Saturday, January 4, 1930. BYLAW No. TAKE NOTICE that a vote of tho rstepnyers will be taket. on tin follow inn Bylaw In the Council Chamber. City Hall, on tho lGlh dajr of January, 1930, between the hour of eight o'clcclt u.m. and eight o'clcclt pjn. AND. FURTHER TAKE NOItCE that Edward' P. Jonett has- tmn appointed Returning Qfffeer to . take cbsrge of i.he said vot. K1MVAUI) F. JONES, Crty Clerk. A BYLAW OP THE CITY OP PRINCE RUPERT TO AUTHORIZE THE CONSTRUCTION OP A PAVEMENT ON Mo-BRIDE STREET IN THE CITY OP PRINCE RUPERT, AND TO OllflATE AND SECURE A DEBT TO' THE AMOUNT OP $12,000.00 FOB THE PURPOSE OP PAYINO TOR THE OOX-STRUCTION OP THE BAME. WHEREAS It li deemed advisable to construct a pavement on McBrlde Stmt from 9th Avenue to 11th Avenue. AND WHEREAS It la estimated that the cost or th work wiu b ia,ooo.oo. AND WHEREAS It la intended that the pavement shall be constructed according to the plana and apeelfloatlona of the City Engineer. AND WHEREAS for the purpose of paying for the construction of the said pavement it will be necessary to Incur a debt to the amount of $13,000.00, and It Is deemed advisable to provide that sum by the Issue of debentures for the amount of the proposed debt, the said debentures to extend over a period of ten years from the and day of January. AD, 1930, and' bearing interest at the rate of five per centum i5; ) per annum and to be secured In tiie manner hereinafter appearing. AND WHEREAS the sum of $13,000.00 U the amount of the debt which this Bylaw Is Intended to create. AND WHEREAS the total amount which It will be necessary to raise annually for the purpose of paying the aid debt and Interest Is 1.9MJ8. AND WHEREAS toe annual sum necessary for the payment of Interest during the currency of the said debenture Is $600.00. AND WHEREAS the sum to be set aside annually by way of sinking fund to discharge the debt authorized to be created by this Bylaw Is the sum of $1,022.89. and It la proposed to set oslde such annual amount by depositing the same annually at Interest in a chartered bank or trust company in C.inada, or by depositing the same In any manner which a Municipal Corporation may adopt. AND WHEREAS the value of the whole ratable land and Improvements of the Municipality according to the last revised Assessment Roll, being the roll for the year 1929. Is 10.038,553 00. AND WHEREAS tbe whole debt of the city of Prince Rupert, not indud-! in I or uooai improvement ana Dcnooi Qn city's DOTUOn OI Uie Toronto- , purposes is ow, which tonot ! MontWti highway close to where iTrt otnt otlTlS old Fort Fronfenac was built In 1673. and of the amount, no part principal Lr. iii372't i.. w or interest Is In aWv The OldMt Of the JanQjmf 'an old frame bUlldlnerat thi corner rJiJnE3SJp .,- of Ontario nd PrftKata 3tr?H, or- On thtt Oen Sir l rt be lawful for the cit, of Jstarid Prince Rupert to construct a pavement i Richard Haldlmand then governor on McBrlde street in the city of 1 of Canada, had established a snip-Prtiuw Mupen irom ut Avenue to nth yard and naval and military station Avenue according to the plans and rly in the American Reyolutlon-apeclfleatkMia prepared by the City WoP rurtnH Rnhrt Macauiv 71 ?.Wed there and supplied .the RupTtiand deposited in the office of "'We cfty Engineer, such ptans and pecUIeaftone to 4. subject to altera-tkmsr amendment, or additions to be rnadei before or during the construction of tbe work, such additions, alterations and amendments to be subject to the name approval as the original plans and specification and to be deposited in the same manner In tbe office of tlve City Engineer; the Intent of thH Bylaw being that In constructing such pavement the same shall be so constructed as to beet meet the actual requirements of the city. 3. For the purpose of paying for the construction of tbe pavement hereby authortred It shall be lawful for the Mid City of Prince Rupert to create a debt to the amount of 112.000 00. which debt shall be payable In ten years from the 2nd day of January. A D. 1930. for which debt debentures may be Issued to be secured as hereinafter mentioned. 3. Debentures or the said Corporation to the amount of 112.000.00 In Uu whole may be Issued by the Mayor anil Treasurer of the City of Prince Rupert in terms of the "Municipal Acf In sums of not leas than I1O0O0 Each of said debenture shall be signed by the Mayur and Treasurer and shall be sealed with the Seal of the aM Corporation. 4. The said debentures shall bear date the 3ml day of January. 190. and hall bear Interest at the rate of five per centum (6l per annum, payable half-yearly on the 2nd day of July ml the 2nd dy Of January in ncn and very year during the currency of aid debenture or any of them, th first of said payment of :nterext to be made on the and dnv of July. 1930. The principal Mm of said debentures ahall be made payable on he 2nd day of January. tMO. There hn be attached to each of the aald debenture coupons, signed by the Mayor and Treasurer, for coon and every payment of interMt which mav become due un der the aald debentures, and ucli signatures may be written, stamped, mho-graphed or printed. Each coupon shall be numbered with tbe number of th debenture to which It Is attached . -The aald debenture both a to principal and interest shall be payable at the I loyal uanx or wnuw. riuw Rupert, Canada, or, at the holder's option, at the Office of the Royal Bank or Canada In the Cities of Vancouver. Victoria. Montreal, end Toronto, Canada, and in the City of New York in the United States of America. 0. There shall be raised and levied annually during the eurrency of said di'bentures, by a rate aufflotent tbere-frr -n all ratable land or land and Im provements within the Municipality the sum of $1,092 .89 for the purpose oi formlns a slnklna fund for the payment of said debentures when they become due, and the sum of S8O0.O0 fqr the nayment of the Interest on aald de-brnturea at tlve rate aforesaid ' 4' come due oA the' skid debenture making in all the aum of $l.6ta.8 to At raised annually for the payment oi.we aeot and interest uiereon. 7. This Bylaw shsll come Into force and take effect on the reglatratlon thereof. PASSED THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OP TIIE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OP PRINCE RUPERT THIS 8 DAY OP JANUARY, A.D.. 1980. TAKE NOTICE that the above Is true copy of th prop4bed Bylaw upon wnich the vote of u municipality im be taken t Otty Kail. Prlnre Rupert. . B.C., on the 16th day of January. m:io. I beUen th hour of eight o'clock a-m.. and eight o'clock p.m. MlVV.VIih 1'. JONKH. City Clerk. 1 CLASSIFIED nre DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVB 'TIIIS IS TIIE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT ELITE BEAUTY PARLOR Mrs. Sutherland Expert marcelling, finger -and water waving. Face massaaie and scalp treatments. u Phone 499 MASSAGE A Sure Cure For Rheumatism Lumbago, Sprains, Etc. C. K. IIAYAKAWA Phono Red 309 P.O. Box 515 AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy, sell or exchange any kind of furniture or household goods, musical Instruments, maenmery, etc. uenerai repairs cratine. Dacklne and shipping, Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call. KINGSTON LOST OLD BUILDINGS Macaulay Residence, 145 Years Old, and 138-Year-Old Tavern. Demolished To Make Way For Modern Gas Stations KINOSTON, Ont., Jan. 4: During 1929 Kingston, the first capita) of Upper Canada In 1792 and capital of the United provinces of Up-r)er and Lower Canada, 1841-1844, lost two of its oldest buildings, which were razed to make way for vaanlinp "itntlona Thev were SltUr ated within a block of each other; Sritish cwnuUsslajlakand prison vlth provisions. u .-) After tbe war Qarlrton Istond was -Mirl hv thi Ornish, to.thp Amerl- an Republic, and j Mr! Ma&tUyl .ransferred rns Dimness w rungs-,on, whore be became one of the irtglnal landowners. He had erected on Carle ton Island in 1780 or 'hereabouts a dwelling house. hich structure he rafted over to Kingston a distance of 35 miles and rebuilt at the corner of Prln-"ps and Ontario streets where he carried on business and resided for i years. This Is the relic of those war lays which has now disappeared tfter standing for over 145 years. The other old Kingston building which has disappeared la the two-;torey stone building on the southwest corner of Queen and Ontario rtreets. On Its front wall was a stone giving the date of the building's :rectlon In 1792, the same year in which Sir John Slmcoe held the first meeting In Kingston. This stone Is feeing preserved. This old structure was a famous resort of the sailors and marines of the British naval yard at point Frederick who spent their money freely, mostly for liauors. The old British dockyard, estab - 1 ii. h- of th iin nf th rnr nf uunru u w.r wiut. ..v 1812- 14 between United States and Canada da, is now the site oi the Royal Military College oi Canada. The old stone tavern saw Kingston established as village, town and city, I and then had to give place to a Sta- 1 tion to supply gasoline to propel mo- tor cars that rush along the high- way over which lumbering stage! coaches passed more than a century ago. I i I ; Wiseman I saved a lot or money todav. Friend How did you do It? Wiseman Instead of suing a client for what he owed me, I let him have It. BRINGING UP ADVERTISEMENT! WANTED WOMAN Wants work by day or hour. Phone Black 69. (3) RELIABLE English woman wants steady day work, good housekeeper. Apply Box 244, Dally News oilice. FOUND FOUND Mackinaw coat, blue and green checked. Loser may obtain same by enquiring at Daily News Office arid paying for this advertisement. SILVERSIDES. BROS. Wallpapers Paints Window Olass Picture Frame Mouldings Third Avenue Phone 22 QUEEN CHARLOTTE-PORT CLEMENTS STAGE 0tortr"nw2, nwont. VtJhI meets southbound boats at Port Clements to receive passengers for Queen Charlotte City. Fare $5.00, and in proportion to intermediate points. R. G. McKENZIE PREMIER HOTEL QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY. B.C. Hunt's Furniture Store The Store of "Quality" WEEK'S SPECIALS 3 Rcstmorc Reds King of Rest Springs Mattresses and Bed Lounges G. M. HUNT Third Avenue RADIO BICYCLES FURNITURE REPAIRS, PACKING AND CRATING TOM BALLINGER 5th Street, Phone Blue C35 CLEARING Sc GRADING Conrrcle Foundations Tunnels anu shafts In difficult ground a specialty. NELS ROKKJAR, CENTRAL HOTEL L.IM1 ACT Nullre nf Intention to Apply to la.'e Ijind la Print Rupert Land Recording ! District of British Columbia, and alt-il ..... ,k. .i. x, tj rl1 Stu?0' nifern ' tne Kitsumkaium Valley, Et of Prince Rupert, bo. Take notice that Joseph Hart of Aberdeen. Washington, occupation, ; ;nr; 'ntf?d! l$L!Z ; ' the roll,wln P,u""!c commencing at a post planted so; chains distant and In a Northwesterly I direction from the mouth of the Little Beaver River In the Kitsumkaium Valley: thence North 80 chains' thence ' wsmriy bo onains; thence southerly on cnams; wence siasteriy ou cmmi and containing 1280 acres, more or less. JOSEPH HART. JOHN B. COUTURE. Agent. Dated January 4, 1930. FATHER FO FOR RENT FLAT FOR RENT, Wallace Block, Apply Mr. 'Minns. (5) F0R.UKNT Four rrom flat with batK Furnished. Phone R47. tf. FOR RENT Modern cottage, 5 rooms and bath. Close in. Phone Oreen 430. 3 FOR RENT Furnished apart ments 2, 4, and 5 rooms. Apply Museallcm Grocery. (tf FOR RENT Newly constructed dwelling, fully modern. Five rooms. Near Booth School. $30.00. O. P. Tinker & Co. (tf ) FOR RENT Clean, well furnished modern two and three roomed suites. Palmer Apartments. Phone Red 444. 'tf) I FOR SALE FOR SALE Halibut boat Ma.B. Phone Green 335. 8 FOR SALE-1929 Chevrolet Sedan! in excellent condition, can ar- range terms, price $750. Walker Motor Co. Ltd. (tf) FOUR Roomed house, fully modern, in first class condition. In Section 1. $1600 cash, $1800 on terms. A real bargain. McCaffery, Gibbons and Collart. tf) NO. 323 EIGHTH AVENUE EAST 7-ROOMED MODERN HOUSE With Three Bedrooms, For Sale $3500.00. Terms. Owner Leavinp Town M. M. STEPHEN'S CO, LTD. .' Rentals Loans Real Estate FOR SALE MODERN HOUSE No. 311, FIFTH AVENUE, EAST. WITH TWO LOTS Bedrooms and Large Sleeping Porch Upstairs, and, Kitchen, Dining-room, Living-room and pantry Downstairs VERY REASONABLE PRICE AND EXCEPTIONALLY EASY TER3IS II. G. IIELGERS0N, LTD. Phone 9S 21C Sixth St. lllND act Nollre of Intrntlun to Apply to Leane lnd Take Notice that 1. James Martin of Manatt. B.C.. Intend to apply tor a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post plastfcd at high water mark, and t the shore corner of Main Street, ai.d tbe corner of Block 30 Town of Masaett. B.C.: thence South Westerly and la line with tbe Bast de of Mam Street for About three hundred feet to low water mark; thence In a North Westerly direction to New Masaott wharf; thence along the wharf about three hundred feet mere or le-s to high water mark: thence along high water mark to tbe point of oommeueenMat. Dated at Mawetl. B.C. this 30th day of November, 1929. JAMES MARTIN. TRY DANCING ! Myfanwy Campbell, DJUJl. Offers You the Very Latest in Tap!!! Toe!! Ballroom Grecian Classical Terms, $3 Monthly; Private Class $3.50 Monthly R SALE, FOR IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. BOATBUILDERS KIY BOATBUILDERS, COW BAY P. O. Box 749 Phone Red 415 SALVAGE ANH TOWING "If It's on or under the water we do it." PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work. Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter. Row Boats and Canoes for hire. Bargains In Gas Engines. AGENTS FOR EASTHOPE ENGINES Northern B. C. Distributors Coolldge Propellers Sand and Gravel. In any quantity, delivered anywhere by water. Phone, Day or NlgHt 564 P. O. Box 1564 CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPRACTIC and SUNSHINE TREATMENT For Colds, Coufhs, Neuritis, Lumbago and Rheumatism R. E. EYOLFSON, D.C. 623 Third Avenue West Bice 85 Phones Red 589 DR. W. C ASPINALL Chiropractic Health Service Ultra-Vlolet Ray Ultra-Red Ray All Diseases .treated successfully Oreen 241 Phones Black 283 PHOTO FINISHING For Fine Photo Work, Quick Returns Careful Finishing WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHINGS 322 Third Avenue '' WE FRAME PICTURES BED SPECIALS Uneasy lies the head (not that araa re mnml that 11m on a ttaht bed. Rest on a Slumber rung rM mr. si Httf JlacKenzic's Furniturei 1 PHONE 775 THE ELECTRIC BAKERY The Store That Quality Built!" EAT ELECTRIC BREAD The, Best There Is! P. O. BOX.41S PHONE 667 MINERAL ACT Prrtlen X Notice tkVo-Partnerf Mtn4ral claims Str. Rand. Belle. Aurora, situated at Lockeport, Oueen!nce of the Taku and TuUequah Riv Charlotte Islands Owners Ross Morrison rjJ.C. S7I693 0. R. Dunlop and II. H. MeColl. To all concerned, take notice that L Ross Merrlson TMC. 8T1S93 C, having done all the work and paid aU dues on th above Mineral Ct&lras for the year ending Oct. 27th. 19W, without any work done or moneys paid by co-owners, R. Dunlop and H. II. McColl, Intend to apply within a perl-d of 120 days after first appearance of this notice, to the Mining Recorder, to hav the Interests of said co-owners vested solely In myself. ROSS MORRISON. Per J. L. Barge, Agent. (GO tq the PHONE AN' f NO. f I f GO j f rSjSSgSK WELL, WHAT DD' I I f I tl't C lrr. lm1 ftitsrt ttntrt, lrt.,Cr,l BriUis rliMi rvmi. RENT, LOST LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Leone Land In Prince Rupert Land Reaording District of British Columbia, and situate on the South Bank of Skeena River, opposite Mile 28.76 on Canadian National Railways, East of Prince Rupert, B.C. Take notice that Northern British Columbia Power Company, Limited of Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation Power Corporation Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about iXJ?"D J?";... X'lfer annual repairs. The vessel will U1ICVV1VU AlVUa. 1.11 bl C aAW V su I National Railways. oDDosite mile 23.7. i East of Prince Rupert, on the south bank of tbe Skeena. River, thence North 9 chains more or less to Low Water Mark; thence Westerly along; L.W.M. 5 chains: thence South 8 chains, more or less to H.W.M.: thence Easterly along H.W.M. to point of commencement and containing two (2) acres, more or less. NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY. LIMITED. Per: Thomas D. McLean, Agent. Dated September 21st. 1920. L.IXD ACT Notlr of Intention to Apply to rnrthose Land In Stlklne Land Recording District and iltuate on tbe north bank of the Taku River at a point about three miles north of tbe junction of the TuUequab River with the Taku River. Take notice that the Alaska Juneau Cold Mining Company of Juneau, Alaska, occupation mining company, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: commencing a post piantea near the southwest corner of the Jack M. C. thence South 40 chains; thence West 20 chains: thence North 40 chains thence East 30 chains more or less to point of, commencement and containing eighty acres, more or less. ALASKA JUNEAU COLD MINING COMPANY n p.iii a rwr Rrnit Dated 28th day of October, 1923. WATER NOTICE J)hrrToft' and Use TAKE ' 'NOTICE that James B. Stap ler whoe address Is Hotel CastlneauA Juneau, Alaska, wUl apply for a Ucesol to take and use 200 .euble. ieeendr too, of water out of East fXark;' Tulsequab River, which flows Southerly ana toto Taku River about 20 miiH I aooye ? me ' moutn. i diverted frcm the 4. jwinv tooui 4 miles up :eUUMi i the mouth of the East n ire srnrti win be iSed for Mining rpose upott Ah. Tulsequab IP- '. '. Tfc&'r 'notice was-' pbtted on the ground on the Slit Ally of October, 11929. i V - A copy of this notice and an appll- cation pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act. 1914," will be fUed In the office of the Water Recorder at Atlln November ISth. 1929. Objections to the application may be filed with the aald Water Recorder or with the ComptroUer of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, BO, wlthm thirty days after the first appearance of this notice In local newspaper. The date of the first publication of thla notice la December 2nd, 1929. JAMES B. STAPLER, Applicant. Ey H. MeN. FRASER, Atlln, B O, I Agent. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to rnrrhase Land In the Caasiar District Land Record-hid District of Stlklne and situate oa the Taktf River about three, quatten of a mile un stream from tha mnu. ers. Take notice that Horace MeNaughton Fraser of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Civil Engineer, Intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Ccmmencrag at a post planted on the Taku River about three quartera of a mile up stream from the mouth of the Tulseqiiah River; thence? North 29 chains; thence East 20 chains; thence South 20 cbams: thence West 20 ehalns more or less to point of commencement and containing forty acres, more or less. HORACE McNAUOHTON PHASER Dated October 29th. 1929. By NEVER MlMO - WHILE YOU'RE & FOUND Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert January 4. 1910 Compalnts are still1 being made here at the inadequate service being given between here and Vancouver by all companies with the exception of the Union Steamships Ltd. The Boscowitz Co. has laid the . - , resume ner service between - here and Vancouver in a fortnight's time. The B. C. Packers Association has purchased the 145-foot trawler Roman which has been engaged in fishing on the Atlantic Coast. The vessel will be used In halibut fishing. China mah You tellee me where railway station? Stranger What's the matter, John lost? Chinaman No, me here station lost! LASn ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Purchase Land In the Stlklne Land Recording Divi sion; Land Recording District of Tele graph creek and situate on extreme up of penlnvula on North bank of Tulsequab and Went bank of Taku Rivers, approximately on mile south of Msple Slough. Take notice that s. J. Norman and Tl. McCombe of Juneau, Alaska, Oc cupation miners. Intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted one m'le south of Msple Slcugh: thence North 40 chains: thence West 20 chains: thence South 40 chains: thence Bast 20 chains and containing 80 acres, more or less. EDMUND JEAN NORMAN ..f.ROBERT SALE McCOMBS. Dated I9th dsy ot" October. 1928. . UtND .ACT ' Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In The Queen Charlotte Land Dls. irlct Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate near Block 20, Massed Tpwnslte. Take nlce that . Arthur Robertson ind Eugene II. stmpsan of Massett. B.C.. occupation Lumbermen .Intend apply for a lease of the following described lands: commencing at a post planted at the SX. Oor. BIk. 20 Massett Town- .site: thence Westerly 10 chains to 1 Oov. Wharf; thence Southerly 4 chains running parallel to Oov. Wharf f to Low Water Mark: thence Easterly 10 chains; thence Northerly 4 chains. and containing 7 acres, more or less. ARTHUR ROBERTSON EUGENE HUMPHREY SIMPSON Dated Nov. 13th. 1929. S. D. Johnston Co., Ltd. Correspondents For MILLER, COURT & CO., LIMITED For the benefit of the investing public, Miller, Court & Co., Ltd., publish a semimonthly market report, dealing with mining, oils and Industrial stocks, which Li available at our office on the 1st and 15th of every month. We offer prompt and reliable service in the execution of orders to buy or sell all stocks on the Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto Exchanges. S.D. Johnston Colli 610 2nd Avenue Phone 130 Prince Rupert B.C. George MrManus GrO HOME HEALTH