PAOE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Trade in the Old Bike Ride Home on anewCCM- I D T"ce""t yaal c'' CCM" Bicycles Also OOM-Joycycles for Children A Complete Line of C. C. M. Bicycles on sale in Prince Rupert at TOM BALLINGER'S, 3rd Ave. C. C. M. Bicycles are on sale at McRAE BROTHERS LIMITED, Prince Rupert Sdld at all Government: Liquor Stores This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia, If you lose anything, advertise for it. Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results ISLANDS' toi DOGFISH Government Subsidy For Reduction Plant at Skidegate Suggested SKIDEGATE, May 6: Skidegate Inlet and waters adjacent have the largest dogfish banks in the world. Yet today not one of these fish Is caught although they are known as the wolves of the sea and are most destructive to herring, salmon, crabs and all other edible fish. It is suggested here that the government would do well to put a good bounty on these pests, thereby encouraging the establishment here of a plant for the making of oils and fertilizer out of them. It Is said that hair seals do not do near the damage to the salmon that the dogfish perpetrate. , Launch of Prince Henry on Screen Interesting Item in News Keel at Capitol Theatre The news reel at the Capitol Theatre last night showed Interest ing views of the recent launching at Cammel-Lalrd's yard in England and christening by Miss Ishbel Macdonald of the new steamer "Prince Henry." The Prince Henry Itself will be coming to Prince Rupert this summer on the Alaska run. PAST IS Copy of 1911 "Queen News" Turns Up at News Office Hopes and.. Incidents nigh forgotten these many years are recalled by word and picture by the appearance' In the Dally News office this week of a copy of the "Queen Charlotte News'df date January 7, 1911. Then three years old. 'the "Queen Charlotte News" was an ambitious paper and featuring pictures throughout as well as many optimistic articles which make none the less Interesting reading because disillusionment has been their fate. The publisher of the "Queen Charlotte News" was D. R. Young, well known pioneer townslte promoter of Queen Charlotte. The paper long since has succumbed. Mining was one of the big tilings that was expected In a few years to bring millions of dollars and thousand of people to the Queen Charlotte Islands. So It was expected of fishing and lumbering In smaller degree. They were great dreams. SKIDEGATE SCENERY Why Should Teoplt Go to Switzerland, Our Correspondent Asks SKIDEOATE. May 6: Thousands rbf tourists go every year to Switzer land to gaze at the scenery there. It is suggested that they should first come to Skidegate Inlet, for the scenery here cannot be excelled any place. From Skidegate to Mawett there Is an ocedh beach such as Is not rivalled by any beach In the British Empire. Daytona Beach, Florida, has nothing-on the beach from Tow Hill to Rose Spit where cars can run abreast at low tide and "step on the gas" to their hearts' content. The boulevard drive from Skide gate to Queen Charlotte City has no peer as a secnlc highway anywhere In British ' Columbia or Tourists can now get off at Port Clements, ride to Queen Charlotte City on motor can and take the same steamer again at the latter point. Gavigan Opens Store in South Still another step in the advance ment of the business section of Dunbar Heights takes place this week, says a Vancouver suburban paper. Last week saw the fine new store and market of Safeway Ltd.. open on the corner of Twenty-eighth and Dunbar while this week, one of the most modern delicatessen stores and ice cream parlors In the city will open Its doors to the public. The new cencern Is next door to the Dunbar Heights Community Hall and will be known as Dunbar Table Supply. The proprtetor Is Mr. J. C. Gavigan, who for 14 years conducted the largest retail grocery business In Prince Rupert. For the past two years, Mr. Oavlgan has been a resident of Dunbar Heights and has unbounded faith In the future of the district, not only from a residential viewpoint but also as a community business centre. No effort has been spared with the installation of ultra-modern re frigeration lit the new store. It is safe to also say that the lighting which is being used in this store is second to none in the city, the premises standing out in a blaze of light. Fireside Club Holds Meeting Miss Cathie Watson's Group Charge of Interesting Program Last Night were brought to a close. in Miss Cathie Watson group was in charge at last night's meeting of the Fireside Club of First Baptist Church, Miss Evelyn Pierce being in the chair. Mrs. Victor Houston assisted with the devotional period and Miss Cathie Watson read a pa per on the life history of Leigh Hunt, the poet Miss Adelia Thur ber recited one of Hunt's poems. There was an interesting address by the pastor, Rev. F. W. Dafoe, and tasty refreshments were served before the svenlng's proceedings MINING AT recalled; skidegatej Charlotte Kitsanlt-nasle Co. Is Developing Dally Promising Property Adjoining Southeaster The Kitsault-Eaglc Silver Mines Ltd. Is sinking a prospecting shaft and cross-cut on the Kltsault-Southeaster property on the Indian Reeerve at Skidegate and the extent of future operations on the showing will depend upon the result of the small work that Is now going on there. Values are chiefly in gold j and. according to those who have seen it. the showing looks very good warranting at least considerable preliminary work. The shaft is now down 42 feet and the cross-cut In 30 feet, a crew of three men being at present employed. The work was started a month or so ago. Special permission had to be secured from the In-Man Department to carry on the development since the property is 'oca ted on a reserve. The Kltsault-Southeaster adjoins the famous oid Southeaster property which, it is understood, Kitsault-Zagle is endeavoring to take over. Dr. Joseph T. Mandy, resident lining enfiifir. made an Inspec-lon last week or the District News SKIDEGATE C. Miller of Queen Charlotte City has practically rebuilt his argc hall and poolroom and it Is now one of the finest buildings there. The hospital at Queen Charlotte City is now filled to capacity and Dr. G. A. Roberts, has been very busy with several hurry-up calls to the north end of the Islands In addition to bis local practice Queen Charlotte Islanders are appreciative of the splendid service being given them by Dr. and Mrs. Roberts. Dr. J. T. Mandy, resident mining engineer, Prince Rupert, looked over the various mines on Graham and Moresby Islands last week. Dr. and Mrs. P. F. She of Skidegate have left for Massett where they will spend the summer. Constable Martin of Queen Charlotte City returned last week after making a trip up the coast of Graham Island and to Port Clements. All local t rollers are now maklna ready for the coming season's operations. A big run of springs at Hippo Island Is predicted. VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER. May 6 Wheat was quoted on the local Exchange oday at $1.05" 4. Special OFFER NABOB COFFEE per lb WILD ROSE PASTRY FLOUR 10-lb. sack DEL MONTE PEACHES halves, 2-lb. tins, 2 for QUICK PUDDINGS In Chocolate. colate, Tapioca and Custard. 25c 2 pkt iO EMPRESS JELLY Powders all flavors, 4 for RED ARROW SODAS 2 pkts. for SUNFLOWER SAL MON 's, 7 tins for PIONEER MINCED CLAMS per tin FELS NAPTHA SOAP per pkg LUX 3 pkgs. for - 60c 55c 85c 25c 45c $1.00 1 20c 80c 35c Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-423 5th Avenue East PHONE 18 AND 84 P. O. box S75. B Ed COAL! Tucday May , A Comedy With a 1000 Laughs GLENN TRYON in 'Skinner Steps Out1 (ALL TALKING) COMEDY "CLANCY AT THE HAT" CARTOON "KRAZY KAT" A "Scenic" and "Paramount Sound News" Admission 20c & 65c a v v v hi i tmi i iirA I MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY TWO SHOWS 7 and 9 p m BER! KILN DRIED SPRUCE, CEDAR AND HEMLOCK ! FINISH, CEILING, RUSTIC, MOULDINGS, ETC Specialties i; iiiiuii num ivuai nun ji ivu IUIJL' main Hemlock Flooring Spruce and Cedar Shlplap, Boards, Dimensions and Timbtn Doors, Windows, Shingles, Etc. Odd lots off-grade material at reduced prices. BIG BAY LUMBER CO., LTD. Lumber Manufacturers Prince Itupcrt, BX 1 1 v Til i Trfwl n PEMBINA EGG Delivered, per ton $12.00 ALBERTA EUvj Delivered, per ton iw ALRERTA LUMP Delivered. Dbr ton . 13.5 I Special Prices On Your WmtehSfipply WOOD"-" JUST AHIUVLi). NEW SHIPMENT OF BIRCH AND JACK riNt MTU. RNHS Ppi Innd $IJ tmY r.TTTTTMnSPpr ln.nrl W HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE PHONE 580 MORE VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY See the new Ford body lines and colors on view at our showrooms 4 h Tlic Canadian Car," ,ii'.i i S. E. PARKER LTD. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. If you lose anything, try a classified ad.