PAGE FOUR Prince Rupert Gets Sixteen Point Lead in Hoop Series; To Play at Anyox Next Week Prince Rupert Intermediates now have a 16-point lead over Anyox on the first two games of the series for the basketball championship of Northern British Columbia, I The choice of those men vtho who appreciate appreciate good good Scotch Scotch Whisky Whisky This advertisement i not published or dlsnlayea by the Liquor Control Uoard or by the Government of British Cnlumhiu Tliick.wavy hair ! You, too, can have long, soft, abundant hair. It's simply a matter of using this easy method; approved by hair-specialists; endorsed by stars of stage and screen; used by millions who haven't time for the more laborious treatments, Tonight when you arrange your hair, lust put a little Danderine on your brush. Then as bristles through your ou draw the. air, see how' .1. -J o the scalp is toned and soothed. See how the hair bucomes softer, easier to manage) how its natural color is brought out; how it takes on new brilliance and lustre! Danderine dissolves the crust of dandruff; helps stop falling hair; keeps hair and scalp healthy; encourages the gTowth of long, silky, abundant hair. Five million bottles used a year. That proves Danderine's effectiveness! Danderine y itf One Minute (lair Beoutiper 4 i At All Drug Storn Thirty Flv C.nU Prince Rupert Jack McNulty, 2; !Fred Dingwall; Eddie Smith, 7; Al-(lan Cross, C; Bob Stalker, 4; Sonny lurne, waiter jonnson; loiai, n. Ladies' Game Maple' Leafs May Ness, 6; Sue Boddle, 4; E. March, 2; Margaret Gilchrist, 2: Chrissie McLeod, 2; Lillian Lowe, 2; total, 13. i Toilers Pearl Stone, 4; Verna Brochu. 2; Victoria Krikevsky; i Helen Sim, 2; Ella Steen, total, ' 8. ii;"hH wT .,A mayor orme rtfTS. UP BASEBALL CUP j city senior baseball champion ship competition, Jt was an- nounced today bythe-Pj:ino ' Rupe:l BasetojjssociSjiuvr'Jt I will be used as petpetutl aallenge trophyr-ifc tff stf&e , une since there. ias been a j t .phy for local baseball com- , ,,etUion and It is expected ' t.iut the acquisition of one will i be the meant of putting oen- j idcrablc more zest in the sport. Babe Ruth Makes Opening Homer itel ped New 'York Yankees to Win Their First Game of Season Yesterday National League "BrbSfelyrt? Boston t.' v St. Louis 1, Pittsburg 0. Cincinnati 5, Chicago 0. American League Boston 2, New York 3. Philadelphia 4, Washington 6. Detroit 4, Cleveland 5. Chicago 2, St. Louis 4. TEAM STANDINGS , National League W. L. Pet. New York .., 4 0 Pittsburg 0 1 Chicago 0 5 Philadelphia 3 3 Boston . 2 3 St. Lorila 4 6 Brooklyn 2 5 Cincinnati ; 2 0 a 'American League W. Washington 0 Philadelphia 4 2 .837 .545 m .400 .400 .286 250 if .750 St. Louis 5 13 .625 Chicago 3 2 .600 Cleveland 4 s 3 .501 Boston 3 5 .375 Detroit 3 7 .300 New York 1 5 .167 Sam Antonelli, who has been on a two weeks' trip south, returned home from Vancouver on tho ss. Prince Rupert this morning. DOC SNELL IS WINNER Defeated Wildcat Carter With Sen sational Last Kound Rally SEATTLE, April 28: Swinging his firsts from the floor, Doc Snell, Tacoma, Junior welterweight cham- Tinxrinrr won thi cormrl rnotnli loof rii'n-Vif k.r o cnnM f 91 I P"n Staged a 8CnsatIonal last itr i.7..! :ii u ...-It. i. a i round rally last night to win over ly xu. Aiie series vviu ue cumpieieu wun yaiues at nnyux wildcat Carter, Everett negro, In next. Monday- ana Tuesday evenings, i he smelter town 1 the sixth round of a bout here. players, alter their visit here, will return home on the snell had carter reeling in the Prince Rupert this afternoon while the locals will journey ,sixth sUnza but was tmabiecto in-north on the Catala tomorrow evening. t25L Joe Townsend of Vancouver, B.C. r-u i a :u i.: i v usc wicujviiiK xcutuicu last uigiii, s game which waa u f0Ught a torrid draw with Freddie nnt-Mfari affair PHnoo Hn- . . . ' ,7, ;".vv," i , Steele, Tacoma welterweight, and pert maintained a steady lead while Olof Hanson was scorekeeper Jackie Caston of 'Seattle, feather- uuuhiiiuuv, iiuwovci, ueuig aueuu and Mike Budinicn, time-keeper, at half time 11 to 6. Stewart Steele, After the games, both Anyox and with five points, was high scorer Prince Rupert players were guests for Anyox, and Eddie Smith, with of Col, S. P. McMordle at the Capl-seven, for Prince Rupert. A larger tol Theatre and keenly enjoyed the crowd was in attendance than at exciting western 'picture" Senor the first game on the preceding Americano." It was the first. time evening. that a number of the Anyox boys The second game on last night's had heard the talkies, program was a Ladies' League Individual scoring was as follows: match between the Maple Leafs Anyox Charles HH1. 4; Ivor Da-and Toilers in which the Canucks ls' 2; " ewart Steele, 5; Sid Ann-. . . . strong, 1; Tony Calderone, 3; Frank ran true to form and won by a Twnrtr,- tti i otMiv ut id w a. nmi ume score was 6 to 4 in favor of the Maple Leafs. Will Mitchell refereed both games SJ E3 LB O T " weight, drewwith Georgia Ains-worth of Vancouver. ELKS PARTY IS SUCCESS Dalloon Dance Last Night Enjoyed By Crowd of Two Hundred Persons The Elks' balloon dance In the i Elks' Home last night was a very enjoyable party, some two hundred persons being In. attendance at the affair. The hall was gaily decorated with the purple and white colors of the order and balloons of variegated colors were suspended from the celling. Tunesome music was played from 9 pjn. until 2 ajn. by Charlie Ba-lagno's orchestra and Will Lambie was master of ceremonies. At 11 pin. the Elks' ceremony was per formed, this being followed by the releasing of the balloons and the attendant fun. At midnight, delicious refreshments were served. Mayor Cyril H. Orme has Members of the committee" In put up a handsome cup for ! charge included Mike Budlnlch and George Mitchell. Jack Lauten presided at the door. ADMNTQN IN FINALS! Rupert East City Tournament to Be Completed Monday Night 4.4.4. 4.u.i Rupert East Badminton ClUb'S I city tournament was brought un to I the finals in all events last night i (with the playing of the third round) and semifinals in the mixed dolt-1 ibles. The finals will be played ohj muuuuy cveiuitK iiexi as louows; Mixed doubles C. J. Norrlngtcn and Miss E. Currie vs. J. Field and Miss R. Winslow. Ladles' doubles Ml E. CU'rH.9 and Miss B. Thompson vs. Miss Laura Prlzzell and Miss Mary flaw xuun., Apru ' ao: oaoe : Men's aoumes Cf J. WomhfWl Ruth made hi first home run In a ; and S. Darton vs. II. T. Cross arid 10-innlng game yesterday In which ;W. Cross. New York beat Boston 3 to 2. In addition an exhibition gQrhe. will be staged between two well wsjl known local flayers' k' Mixed Doubles Last night's scores were as follows: Third Kound J. Field and Miss R. Winslow bat Pete Ferguson and Mrs. J. J. Feas'D'y, Feasoy, 18-15, 15-10. Mr, and Mrs. J. II. Horton m Murdock and Mrs. Beale. 158 158. lS2 i Miss Irene Mitchell. beat L. iMi Seml-Flnals C. J. Norrington and Miss Eliza beth Currie beat Jaik Glllatt and J. Field and Mis R. Vinslow beat Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Horton, 12-15, 15-2, 15-12. Regiment Tennis CoiH'tsRc?a!red WrMtfh- , Ik.' - . lit! . cii 1 ; ueu anu riay Win soon Commence Repairs to the tennis court of the First North D. C. Regiment, which sustained considerable damage as a result of winter storms, have been about completed and play there will soon commence. Like other clubs of the city, the Regiment Tennis Club Is looking forward to a successful season. THE DAILY NKW&r"1 " . . . ' 1 1 PLAY FOR DAVIS CUP Great Britain Succeeds In Winning Doubles While" Germany ' Takes Singles LONDON, April 26: Waging an uphill battle against elimination, Great Britain yesterday captured the doubles from Germany in the first round of the Davis Cup tennis competition, J. C. Gregory and I. C. Collinge easily defeated Walter Dessart and Henry Kleinschroth; 6-2, 6-4, 6-3. Germany had won the first singles the day previous and yesterday Dr. Daniel Prenn completed the de feat of H. G. N. Lee of Britain, 6-4, 7-9, 6-3, 6-2. ARSENAL WON ENGLISH FOOTBALL CUP TODAY WEMBLEY STADIUM, April 20: Arsenal defeated Hud- dersfield two to nil today in the final for the English Cup before an assemblage of 93,000 spectators. His Majesty King George was among those pre- sent. Arsenal, In the first half, t except for an exciting moment or two, proved to be the better team. James, crack Arsenal forward, scored after IS mln- utes of play. The second goal came from Lambert, centre forward, well on In the second half. ! , The famous RE-45 Mush from Air or Records with equally wonderful tone-quJ-itji Price, complete with tubes 4373.00, T T ADANACS CHAMPS New Westminster Men Win Dominion Howp 'Title From Acadia College WOLFVILLE, N.S, April 26: The Adanacs of New Westmin-ster last night won the men's senior basketball championship of Canada when they defeated the Acadia College team, eastern champions, by a score of 34 points to 19. They captured the two-game title series by an aggregate of 60 to 42. The Adanacs took the lead from the start and held it throughout last night's BRITAIN Get pays. WON OUT Eliminates Germany From Davis Cup Play By Three Games to Two LONDON, April 26: Sweeping thrpugh the last two singles, today, Great Britain won the Davis. Cup tilt with Oermany three matehes to two. H o.N Lee downed Dr. .Hans ' Landmann 5-7, 6-3, 6-2, 6-3' In the final match after Henry Austin had defeated Daniel Prenn 6-3, 6-4, 7-5. the Ad. reading habit. It IS I -JUKI )t irlinl h.i t Victor ORTIIOPIIONIC VICTItOLAS AND RKCORDS OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL Scottish League, First Division Alrdrieonlans 2, Partlck Thistle 0. Cowdenbeath 3, Rangers 2. Falkirk 1, Hamilton Acad 0. Hibernians' 0, Morton 1. Motherwell 9, Queen's Park 0. Scottish League, Second Division Clydebank 0, Third Lanark 2. Montrose 2, East Stirling 2. Queen of South 3, King's Park 1. English League, First Division Aston Villa, 2, Westham United 3. numlev -Leicester City unplayed. Derby County 3, Newcastle United j 1. Everton 3, Sheffield United 2. Leeds United 3, Manchester United 1. Manchester City 1, Blackburn Rovers 1. Portsmouth 1, Middlesbrough 1. Sheffield Wednesday 1, Grimsby Town 0. Sunderland 2, Birmingham 0: English League, Second Division Bradford City 0, Barnsley 1. Bristol City 4, Nottingham For est 1. Cardiff City 5, Bury 1." Cnarlton Athletic 4, Southampton "Hiill City 2, Tottenham Hotspurs 0. Notts County 1, Oldham Athletic 1. Pre ton Northcnd 1, Chelsea 2. Reading 0, MlllwaU 1. m l 7 K. V Ess! This advert --, t lished or r Liquor Cur' j j:.'. the Governme ' j CuIuznbU Wednesday! Stoke City 0, West Bromwich.Al- LONDON blon 3. ithtp of the En Swansea Town 3, Blackpool 0, llrrt division. Wolverhampton Wanderers 4,1 Sheffield Wwii Bradford 4. I probably Derbv tr-: This new instrument i iiolino tiiiriyalled at any price you never heard suck glorious tone IN Radio, as in other things, you may buy at various prices. For euuh price you get something usually what you pay for. Here is a new Victor instrument which is unrivalled at any price, yet y " m, t have it for a moderate outlay. In this new instrument, the creative staff ' f world's largest and finest musical instrument producers have striven (ot rne-quality that should be rnirror-like In its fidelity snd have obtained it, thrqugh a new discovery micro-synchronous balance. Now you may touch a button and hear broadcasts as they sound 7m the vulfa Touch another, and hear from records exactly that beauty which some rt singer has put into them. r One instrument beautiful w.iovtruth,rotmusidl ideals gives you c .thlrig. Nothing compares with it. We ask you not to take our word, t hear it yourself. MICRO - SYNCHRONOUS witlt DXiii!B;HgxsiimiM:iEiiBLO,:,n;u'B:i:a::n;BBiml::;9i siacasniiiBiinr every ut to Radio ELEGTROLA VICTOR TALKING MACHINE COMPANX OF CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL ' U&viciiiustmKaiiBx ...... -.-n i ' 'I '-M.H..Hln...nilHlniM.H,.H.f.lH ' IHf.H McRae Bros. Ltd. VICTOR RADIO RECEIVE 1