamer Prince George, ri'f McLean retumed to aboard the Prince a passenger Charles today awarded the Bylaw Mining Co. or fatheri wHliam Tolin. proprietor Stewart Judgment or $3955 against Jack Stevens Boucher who the plaintiff company alleged, while its secretary, received and kept moneys from the sale of certain stock. Misses Bessie Eby. Mary Dixon, Ethel McKenzie and Martha Koer-man comprised a party of young Edmonton ladles who passed through the city at the end of the week enroute to Vancouver in the course of a holiday trip to coast. of the King Edward Hotel. After having made a cruise as far north as Ketchikan, the Seattle power cruiser Rowdy, which was one of the boats which participated in the international race last week, was In port Saturday returning south. Oliver Adams, who has twen attending Coqualeetza Institute at Sardls. is a passenger 'aboard the the Prince Charles today bound for his nome in Massett wnere he win spend the summer vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Adams. Frank Iumley. on a charge of drunkenness, was fined $25, with option of thirty days' imprisonment, in city police court this morning by Magistrate McClymont Iumley ate a meal in a restaurant over the week-end and, because he threw up the food, he refused to pay. C. Moss arrived in the city on the Prince Charles this morning from Victoria and will sail on the Prince William tonight for Dead Tree Point where he will relieve on the staff of the wireless station. Mr. Moses was formerly a member of the staff of the Digby Island station. PIANO RECITAL By the pupils of Miss Way. in the First United Church, Monday, at 7.30. All Interested are invited to attend. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Laylnc hens. Pure Bred Black M norca Chicks, eight weeks old, others four weeks. Phone Blue 515. 153 WANTED Cook. Sleep out. Apply Mrs. George Bushby. Borden St tf trip which will take them as far FLAT for Rent. Furnitnrfl lor sale. Phone 301. tf The Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada, Ltd. Office, Smelting and Refining Department TRAIL, BRITISH COLUMBIA SMELTERS AND REFINERS Purchasers of Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead and Zinc Ores Producers of Gold, Silver, Copper, Pig Lead and Zinc TariAVAr Titt a a 1 1 :4 3