WINDING UP! The Acme Importer Clearaway Sale Saturday is the last day of our big sale and we are suggesting the following as among the best offerings in the store: BLUE SERGE SUITS With 2 pairs of pants, guaranteed Indigo Dye Botany Wool, Regular $37.50. B9 ft ft Clearaway Sale Price pAtl.VV BOYS' BLUE SERGE SUITS With 2 pairs pants, O-fl A Off same quality as men's. Clearaway Sale Price . . . V BOYS' TWEED SUITS With 2 pairs pants, pure wool, nicely made, silk lined. A Qff Clearaway Sale Price V-w.t7eJ The Acme Importers THIRD AVENUE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. IKK ( CKJO O0 00 OO OO OOtKKHJ 0W0OO0HK1000a0WKH3 0OO0H0KK100 0C 0CHKf0OtH00O0BOCH50tK00rtHo BE SURE TO GET YOUR MONEY'S WORTH IT'S your money. You've earned it It will be spent. .For fuel, clothes, furniture, food, all sorts of necessities . . . and if there's any left, for luxuries. The way to make that hard-earned money go farthest is to purchasejfproducts of certain value. Products backed by well-known manufacturers. Products that are widely bought and used, that are carefully and painstakingly kept to high standards of quality, and that have been found over and over again to give full worth. Advertised products! V When you buy a suit of clothes, a pair of shoes, or a household necessity, that is advertised in this papor, you are buying a product whose maker is willing to talk about it, tell about it, put what he knows about it in print and sign his name to it When you buy advertised merchandise by name, you get the utmost of purchasing value from everydollar. Read over the grocery4 lists that appear weekly in the Daily News and note the savings you will make by purchasing from these lists. Because it doesn't pay to advertise poor products, It docs pay to buy those advertised. 050000OM00O000000000OUO000000OO00O 00 01 0O000aOO000O00CKO00001OOOO0OOO 00000000 00WJOO00KOtHJ00OO00OB0&&0M000CO0000KJ0O00 mm m LUMBER ! KILN DRIED SPRUCE, CEDAR AND HEMLOCK FINISH, CEILING, RUSTIC, MOULDINGS, ETC. AA pe&ialties4 ? ; - Edge Grain Boat Cedar. Kiln Dried Edge Grain Hemlock Flooring Spruce and Cedar ShipUp, Boards, Dimensions and Timbers Doors, Windows, Shinties, Etc. Odd lots off-grade material at reduced prices. BIG BAY LUMBER CO., LTD. Lumber Manufacturers Prince Rupert, B.C. Rupert East i picnic Today 2 Annual Outing of Sunday School n 8 Held at Digby Island This Oet pays. Afternoon i S! The annual picnic of Rupert Eatt g 1 United" Church Sunday School m being held this afternoon at Die g Island, bbatffhfoln left the PacS fic Salvage floats at 10:30 and 11:30 n this morning with the happy plc- nickers. Arriving at the island. g program of sports and races will be M engaged in and bounteous refresh- n tnents will be served. ' Si Rev. C. E. Motte, pastor of the g church. Is Ci general charge of the picnic wim Mrs. m. m. Lamo ana Mrs. Motte assisting. the AC. reading habit. It SHOWS FOR FALL FAIR Three 'Clever Groups of rcrformers i ' i?t,V lvtUi ittt2!2in. " "!v - Rupert " ! 1 The Fair Board at its meeting last night decided to Import three star Vaudeville acts for the forthcoming fair, each of which should give an Interesting entertainment. One of these is known as the Quby Dog Act. It Has two people and eight very oretty fluffy dogs which do some nteresting tricks. It Is said to be a very clever act Ken Williams In "Educated Sands" does acrobatic and other jicks. Adolphe and Cynthia do Juggling is well as acrobatic and classic lancing, wire walking and other tunts as well as tricks with clubs ind balls. The board last night went Into he merits of various offerings and finally decided on the ones which vill be here unless they have al ready been engaged for the dates of the local fair. The three decided upon are highly recommended and along with the Native Band, the 3oys' Band and the Boys' Band mu sical contest should provide plepty if entertainment for the annual vent. W. II. SHerman presided at the neeting and most of the directors were present. FUNERAL OF MRS. SCOTT Well Known Resident Laid to Rent Yesterday Afternoon Following Presbyterian Service Many friends gathered yesterday afternoon at 2:30 in First Presby terian Church to Join with sorrow- 'ng relatives in mourning the loss f Mrs. Joan Riddell Murison Scott, mother of 'Mrs. James Clark, whose 1eath occurred earlier in the week. The funeral senate was conducted ")y Rev. Dr. R. M. Stevenson who ipoke suitably tcrthe occasion. John S. Davey presided at the organ and sang as a solo deceased's favorite hymn, "There Is a City Bright," ac companied by Mrs. H. C. Fraser. Congregational 'hymns were the SMghty-Fourth Psalm and "Nearer My Ood to Thee." After the church service, inter ment was made in Falrview Cemetery, a large concourse following the cortege to its final resting place. Honorary pallbearers were F. W. Hart and Howard Steen and active pallbearers, J. W. McKlnley, D. C. Stuart, Harry Calderwood, J. Cur-rle, A. S. Lewis and N. Mussallem. There were many floral tributes. among them being pieces from Presbyterian Women's Missionary Society, Netta and May Clark. Mr. stnd Mrs. A. D. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hart, Mr. and, Mrs. R. M. Ray-nor, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Steen, Mr. and Mrs. R. Eyolfsen, Mrs. Strachan and family, Mr. and Mrs. D. C JBtuart, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Clark, Grace and Margaret Clark, Women's Auxiliary Presbyterian Church. Mr. and Mrs. Moxley, Buckley Market, Miss Bates, Mr. and Mrs: W. J. 'Kirkpatrick, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brady, Mr. and Mrs. N. Mussallem, Mr. and Mrs. James Scott of North Cambridge, UJ3.A., Mr. and Mrs. James Clark. Vancouver Girl Becomes Bride of Radio Man The wedding took place quietly last Saturday evening at 8 o'clock In the Presbyterian Manse, Rev. Dr. R. M. Stevenson officiating, of Miss Mildred Fowler of Vancouver and George E. Walker, a popular member of the Digby Island wireless station staff. Attendants of the couple were Mr. arid Mrs. A. J. Bar rle, Mlk? BMle'belrri Wfsfster of W'ferbM'. 1 i,u1" Vvw Mr. and Mrs. Walker have taken up residence at Digby Island. They will have the hearty congratulations and best wishes of their friends. Capt. Wm. Barton, who boarded the steamer at Ketchikan, was a passenger aboard the Princess Alice yesterday afternoon bound for Seattle where he will meet a flotilla of gunboats which will cruise Alaska waters this summer. Bad Indigestion and Constipation Disappear Quick "FRUIT-A-T1YES" Now' Her Only Doctor -Suffered terriblj with lndlgrtlon and constipation, couldn't eat. a frltnd advised 'Frult-a-tiveB' and iu aeon line and well. They are my doctor when 111." Leonle Paradla, Mont Carmel. P. Q. Tttr. frnm ttiuuindi ftT chronica constipation and liver trouble eo4d 4 overnight with "Frlut-a-tlvea." Bour tomach. biliousness, heartburn, puf bloating vanish like magic. Bladder and kidney Uls, pain In back go m 34 hours. Nerves quiet, sound sleep at once. Rheumatism, neuralgia, neuritis, sick headaches disappear In a Jiffy Complexion clears quick. Famous Canadian doctor's discovery. Ten of nature's greatest remedies combined In handy little tablet. Amazing quick results. Oct "Frult-a-tlves" from drugglit today. Feel great tomorrow. POT AND KETTLE Premier Tolmie Says Pattullo Was Dismal Failure as Administrator , VICTORIA, July J: fl challenge Mr. Pattullo to point to one of his acts during the 12 yc-s of his administration that will remain as a monument to his efficiency and ability," said Premier Tolmie in addressing the Conservatives of Saanich yesterday. The Premier described the Opposition leader as the most dismal failure as an administrator in the history of the FIRE ALARMS MORE OFTEN Department lias Answered to Calls So Far This Year as Against tS Last Year Specials Swifts' Pure Lard 5-lb; tin Empress Orange Marmalade 4-lb. tin Nabob Red Plums 2's 2 tins Shredded Wheat 2 pkgs Nabob Large Prunes 2-lb. pkg. Seedless Raisins 2 lbs Eggs, Fresh Extras 3 dozen Eggs, Fresh Seconds 3 dozen Christies' Fresh Biscuits 1-ib. pkg. SM I MMMU-- -" 1 ...... i 42 During the month of June this year the.flre department responded to five alarms, no damage being done In any case. Last year in June there were also five alarms with no damage. So far this year the department has answered a total of 42 alarms as compared with 28 in 1929 to date. The damage for the first half of this year has amounted to a total of $10,355 as against $U15 in the first six months of 1929. Week-End S1.10 60c 45c Quaker.Qulck Rolled Oats Qua lU' per pkg 25c 35c 25c $1.10 95c 40c Sunnybrook Creamery Q4 -fl C rButter3-lb. brick ?M.M.O Fresh Cottage Cheese ber jb5 Swifts' befico Bacon-Sliced. 1-lb. pkg 20c 50c Aylmer Boneless Chicken AEZn ItJ'U per tin SwiflsPr'emlum'tuhch Meat Siloed "per. ibi Hothouse Tomatoes per lb New Potatoes 6 lbs 40c 20c 25c Alberta Market P. GAMULA Proprietor I'lfth Street Phone ?.0 WEATHER 1 IN JUNE Rain Was Much .Heavier Than- Same Month Last; Year With Little More Sunshine During the month of June this year there was 139.2. nours 01 bright sunshine as compared with 132.2 hours in the same month last year. There was 6.02 inches of rain is against 2.37 Inches in June 1929. So far this year there has been an aggregate of 71654 hours of sunshine as compared with 6935 hours In the first six months of 1929. The rainfall this year so far has totalled 35.16 inches in comparison with U.63 Inches In the corresponding Teriod of last year. The weather summary for the nonth of June, as announced by H. D. Tee, Digby Island, Dominion me teorologist, was as follows: Highest barometer reading at lea level, 30.48 on June 17. Lowest barometer reading at sea level, 29.46 on June 9. Maximum temperature, 75 lune 21'.. I Minimum temperature, 40 Was Well Known Aid. Prudhomme on on June 2, 3, and. 6. ' Mean temperature, 52.2. Average humidity, 815. Total precipitation, 6.02 inches. Greatest dally rainfall, 1.75 In ches on June 5. Total sunshine, 139.24 hours. Throughout North Otto II. Partridge of Ben-My-Chree Passes Away Many in Prince Rupert who have had the privilege of enjoying the hospitality extended by Mr. and Mrs. OttoIL Partridge at their home it Ben-my-Chree in the Atlln Lake district, will join with thousands in all parts of the world in mouring the passing of Mr. Partridge, news of whose death at Whitehorse on Saturday evening, has reached this city. Within the last several years Ben-my-Chree has become a meeca for tourists from many lands, and the charming and most interesting personalities of both Mr. and Mrs. Partridge have made a deep Impression on all who have been so fortunate as to be able to visit their unique home. Internationally known statesmen, writers and businessmen have considered It a privilege to be welcomed to this little haven In the wilds of the north and many of their Impressions of the unusual personalities of the Partridges have been published In widely circulated newspapers and magazines. Although advanced in years beyond the allotted three score and ten, Mr. Partridge retained his youth! ulness of mind and spirit to the end and, in spite of his doctor's 1 strict injunctions, he carried on at his chosen work to within a few days of his death. The sympathy of the whole north is extended to Mrs. Partridge in her great bereavement. Resigned From The Fair Board At the meeting of the fair board last night Alex, Prudhomme tendered his resignation from the board of directors and the resignation was accepted. Regrets were expressed that Mr. Prudhomme should do so and efforts were made to dissuade him from his purpose but without effect. Mr. Prudhomme objected to the action of the buildings and grounds committee in employing the care-1 taker to build the new front steps and other work and also took ex- ception to the calling of a meeting at a time when he stated it was well known he could not attend. Okanagan Lake Car Barge Has '1. . IU? i- I)... . 'M ' Thursday July 3. I830 PAGE SIX THE DAILY NKW3 I I LP ,- i WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY TWO SHOWS 7 and 9 P.M. LAWRENCE TIBBETT The World's Greatest Baritone In THE ROGUE SONG From the Open, "Gypsy Love ALL TALKING, SINGING AND ALL IN TECHNICOLOR Talking Comedy 'Whispering Whoopee- Admission 20c & CSc nvvHTBivai! FIRST ANNIVERSARY Keep the ball rolling Why not? EVERYTHING IS IN YOUK FAVK We Always Like to Give the Consumers the Best For Their Money Sufar leO's, per sack . L Sugar 50's per sack Sugar 10 lbs, Icing Sutar Z's 1 pkgs. rr. aVS a . Braids Best Coffee per lb. Strawberrics-- per basket i. Bing Cherries per lb r Plums per basket Apricots per basket Peaches per dozen ... 3 bunches ., New Spuds U,lhs.f..'...,X iScflich Shortbread--;,, Been Launchedrri lb. r? Word has been received at the local dry dock that the car barge, fabricated at the local yard and subsequently assembled at Kel-owna for use of the Canadian National Railways on Okanagan Lake, was successfully launched last Saturday and will soon be read to enter service. O. A. McMlll;i, superintendent of the dry dock, was among those present at the launch ing. Hot (louse Tomatoes per basket Fresh Green Peas, 3 ibs. Prince Rupert Spinach 3 lbs. v'.i Prince Rupert Radishe per Chocolate Eclairs per lb. S5.60 52.85 58c 35c EXTRA SPECIAL Braids' Blue, Label Tea 5Q(J PICNIC SPECIALS Dutch Maid Mayonnais 8-oz. per bottle Dutch Maid Mayonnaise 16-oz. per boltie Dutch Maid Sandwich Spread 8-01. per bottle C. & B. Vinegar qts. per bottle Sweet Mustard Pickles ,"per.iV .Sweet Mixed Pickles per qt Sour Mixed Pickles, per qt. 50c 25c 46c 25c 35c 50c 48 c 40c FKUIT SPECIALS srb;. 3.40 15c 25c 75c 90c 50c VEGETABLE SPECIALS 90c 25c 25c 10c 50c i25c 20c 35c The Economy Cash & Carry "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phone 3C0 319 Third Ave.