FAGS XVO The Daily News PRINCE RlirEKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily NewB. LMited Third Avenue 1 ' H. F. ?ULLEN - - - MaaacagfEdUor I SUBSCRIPTION ItATHS By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year By mad to all other countries, per year By mail to all porta of Northern and Central Britiah Columbia, said in advance for yearly period DAILY EDITION Curious Power FormLPJane rwi ! cioMibnxs i o Lana a ROOSEVELT PIBLD, N.Y.. Aug.! 9: The sudden failure of a 8tin-! son monoplane to remain aloft to- waid the end of the thirteenth day j of an endurance flight remained a mystery after experts had given its motors a thorough Inspection. Robert Black and Louis Reichers, the pilots, aaid upon landing that they were unaoie to keep altitude Salmon Picture Alaska Recently KETCHIKAN, -Aug. ft-What tV oamenutuM declare should turn out ta w some Wry intrrcsiti-shots for the "Silver Horde" photoplay, were taken at the Nelson cove trap of the New England Fis'i company this week. The -earners men of the R.K.O party Wk were still here to finish up &Hrbrx on the filming of Rex Bern qffisfw story went to th" the bright sunshine took picture of the tender Q ray ling brailtng the trap and they also took underwater pictures of the salmon swim mlng in the sp tilers. The shots wtl) be incorporated In the "talkie." Eric Olaf Wallstrom. who arrived from Yukon last Monday, left oi the eastbound train today for New York where he will embark on tbe 6.0A 7.591 3.00 Saturday. August 9. 1939 ""POSSIBLE ELECTION PROTEST The Omineta Herald, Conservative, under the heading "Will Election Be Protested?" has the following editorial article: ..leVyi.1!. " "There has been considerable talk of violations of the Elections Act, especially in Prince Rupert. The Conservatives have undertaken to look into some of the reports and one man was even placed under arrest. There no doubt were infractions and it is very hard to take defeat if there is a f eeHng that the game had not been played fairly. We are convinced that this riding did make a great mistake in not re-electing Mr. Brady but the voice of tne people waswery decisive and it is doubtful if there was enough orooked work (intentional or unintentional) to account for the immense turnover in the vote. If there was crooked work to any extent it should be thoroughly investigated and thejgHferidei's brought to account. But to undertake a protest" of the .election is a very serious thing and should not be undertakeihligbtlyi There is nothing that stirs up bitter feelitigKetlksfiendshipg, or disorganizes business and IffeSttfial'lffe'Tike an election pretest Whatever action the Conservatives decide on after they have investigated the various reports we feel sure they will have ample evidence to carry a protest through successfully before jt is undertaken. jAnyox Scouts ! Coming to City Way to Terrace The Aayox troop of Boy Scouts will arrive in Prince Rupert this afternoon on the C. N. S. Prince Rupert. The troop which is about 30 strong will be hi charge of master Holand Qale. During their stay here accomodation will be provided for them in Uie rooms attached to the First United Church. and were gradually famed down. . They will hold a church parade Beth filers were in excellent health. ! with the local scouts tomorrow and said they were not tired and ning to the United Church, expressed willingness to go up' ( On Monday forenoon arrange-again at qpee the same or a ate- nients will provide for their enter-ter ship. jtainment in town prior to their It was ahlflrs, .reported that; setting out for Terrace where they Captain Jotyn & Qonaldson. one of will camp for the next two weeks. the promotes jthe flight, bad, complained to... police of alleged threats made against the success of the venture. This led to rumors that the fuel might have been tampered Donaldson said, however, that be had no suspicion of any tampering. Nevertheless, he added, he couid not account for the forced binding because test showed the motors and controls to be In perfect condition. Twenty Years Ago In Trinee Rupert The Synod of the Diocese of Caledonia opened this morning with Bishop Du Vernet presiding. The representatives of the clergy present included Rev. J. H. Keen. Metlakatla. Rev. J. Field, Haxelton. plany Xew Wrinkles Have Been ,Ad- ded to Lobster Fisherman's Bag of Tricks identified by his haeK of standing In h: doiy and pushing on the oars progressing along the sea some- thtat Bfce an inchwonn. are gone forever. Lobster fishing, like other Or jfour months for rrftnustries, has felt tee pressure ror lesser penou, paia.io ouvuhcc. inr viuuui - City delivery, .by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance 96m Transient advertising on front page, per inch 2.80 Local readers, per insertion, per line 86 Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion 1.4C Classified advertising, per insertion, par word '. 02 Legal notices, each insertion, per agate ftne IE Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editer and Reporters Telephone &6 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations JOIN MARCH BOSTON, Aug. 9: The days when a lobster fisherman could be All Use rower of modi raisin and the 'putt -putt of the jowe - boat is only one item in the advance. Ths modern lebsterman is likely to hove a 28-foot power boat, with a specially rigged dutch on the en gine that can be thrown out leav ing the motor running and the propeller idling. In a boat like this there is a davit set on the starboard rail with a snatch block an It. This is luxury, far. by its aid tb lobet-nnan picks op bis buoy, oat sie t'M slack of the line over tlx natch block asld leads to a jrusn on the engine, All he has tc jo then is to teiKc tarn on the tighten to. and the engtae wfl a-the surfeee-t-if the the lebstemen t , bat she mejatat tfee asnaJI doty wrtto eagta a bK pen next forces to this. They need to be weatberi eaats and they are. It has to be .-psottf rough day when a lobster-aoan puns his traps In the opsnior af many, the east of these beats anc she cost of iipsman is a good esptan atsoa of she psosent lobster price: Traps, too, have bean modern iaed Tn oM sewl-eyhndrical tra ao songer is the fisherman's prin sisal raijanee. If one were to took at tbe tsaps pile about an old lob-. Neman's door, be would find they were meetly of the reetenguksr typ and, as a general rule, factor built. That is, the equipment is con itructed piecemeal and can b purchased in bundles ready to as sembie. There a re also three "ends' nowadfiys instead of the old urn 'wo Vo'jcxs jjf 'he mofeor ease deCetanfi-baiL. -Tbe bait is now strung an a shor pieoe of bod-line, and the end pas jed out between the slats and mad fast on a cleat outside thus in earing against a pMmatnre open in-of the trap and .eliminating th Lhook which invariably struck th lobsterman as be reached In. End and lines ace now treated with at fanti-foeling compound, which give. then a nke green tint. Ill Tempered Tbe lobster in itself si known a one of the meet ill tempered brute m the sea, never licked and evec rady for a scrap even when reatint on a cake on lee in a store window This propensity led to the pegadn of claws, as restaurant owners wfa wished them tor broilers would at accept specimens which had comt off second best in some encounte minus a daw or some other vtta part. Resorted to at test as.merei; a method of saving profits, peg: ging to now a .standard manoeuvn with she lebttermen. Today ont buys tbe pegs just as any otbc With ail fhto talk of modern ton pxovements it might appear tba the present day lobsterman loads i life of comparative ease. A trip t sea with one of them would soot dispel this notion. Presentation to Mrs. Fred Wermi Pev A B. Price. Kitwanga. Rev. O ! - J Man;h. Kitsumkahun. Rev W. H.j Following Uve football meeting Eushbrook. Port Essington. Rev ! the executive of the Prince Ruper Wav Hogan. Manet. Rev. W Col- i Football Association la.it evenhu l.'f n Stewart. Rev. R. W. Ourd.!wote the the goej; gueiia of of Mr Mr. Ciaxum and Kltkatla. I'-u'l. Alert Bay. Rev. Earivs, City. Rev. W. City. Rev. A J. O. C. Des O. Jatne. Prod Jind. Mrs Wannig A JiteV f alldknW 'J In the course of ibe evening qi; behalf of the .footbaU assectatior presentation of an tntald brass tra on a teak stand was made to airs Lay representatives to the Synod 1 I7 of Uw Dlorese of Caledonia In-1 Sf" . to the work of look- Djoand elude . i n :,i. M,.iun necessary ,tr toe "" football rert W K Fisher AUln MlaaSWil I anjrtouB to show thr Mis wet end mu, n,X mi. lww appre- traplMonday morning, and during, kat: Keen ' VhI rUon- . .. Curd associate members. The I enjoyable evening was spent in 'niaytna cards, semes and llstenine uyinw uuinormna tne ClfV n mrtln nmnm ic take over the telephone plant; ll,mi uie company wss passed yes- Two sclentiste In Austria believt terday hy a vote of one hundred that by feeding electric currents ana seventy against nine. i directly Into the nervous maehln lery of the ear without using tlw The Princess May which ran on ordinary hearing mechanism at all th. reef in Lynn Canal during a j seme deaf people can be made to line nase wiu De lalaed and the hear. Thev am nnw wnrirtnir nn on """b-"'""" - " - w.u .i mi ocuuiivi isiana ! instrument to periorm-thls opera Sweden on August 16. yesterday to begin operations. Itlon. -n DAILY Mounties Sail For Far North SS. beoth'ic lias Detsrhment On Board: for ,'Easlern Arctic Archipelare NORTH SYDNEY. NS.. Aug. Sailing recently on the as. Beothic. was a detachment of Royal Cana dian Mounted Police enroute totlu eastern Arctic .archipeiago wher- they will fPend two years, before again returning to civilization. .Hf- 51 hi Corporal Jaaobs and Constables Iecach and Marretts werr the first Qi ibe detarhment to reach North Sydney. They were followed by Constable Foster, of Fn-dcrieton land alter by Insneetor Joy with the balance of the party which ' numbers twelve men. j The leothte also carried supplies for tbe various mourned Polic-posts in the eastern Arctic archipelago and wilt bring out the members of the force which th present party is going in to relieve. The life of tbe mounted policemen ha the Arrtse Is very adven- Prince Jiff m ecca turesome as described by one of tAie party. When they reaeh sb panta get inside. After .,, , moisture from breathing jm the heot uvuk from uui the we fi-.: n , ..J mam mjuniv nnst mey wui omc 'trol:en up into parties of two which will patrol their respocUve 1 routes, luut nuiwu oil tne. lor is sunpnetrwitfjgHiargsnow xtr and when onTsWuraltTihcIf mg camp at jugnc ui a snot where there Is good pace snow and from this first cut blocks mm of all coating of ice to fnra cn ; side and It Is necessa: (ll ,": ' a hole through th top Thy &iade large enough to aefeiti hffl" makjJS: man comfortably in , ... seek our 1 posture. ' During 1929 the flsi; ,, . , with which to make an igloo, aska employed 29,283 mtsoh ",, These snow bouses when first; whom 10,921 were fishermen (i t made offer no other ventilation ; were employed In the whoic-, than that which comas in through and manufacturing lnt, ..nne the blocks of snow, the doorway j 1716 .In transporting I. aen being closed up "arter the ciccu-1 ducts. Northern . C. during Fair Week September 2nd to 5th Now that Prince Rupert is about to have a forWSra movement, two local institutions are well worthy of consideration and support as being important actors inthatmoocment.They are: The Annual Fall Fan The Pmce Rupert Daily News Out of town people are recommended to make their plans now to attend the Fall Fair which promises to be the biggest end best ever held in the city, and to enter their exhibits with Secretary Vance at once, They are also recommended to see that their sub scripHons to the Daily News are paid up so that they may keep in touch with all the forward movements. If is a daily record of the doings of the d strict and a sup port of all that is best for Northern and Central B. C. High Lights in Program - Greenmlle Celebrated Native Band, Prince Rupert Boys' Band. 't Qubys eight famous fluffy white poodles which give a wonderful vaudeville act with two people. A juggling and acrobatic dance act known as Ad olphe and Cynthia. Ken Ross the acrobat and equilibrist in clever exhibitions of his skill. Bill Badely and hi shows will be here. They are now touring the fairs in Alberta with Merry-go-round, boxers and wrestlers and eight other side shows and all will be here and the boxers and wrestlers will be willing to take on all comers. HASE1IALL GAMES WITH OOTSIpE TEAM. i ne uauy news Prince Pupert, B.C. f II. F. PULLEfj, Managing Director.