The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert a Daily -New?, Limited, Third. Avenue t- 11. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor DAILY EDITION Friday, May 30. 1930. BOARD OF TRADE EXECUTIVE LADIES Attention' rwv..i., ,., -i i.. ss UMUSIJAE.' Introductory OFirER 75 (full size) Jar of delightful DAY DREAM TISST E CREAM with any 50 Day Dream item Purchase any 50o Day Dream item Faco Powder, Rougo, Brllllantlne, Lip Stick, etc, and you wil receive 1 (full size) 75c Jar of this wonderful Tissue Creahi for 9o which means you are getting $1.25 Value for 59c you save 66o Day Dream Tissue Cream Is a scientific preparation containing tissue building oils with cleansing cream base. For beautifying the complexion, softening harsh skin and removing wrinkles and sags. A new addition lo the now fatntut Day Dream line of Toilet Preparations. 511 ,McCutcheon;su&SoT& Sixth Street & Second Avenue Phone 79 The Letter Box ' BOARD OF TRADE EXECUTIVE Ejltor, Dally Newaiju ." .. . ! (There appeared lit the Dally News j 'of the 28th Inst, an editorial en-J tilled "Severe .Handicap," strongly) condemning action of the Chamber olj Commerce executive In recom- i ; ! mending the taking of space In the j booklet, TThe Call of British Colum-, :bla." In another place will be found a letter signed by J. H.; tiiout strewn rillsbury, a member oi(the council oi tne uiramper or uom- the propriety of mtirce in wllieh he defends the action; of 'tiiatixecutive afticie in advance of the qiesUon of publishing such an the full meet- bod V aeainst an article in this paper objecting to the use ms of the chamber, one cannot es- e ....uiT- j .,i,i;fi "Tl Poll e cape the conclusion that its intent V, l -rVrl " S r"M "c Ui jwas not n much to influence men- British Columbia," published v in Vancouver. We have seen' as to prejudice the general the publication and agree that it ia an estimable publics-jpubiic against the activities of the tion of its kind, designed first to provide a good'income for ; local chamber of commerce, and it its publishers and those connected with its publication andj h the hope of corvine ch secondly to benefit British Columbia. Also we realize the j" valuable space given by this publication to Prince Rupert okiex in question had m last year, without which it could not have secured the ad- ibm a circulation of 26,000, dist.-i-vertising from local firms which it did. buted as follows: Let everything in its favor be granted and then we come Publicity Bureaus generally to the point that the spread of two paes propped to be ; ; 'TZTJZ, at cost of will benefit Prince Rupert purchased a $12o very , v, ta Alwtraitei New Zeaiand, little under present conditions. The.ciJ.y.has done a good ichma and Japan; through Thomas deal df advertising in the past and has traced scarcely any 'cook & sons, a very wide distribu- hanafh frnm if Wnnco wo Vinrl rmtnino-tn firlvprtisp uhiMiltion; The B. C House In London: the public wished to buy. We did not noert more population ISS, lnt because there are more people here now, than can be pro-lGrpat Bm; Th British coium-i fitably employed. What we needed was industries and 'bia Government: Dominion Gov-! these will be brought to the city by such institutions as the rnmeat information Bureau asi. power company or by bringing the facilities here to the at-: ln vs ' ut0 dubs Xo a ,srrc tention of those who promote or finance such industries. jn"f?5 .liT!' ! .T , ., .. t , i.. i. (ents of American railways: to thei Just now the City IS passing through a difficult Iinan-; Canadian NaUonalltoilway and the cial situation along with most other cities. In an effort to , Canadian pacific Railway, which! keep down the taxes, all appropriations for extraordinary ' organizations handle their own dis- j expenses were eliminated and ... the result is that the city tributten. and it it stated that the j - - POD title vmp a VI na vrmr (Kan finds it difficult to meet its obligations and at the same ! toT3 we it di w time carry out much needed work. The result has been that ' The booklet is not only of inter-all expenditures have had to be curtailed to the limit. jest to tourists, but appealed to the An annronriation was made to the Chamber of Com- i executive as being well designed to merce, not to be spent for the purpose of spending, but to gl '..fu? Wu?Vn.lde?,of! en.ble it tc , carry'on destablpukcity w'ork if thougMntSftSI necessary. This is public, money and the Chamber is a trus-1 under one cover retarding the I tee to the public in regard to its expenditure. This vote of whole province, it h much more m- j the executive was rushed through Without consultation tereetlng and valuable to the gen- j with the publicity committee, the natural, committee to eral Pub"c,"fl '7ld e a . number of Individual cards leaf- i. or 1 1 1 1 have considered it, and in our opinion was a most unwise ,etT ! recommendation and therefore it was the duty of this Advertising in the 1930 issue of newspaper to warn the members of the board, many of "The. cau ofBriu&h Columbia whom do not attend all the meetings; in order that tHev be noTarHft pa'sWftser travel ; given the opportunity to vote the proposal down. Had we 1X1 waited until thereport was made, it might have been too;tne nePrince hotei'of late to act. i Canadian National Railway will be' Alderman Pillsbury must know that the Daily News has in operation. 1 supported the Board of Trade faithfully for the past 12 Approximately 75 of the mum-: years and his suggestion that an effort was made to pre-" SSSiUSL? S;?!1 ; judice the board in the eyes of the public was to say the SEt'Z least, not well considered. The alderman should have been th execuuve of our chamber of tne nrst to auvise the Chamber aeainst such an unncces- Oowmerct of a dasire to -fritter . sary expenditure. We must admit that it may seem audacious for so humble a newspaper as the Daily News to object to anything such an august body as the Council of the Chamber of Commerce would do, especially when many of the members are close business associates with the paper, but there are times when even this cannot deter a newspaper from a public duty. Again we suggest to members of the Chamber of Commerce that they turn out to the next meeting and vote down this expenditure. away" public funds. It ia to be sincerely hoped that a different view will be taken generally by the citizens of the city. J. H. PILLSBURY. Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert Mav 30, 1910. The fire and water committee ihas presented its first report to the city council. A paid chief and the purchase of an automobile chemical and hose wagon are PAGE TWO Tut, VftiX NEWS Friday, May 30. f K-J.'-,--'Trjiv'- in ... i , a . Shop early. If you cannot . call tomorrow, come next week. All mail orders receive our prompt LOCAL ITEMS R. O. Johnston, manager of Inverness Cannery arrived in the city on today's train for a brlf vMt in town. A. J. Oalland of the excise department returned to tne city on today's train from a trip to the Interior on official duties. " Mr. and Mrs. Al?ie Hunter have takenotp rttidtne Inon? of the Hyde housw on Fifth Avenue East between McBrlde. and Bowser St. ! R. H. Worlock of W. H. Malkln Dr. A. S. Grant has written to Co. Ltd. reutrned to the city on Aid. T. D. Pattullo enquiring what today's ..rain .MMn "one Of his per-this city will do to encourage the lodlcal business trips to interior establishment here of a sugar re- points between here and Prince finery. The Western Sugar Re- George, finery Co. is looking for a suitable . site on this coast to establish such a plant. ; I A. C. Oarde. M. E., of Nelson was , ln the city yesterday and sailed on the Henrlette for Graham Island' where he will take charge of de-j veloppseot of the gold black sands for an English company. ! j i THE WEATHER (Government Telegraphs) Prince Rupert Foggy, calm; temperature, 45. Haysport Cloudy, calm, 56. Port- Simpson Foggy, calm, 50. HiKlton Clear, calm, 60 ., Smithers Clear, calm, 60. Smlthcrs Clear, calm, 45. Burns Lake Clear, calm. Quensnel Cloudy, calm. Eighth Cabin Clear, calm. Terrace Cloudy, calm, 48. Rosswood Clear, calm, 52, Alyansh Clear, calm, 52. Alice Arm Part cloudy, calm 52. Anyox Part cloudy, calm, 53. Stewart Part cloudy, calm, 44. Atlin Cloudy, S.E. wind, 48. :i Wrsloudfc S. wind, 57. ctMaeksIcioudys. wind, 68. Dawson- Clcar, calm, 67. East End Ladies' Aid of Lutheran Church Meeting The flac over the United States Consulate was unfurled at hall mast this morning in observance of Memorial Day ln the United States. The East End Ladles' Aid of Gfc. Paul's' Lutheran Church met last night at the home oflrM, Anderson, Seal Cove, whereltn ln- i tereetlng program was , enjoyed. It being Ascension Day, the pastor, Rev. John H. Hanson, gave an address suitable to the occasion and there were readings by Mrs. -John Storseth, Mrs. Lars Dryndahl and Mrs. Karl Dybavn. There was the usual devotional period and community rtgnlng. The proceedings closed with serving of delicious refreshments and listening to radio music. There was a large turn-out. Get quick results with a want ad. Advertise ln the Dally News, M ore Men's Felt Hats Snap and roll rim, ree; $6 for The New Trend in Floors Elsewheir ? YOU CAN NOT BUY BETTER CLOTHES The style the fabrics the quality and tailoring In B. C. Clothiers Ltd. Suit and Furnishings are equal in every respect to garments selling in other stores for at least $7.50 TO $12.50 AIOKE. Because of our willingness to price our Clothes at the closest margin uf profit known, and grouping tbcm io meet all requirements, or we able to offer such savings. Men's High Grade Suits, the latest designs, All-English cloths, Worsteds, Blue Serges, fine pencil stripes. They will keep their shape. Guaranteed to fit. These suits arc really QOC A A worth up lo 337 J)0. Now selling at W&dJ) Men's Striped Trousers, all sizes Regular $2.15. C-f J Now selling at t) Lama Sox, red heel and toe. Regular 50c per pair. Q-i A A Now 3 pairs for ?13) Silk Tics, Regular value 85c. ' Qo Now selling at 2 for , . . . 9L Men's Wool Working Socks. Regular values 35c Q4 A Now selling at 1 pairs for v1"" Men's Handkerchiefs, white lawn. Regular 2 for 25c. AfZ Sale price, 6 for , , ; wt Men's Dress and Police Suspenders. Regular 75c. fif Now selling at tJUL 3.65 Boys' Clothing Boys' Suits, long pants, sizes & Q Q ! 28 to 35. reg. $15 to $18 . . . V & Young Men's Corduroy Pants. Reg;. CJQ AC $5.58. now selUn at ?01tJ Boys' Overalls. Regular 51.25. f" ST Now selllnt at Children's Stockings.Good quality. 9P Triced up from per pair Children's Running Shoes. Rest make. Qs I'riced per pair OOKs "Revs' Running Shoes. Heavy built. CJ-fl Off Priced wr pair JJ.uu Roys' Union Underwear Suits. Reg. $1.25. Now selling at 75c B. C. CLOTHIERS, LIMITED 1 1i IMHI II Hi Jfciili VI flM Till OPPOSITE P. BURNS C3. THIRD AVEIXE 18tn DOMINION Inlaid Linoleum is the answer to the modern woman's quest for beautiful ... yet practical . . . floors. It offer's the widest choice of colourful and unusual designs affording an ideal basis for favoured decorative treatments. Yet its price is surprisingly moderate, Dominion Inlaid Linoleum with its love- ly-soft lustre Domolac Finish, is appropriate to any room. It is pleasant underfoot; surprisingly easy to' clean arid keep clean. And being inlaid, it cannot wear out. Other Beautiful Dominion Fltiors Dominion Printed Linoleum and Dominion Linoleum Rugs offer'a wide choice of beautiful long-wearing floors at very modest prices. Appropriate designs for any room. At House Furnishing and Departmental Stores Design illmUratti It Dominion Mdtblt Tile httiJ LiuoltHiH No. 7Q01, tt j'J' able in thru different colouring!, ISorJer Jesis'ihNo. 75)1 DOMINION INLAID LINOLEUM Made in CanaU by tlx tntkers of the famous Dominion DaJtitfbip UnoUun