w S1 CUV. MA nlrulr II Wednesday, December 24, 1333 THE DAILY NEWS PAtJ FT73 Classified Advertisements. Business and Professional Men s Guide. Legal Notices. A DAILY NEWS FOR SALE AD. WILL CONVERT THAT UNUSED PIECE OF FURNITURE INTO CASH. TRY IT! FOR RENT FLAT FOR RENT Wallace Bloc. Enquire store. tf FLAT for rent lour rooms and bath, Sixth and Fulton. Phone 543. . . tf FOR RENT Modern house, 3 rooms and bath. Apply Munro Bros. tl FOR RET Furnished and Unfurnished modern Houses. Apply 215 4th Avenue East. 304 FOR RENT Clean well furnished modern apartments. Palmer Apartments. Phone Red 444. t f To Rent Cosy Two & Three Roomed Apartments Free use of electric light am) washer. Rentals $10 to $16 monthly DYFK APARTMENTS 3111) AVE. FOR SALE FOR SALE little "old Ourne heater. Price $6. Dafty News, tf FOR AALH--Labrador poppies, " months old, good land or water. $15 each. F. Turatr, High Street, R. M. D.. No. 3, Vletorla. B.C. 30? SITUATION'S WANTED PROPERTY repairs. Plain furniture made. J. WQfcle, Phon: Black 707. 302 PRIVATE stenographer. 518 6U Ave. West, P. O. Box 306. 20; HELP WANTED GOVERNMENT POSITIONS as .Postraeo,. Glerju Stenographers, Customs, and Immigration Officials. Free Booklet tells how u , get them. Obtainable only from . tat oldest Canadian Civil Service Correspondence School, M.C. C. Ltd., 401 Kensington BWg. Winnipeg. MUSIC SIKOlKa Lessons evening, J. E. Davty, Phone Block 390. 17 HOARD AND ROOM .BOARD and Room. Phone Blaeb 707 U ROOM and Board. Phase Red 12S tt fclllROPRACTIjC Snropne and Red Ray Treatments Nervous. Female and Chlldrvns' , Disease Specially Treated W. C. ASflNALl, (Chiropractor) Phone Green 311 ff & 7 Excharwe BIk. Odp Orme'sl 11 ; - l ' SALVAGK AND TOWING "It it's on or under the water we,' ' do It" Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Fyl'y Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work -Ajrents for EASTHOl'E ENGINES noats and Scows ot all descriptions for. Charter Row lloats and Canoea for Hire Bargains in Gas Engines Northern B.C. Distributors Coollde rropcllers Sand aifd Gravel to any quantity, delivered anywhere by water Phone, Day or Night 561 I IV Hat I5C4 - AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy. sfll or exenangs any blnrl of fnmlturB Of household Roods, musical instruments, ma- rhlpcry. etc. oencrai rcptt, .Mtinir narklmr and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone BlacK 120 and we will ohii n j' DAWES. Auctioneer., TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177. Dry Birch, Cedar and' Jack Pine tf RED'S TRANSFER. Cartage and Furniture Moving. Phone 204. tf Second-hand dealers New and Second-Hand Goods Bought. Sold or Exchanged W. H. Montgomery 3rd Avenue Phone Blue -339 Planes Active In North Land Pilot Joe Barrows arrived a few days ago at Whltehorse from Telegraph Creek with a Fleeteter plane ,ot the Pacific International Airways Ltd. The plane was the same one which went through the ice a few weeks ago at Sawmill Lake near Telegraph Creek but which was subsequently salvaged. Barrows had as his passenger Harry Blunt pilot of a Fairchlld plane, which crashed Into a tree at Telegraph Creek the same day as the other plane went through the ice. Blunt was pheed in the Whitphorvc h"- pltal for treatment of Injuries sustained In the crash. Barrows wa to return to Telegraph Creek to pick up- Edward Lowe, president of the Pacific International Airways Ltd.. and Mrs. Lowe and take them to Anchorage. Noel Wein and Sigurd Weln, Hying in a Stlruon-Detrolter to Nome where they' plan on spending Christmas, were also at Whltehorse the same time as Barrows NEW AIR SERVICE .Mail to Be Carried By Plane Between Winnipeg, .Minneapolis and St. Paul OTTAWA, Dec. 24: Approval by the cabinet council of the new air mail line between Winnipeg, Minneapolis and St. Paul was announced yesterday by Hon. Arthur Saure, the Postmaster General. The new service, which links the prairies with Eastern Canada, is ex-peeted te go into operation about February 1. BRINGING UP CCrUUV- WwV AL)H CAUL JLL BE. HOME .isl WONiT O TO It LOOK AT THAT HORRID MANJ COMIMG TO OOf? HOUSE V ( 1130, Inll F.lur 8rvlc. Int . DM-r- j UP? MAGSlE AMY MIMOTE BE ABLE TO J PH Mrs. Ruth, Dorothy, nine, and Canadian National Railways was awarded grand prix at Antwerp's exhibition for exhibit above. Gqr-don Hammond staff artist, largely responsible for design, was given gold medal. Northern B.C. Films to Be Seen in South Motion picture films of the inter- national caravan which came north j FATHER HOW CkltWi Intt Julie, 14. and Babe Ruth, who becomes adoption of the two girl last summer as far as Haselton along the proposed route of the Alaska-Yukon highway will be shown practically daily beginning at the first of the year to chambers of commerce and other bodies in , California, v. reel of the films was received at Victoria recently and they are said to be very good. : TO MAKE THE Frsturt Smw. iMvCrnt 8rt-Ml' tffrnt - t J III! till KJ fCTT MlMOTE'b - I'LU PROPERTY JW Til 7 " 1 1' HOfT6MSE TEU-THACT NlVM AT THE PROMT OOOR if . MS IfccslT GOME Nl THAT'S OS OF TH06E AVsRX CREATURES ,TOUH Pncr TWO COM WlTl- THHOW MIM OKF- THE mm Cft 6nul flfliU aw. legal fatlT-r by order bf The VTeather Prince Rupert Raining, light southeast wind; barometer, 39.72; sea smooth. Triple Island Cloudy, fresh southeast wind, sen moderate to rough. HAMPERS GO 0UTT0DAY Dinner Being Served -By Salvation Army Tomorrow From One to Three The Salvation Army officers aided by a group of willing workers have been busy packing hampers today and they are all being sent out this afternoon to those who need them. : ' Nothing is being omitted and each one la so arranged as to fill the need of the individual family receiving it. Tomorrow afternoon dinner is be- j lng served for the men away from home. Fifty can sit down at onei time in the Salvation Army citadel, f Late this afternoon the Daily News account with the Army will be closed and after that anyone wishing to donate should send their contributions direct to the Army headquarters or hand the money to one of the officers. The money received up to this, morning was as follows: Previously acknowledged ......$318.25 Lady Friend 14)0 ! Girl Guide 1.00: Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Oranae A. McKenzle - 1.00 The Gregga 5J0Q IBellst Chapter O.ELS. K' John Moraes, Georgetown 5.00 Tomorrow's Tides Thursday. December 25. 1930 High 5.19 am.' 18,2 ft f 16.53 pjn. V7.3 ft; Low ... x 11.15 a.m. 9.6 ft. I 2359 p.m. 5.8 It. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OF OEOROE SKIDOn DECEASED ALIAS BOKYS SKIZAK ALIAS JURKO MUZAK ALIAS JURKO SKIDIFF. NOTICE U hereby given that all persona haTlnc claim acainst the above I named lal of Anehoimire. Territory 4 Alaska, United 8ttee of America, and I formerly of the City ot Prince Rupert, In the Province ot Ut'.iiaa udiu-.o... Canada, who died at Anchorage afore- i mentioned on the 6th day of February ; IMS. are required to aend particulars 1 thereof, duly vertlfled, to the under-, signed on or befort the 5th day of Jan-, uary. 1031. alter which date It wlU proceed to distribute the assets of the ! Deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard onlv to 1 litroi ot which It snail then nave hsd notice. DATED at Vancouver. B.C.. this 17th , day of November. A.D. 1B30. MONTREAL TRUST COMPANY. I It Pender Street West, j Vane ;uver, H.C ! Administrator of the Estate if the above-mentioned Oeorge SMtfOff, Deceased within the Provtecf of British Columbia. I nirt, O3-10-17. By HE CONIC' ME SAID HS WAS A CHRISTMAS PRESENT FOO. VDU liiiri j iiii'Miiiii" if i hi i at i r ...i ii ii i. ii' iniH -tut i i i in i ii 'i it is. v y ii 1 1 ii ,zxjttiu i in i Ti rTf I HAVE TH AT-ROWCTtM I I I I i oiOkjtI VAlUt- BE&ORRV- ) W I t t " AK -lM V J .mil i . iff II III" - a I FROM THE LADIES LT- Singer Sewing Machines dn Easy Monthly Payment) As low as $3.00 per monthT Cheaper to Buy than rent All makes of machines re-$ paired. McRAE BROS. LTD. TYPEWRITERS v othrr valne ran approach the oprrlat REBUILT UNDERWOOD 5 $-5.00 Vrj stuj trrnu All other makes from SI 5.00 WLND.STO.VNn ADDING ALICIIINU I United Typewriter Co. Ltd. VANCOUVER. n.C MRS. JAMES CLARK Palmistry and Crystal Reading White House 225 Second Ave, Telephone 767 Silversides Bros. Thlril Ave. Phone 22 j Window Vilass and Glazing 1 ? Nelson's Beauty 5 Parlor Croguyrnole Permanent Wave . Guaranteed $7.50 Sklllcdjirtists ' in all branches of beauty nilture ' 211 Third Street Phone Blue 561 Wood arid Coal Cheer up I The best was coming. Now It'sj Here Try our new coal just arrived CASErS CARTAGE & FUEL CO. Telephone 303 IMinuteEiitjsrtchef ECZEMA "tOOTHA-SAlVS" AMAZES DOCTORS ' "Badt hid terrihl f .m vWhL. Ssha' ended Itching la I eiinot. DIscsm toon Un." Mis, J. Lsvimc. Stops Itch, bora, pala la I mlnutt. Eci.ms leti for good la ft days, Uua boas clur, smooth. 4J1 DnitiMts. George McM-unif KMEW IT- J IT AUWAfS J R1MCS WHEtO VOO 5T trO THE TUB - TP' T i i N I 1