Maxtor, April 14, 1930. PSTER RABBITS, EASTER EGGS EASTER NOVELTIES Easter Goods Have Arrived and Are on Display GSnongs'lml PascaUs' " See Our Wndows HAVE SOME PUT AWAY IF YOU DESIRE Ym . i -.jniftL'O.OOo.rn Ea rci 141 Tftv Pioneer DruQcjists HIRD AVE f SIXTH ST TLLEPHONTS Wl MC. Three Graduate Pharmacists UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED H&lllnri fr'ritm Prliir lluiwrt 1C: V A'.' ' TVER, VICTORIA, BuUdli Alert Buy. tc TuestU a 10 n m Fur VVNCOIVKU. VICTOKU. Ilutrdme. Alrrt n. im. roi ALICE A KM, ANVOX, STF.WIRT, Ns. KJm. virt Hliuiw-v sun. U. a i.o u na. To: (T SIMaON nd WALES ISMND. Thursday 121 -1uJ Avrnuf II M SMITH tgrnt ffiitce Kupfft. II C m Tl much ttfkrts ould to Victoria and nmttl. -n1 burn.. . k..i through to destination llB.C COAST ITSTEAMSliiPS WrjiiAiini B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS ntOM PRINCE RUPERT To K?tchtkan. WrangelL Juneau, Skanway prUO. 19, 30. To Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle- April 2. 13. 23. Princess Mary Ocean Palls, etc, Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 pjn. Agents For All Steamship Lines W. C Orchard, General Agent, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, Phone 31 ANYOX - STr.WAHTI f JCl?.7SU !i W n o-f7 I UI M,kL f SI II -rf-Sl 1fsW s- titty if 'V swVygin siu hi iimaaatBi way SUNDAYS, THURSDAYS QUfEN CHA GARDEN SUPPLIES 'twy EDMONTON, WINNIPEG Eati'Tn CannJa, Wttes GS, RAKES, SPADES, WHEEL-BARROWS. GARDEN SEEDS FORKS, TROWLS, SHEARS. irmMiinriAiT vvinrMirtnr r t . i CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK ii. i AND SHIPYARD LOl'lJltiiN K I'. 20,QOO-tON FLOATING DKYDOCK lEnglneers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, WoodworkcrN Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 If you lose anything, advertise for it. Local Items Dentist, Dr. J. II. Gosse, Fbone 686. Try Mlnchead egg coal for kitchen use. Clean and hot. Phone 771 - .. - , - tf For higher prices ana prompt returns ship your;raw furs to T. Prince George, B.C. . tf Sam Jabour returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a brief business trip to the interior. Miss May Donaldson returned to the city, on yesterday afternoon's train from Port Essington where she paid a visit with her mother, Mrs. J. A. Brown. The Baptist Brotherhood Invites you to hear T. H. Johnson's Illustrated lecture Tuesday the 15th at 8 p.m. in Baptist church. Ladies invited on this occasion. Refreshments. 88 ODD Sor acne and eesema An active fluid that attacks disease germs In the fcUin. In harmony with the theory of the greatest living skin specialist. It lias had many brilliant successes over skin disease. ORMES LTD. w. J. MccirrciiEON, druggist Driviirself Taxi Walker Motor Co., Ltd. v." Distributors of CHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH CARS ii CAFE '',(. i ii . UhfvkteiJt'tlii'ng'in lunch t ooiinters just 'Installed. . I u- Delicious Waffles Served by means of very latest Equipment i Business Men's Lunches a S-iecialty Get the Commodore Habit HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel t'NDEK XCW MANAflGMEN'T Mwm I'eatfd: Traveflero' Sample Ihwnts; lint and t'oltl Water Irre llu Meet 1rtnt and Hum Rates $1.00 and Up KPfTIAt MOXTIItY C.R.niGGART Si A. DONALD I rtlr triors I'HO.NE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all rooms A. J. PRUDIIOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts. Savoy Mr. and Mrs. R. Watson and H. J. Brown, Port Essington; A. Pill ing, J. M. Dunn. O. Fraser. H. L Bailey, James Taylor and A. Pill ing, city; p. Sandnes. Burns Lake: Oerome D. Cameron, Toronto; Mrs. H. L. Frank and daughter, Terrace. New Royal Hotel J. Zsrrlll, "top. Tllfc HOTEI. ViOKTH WHILE IM t Cold Vtr; stesm Hest "5c PER DAY AND UP . Trtcphonr SMI Royal J. Reed, S. Pope, Henry Blsla and E. Thompson, Vancouver; K. Eldc and W. McKewnie, Nanalmo; E. Warren, A. Llnsend. Harry Astoria. F. 3. Kellum, A. Montgomery and A. Woodcock, city; N. 8. Brewer, Dtgby Island; E. Aaserude, Shames; C. H. Underwood. C.N.R.: C. Ewanson Calvary: W. Ray Varcon, Calgary; Wan Soon, Inverness, L Hanson, Big Falls. ' THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE LOST POUNDS OF FAT in 2 short weeks Kruschen SalU trill give many a fat Krson a joyous surprise. 0i ran ock pound off your weight and ymrs off your age this safe and eaiy way. Every morning take ' the little daily dooe of Kruschen in a glass of hot water before breakfast. This will mean, that every particle of poisonous watte matter and harmful arid and gasea ia being expelled from the system. They are the cause of all the trouble because they remain in the system and accumulate in the form of excess, unhealthy fat. " I have lost several pounds in less than 2 weeks. It is so safe and easy. No dieting, no drugs. I have tried several other ways, but with no good results. Kruschen is all you claim it to be." Mrs. E. H. After three or four weeks of the little daily dose, get on to the scales and see how many pounds of fat you have lost. Your mirror also will tell you what you have gained in health and vigour. Your eyes will" sparkle, your skin will be clearer, you will feel unbelievably youthful and energetic you will feel many pounds lighter and many yean younger." i an taster opportunity. For the holiday only to Introduce a new method, ladles can have a permanent wave by Mrs. Stephens for $8. For appointment phone Blue Ml. 88 ; Moose Legion 45 meeting, tonight. Please attend. 88 Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Heilbroner's Stor jtf) R. W. Sinclair of Inverness Can1 inery sauea yesterday afternoon on ! the Princess Norah for a trip to Victoria. - l Nltk J. Onilltpr iSf Rnrt PHtixirH I GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS ! arrived trj the city en yesterday af- How about having your boy friend take you for a nice car ride? Tell him I ircuuuu a uttai mr a Dnei vail in I town. Regiment Football Club annual meeting tn Atjnoury Tuesday at -8 o'clock. All interested please at-; tend. ' 88 Corp. Cameron RJZMF. returned to the city on yesterdy afternoon's train frdm a brief trip to the in-', terior on official duties. j Mr. r.nd Mrs. Carl S. Murray and i family of Skagway were passengers j aboard the Princess Norah yester- day afternoon bound for Seattle, j ' Mrs. RoberVFrtezeU." who has been on a visit to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Catala yesterday afternoon. Miss Phyllis Lamb and Miss Irene Bourassa returned to the city on vesterday afternoon's .train from a brief week-end visit at Cassia r Cannery with Miss Lamb's parents, Mr. ind Mrs. James Lamb. ! TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WMnBBRRWinSlXlWSnKEDri : T rtom rr l r . i a a n I smj. uno i i yu mr uirow. fO.WJ reward. Leave at Dally Ne7s. (87) ECZEMA Boils, Piraples and ikia mptioai mull from blood im. Burton. To iharoui-htrrlouiM lb blood mnA ri.l I K. .kin .. L t,ii BLOOD ind apply BuAUr'. Oimmcni Recommended and Prescribed io im Kia. A f ooj timalo bagiai.iuw. You will mary I n Uu ruulti and th iaprattniat in haa'lh. TRU-LOOD Sour cam SI. 00, tha Oinl-Ml lOt. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST ' ' ' " 1 j "BUILD B. C. PAYROLLS" j .fVAPodlTfS Th larlv vhiw letter u-n tnvr. ded third prise, in part wrote: "When my little son was about six months old he was very much under weight. ... I took him to a doctor who informed me baby was unaer-nourisnea ana suffering from rickets. Part of the treatment. . . was to . . . start him immediately on a diet of evaporated milk. The physician recommended Pacific Milk and prescribed how it was to be given. Since that time I have used Pacific Milk exclusively In preparing my son's food.' This was four years ago. The mother then tells how wonderfully tut- tunu nas aeveiopiu. PACIFIC MILK Factory at Ahhotsford, B.C. I Where Income Tax 1 j 1 -I ua Inspectors are Located WINNIPEG, MAN. Commercial Building REGINA. SASK. Medium Hill Bulldinc SASKATOON, SASK. Ross Building PRINCE ALBERT, SASK. P.O. Building CALGARY, ALT A. Customs Building EDMONTON, ALTA. P.O. Building VANCOUVER, B.C. Winch Building aVM Dominion of Canada Income Tax Returns DUE APRIL 30th ACT PROMPTLY Accept the help offered by Income Tax Inspectors and Avoid Penalties Every person who during the; year 1929 had an incomef from any source, of as much as $1,500, if single, or $3,000 if married or supporting a family, is required to make an income tax return. If you are situated as above described, failure to make this return by midnight, April 30th, together with cheque or cash for at least 25 of amount of tax, will render you liable to a penalty equal to 5 of the total tax payable. (Limit ot penalty $500.) To avoid incurring this penalty, obtain NOW, from your postmaster, or from the Inspector of Income Tax in your district, the necessary forms and make your returns at once. These forms are as follows: . Form. JTl Por,Indivjduals other than Farmers .U nifencers. . Form TlA Fox?" Farmers and Ranchers only. Form T2 For Corporations and Joint Stock ' Companies. Each form contains In itself instructions for filling By making youfVf upy hy April 30th you gain in tvftf ways'f Fiittk-t, you .aypf4i R?P3kes for delay. Second you qualify yourself for the privilege of paying in instalments. INCOME TAX INSPECTOR WILL HELP YOU MAKE OUT YOUR RETURNS If there is anything in the income tax return which you do not understand, any Income Tax Inspector will be glad to explain what is required. The Department of National Revenue HON.W.D.EULER, Minister of National Revenue ANNOUNCEMENTS Elks' Smoker, Elks' Home Thurs day, April 17. Good Friday Sacred concert St, Andrew's Cathedral April 18, aid or gan fund. Baptist Church Oood Friday, 8 pjn., Sacred Concert presentation of "Challenge, of the Cross,"., Daffodil dance April 21 In I O.D.E. Hall. Moose dance April 21. Floral Cantata In Presbyterian Church April 22. Catholic Women's League Spring Sale April 24. Elks Balloon Dance, Elks' Home Friday, April 25. , , Mooscheart Ladles' Children's j Masquerade May 2. Children and spectators 25c. Ridley Home Bazaar May 8. . Rebekah Bridge, Dance May 14. Income Tax Division OTTAWA C S. WALTERS, Commiuloner of Income Tax W The Consolidated Mining and I Smelting Company of Canada, Ltd. Office, Smelting and Refining Department TRAIL, BRITISH COLUMBIA SMELTERS AND REFINERS Purchasers of Gold, Silver, Copper. Lead and Zinc Ores Producers of Gold, Silver, Copper, Pig Lead and Zinc TADANAC. TRAIL LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK ,AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City "In B. C.'s Northern Interior" Is ! Walter Lawrle, organizer for the the title of an article written by M. i Eagles' Lodge, who has been on a Cox which is featured in the maga zine section of the current Van couver Sunday Province. Accom- Whlst and panylng the article Is a panoramic vew of the town of Old Hazelton. trip to Ketchikan, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon returning to Vancouver, accompanied by Mrs.