Tuesday. November 25, 1930 I B.C COAST AMSMirS Tarrfhlo. TiVIllnn- r..nL v uoum Not Sleep For It Norway Pino Syrup Mrs. Gordon J. Rot fi write i ' I had t terrible, tickling cough, and at night could not get to sleep for hours for it. I read about Dr. Wood's Norway iine Syrup and decided to get a bottle of it, and I can truly aay it did me a wonderful lot of eood. "I haye three childm Jiut as toon u I in at i alwayi keep maod I rire theft tiifieron ther gfttlng mfaimTmeh. It on haul both fotf the' children ana tnyself." Price 35c. a bottle; large family site 66c j At an druggists or dealers; put up only by TU T.'MBbnni Co., Ltd., Toronto, Oat. Pinaud s Special Ofer 50c Lilas do France Talcum Free with a $1.00Bottlo of Lilas do France Lotiqn 50c Liquid Brilliantine Free with a $1.35 Pottle of Lau dc Quinine Oimcs IM. Ztfio Pioneer Drugrtels Mioiii SI & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. TIIKEE GRADUATE PIIAKMICISTS The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED Prepared Daily Uy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PIUNCE HUI'EltT, Ji.C. H. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE SAILINGS FROM PRINCE UUPfcRT "o Ketchikan. Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway Nov. 15. 29. To Vancouver. Victoria. Seattle-; Nov. 5, 19. Prim Mry CKean Falls, tie Vm-jum nad Vlc-lorj.,. (very Friday 10 p.m. Arents lor All Steamship Lines W.COnl.srd. Oen. Arnt. arlA . Pr.iice Kuurrt. Phone SI. UNION STRAMSIIII'S 1.I.MITUI) fmitl. 1UMLK KNttKSION KAIIKN L'.Vt. on sale rriim Nv IV l:w l !. t. IMI (with filial rNurn llllllt MMITII II, IHI rKl.VCE RUPERT TO VANCOUVER .... uom imruiiN t i MHier lie l"rlmv KuMTt tar rTI T! v( AT.U KVtKV Tt KMi.W. J:JO I'M. Arriving Vancouver ThuMdy Noon approx. T" (AIIIIKM Ki:KY I'HIIi.W MllSIOUT Arriving Vancouwr Bunday mtanight approx. sulllnsi to Port 8Uiipoi. Aliw Ann. Anyox. SKwart and aaa River uuit-H Sunday. S:O0 p.m. informMlon rwirdunr r.ll wiling! and VlckeU at riilM i: Hi i'i itT uicm k: an nd Avenue. niime - Want Ads Let Them lie Your Hroker in Duying and Selling 8omebody la waiting to buy that house or bedroom set. or eoat you have to sell. Somebody is watting to whatever etoe it U you sell that oar, or typewriter, or are in the market lor. Oet the habit of shopping through the Want Ads. You'll find undieamed of bar- ,. gains undreamed of opportunities. Do your shopping through these columns and see how profituble and- ' pleasant It Is. V HEAD and USE RUPERT 'DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Phone 98 g "It it's fully told-it's quickly sold" r,ct Hie habit of reading the .idvcrtiscnicnls in this paper, Local Items Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Hcilbroner's store. Xour , prdftf for Xmas cards carl All Retail Merchants are (o attend a business meetlnz In, the Boston Cafe, Tuesday 0.30 P-m. 273 When you want real warmth in ytfUr.s home order Nahalmo-Wcllington Coal. The coal that made Nanaimo a city. Albert & McCaffery. Phone 11C and 117. tf An interesting article of glll.net fishing operations in Hie Rivers Inlet and Queen Char lotte Sound district appears in the magazine section of the last Van couver Sunday Province. The au thor of the article Is Richard Nel son Cartslde. A recommendation from the finance committee that an offer of $100 from O. Culos for tax sale lot 9, block 36, section 5, be accepted was adopted by the city council last night. The property is situated at the corner of Taylor Street arid Seventh Avenue. WINTER FACES PRINCE RUPERT to VANCOUVER VICTORIA $4 M-Mmg Mtmlt mmJ Brrlk. Tklrta m ! up la l'b. Mlh. ltJl. Ilrturn Umk Maratl tlmU Ymr IttfermatfcMi salt r writ II. I'. MN AtCIITON. 1.IA. rrinra Ituprrt B.C. J SS!S8SsSiHBHN ALIKE Luxurious P in cojtvfbrf 0NAI)IAN National offera many luxuries and comforts which add pleasure to your trip South by Steamer or East by Train. Sailings from I'rlnro Ituixrl to Vancouver, tbrnre via Trl-Clty Srnlce to Victoria and Seattle, Thursdays 10.00 p.m. For Auyox and Stewart, Wednesdays 4.00 p.m. Itrular services lo North and South Queen Cliarlolte IhIjihIs. Particulars of aail-lh!i, ate, etc., on request; PasKcnaer trains leave I'rinco i!llV.i :.iJU,.i',.,lJ'iA4 1 iironday. Wrilnesday and Saturday at 11.30 a.m. It. F. McNAUUIHON iNWrirt r.UMrt Afni I'riai'r Uuiwrl, II. w-m Dinnenvare, china, crockery, glassware. Hcilbroner's Store. Billiards tonight Grotto V3. Ca nadian Legion. This afternoon's train, due from the East at 3:30, was reported this morning ttd bei.ohJtlimeS'j L. O. B. A .Bridge, Whist and Dance, Metropole Hall, Thursday, Nov. 27, 8 o'clock. Premier Orchestra, Scotch and Canadian dances. 277 Father J. Laraproux, OMI.. at Anyox is a passenger aboard the Catal a this afternoon going through for a brief trip to The Catholic Women's League will hold a card party, bridge and whist in the Parish Hall Wednesday evening at 8.30. Admission 50c. Refreshments. 275 North Rolla arid Shearerdale have been added to the polling: divisions list in Fort George elec toral district, the B.C. Gazette an nounces. John Brawlcy, for driving to the common danger, was fined $10, with pption of seven days' lmprli- onment. by Magistrate McClymont. .in city: police- court this morning. In aid of the-St. Peter's Sunday School Xmas Tree an afternoon tea and sale of home cooking will be held In the Church, Seal Cord Circle, Thursday, Nov. 27 from 3 to 5. 275 Edward O. Brown, well. known Vancouver mining man, is. a pas- seneer aboard the Catala this af ternoon returning south after a! brief visit to Stewart on mining: business. i II. A. DeWolf. local manager of. the W. H. Ma'lkin Co. Ltd.. return-! ed to the city on the Catala thlsJ morning after making the roound. trip W Ahybx and Stewart bn com-piiyWslneTli: " fl i' ii - it).. ,;i ,-.,: f, J Urtion sleamef Caiili' Capt. Jas. Flndlay, teturtied to port at 10:30 this morning from Anyox, Stewar: and other northern points and will sail at 3:30 this afternoon fo Vancouver .and .waypolnts. , J. N. McPhee, customs officer at Butedale, who has, been spending some time in the .prince Rupert umnai uuawtiii .uvcivwg ileal-1 merit, sa1bj,e.,paiAla;, af-ternopahi returnMto, Ws du-tl down.ithe coast. -.. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson j. Carson, i who have been visiting here .for the past few weeks with their soil; and daughter-in-law, Dr. and Mr. J. H. Carson, are sailing this afternoon by the Catala on their return to their home In Vancouver. Dan Vlahovlch. who arrived In the city a few days ago from Stewart, will leave on tomorrow morning's train for HaUfax where he will embark on the French line steamer De Orasse enroute to his home in Zagreb. Jugo-Slavla whiTe he will pay a visit. A public meeting will be 'held In the Council Chamber, City Hall to night at 8 o'clock 'for' the purpose of diseusslng the submission' -of the two bylaws to be voted on on the 28th November. It is hoped that all interettc ! ratepayers will attend. C. II. Orme, Mayor. 273 Leander Paxal arrived In tho city on the Catala this morning from Stewart and will proceed tomorrow by train to Halifax whete on December 6 he will embaric on the Baltic-American line steamer Koecluscko for Helsing-fors, Finland. He will pay a visit to his home in the Old Country- The city councS last night finally reconsidered and adopted a looal Improvement bylaw providing for the grading of Eleventh Avenue between Alfred Street and Conrad Street and the surfacing of all Eleventh Avenue between McClymont Park and Conrad Street following the completion of grad ing between the park and Alfred, Street as unemployment relief work. 1 ' ,. , , (; i i - " . M. J. Anderson, who has been , acting as foreman for work which the Portland Canal Power Co. has! been doing preparatory to the es-j tabllshment of a power plant on the Alaskan side of Portland Canal below Hyder, and crew of eight men are passengers aboard the Catala this afternoon bound for Seattle. It -has been necessary to close down the work until next spring. MAGIC SB .v a wc I y ft i h it, BSSII SSSal PBSi 111 iPII UIWII T NEW VICTOR RADIO Home Recording ELECTROLA RE-57. Completely NEW. 3 Supreme instruments in one. Matchless performance superb beauty. $39740 complete. Other Victor Radios from $185 Easy Terms and we trade your old radio 1 1 . 1 O LooV for this marlc on every tin; 1 1 ItliouisusfanteethatMagieBakUia 1 Powder docs not conUln alum of V any harmful Ingredient. . BAKING POWDER u; -1 wi gives "-fy e 1 1 e r bakinq res jmomT ill W.jtitoU io '.bat 1 1 f trtlyVHlTt$T.UW,j 3 out of every 4 Canadian Housewives who bake at home, say they use Magic Baking Powder because it gives consistently better baking results. If you use Magic, then you, too, can always be assured of the same good results with-all your baking. 37ie iYeto This fact was revealed In a recent Dominion-wide investigation. ults SOMETHING DIFFERENT Victor- 1931 MUNICIPAL VOTEUS' LIST TAKE NOTICE that the Court of j Revision to correct and revise thej above Voters Uat will sit on December 10, 1910, at 2 JO pjn.. in the Qouncll Chamber,, City Hall. Thei said court will hear and determine! any application to strike out the name of any person who has been improperly placed on said list, or to place on said list the name of any person improperly omitted therefrom. E. F. JONES. 21, 2 S.26. City Clerk. ANNOUNCEMENTS ' . Moose Whist Drive and Dance, November 28. Royal Purple Bridge and Whist series, next game, December 1. Anglican W. A. Basaar Dec. 2. ! nr United Church Basaar Dep. 4. - -ft A 1 ?Hard time dartoe Queen Mary Chapter, I.O.D.E.1U11 December 4.; . .. v. ',!, MiU..jawmuf tut. im i: Elks' smo WfiBHW name Tintwii day'Decertber."' ,!,,J"tfI u'' ' High School Concert, Dec. 11. i Operetta The .Enchanted Pal-are," Booth Memorial School, Dec., 16 and 17. Canadian Legion B.E.8.L. Christmas Tree December 20. Sons of Norway Christmas Tree December 28. If you balcealhomt, lend for th New Magic Coolc Book. It will provide you with dozem of intcrestins suggestions to help you With your baking. A copy will b tent fisc on STANDARD BRANDS LIMITED GILLETT PRODUCTS Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Vancouver nd Bandits t.i all the principal cities of Canada The Only HOME-RECORDING ELECTROIA and laugh at your CHUCKLE children's remarks as they come to you from your own Home Recorded Victor Records. Talk to yourself and howl at your own Jokes . . . Amuae yourself and your friends, too! See what fun It is to make a "speaking" likeness of your dear ones . . . Build up a library of living messages that will be worth their weight in gold to you in years. to come! Come in today . . . and ask HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel UNhKK NB1V MAN.U1EMB.NT strain lleatrd; Traveller' sample Uosms: Hot ami Cnl4 IVatrr free Haw Meet H Trains and ItMl lUtes $1.00 and Up MtttU MONTHLY UATKs 0.11.111(10 ART & A. DONALD fntfrletorii .PHONE ri Savoy Hotel Prince Ritpen's leading family hotel, not .ind cold water in ail roomt A. J. l'RUDIIOMME, Prop. Co, of Frftser und Fifth Sts. E. V. Dudoward and Rev. Victor H. 8ansum, Port Simpson. New Royal Hotel I. Zarrlll, lTop. THE IIOTll. MOUTH WHILE Hot Cold Water: Steam Maat 7$iPK AY AND UP Ti-i-iiiuiii mi Mali Fen city: O Nelson. Hyder. Boston Grill Large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Nlsht, 9 to 12 Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties t'hone 457 Prince Rupert us about Victor's Sensational New Musical Instrument . Victor's Oreatest Achievement, The New, MlcrxHSynchronjus. Screen-arid, 8-Circult Vict r-Radio that brings you r. t selectivity . . . .rre;l-r n activity than you : r need . . . new Victor T :u Control . . . plus. Vic:.r : -cords, played as y :..;. never heard them pia -1 ' fore . . . Four superb mo-.u 's in the most beautiful eabim ,s ever designed. Come in and Make a Ilecord "IF IT'S VICTOR' WE HAVE IT" i Steam Baths 204 Sixth St. Phono Black 7G1 Opposite Prince Rupert HuU-l Ladies Ky Appointment OenU from t p.m. to 12 p.m. Travel to wwrk In comfort TAXI PHONE 32 TAXI CALLS. From 7 aan. to !.' a.m. Will receive special attention. SPEKI) WITH SAFETY Is what you will enjoy in a oaifort-able roomy car, bv callini; TAXI 25 Promptness, reliabi linn is our motto. A tri v ,i lx- .lij.c-ciated. Phor.. :i. MattVidcck Ambulance and Taxi Service SOMETHING NEW j FOR LADIES AND GENTS Large assortment new clotlus (or autumn and winter ju.s. to li.tmi All finest quality and latest patterns. Come In and set us UhLiv. Suit or overcoat oumnleti and tin-islied in three days. Ling, the Cutter Steam cleaning, pressing mil altering. We deliver any part of the city. LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Phone 8-19 Pfpf reeaiviij j raci. iuius advciUse. . H -i 4 J