THE DAILY NEWS , == —— = ‘ rm THE DAILY NEWS PIMPLES THAT ne cde ee cekoe a, PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. JH. F. PULLEN, MANAGING EpTor. ‘ For the East. Moudays, Wednesdays and Sat- urdays at 10:30 a, m, DISFIGURE many a girl's complexion will be found to disappear if Zam-Buk is applied with regularity. From the East, Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs. Dentistry Se DON'T NEGLEC' YOUR | TEETH! SUBSCRIPTION RATES: , Miss Mary Krall, of Gifbert [days at 7 p.m. One Decayed or Missing Toot} mi ‘ : : : Plains, Man., writes: “After hav- : th lowers City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month Tbe. ing had disfiguring pimples on sy enseniten can edie Efficiency 7 a: By Mail—Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00, face, for two years, and paving ‘ ai ancouver and a ; " T ; { ; ; , § tried all kinds of treatmen im, |Sundays ....eeeeeeeees p.m, , lo United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50 hae about aren - hope ot Sheabednite.. is .itdcivicack im ¢ 4 TELEPHONE 98. ° jagger ne | . ae Esew | thursdays ....... 60005 ii p.m. Zam-Buk for this trouble. I sent for a sample box, and even this small: quantity brought a little im- provement. Now, after persever- From Vancouver TRANSIENT DISPLAY Al VERTISING = 75 cents per inca. From Vancouver and South. Contract Rates on application. Dr. Bayne ————_— — ——_—_— —_— : . : ing for = an wan if ae wouncaws 2 10 os = a : OFFICE HOURS aoe , - P Buk, my e is entirely rid the ednesdays .......+. 38 .m, : ; DAILY EDITION. os GRBs: Friday, November, 28, 1919.) gruption.” 60c, box, all dealers, SING ¥4 Fitictns 10:30 a.1n.) Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.20 to §.30, Saturdays, § to 12 Only, a. = —_ ” te ee vere eat Fvery Evening from 7.30 to 9 a ~~ ‘MANY OUT OF WORK For Anyox and Alice Arm. a SAW MILL IS alm: u BUNGE «sv vccecs tc tvss 11 p.m. Dental Nurse in attendance st Wednesdays ..+....... 11 p.m.| Phone 109 for eppoi ks OPERATING VET MEN AT VICTORIA BaturdGys ..... 3. ccs. ii p. m, | u © eppoiniment .Major Bullock-Webster Has Hard} ——. . : From Anyox and Alice Arm. —!) oeiinee Time as Employment Agent LAND REGISTRY ACT Tuesdays ...... Seis dees’ ee samnenenie Six Million Feet of Logs are Still for a Marine Sections 36 and 134. "RUPORETO.. os ctiur ccos DP. Me in Storage Which Will Last ard. WUNGEPS oie cccccsscces p. m.! Re Application No. 11318-1. File 6,259. TAKE NOTICE that application has been made tw fregiste! Attilio Dominato of Prince Hupert, B.C., P. O. box 68, as owner in fee under a Tax Sale Deed from the Collector of the City of Prince Rupert, bearing date the 23rd day of October, 1919, of ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, | ing, and bs pas J in the city of Prince Rupert, more particularly known and described as Lot twenty (20), Block thirty-seven (37), Section Five (5), (Map 923 You are required to contest the claim of the tax mow within 35 days from the date of the service of this notice Three Months. 4 In spite of the somewhat ~ wintry weather the Prince Rupert Spruce Mills, Ltd., are continuing their; operations here. Just now the mill is working to about three quarters its capacity, cutting) ist py now would be into quite a about 75,000 feet a day. There ts number of thousands. a large stock of lumber on hand, It is at the noon hour that but the monorail piler continues many of the job-seekers gather, to carry more into the coverr¢ and Major Bullock-Webster, the sheds. employment agent, goes up and The company tries to convince them that he VICTORIA, Nov. 27.—Every day finds a row of men at the gates of the Harbor Marine Yard seek- ing work. The company has a waiting list on file of about eigh: hundred, and had the name of every applicant been put down the For Port Simpson, Arrandale, Mill Bay, Wales Island and Naas River. Sundays 11 p.m. MINING. STOCK FOR SALE I have for sale part of the treasury shares in The B. C, Silver Mines, Ltd. Capital - $1,500,000 One of Properties is situated between the famoy Premier Mine and the Bush Mines, Ltd. These shares will be listed on the Vancouver Ste Exchange, For further particulars apply to | From Pt. Simpson, Arrahdale, Mill Bay, Wales Isiand and Naas River. po eee ae oe ee th m.| Queen Chariotte Islands: For Massett, Port Clements and Upper [sland poiats: Nov. 27 and fortnightly thereafter. ‘rom Masset, Port Clements and Upper Island points: (which tay be effected by publication tn the Daily News, Prince Rupert, B. C.,) and your attention is called to section 36 of the “Land Registry Act’ with amendments, and to the following extract therefrom:— “and in default of a caveat or cer tifcate of lis pendens being filed be fore the registration as owner of thc ce has about six million feet of logs still in thej,,, ; . yerson entitied under such tax sale, 3 can do nothing to help them out 1 n ent in a ; O U colt ; 2 e li persons so served with notice, | Nov. 28 and fortnightly thereafter. .. water and it will take three}, jarge have the numbers be- air Persent nd those claiming throug, |, Satty Chereart 6 B. B SH “or Skidegate, Queen Charlotte City and Lower Island points: Nov. 29 and fortnightly thereafter. From Skidegate, Queen Charlotte City and Lower Island points— Nov. 26 and fortnightly thereafter. 344 Pender Street W. or under them, and all persons claim ing any interest in the land by virtue of any unregistered imstrument, and all persons cliiming any interest in the land by descent whose title ts VANCOUVER months to clean them UP, Per-| come that it is no longer possible haps rather more if the weather}; ajjow them into the yard is bad, That would give an aver-) pyery day many letters from wel age cub for the time of slighUly) jnown Victorians reach the eim- over; 75,000 a day. ployment office recommending Some of the logs that are 80-/ certain men in need of work. ing through are badly eaten bY| gome of the men that gather at teredo and the injured part has} the gate get angry when refus -d not registered under the provisions of this Act, shall be for ever es topped and debarred from setting up any claim to or in respect of the land so sold for taxes, and the Regis trar shall register the person en titled under such tax sale as owner of the land so sold for taxes.” ‘idl, SS eee YS CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. F . ae Saaeee see She ee CANADIAN PACIFIC OCEAN SERVICES Dec. 2 and every ten days there- to be burned. It is useless forlwork. ‘They believe that ive Juaae for'y certineate tf fadefeaibe Rie] yop aT any othe , ‘ . ‘ys ethi op |to the above-mentioned lands, in the naine : a B C C $ h S * ; The company has found idk gee Tomes sitet earnpaante of ND WHEREAS “on investigating the a eee ae ag and Vuhon. UL. Coast steams Ip vervices | aap the gate umes fr Are fort, Taea of burp and ot ed he acne | eraser. oe stopped. Should there be a coal bine aevibnes 4 eal ed ieaak eit TAKE NOTICE. that at, = en for Ketchikan, Juneau, Tes se, — a = shortage, deliveries will be con- children and no work. It was}*me time ! shall effect registration in| Stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp Sey tenants Guinn ont Ginaeie on oes teal? 15th pursuance of such application and issue @ Certificate of Indefeasible Title to the sald lands in the name of Atillio Dominato, un less you take and peees the roper proceedings to establish your claim, if any, to the said lands, or to prevent such proposed action on my part. DATED at the Land Registry Office Point. For — Noon November 26 fortnightly thereafter. From—P. M. November 27 and fortnightly thereafter. Ee tinued as the demand would then suggested that he try the Friendly be greater. The delivery cannot) Help Society. He netorted that he e continued unless at least ten/).4 fought for a number of years loads a day are taken. during the war, and he was going November 16, 25, and De 8. 8. PRINCESS BEATRICE From Prince Rupert for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Hardy Bay, Alert Bay, Beaver Cove, Powell River, Vancouver and Victorie— Every Saturday at cembe and 9 po RET ye Esp starv acce Be : y of cnet aiiaieudaail ie . . o Sie 7. e | ~ ian. - t 1919. = eo ae . e Suk For rates, reservations and sailings, apply ¢ charity. ere are many Ike H. PF. MACLEOD, I'wo-color window cards take W. ©. ORCHARD, Genera! Agent. ; him. One elderly naval com-],) op — — of Titles® line eye quickly. See them atte Cor 3rd A d 4th St Pri R B.C SOURCES OF REVENUE mander had_ served forty-two General Delivery, Seattle, Wash. News Job Department. or or venue and 4t reet rince Rupert, BA. years in the navy. He asked for , , LAND ACT a job—any sort of a job. SAYS PREMIER OLIVER E. D. Johnson was sitting with Premier Oliver and Finance Min-|F. ister Hart on the Tax Commission] last night's train. Mrs. Rothwell, mother of Mrs. G, Dawson, was an arrival on She will spend Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. In Queen Charlotte Islands Land District, Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Port Clements, Graham Island TAKE NOTICE that we, the Graham Is- S.S. PRINCE RUPERT or a few days ago when the Premier declared that the Provincial Goy- ernment did not intend to give up any of its present sources of till Christmas visiting in Prince Rupert when she will go to New Westminster to visit her son, Dr. Rothwell, of that city. land Spruce & Cedar Co., Limited, of Port Clements, occupation lumbermen, intend to apply for permission to lease the fol lowing described lands:— Commencing at a post planted at thr N.W. corner of Block 53, townsite of Por Clements; thence N. 70 deg. W.——540 ft.; CANCELLATION OF RESERVE NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the reserve existing over Lots 4005 and 904 5.5. PRINCE GEORGE - SAILING THURSDAY and SUNDAY MIDNIGHT for SWANSON BAY, OCEAN FALLS, VANCOUVER, VICTORIA and SEATTLE. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY MIDNIGHT FOR ANYOX. 8. S. PRINCE JOHN For Stewart, October 20th, November i2th and 26th . Massett, and Port Clements, November 6th, 13th and 27u Southern Queen Charlotte Island Points, October 3tst; N vember 15 & 2 TRAIN SERVICE Passenger Monday, W°dneeday snd Saturday aj 11:96 & m. for Smiiners Prince George, Edmonton and Winnipeg, making direct connections fF all points east and south Range 5, Coast District, is cancelled, G. KR. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Land Lands Department, Victoria, B. C., Sth October, 1919. revenue. They still intended to collect the amusement tax and the automobile tax. thence south 33 deg. W.—455 [ft.; thence south 237.77 ft.; thence east 472.95 ft, thence following the shore line in a north asterly direction to the point of com mencement and containing 7.1 acres, mor: or less. GRAHAM ISLAND SPRUCE & CEDAR CO LIMITED Dated August 12th, 1919. Alex. Munro left for Ocean Falis last evening and will rejoin the Prince Rupert at that point on her northbound trip. Mr. Munro is chief engineer of the Prince Rn- pert. Overstocked Shoe Sale. Family Shoe Store. tf Good warm winter coats at cost at Demers. 284 Advertise in the Daily News PRIZE COMPETITION ist Prize $200 Cash. 2nd Prize $100 Cash. 3rd Prize $50 Cash. These prizes go to those who secure the largest number of new subscribers to the Daily News, The competition is decided by points which are earned on new subscriptions as follows: AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES For information and reservations apply to City Ticket Office, 5626 Third Avenue. Phor® 260. ZIM - NOTICE OF CANCELLATION. NOTICE is hereby given that the reserve existing over Lots 1819 and 1820, Queen Charlotte Distriet, by reason of a notice ud in the B. C. Gazette of 27th be cember, 1907, is cancelled. G. R. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands. Department of Lands, urchase of Licence , so. PROBATE TIMBER SALE X1884. Victoria, B.C., Nov. 4th, 1919 Sealed tenders will be received by the District Forester, Prince Rupert, not later than noon on the 20th day of Nov ember, 1919, for the X1884, to cut 310,000 feet of Spruce, Hom | py jock, Balsam and Cedar and 1500 Lin. Ft {}; TURKISH BATHS it : of Hemlock Piling on an area adjoi IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH “im tae ae | Cut of Town Circulation. Lot ‘O. Cousins faiet, i, rea adjoining COLUMBIA. & i Pa Co 6 6 75 p : eee wo years w allowed f ; . in RIUM 6 Months, #4 450 points | 1 Month, 50 50 poi aye omer. owed for De Te TIN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA. AND SANITA = .f anaes . aoe pe in - — ~ ; ee hl points ) Further articulars or ithe Cher Fores TION ACT as - car, $8 ....... points 6 Months, $3...,....350 points] ter *ictoris, &t., or District Forester » oan Te came . ae . : ; ie , trees Prince Rupert, B.C. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF N B Weare, 616.4555 2,000 points S WO, GO n+ tkew ens 800 points ———— —_——-—_. aie SHAIRLIN, DECEASED, NOW OPE Renewals, City or Outside. wanes , Qverything modern and up to date er ' . acte ; Ne CE 18 SRE MVE? Sau tive us a trial On every dollar collected, 50 pts. or AY CONCERT SLVER TO nen We guarantee expert service Giv , SPECIAL CASH BONUSES. Honorable Mr. Justice Clement, in the Phone 309 722 Fulton Street, formerly Klondike Hote! OPEN DAY AND NIGHT above matter on the 30th day of October, A.D, 1919, as follows: IT 18 ORDERED that the said John H MeMullin shall be allowed to swear to the death of the said deceased as occurring _ Anyone during the course of the contest securing 100 fully paid yearly subscriptions gets a Century Bonus of $100 in addition to any prizes or commissions otherwise earned. — a ie ‘. ate = Se 280 day of es 1918, after = ——_ ; ¢ expiration of one month from the date |e oo TIMBER SALE Xi909. - = Ope publieatios of notice of this , order, unless in the meantime proof ts c ° Victoria, B.C., Nov. 4th, 1919 /furnished to the hegt Cc hOTARY —_ I HEO COLLAR I ’ Notary Public uninee tenders will be received by the at Prince Rupert, Bewc. that the sold de. FIRE INSURANCE : ° aoe ee See ee eee ee es wud o v a a ee nods o. coased, imertee W. Shairtin, was alive sub- H L t ’ , tor ¢t ue q P B FOR SALE Lot 35 Block 28, Section 8, on 11th Avenue, only Ae yr feat of ape = *t08, aon cut 10, ws yan ee ee 4 Room ouse and eo , of Spruce, Hemlock and Ce- AND IT 18 FURTHER ORDPIED $275.00 Cash oar on 28, ares adjoining 8.7... 11525p,|seid John H. MeMullin do publish notice 7th Avenue adhe te edith Sek taal ear ie: Lyell Island, Queen Char- - this order in the vee Rupert Daily s : . News, @ newspaper publi a ene aware, wilt be allowed for the re-|Rupert, B. C., oF a gocted of one month. $1600--- Cash or Terms Marine Issurance Fire Insurance Accident Insurasce Further particulars of the Chief Fores- goth day of Octaber, AD a PHONE BLUE 69, WESTHOLME THEATRE BLOCK, P. 0. BOX 66. ter, Victoria, BC., -oF District Poreater, YO SOHN it, ‘MeMULLIN SEE S . cortenceeroan a her ne pert, B.C. ts es OMcial Administrator DAVID H. N THE. SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, IN THE MATTER OF THE “ADMINISTRA TION ACT” and N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF sAeee NELSON, DECEASED, INTES General Real Estate Age’ | ox 1535 PHONE 57 Cor. 2nd Ave, and 2nd St. NS ee LL ——EE 5 The Royal Bank of Canada begs to advise that it has for rental at moderate prices SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES They are recommended for the protection from fire or burg- lary of valuable business or private documents, Victory Bonds, jewelry, ete. The Manager will be glad to furnish particulars on application Prince Rupert Branch - A.W. Cameron, Mer. — sixth TAKE NOTICE that by an Order of His Cor. Fulton and Honour F. MeB. Young made the 19th day of November, A. D. 1019, | was appointed Administrator of the estate of Aaron Nel son, deceased, and all parties having claime eames me said estate are hereby rec! 082 ( . . o furnish same, properly verified, to ’ aaaie’ on ee spouts, Hemlock andion or pefore the ery day of Code % Situated in Juskatia In-]1619, and all parties indgbted to the estate TIMBER SALE X 1889. Sealed tenders will be received b the Minister of Lands not later than nose on the 2nd day of December, 1919, for the purehase of Licence X 1889, to cut 1,- Phone 524 let, , . . Queen Charlotte District are required to pay the amount of their National Grocery © VEGETABLES A SPECIALTY moval of timber. indebtedness to me forthwith. on Viner e er eotler of the Chief Forest: eg Motor Delivery Prince Rupert, B, 6, etriet Forester, onaee this 25th day of November, A. D