PAGE ihu Thi a PHONE 649 Steam Cleaning And Pressing Alterations Made Collection and Delivery Free! J4lNTQ t- TJ1E TAILOR 117 Second Ave. Phone C49 41 THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA PubiUhed Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, toy Prince Rupert really News. Limited, Third Arena: H F. PVLLEN ManaElng.-Eattar SUBSCRIPTION KATES CMf dtMmy, by zaailor earner, yearly period, paid m advance... $500 For lasser periods, paid in advance, per week , " , 10c By oaf! to afl parts of Northern and Central British Cetambta. pam to advance for yearly period 3j00 fiy mail to all otrjer parts of British Cctoabta, the British Empire and Bolted States, paid in ad ranee, per year $660 By nail to an other countries, per year SjGO ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per inch jr Insertion Classtfted, advertising, per Insertion, per word Local readers, per insertion, per Bne J-egal notices, each Insertion, per agate Kne Con tract rates on application. Editor and .Reporters' lelepnonc Advertising and Circulation Telephone DAILY EDITION Member e! Audit Bureau of Circulations t.:r.!.hr.! ..r fi:-i !:, .1.; !. the mMMMMKMWMWMyE3tE3mMWMBtSMMMKBWBM' nVaBaHBsaflBaCBJaB 1.48 SO. 2$ JS Friday. October 31 193. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Miss Batfle TfeosBBMo jape4Jas: oiglit otf die iactoRopert f vaea'tlorf trip to Vancouver. ' Mrs. Easier of Teftwa srrtved in the city fuss the InUrigr on yesterday afternoon's train for t briei : TMt to town. t L. B. Warner, pebtkhed of the Interior News newspaper at Smi-i then, U paying visit to the di. having arrived frgsn the tnterkr cn yesterday afternoon's train. Union steamer Gardena. Capt James Fmdlay. arrived in oort a 3 o'clock this afternoon from the r. 2 40 sooth and -ill fail v. U i4nlv .,T. R,Whjuisr otOtoaau arrived lb the city" oa thw Princ' Rupert am evening from the north for u brief Ttatt to the city. Cant J. B. Coithurst of Terrace m paying a visit to the city, having arrtred from the on yesterday afternoon's train. Felix Batt returned to th? citv on yesterday afternoon's traji frosa a business trip to Haysport and other Skeena Rhrer poinu. C. P. R. steamer Princess Mar? Capt. James Flood, arrived in por. his i.err.oon from the routh and will sail at 10 o'clock: on her return to Vancouver ano foriht on her return to vnmn wjjvini ver ind waypoints. Insist on "GRANTS BEST PROCURABLE" The Original For Sale at Vendor or direct from "Mail Order Dept." Liquor Control Board. Victoria. II. C. II QCOTCf WHISKY I II vSBk m RICHEST IN FINEST R II afsPaa HIGHLAND MALT H Vvm BIwGWiibwi DMHbnM. I. 1 III COAL Bay she real Coal oar famous Edson and Cassidy Wellington in any s. untitles. Also Balkley Valley Hay. Grain and Robin Hood Floor. Pnce Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 ANp .68 Enjoyable Protram Marked Inauu-ral Ceremonies Last Nigbt of SL Paul's Adinjnet Vtliix some 159 persona in atVndr anee. the dedication and official opening oi the plendkl new parish hall in connection with St. Frier's UBeai Cove Anglican .Church took place last evening. The main buildup measures 80 by 38 by 14 feet and on one end there is a well-fitted kitchen. The structure was put up entiieiy by volunteer labor and is a ereoit to the cbereh as well as to the community. The dedication service was very asmreestve. After the singing of the National Anthem. Rev. Canon W. F. Rnshbrook. the rector, led the congregation in prayer and J. E. Boddte, vicar's warden and chairman of the building committee, read an address, after which, on behalf of the inewmbent, the wardens and people of the church he presented the keys of the ban to the diocese which was represented by Bishop G. A. Rtx. Tbe Bishop then dedicated the ball to the service of the church and handed the keys back to Mr. Boddte to be kept In trast for the diocese.' In eoneluefon of the dedication ceremonies, the hymn. "AH People That on Earth Do DweeT was sang. The musical program which f ol-: lowed -was most enjoyable. There were vocal solos by Mrs. J. H. Mc-1 Leod, Mrs. C. E. Cuiltn and Mrs. F. ! W. Allen; vocal duets by Rev. Alfred Wilson and H. Lincoln; recitations by Mrs. W. Armstrong, and rioltn solos by Miss Nettie Lawrence, ac-1 companied by her sister. Miss MoBy Lawrence. Interspersed with the musical program were appropriate speeches by Bishop Rix. Mayor C. H. Orrae.' Canon Rnshbrook. Dean Gibson and ! the ebatrman. Robert Blance,. Bishop Rfac congratulated the? congregation of St. Peter's on bav- mg socn a sptenoia leader as Canon Rush rook. He hoped the hafl woald be prima rily used for the re- j ugjons and social education of the children. Canon Rashbrook. after thanking all those who had labored so tirelessly in connection with the eon-rtroctfcon of the halt made presen- lauona, on oenan 01 the congreea-tton, to O. A. Kefeey and A. D. Bir-refl. Mr. Keteey, the canon said, had not only sooerrised the build ing of the hall bvt had pat to manyj ooars 01 war K nmsetf. Mr. Bissefl had been an able right-hand man to Mr. Kefeey. 100 at Sunday School It was intimated daring the proceedings that the Sunday School attendance had now passed the 100 mark. The new haH Is to be used primarily for Sunday Sehotf v A eoKectlon was taken up during! ine evening, uie swm of $50.10 being realised. At the eenetaslen of the eventae proceedings deJtcteus refreshments' were served by a committee of Udies eonsartteg of Mrs. C. J. Nor-rtngton. Mrs. A. H. IIIM-Tout, Mrs. S E. Saabory. Mrs. W Skinner and Mrs. W. DafeeB. Etta ","i.a. Among those who contributed to the success cf the evening were the artists on the program, Mrs. James Black and Da rid w in wtrju uuyiMu, Eastman, tug who pro- pro October 20 Seal Clove vs. Moose. Prince Rapert Hotel vs. Moose. 1. f. as. Musketeers. Eagles vs. Sniffs. Etts vs. KnighU of ColsnsbsH. Noveaker 2 Seal Oove vs. Eagles. Swift's va. Maaketeers. Es vs. Oram. Priac Rtspert Hotel vs. L O. O. F. Knights of Columbus vs. Moose. November 9 Grotto vs. Mooae. Musiaeteexs vs. Seal Core. Swift's vs. L q O. y. EHts vs. Prince Rupert HoteL Nvaatfcr-10 - " Masse vs. Elks. L O. O. F. vs. Englea. Giotto va. Swlit'a P. R. Hotel ' . Vided fflSat smtia In r(h Hitulmt lEaglac . C. J. Norrtnttoa was aeneral con-ldlo,w Xovember 23 Swiss's vs. 8eai Cave. EBu va. Mvsksaecsa. I. O. O. F. vs Moose. , Eagteo vs. Prinp Rupert HoteL Grotto vs. Knights of Columbus. November 30 Seal Cove vs. SHca. Mniretaars vs. Baglsa. Mooae vs. Swift's. Giotto ws. I. O o. F. , K. C.'s vs. Prince Rapert Hotel. December " Swift's vs Prince Rapert Hotel Musketeers vs. Grotto. Mooae vs. Seal Com Eagtea vs. Elks. -L Q. O. F. vs K. C.'s. CRIBBAGE Moose 5aJ Cove Moskeieacs Leagae SUnding 0 W. II. 15 14 14 a 11 it 11 L. U 16 At. 16 14 l: IS 12 11 vener for the evening's proceedings. J. E. Boddie was master of cere-' monies for the dance. W. O. Viger! , sad W Skinner acted as ushers.! Wm T. R MorB wn kasw' Accompanists were Mrs. C. E. Culttn, Chariotte Island legging op-Mrs. A. H. Kleiback and Mrs. C. J. ' erator. came north on tke present Neragaon Mrs. Robert Blance and trip or the steamer Prtoee John Mia George Keteey were among' from Ms camp at Orescent Inle. those who gave aaistance generally, near Loekeport to Buckley Bay. He : i was accompanied by Elmer Palmer PRIZE FOR BEST LAl'GIL his on"ln"law and logging super- intendent. ERIN. OnL, Oct. 22. At the ap- nual ptenjc of thje McDonald Association a prize waif warded' for "the gentleman with the best laugh.' won by Fred McDonald of Belwood, Ont A N, TKATJ For the East Mondays, Wednesday find Sotur-daxs, ll:2d AJn. !, From the East j Sundays, Tuesday jud Thuxs- aay v 3 30 p.m. JUNIOR FOOTBALL For the junior JooihaH nme r. turday between High School and Borden. Ikoastps are as f oikw:' j High Sca-AtL SJshef Mor-' fn. Flaw. Crorau. Klrkandaif ' ihrirtta risen, ijramoto. Ivarsoo., i captain;, Wttssn asd Dangate.j Wttllscroft, spare. ! Borden Annedey. VeHcb, Hong 14urrle. Oaanbefi tcaptahv. Lto-' ShrubsaU. Houston. Lee and Stew- art, spares. j Car Owners Our repair service is promnj. efficient and courteous. RUPERT MOTORS Distributors of dodge & pLpioirirn cars Phone M Night Calls ll TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN pAIRY FOR SKEENA BRA Ml Creamery Butter & Cottage Checnr FRESH rAVTEl'RTZFJJ M;,K ANT) CREAST DA,) Prly J9tUn Xbxpachosl the Cltv "Pa- Stribitng says that his son. W L. Young" bUtbling. will fkgbt Seattle Will Not Be in Pacific the winner of a match between Coast Leacue This JVinJer Prtmo Camera and Paulino TJacu-It Is Expected dan. the boat to take place in Madi- . eeo Square Garden. New York, prob ably in December. Camera and the adage that in order to learn any thing weH you roast begin at tra-hottom. Kitchener Record I r 111 THE DAILY NEWS Friday. October rt I NEW HALL 1 IS OPENED 1 i.cmkr-r-amamaa- .. Good . . . because it Is made from long I CWfiiMf'i -am, mawaal - tVT. f 1 1 A SrwmA Cnmim wnnnf 1 i.iw.r.rm9E7..Bi ' , , . 1 s$s&2r&z&zazisss$.- ..11. r j Bishop G. 4. Rlx Led in Impressive Dedication Service Last iKTr' nnlv f r Atwavt fratrinr . . Evening nrT3, Bib YasaVsam '- 1 f, 1 ' -a-- of Fine BuiMing. always fresh . . . Individually wrapped in moisture-proof jtSVBrAwr mm J cellophane. Ask for Voluntary Labor Arabela in the pocket jmgmp mi pack of five. 1 CsUopbc Wrapped by far the greatest value ARAB E LA cigars CRIBBAGE SCHEDULE FIVE TEAMS IN HOCKEY SPORT CHAT WHIST IS ! STARTED Sons of Norway, Seal Cove pu Empress and firotla JVinnrn Latt J.'i6bt VANCOUVER, Oct. 23: It ap- Basqae will meet In the Garden next The Pratttsmal Whist V a i Be&fed vetjrdr Hut tai Vmrttt month, arrtuitlwa tn itlaw of JImim mA . 4?est Hookey .League might con- Johnston. 1 night wish scores as (oi -mi us sonamg winter ol a live- 1 : Sons tT Norway 7. MuJ;. ;rr-- Tarn drcuit wtth franchises held The Detroit News says that Stan- ' Seal Cos .' Fish Pa: Ju : Vancouver, Calgary. aimoiitoB. ' -kjf llrrt Legto Portland and Tacoma. lea vine Be- ww return as manager of the Do- 4 sitte oat in the eold. feilowfng Pre- trott American League baseball Qretto $ Moose 4. sUent MH HB Hagto Caldwefl's calewefl's faUure faUure to to tem lem nt H- Jr Although Although I be has Mm o(, Prtoee Rupert Hotel v Maaketeers K cin Seal Cove Hbth league management, no lned 000 tract it is, 1 Frank Patrick, at present pool- tood tbat he snO be of rare dent of the Pacific Coast' Learae within the next two months." the 1 nmnir organiser nf of tK the n new ctr 4 News sava I waM be cert Torchy Peden Leading Long Bicycle Race MONTRCAT. rv4r fl- r.i - Peden, Vfcts eeHu was icadtns the field last night m the eke-day Jcc here. I EXCEPT S1VIM5ILNG There U soond truth ta the oU T p.i: ' Sons of Norway .... Seal Cove Old Empress 5 Grotto .... Leftoji . 4 Msose 4 Firit Packers Musketeers ?, GORDON'S GENUINE LONDON GIN fl -ann Guaranteed dist'iUed and bottled in tondPD ,Thls advertisement U not pubshed tie or displayed by wairwi ward or by the Government of BrlUslt Columbia, U