PAGE FOUR BADMINTON IN FINALS Outstanding: Seml-Final Played on m Saturday, In C. N. Tournament The--final -outstanding semi-final In the Canadian National Recreation League's city badminton tour nament v7 was iT" played Saturday u " night "w and William Lambie Mixed Doubles Shelford Darton and Mrs. H. L.' Shadwell vs. Frank Russell and Miss Caroline Mitchell. INTERIOR GUN CLUB F. D. Taylor Re-elected President; Stocking Lake With Kam-loops Trout PRINCE GEORGE, April 14 The Cteeute Rod & Gun Club here has elected officers for the year as follows: Honorary President, H. G. Perry. President, F. D. Taylor. Secretary treasurer, iVor a Guest Executive William Blair, C. Du-pre, F. D. Whltmore, Mickey Brown, Paul Therres, W. Sherman, D. Mc Donald, J. H. Johnson and V. Eng strom. Cluoulz Lake is to be stocked with Kamloops trout. Ben My - Chree, picturesque homestead of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Partridge at the far end of West Taicu. Ann of Tagish Lake in the AUin district, is the subject of "Ah interesting featured article In the magaune section oi the current Vancouver Sunday Province. The writer is Katfeleen KeaU White, who visited the popular tourist resort last year. Was Helpless FOR FOUR YEARS With Rheumatism Mr. Fred Keetch. SI Cnwfartt in. Windsor. Oat, writes-. "I ni troubled with rheumatism for teren years, and ftr fonr years I was so helpless I bad to b helped out of bed, and could not sit straight ia a chair. "1 derived such, good results from ITsTrSffiRfCTtTTS PHONE B78 UC8NER ULOCK DENTIST m I wish to micp my praise on behalf of your wonderful mediaiae, and to alsp say i( i heJniM others whom I iave adTisod to tske'lt" H t .f.' ?p0 The T- Winn Co, Limited, Toronto, Ont BATTERIES With the motoring season Just about here ... it is a wise poller to have a new battery installed in your oar. COYLE Batteries will give the absolute assurance of perfect performance and trouble-free service. Ask us today . . . well gladly teil yeu about this superior battery. Phone 5CC Rupert Motors PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.'a.rawBTatBxi'rBxa'rB ia tks Dr Alexander Sport Chat Primo Camera, the giant heavyweight from Italy, will make only one appearance-in Northern Cali fornia and that tit fiaHi . - VVAilgii y fnr PrnmnTpr "T.rnef TJo w i Churchill, one of Camera's retinue, i ers and fans were ln attendance' advfcpri Pnrpntjs nf thit, c-,..i i t SatlirHav nlffht In t.hp Rrvsfnn faf.' - . - uj lain OCZJUl bilafi i " ti - vnvi, UU1V , scheduled exhibitions at Ban " Jose ai iae annual bantjuet of the - when Frank Russell and Mlsn earn- a r. rf ow r. . .: i i4-n.,.ii n. Z Z , " nwuuunj ufeo called on, i ouuara league, ine InHlf lnated A-c-Brand Parente ls Principal feature guaranteeing the huge - of the evening's and and Mr. Mrs. S. S. Darton Darton r from from the the mixed mixed ..,. inn - s ...ui.v. which wv I . R " doubles by a score of 15-7,15-12. The finals will be played this eve-nlng as follows: Ladies' 'Doubles Miss Elizabeth Currie and Miss B. Thompson vs. Miss Caroline Mitchell and Miss Frances Cross, Men's Doubles William Tobey Jr. and Ronald Allen vs. Frank Russell foreigner $10,000 to fieht Chevalier, Negro tonight. Married Men Issue Challenge to Play Leon An article telllne of Dlans for night baseball in the Western League this season, recalled fond memories to Bob Brown. Vanenn ver's baseball magnate. The article in question stated that the first ex hibltlon of night baseball was given ln June, 1927. Which started the ruby thatched one to thinking and reminiscing. According to Boh, the 1927 game could not have been the first game played at niefat. air though U was the first full nine staged after dark. Back in 1902, c-cording to Bob, he played in an af ter dark contest at Pendleton, Ore. The clubs were the Pendleton team of the old Washington-Oreaon profession league, and the Boston tiioomer orris of beloved memorv. The girls had a male battery, and the regular pro ttaqa was used, with the exception that neither club all hits that went into the outer darkness of the outfield was good for two bases. 'What's more." said Bob, "they're geing to uiav niaht ball in Tocoma this year, in the stadium. They played football there last iau and the amateur ball players will be at it at nights in a week or so. We have thdught at times also, of playing laetesse at ofeht in Vancouver in Athletic Park. It may be done yet." The Earl of.Dfirby wil ptesent vuc iiuia uud litis Vffl r Tf na n- i r 9t, fee inning Wee in the Ken- , v5Broy- "wa uespy will be a May 17, Qthe $50,000 added 'elasslc of the American turf. He will also speak over a coast-to-eoast hookup pi the N.B.C. under plans announ ced at Chruchill Downs. The Eng lish earl.jafter vhose familv the "WPHftW ; 7 i, IJi - w arnwu the rape bv Governor Samnsoniand Mavor. Harrison anH nrillahn orttn. ktvejy; entertained We in Louis- Baseball Friday Is a married man as good at sport as a single man? Some declare he is not. but the married EJks declare they are just as good as the stogie men at baseball and they are prepared to prove it. They say they will put up nine men who have signed the dotted line after a church ceremony, who have been properly scolded and trained and licked Into shape by their wives and yet can make more home rum man any wno have not been through the mill. They say thev will have nine such men all ready in uniform, at, he Acropolis diamond next Friday and are willing to back' their, opinions by some good amateur baseball money that they can make the single boys look like ten cents and if that Is not enoueh they will take them on at a game pf marbles. At any rate they publicly challenge the free and Independent unmarried men of the order and hope to hear from them pretty quick. Softball and Tennis Played Fine Weather Yesterday Caused Activity Jn These Games on Various Grounds City, tennis courts were busy yesterday and many took advantage of the fine sunshiny weather to play the game. There was also a scratch Softball game on the C.N.R. grounds near the station. Where This year? The very latest thing ln women's watches ls one to be worn at the3 waist. Vogue. BILLIARD break of season, (65). BANQUET Season's Prizes Presented at Sue. cessful Affair Saturday Some fifty or so billiadr play-1 proceedings, were most sue- cessful and enjoyable, being the presentation to the various win ners of honors during the pasU wmier season, c. L. YoungmanJ president oi the Billiard League, presiaed over the Catherine whlrh opened at 10 D.m. and ram tn ai conclusion about midnight. After full justice had been done to the banquet spread, there was ao opening address bv the nresl- dent, this being followed bv the presentation of prizes which was made by Aid. S. D. Macdonald Jn the absence from the city of Mayor1 u. a. orme. The Dresentation! were as follows: Prince Rupert Billiard Assrvia.l tion challenge shield for city team' championship, received bv nrt Morgan, captain, for Grotto team Individual CUDS to mpmhors nf championship team W. J. Nelsqn, Don Brown, George Waugh, James Andrews, J. Hillman, M. M. Jic- iLacnian and George Howe. v. V, c u ' B,ulard cue. presented by the ,.u w th gas flares and any and anpre.8 social dub. for h S Charles Balagno Medal for high average of sea-' son. Q. P. Tinker (237). i Cup for city senior Individual championship, Don Brown. Cuff links for runner up in senior championship, Charles P. Ba-' lagno. J Cup for city intermediate ehnni- plonship, James Hillman. I Cuff links for Intermediate championahiD runner-un m v McLachlan. i Cuff links for winner of EmnrM social uud junior handicap tournament. Johnston Smith Meial for high break ln Individ ual senior championship, a. p. Tjnjcer M2). Speech of Evening The speech of the evening was given by-Ool. s. p. McMordie and msronc English Derby was named, I olher.snftakers included Fred Ste Dee invuea to attejMjjflierls,. ed Pyle. Jack Judee. John Buigeff H. Walker. Jas. M. CamD ibeik James Andrews, G. P. Tlnkfcr. M. McLachlan, George Waugh "wad W. J. Nelson. Don Brown, ln receivlne the.cltv championship award, made some ftty remarks and tendered some' -ood advice to the various league captains. He particularly admon-' '"hed the younger players to show good sportsmanship In their play. The program included a humorous address by A. A. Connon and vocal solos by Qlllis Coutre, Bob James and Jock McLean. Thefre "ere also orchestra selections and Qommunity singing. i One minute silence was observed in memory of the late J. W. Scolt. a prominent and popular player in the League. A collection was taken to heln defray Billiard League expenses. The presentation was made to A. A. Easson of a ciearett hritdt. dordonated by the BostojJ Cafe In recognition of his services as sec retary-treasurer of the League. The proceedings opened with the Wnstng 'of ."O Canada? and clbaad I'itfT the'" National ' Anthem. ' . Family Tree Runs Wild, Boy Becomes His Own Uncje NEWARK, NJ.. AprU 14 Eleve'n- yar-old Henry R. Trybom, w)io is his father's legal brother and his own legal uncle, will appear ln Surrogate's Court here. He mav then become his dead mother's le- gal brother as well. Henry was adopted by his na- ternal grandmother. Mrs. Austin. tus E. Trybom, after his mother's death, thus maklner him a Wnl brother of his father, and entitled wJU hlra to an equal share of the $10,000 estate of his grandmother, who dledtTebruary'23. His mater nal grand-parents have now asked to be allpwed to adopt the boy, in which case he will become his fa ther's brother-in-law. and his own unde on both sides of the family tree. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY GIRL Wanted for work. Phone 132. general house- ' f'ffilE DAILY NEWS! ' A,.c.t. . . . while Lust T Tht fsmous RE-43 hinste from tit or rrnnlj vSb tqually wcnJrrfal tond fuaU ity. Prict - tomflttt with tubtt $373. i $23 Library of Victor Records without additional charge last day tomorrow. omo District News REM0 The Remo Farmers' Associ Hall has been completed and jlffi cral Improvements "have been ajddjal to the original structure. A dana Is being planned to be held some time during Easter week. A. V. Wilson made a trlD to Ter race on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. B. Wilkinson made the round trip to Terrace on Friday. J. Frlanson has arrived home from his trap line with a good catch of fur an?l reports a very hard trip. A card,. party and sale of home cooking was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 6. Wilkinson on Saturday evening. A splendid radio program was also enioved. H. L mh in m , i. . ' now there is sti USLy If lime for your free Victor Record Library OUR special "Victor Record Library Introductory Offer giving $26.00 worth of Victor Records with evtsry Victor Radio vitkEteetrola expires tomorrow night After that, the siiecially selected Roeord Library may be obtained only by payment of t to-regular retail price of $25C(). Those who act quickly may still avail themselves of this special offer, and may still acquire the free Record Library at no ootf to themselves. These neyp Victor Records, oertstituting a Library chosen for its universal appeal, are a gift well worth having. . t, jers all over thepdminio jirfjpiely enthusiiistic about t hm l;'Ct them today7tree. DayftBrtniQiTow it will be too late. T.-it- pnone your Victor deaiuv -rlfclv. Reserve your instrument and Li-bvHry of Victor Record at once. ORTHOPHONIC VICTROLAS AND RECORDS . , . - - T jj'vi. w , mie vrtTl iu UI1 up- oi-fccu uutuuucer at vne ieraiion lor soltre. jimnq copKing iaDie anq lively bidding soon disposed of the articles for sale. The proceeds are to be used fpr the R. F. A. Hall. D. Drummond of Shames was Remo visitor Saturday evening. TERRACE Mrs. H. L. Frank and daughter, Mildred, went to Prince Rupert on Thursday to bring home Mrs. Frank's Invalid mother. Jttward Chalk was a week-end vlflter in town last week, before going to Prince RUDert. whir h hu been transferred on the nnnv nt Montreal staff. Mrs. DesJardlnos went to Prjnce Mrs. McKlnnon and Mrs. Micken-berg were visitors in town Thursday from Vanarsdol. The Canadian Legion held the Vlmy Dance on Friday evening in ELECTROIi VICTOR TALKING MACHINE COMPANY OF LIMITED, MONTREAL v . "mMmmtm"mxji?msimi McRae Bros, Lt VKTOH RADIO the Legion Hall. There was a good j of 11.582.282 Currn aoTt,r,eSem 10 enJy uwaI,'Mey mad. up f v PROFITS OF B.C. PACKERS Lower production and Increased prices to fishermen are given as reasons for the decline ln profits from operations of British Colum- ,. bla Packers Ltd. during the fiscal Mrs. Rolf Matthews left for I yeaf ended Feb. 28, 1D30. The cop Prince Rupert on Thursday to be Pany shows earnings for the year present at the weddlnir of hr rf. at $834,276 which romnarM with ter, Miss Marl prle Dye, on Satur- j $1,285,999 in the previous 14 month day. E. V. Glase spent a few days in Prince Rupert last week. Assistant" Boflutmaster t panlt)oouu on a hike to Copper City last Saturday. period. After fixed charges, except. ing depreciation, and preferred dividends the 277.556 shares of no nar common stock outstanding earned nine pen mi per share. trie company has made no provision for depreciation in the vear Just ended but allowed $338,922 for maintenance and renewals, which is an Increase over the $320,953 allowed for the same items and de preciation In the previous period. It ls stated that two canneries of the company wero destroyed by fire during the year but were covered by insurance. The company has current assets of $3,194411 apd. current liabilities of $1,002,129 giving working capital advance expenditure (AM RECKIVI sent year's pack wlud: tJta ! (203 and accounts rcctWl 1 668,372. Bank loans cf H : are the chief currcnr ..abu' MILLER. COUKT & Cgjj Stocks, BondV Industrial Securii Safctv Denosit Iloxri ti INSURANCE DANCER BEGINS YOU BEUI The moment you bwj build a home. orgnni : ness, manufacture orM good -at that momfm'" vnnr itn4 tnr InsiiraDC The dangers of tu " i. u. jn nfll They are always pr"1 wc can furniiti r Policies In time. Wi today? S.D.JohnstonCoJ G17 2nd Avpiiue rh0M I'rlnc Rupert