ee re oe ae ee ‘ feat a sia 3 7 ay Page 4 If you were told of a new discovery forthe treatment of coughs, colds and bronchitis, as certain in its action on all chest troubles as anti- toxin is on diphtheria, or vaccination on smal!-pox, wouldn't you feel like giving ita trial? Peps is the discovery! Peps are little tablets, containing certain medicinal ingredients, which when placed upon the immedi. ately tarn into vapour, are at once breathed down the air passages to the lungs. On their journey, they soothe the inflamed and irritated membranes of the bronchial tubes, the delicate walls of the air passages, and finally enter and carry relief and healing to the —_. In a word, while no liquid or solid can get to the lungs and air passages these Peps fumes get there direct, and at once commence their work of healing. FREE RIA Cat out this article, write across it the name and date of this paper, and mail it (with le, stamp to pay return postage) to Peps Co., Toronto. A frei trial packe! will then be sent you. Ali druggists an | stores sell Peps, 50c. box. peps Sréve9 — — Gurneys commenced mak- ing stoves in 1843. Still in the same line of business 1919. Hundreds in use in Prince Rupert, ON SALE AT Fred Stork’s Hardware SKOCOND AVENUE Phone Black 114 NAN QL AYKRRNAARKNNB = “Shamrock” : 2 Brand Products & = £2 Shamrock Laré &Q The finest sold £2 Shamrock Hams -nd Bacoa &Q Unequalled for sweetness FS) in cure and flavor & Shamrock Bu'ter BB Best Grade Creamery 92,02, 072. Or ¢ Money P. Burns & Co.,Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. & NA VLRKNARARUAAW LN ROYAL Pool Room 92, 92, 02 22, £2, (72, 02, 02 02, 02, 02, $2 $2, 2, ' moved to 721 Third Ave. Opp site The Empress Hotel CIGARS SODA Two per cent. Beer , —— JOHN PELLICANO The Toggery shop Ladies’ Ready to Wear Fancy Work Mrs. L. PONZO Second Avenue and Fourth St. ee ee es eee eee ! In the Letter Box of Mines in Prince Rupert should not be overlooked at tais time in preparation for, next season's mining activity. United States and Eastern Can- ada mining men are anxiously and earnestly seeking for mining properties in the several mineral districts tributary to Prince Ru- pert and we should have a bureau or Chamber of Mines in Rupert that would be second to none in the province. ’ Object of Chamber. The object of a Chamber of Mines means the collection and eentralization of mineral speci- mens and samples from the vari- ous mining properties and pros- pects throughout this section of the province, as well as mining news and data of interest to min- ing men and capital. The Chamber of Mines would be 4a place where prospectors or owners of mineral ground may bring or, send samples and de- scriptions of their properties and the secretary would there cata- logue the samples or specimens and place same on exhibition. showing the location of the prop- erty and owner's name and ad- dress as well as owners or engi- neer’s report on the property. Mining investors coming tc Prince Rupert would visit the Chamber of Mines and there gain information that would save them months of traveling over the dis- trict and very often going away without meeting owners of min- eral ground worthy of investiga- tion. Valuable Samples. There are many beautiful and valuable specimens of ore in numerous offices about town, many of which are neglected and out of sight and are serving very little good to the owners or com- munity. Up to date data is usual- ly lacking and very often losi s« that valuable samples which wers likely brought down from the hills inder considerable expense and hardship, become worthless. The Chamber of Mines coulk be in a very small building, but it should be located some where between the G. T. P. dock anc Second Avenue and beside the publie thoroughfare, so that the thousands of strangers who pass through our city might have an opportunity of quickly viewing the mineral exhibit and securing data. tn Vancouver. In Vancouver the city as well as the Provincial Government, gave valuable financial assistance and encouragement to the Cham- ber of Mines. Their reading and leeture rooms are well patronized and on their register appears the names of visitors and mining men from 4ll parts of the world. ~et us have the best Chamber of Mines in the province and@boost for the prospector and greater mineral development of Prince Rupert district in particular, and Canada in general. Thanking you, I am GC. BP. Raa. SIR LOMER GOUIN MAY RESIGN SOON FAVOR J. £. CARON QUEBEC, Nov. 13.—There is a renewal of the rumors that Pre- mier Sir Lomer Gouin has an- nounced his resignation. It generally conceded, even by Lib- erals, that Sir Lomer will shortly retire from the leadership in Quebec. Rumors also announee that he will be succeeded by Hon. J, BE. Caron, minister of agricul. ture. The object of this, it is stated, is to prevent any move- ment in this province to start a United Farmers party such as exists in Ontario. Is JamesF.Marten SKEENA LAND nis chains thence for a chains DL 51 thence Dated SKEE chains DI south thence Dated TAK Skidew for a com chains DL north thence Dated chains of DL south thence Dated for a pe trole chains DL 26 horth thence Dated “KEE for @ pe trole for a north thence deseribed lands :— Commencing at a post planted DL S11, south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, mencement, Dated this 23rd day of October, SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION DISTRICT OF TAKE NOTICE that William J Skidegate, Petroleum on and deseribed lands:— Commencing at & post planted nerth 80 chains, nencement. DISTRICT OF our ISLA TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary 64 skidegate, troleum on and under described lands :— Commencing at, a 262, mencement. SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISI@N. DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE petroleum deseribed lands :— 262, mencement. “KEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. DISTRICT OF Tiktes CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE Leary of Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply for a license to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under the following deseribed lands :— Commencing at a mencement. SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. DISTRICT OF TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of Skidegate, B.C., described lands :— Commencing at @ post planted twenty mencement. WILLIAM J. LEARY. Applicant, DISTRICT OF rye CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that Wiliam J. Leary o1 Skidegate, B.C., described lands :— Comme chains north of the south-west corner of DI. 266, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thenee north 80 chains, tw point of com- menecement. Dated this 23rd October. 1919. SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. DISTRICT a * aes CHARLOTTE TAKE NOTICE that William J. Skidegate, B. C., petroleum on and wu r Commencing at a chains DL 266, meneceme! Dated THE RECORDING DIVISION TRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary ©: 1 endiengutiilaubuneaania Skidegate, B. C., settler, intends to apply | Skidegate, B.C), settler, intends to apply for a license to prospect for coal and]for a license to prospect for coal and CHAMBER OF MINES petroleum on and under the following petroleum on, and under the following leseribed lands :—- described lan¢ — , ‘Commencing at & post planted twenty Gommencing at & post planted one mile Edit Daily News: chains east of the north-east corner of]|north of the north-west corner of DL ewe we ewe: DL Sit, thence west 80 chains, thence]593, thence west 80 chains, thence south Now that the citizens and City|north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains,| 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence : ; ; * [thence south 80 chains, to point of com-|north 80 chains, to point of commence Council of Prince Rupert have | pencement. ment. ~ »- site the > : ar » | D nis dra day of October, 10190 Dated this 25th day o cto ; : started a permanent 74 = Dated this g9rd de ‘ 2 2etobe nel Oi San goth day of October, 1010. ‘ar sconstruction” of build~| -—-— sap ORR emma momen . a we he. oueswenen z : SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION, ings, ‘roads and many other, im- DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE DISTRICT OF QUEEN -GHARLOTTE portant works of benefit to Prince ISLANDS ISLANDS. d district, I believe the] TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of mupert one : ’ , | Skidegate, B. C., settler, intends to apply] Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply importance, of starting a Chamber | for a jicense to prospect for coal and|for a license to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under’ the following} petroleum on and under the following twenty the north-east corner of thence east of thence east 80 chains, north 80 chains, to point of com- 1019, WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant JUREN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Leary of intends to apply for coal and the following B. C., settler, license to prospect under twenty the north-east corner of east 80 chains, thence thence west 80 chains south 80 chains, to point of com east of 1, thence this 23rd day of October, 1919. WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant NA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. EN CHARLOTTE intends to apply ct\ for coal and lie B. C., license to settler, pros post planted § sixty east of the south-east corner of thence east 80 chains, thence thence west 80 chains, north 80 chains, to point of com- of October, 1919. J. LEARY, Applicant 80 chains, this 23rd day WILLIA! ISLANDS E NOTICE that William J. Leary « ate, B.C., settler, intends to apply license to prospect for coal and on and under the following mencing at & post planted sixty east of the south-east corner of thence east 80 chains, thence thence west 80 chains, to point of com October, 1919. LEARY, Applicant 80 chains, south 80 chains, this 23rd day of WILLIAM J that William J. post planted twenty horth of the south-west corner 266, thence west 80 chains, thence 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, north 80 chains, to point of com- this 23rd day of (October, 1919 WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant JUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS settler, intends to apply license to prospect for coal and um on and under the following north of the south-west corner of 6, thence west 80 chains, thence 80 chains, thence east 80 chains south 80 chains, to point of com- this 23rd day of October, 1919. NA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. settier, intends to apply to prospect for coal and and under the following nceing at a post planted twenty license um on of WILEIAM J. LEARY, Applicant. Leary of intends to apply ct for coal an the following settler, license post planted twenty north of the south-west corner of thence east 80 chains, thence 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, south 80 chains, to point of com- nt. this 23rd day of October. 1°19 WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant. bi TAK for @ chains DL south thence Dated chains DL north thence SKEFNA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. Skidegate, B.C., settier, intends petroleum deseribed lands :— Commencing at a 255, mencement. SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. DISTRICT OF Anee CHARLOTTE TAK Leary of Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to cooly for @ license to prospect for coal and petroleum on deseribed lands: Commencing at @ post 255, Dated SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. DISTRICT OF shee CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of STRICT OF Tiles CHARLOTTE ISL. S. E NOTICE that William J. Leary of to apply for coal and the following license W prospect on and under post planted twenty north of the north-west corner of thence east’ 80 chains, thence 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, north 80 ¢hains, to point of com- 23rd day of October, 1919. WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant. thts ISLA E NOTICE that Wiiliam J. and under the following plafited twent horth of the north-west corner ot thence east 80 chains, thence $0 chains, thence west 80 chains south 80 chains, to point of com of October, 1919 ot. this gore da : LLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant, described lands :— north-east West 80 chains, DAILY NEWS KEENA LAND REGORDING DIVISION DISTRICT OF Ti ibe CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Commencing at a post planted at the corner of DL 2799, thence thence south 80 chatas, thence east 89 chains, thence north #0 chains, to point of commencement. Dated this @ist day of October, 1919. WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant. SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. DISTRICT OF PAGS CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply for a license to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under the following deseribed lands :— Commencing at @ post planted at | north-east corner of DL 2799, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, to point of commencement Dated this 2ist day of October, 1919 WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant. SREENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. DISTRICT OF Nt CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply for a license to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under the following described lands :— Commencing at a post planted at the north-east corner of DL 2799, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, to point of commencement. Dated this @ist day of October, 1919. WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. DISTRICT OF Ma} CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply for a license to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under the following deseribed lands :— Commencing at a post planted at the north-east corner of DL 2795, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thenee east 80 chains, thence north 80 chains to point of commencement. Dated this 2ist day of October, 1919 WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant, SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply for @ license to p ct for coal and petroleum on and under the following described lands :— Commencing at a St planted at the north-east corner of DL 2795, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, to point of commencement Dated this @ist of October, 1919 WILLIAW J. LEARY. Applicant ‘KEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply for a leense to prospect for coal and pesroleum on and w r the following described lands :— Commencing at a post planted at the north-east corner of DL 2795, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, to point of commencement Dated this 2ist day of October, 1919 WILLIAM J. LEARY. Applicant “KEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION DISTRICT OF tees CHARLOTTE 1s Ds. TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of skidegate, B.C., settler, 4ntends to apply for @ lieense to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under the following feseribed lands :-— Planted at the Commencing at a Ps north-east corner of DL 2795, thenec thence north #0 chains. east 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence south 86 chains, to point of commencement Dated this @ist y of October, 1919 i WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applican! SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION DISTRICT OF OUREN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply for @ license to prospec: for coal and petroleum on @# under the following described lands :— Commencing at a t planted at the north-west corner of DL 498, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains. (henee east 80 chains, thence north 86 chains, to point of commencement. Dated this 22nd day of October, 1910 ___ WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant. SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. DISTRICT OF yee CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of Skidegate, B.C. settler, intends to apply for @ license to ct for coal and petroleum on and under the following desertbed lands :-— Commencing at @ post planted at the north-west corner of DL 498, thence West 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thenc® east 80 chains, thence south 806 ehains, to point of commencement. Dated this 22nd ay of October, 1919 WILLIA! ‘ppliecant J reeny SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. DISTRICT OF v,uee CHARLOTTE ANDS Is , TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply for @ license to prospect for coal and petroleum on and u tr the followin deseribed land®:— Commencing st @ post planted at north-west corner of DL 498. east 80 chains. thence south 8&0 thence west 80 chains, the thence chains, thence north 80 ehains, to int of commencement Dated this 22nd day of October, 1019 WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION DISTRICT OF VEeN CHARLOTTE ISLAND TAKE NOTICE that Skidegate, B.C., settler, for a license to betroleum on and described lands :— ittiam J. Leary of intends to apply Prospect for coal and under the following Commencing at & post planted at the north-west corner of DL 498, thence east 80 chains, thence north 846 chains thence west 80 chains, thence south 86 chains, to point of commencement Dated this 22nd day of October, 1919 __ WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant. SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. DISTRICT OF veo. CHARLOTTE. 8 ISLA . TAKE NOTICE that William J . . 7 Violin Lessons SIGNWRITING PAINTING J. SENESCU DECORATING Leader of the Westholine Orches tra, is open to give Violin Lessons Phones 544 and Black 507 ; ; P.O. Box 514 a Phone 15, Central Hotel : Workshop: 329 Second Avenue § ~ Notice of intention to Appiy to Lease Lands ete. ne o lease 1 followin, lands :— . customers you will find knows a perfect fit. SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. DISTRICT OF vane CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of Sk degate, B.., settler, intends to apply for @ license to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under the following leseribed lands :— Commencing at 4a post planted twenty chains east of the north-east corner of DL Sit, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence east 30 chains, thenee north 80 chains, to point ef com- me neement. 23rd of 19 Dated this October, 1919. WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant. SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. DISTRICT OF 7 EN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply for # Hieense to p et for coal and petroleum on ani wu r the following described lands :-— Commencing at a post planted one mile north of the north-west corner of DL 593, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, to point of commen. ec- ment, Dated this 25th day of October, 1919 WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant. SKBENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE : ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply for @ license to prospect for eoal and petroleum on and under the following deseribed lands :— . Commencing at a post planted one mile north of the north-west corner of DiI TAILORED SUIT has a style, fit and finish that distinguishes it from the ordinary Ready Made Suit. We pride ourselves that among our many The Smartest Dressers the man who knows good tailoring, who A fine All Wool Tailored Suit $50.00 aT a Martin. O’Reilly Mrs. A. W. Clarke | R. A. M. Lon. F ng. Formerly teacher at the Presbyterian Ladies College, Melbourne, Australia PIANO, ORGAN, ETC. Will open Music Studio No 333 2nd Ave. Now ennmpolling pupils. Address Norfolk House Phone Biack 329. E. H. SHOCKLEY GENERAL CONTRACTOR Office and Shop Fraser St. Sash, doors, mouldings and all interior finish lumber al- ways in stock. Agent for J. Fyfe Smith's hardwood. Estimates Given. REPAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN 503, thence east 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, to point of tommence- ment. Dated this 25th day of October, 1919 WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant, SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION DISTRICT OF ones CHARLOTTE ANDS ISLA! ‘ TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply ae € Scenes = et for coal and roleum on ’ deseribed lands: , ‘= ne Commencing at a post planted two miles north of the north-west corner of DL 593, thence east 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence west 86 chains. thence south 80 chains, to poimt of fated” tas a “s a S 25th day of Oc r, 1919. WILLIAM J. LEARY. Apptt-ant LAND ACT In Skeena Land District thict of Cassiar, and situate at Alice Arm, Take notice that we, H. BR. Fowler and F. Kergin, of Alice Arm, occupation intend to apply for permission scribed foreshore Recording Dis- e Leary ’ Gorn lense "to prinjeet for’ cou Rta fare hee ig eta merase abply [bank oF Kitsault Wives ahenoe “south NG rospec ‘or . : Geacribed nngss! Under the following] uriroloum om, and "under che’ followine|tonitance "Rivet! ihensteindhe so “enas Commencing at a post planted five miles} Commencing at a t plan nore OF less to lot 50. thenee west follow- east of the North-east commer of DL 1836. [tile east of the Rorth-west corner of ‘De ing, sBoreline to point of commencement, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80/408, thence east 80 chains, thence south ne acres, more or less. Sih so hain, pn inte | rch AG cls” aot SP tate Wega ment. a - nee- nent chains, to point of ¢ nee. _Dated Octoner tthe nbhe & 25 y of October, 1919 Dated this 22nd day of October, 1919 —— WHLMIAR J. LEARY. spn n° WILLIAM J. LEARY. Applicant, norios —— Np pISTRICT._DISTRICT ’ VANCOUVER LAND DISTRICT *SDISTRICT OP QUERY CHARLOTTE. SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. ne tebe of ee “cortincats of site 40 OF COAST, RANGE UREN C LOTTE STRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE part of Lot Eight hundred and forty-eight Same Cc. Sebo TAKE NOTICE that Willi 4 ISLANDS. (848), Group One (1), Cassiar District TAKE notice that © Mn married ‘wo enldeeaee Cee cnet Hem J. Leary « TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of | satisfactory ioan of tuncate | Ocean Falls, B.C., cccUPaor Vrission for @ license to prospect tary og Ply | Skidewate, B.C. settler, intends to apply|having bean pied fs hereby given|man, intends to apply Pot Ut" iands Petroleum on and under’ the falipwina| for & license to prospect for coal and] that ft 1s my Intention’ at the expiration | lease the following describe’ 0 og deseribed lands: wser me fatowing Seeceee on,.sne under the following] of one month from the Arat publication Commencing | #1 8 island - the en . —_ orth end © a east ate ee o spas planted ve miles Commencing at a post planted one pores, to re woes cores nae af choked Passage, wert oe ee thence east 80 chains thence harihe wo | mile east Of the north-west corner of Il | which "Cortina le ls dated. eth | Island, thence south 40 chains, 21, chains, thence west BO chains. thenes [Ar npn? cast 80 chains, thence norih| February. 1019. and ie No. 9067-1 40 chains, thence north 49 Coe cement south 80 chains, to point of sommes’ $0 chains, {hence west 80 ‘chains, thence Dated at the Land Regisiry Omce, Prince |east 40 chains 10, iat of ore or Hee Dated this O50 ' ment. enains, t© point of commence-| Rupert, B.C., this 16th day of October, | an! contain Mt eMMA c uae’ ageol Wwilian RAR poiering |DMOd this 2904 day of Octoner, sore. |?! ae By Mark Se c. sie , WILLIAM J. LRARY, Applicant abting District Registrar. | Pate September din, 10!