PAGE BIZ IN ISfpTfLEII Tilting Caps Tbe fact that McCallum's is distilled, blended, aged-in-the-wood and . . . BOTTLED ... in Scotland guarantees as nothing else can; its uniform high quality. You'll be proud to : serve McCallum's, world leader since 1807. Imported' In 26 oz. and 40 oz. bottles only. Sealed wuh the convenient measuring cap. i moolb at a litttn't ttrr'uf 4ft. VI VJU1JJUJIZ5 VAte if U Hicbit c3NBiiRH (roahSc nor) lon&w "his advertise ment is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of Britlnh Columbia BULKLEY VALLEY COAL The Better Coal In buying Bulkley Valley Coal: You get the highest grade coal on this market; you keep your fuel dollar in your own section of the province ; you help solve the local unemployment situation; you help develop a basic industry in Central British Columbia. In ordering insist on Bulkley Valley Coal. New Carrier Collection System 'In view of the depression and to make it as easy as possible for people to pay, the Daily News is to be sold on a weekly basis, payable in advance. The delivery boy will collect each Friday evening for the week following. He buys the papers and sells them to the customers, so there will be no credit given. The boy cannot afford it. Please do not ask him to return for the weekly payment. Have it ready for him. Customers now in arrears will pay the amount owing at the office, but this will have nothing to do with the regular collections made by the boy. He will be doing business on his own, and if he does not make his own collections will not deliver the paper. Those paid in advance will continue to receive the paper until the subscription expires. Any wishing to continue the yearly pay ments may do so, and wc pay the boy. The price of the paper will be 10c a week, payable strictly In advance. That means six papers for ten cents. It will take a few weeks to get the new system running smoothly, and in the meantime wc ask for the co-operation of the readers of the paper. The routes not going on the new system this week will tlo so just as soon as the lists are itiAtle ip and the boys properly instructed. Help the boys to set up in business for themselves! PHONE 649 Steam Cleaning and Pressing Alterations Made Collection and Delivery Free! LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. fhone C19 . i COAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy-Wellington In any quantities. Also flulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Itobln Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 If your paper does not arrive, telephone the office HORSE FILM INTERESTING "Sporting Blood" Very Appealing Film Clark Gable and Ernest Torrence Star If anything can vie with "human" interest it la "horse" interest. That Is why "Sporting Blood," current offering at the Capitol Theatre, is a very appealing picture. It is e nc of the rst horse stories that hats besn ever produced, and anyone who likes films of this kind should not miss "Sporting Blood." The picture Is also replete with drama, while exciting horse' race scenes lend plenty of thrill. While Clark Gable, the villain of "Dance, Fools, Dance," and "A Free Soul," is named the star, the well known Ernest Torrence has a role of equal importance. Madge Evans Is a delightful leading lady. The cast, otherwise. Is a well balanced on$. FURTHER REDUCTIONS In Our DELIVERY ORDERS With Fall and Winter wfeattwr conditions coming upon us he have decided to make it cosier 'for the housewife by reducing delivery orders. We now offer in conjunction with our low prices free delivery of orders amounting to $2.00 or more. This change in policy we trust will meetl with the approval of our many customers. The policy of our Fifth Avenue Mont npnartmpnt rpmfllnx thp name (with QUALITY and SERVICE our watchword, and all orders delivered. Staple specials Flour Alberta Rose, 49 s, Q -j AC per sack Flour Five Roses, Purity and Robin Hood 49's ! ffft per sack vX.DU Robin Hood Cake Flour 5's. (iCn 1 nlrir- fnr UUVr I o. - . (One Glass Bowl free with each purchase.) Butter 14-lb. box Butter 2-lb. Economy and $3.25 Forestdale 47C Ontario Cheese Finest quality 2 lbs .. 37c Eggs Fresh Seconds 9 p tit rtpr Arvrcn r 3 dozen for Economy Tea Indian Ceylon 3 lbs. Economy Coffee High grade 70c 81.00 grounddally- gQQ SPECIAL! WHILE THEY LAST! Combination Soap Deal No. 1 6 Cups and Saucers Gold Rim, 4 bars Classic Soap. 2 tins Classic Cleanser, 1 pkg. Quick Soap Chips, large. and 1 bar Maxlne Toilet Soap, ALL FOR Deal No. 2 :23-Flcce China Tea Set - Splendid Quality, and 1 lb. May bloom Tea, 98c FOR S1.95 Malkln's Dest Orape Fruit, tyCZr 2's, per tin Malkln's Best Spices All -flZn Varieties 2 tins for f-vx Dutch Maid Salad Dressing, 1 23-oz. Jars each d Fresh Vegetables for Table . and Tickling Use, and All Fruits fn Season arriving each boat at Reduced Trices We give prompt and strict attention to all mall orders Mussallem's Cash and Carry Stores "Where Dollars Have More Cents-Phone SCO Phone 18 & 81 319 3rd Ave. 417-423 5th Ave. THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday. September 22, NEWS OF THE MINES V AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Concentrates From Big Missouri Georgia River Awaits Financing Ingenika Mine Closed Down Over 100 tons of concentrates, averaging $200 to the ton, have been sent from Big Missouri mine to the wharf at Stewdrt for shipment to the Trail smelter. The ore was loadedibv the steamer Catala last night The concentrates are thd 'clean-up from the operations of the Big Missduri nrkil iln i...t mnrAcnnf vnfTi'llni rrrr1nrtirn TliA mill 1Q I itlAU 'UUlllL't I LIJl A IJ UUUV.IVil. A. aw ...... KJ closed for-jjhr present but It is un- derstood tha general mining de velopment a: the property will M1(r VlKCmiri continue. Th. Big Missouri U under , ulS l"DOU Ul 1 Control th. Consolidated Mining & Smelting C o u The Bulklt niles Iron T output tor, ' rade. Id an local necis. found at Prn and the Car ways. Valley coal mine. 7 ikwa. is increasing its : tit- fail and winter, .lit ion to supplying i market is being ce Rupert and Anyox idian 'National Rail- Considerable machinery from the Ounwell nine at Stewart ha been I sold to tlx Bcalone Mine Ltd. In i 'onnect(oTr.with the removal of the machinery, L. S. Davidson, of the Stewart Land Co.. arid rep'roerita- tlves of the Bralonc visited Stewart' last week. The annual meeting "of the Oeor-i gla River Cold Mines Ltd. was held recently in Vancouver. The report of the directors stated that no work ' had been curled out on the prop- erty on Portland Canal during the past season but that negotiations. were going ahead for new financing which was expected to lead to a resumption of operations. The financial statement showed that expenditures on development were increased, from $193.721113 to $214,- 15893 daring the period from June 1. 1930, to August 31. 1931. Current' liabilities are shown as $4,505.29 and i consist of $3,531.69 in open accounts and $97X60 in wages. II. P.' Gibson of Stewart, one of the original owners of the Argentine property situated near! the head of the south fork of! Glacier Cryek and now being developed by a syndicate headed by Clay Porter, visited the property last week and brought back- to Stewart some very splendid samples taken from the face of the tunnel which the day of Mr. Olbson's visit broke lntqthe ore for which Mr. Porter has been driving for some time at a depth of some 05 feet. Mr. Gibson expressed himself as being exceedingly pleased with progress being made and results obtained. The Wilson-Trltea lntorests, controlling the Ingenika mine in the northern interior of the, province, are maintaining only two men at the mine this year, these being left there to take care of the nronertv. Mr. Wilson? Jr. is busy with some , preliminary development of copper , properties on the Finlay-Llard dl-i vide, using a plane to take in sup plies. Some Interesting veins have been opened up Jjn the course of the past season's development by the Excelsior Prospecting Syndicate on 28 claims near the head of American Creek in the Portland Canal district. C. M. Bryant, president' of the syndicate, recently spent about a month on the properties. Indians Jailed at Smithers for Stealing Word has been received at divis ional headquarters of the provincial police hero that Paul Baptlste and Joe Seymour, Indians, have each been sentenced to thirty days' Im prisonments by Stipendiary Magis trate R. L. Gale of Smithers for theft. Baptlste stole a watch chain and revolver, the property of Little Dennis, while Seymour tooH a ladies' watch and a rifle, also tho property of Little Dennis. High Trolling Boat of Island Fishing Fleet It Is reported In Prince Rupert that the Idah II. Captain C. Nelson, is the high boat of the Queen Charlotte trolling fleet this year. Stock Weakens as Mill Shuts The closing down of the mUl on the property caused Big Missouri i-tock to drop to a new level at sixteen cents on the Vancouver Steel, Exchange last week. There Is uncertainty as to the future intentions of the Consolidated Mining St Smelting Co. in connection with the property. Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert September 22, 1911 Early returns for the federal election in Comox-Albeml give Duncan Ross, Liberal, a lead of 187 over II. S. Clements, the Conservative candidate. Canada swept Sir Wilfrid Laurisrs government out of office on the reciprocity Issue yesterday nd the Conservative party is now assured of a majority of at least 42 seats In the House of Com mons. Up the Kaas River is the finest agricultural and garden tend of the whole country around Prince Rupert declares Sergeant A. J. Phillipson, Dominion police, who Is back from a five-day oanos trip up the Naas. A Port Simpson fisherman was arrested' yesterday on a charge of Imnersonatlng at tlie federal elec tlon. have yon heard it? 2V. V HICK kuisiii:s Have you taste J tho cereal that speaks for itself have you heard it tell the world how good each toasted bubble is? Pour milk or cream in a bowl of golden Rico Kris-pics then listen to it snap and crackle. Crisp. Delicious. Order a rcd-and green packago from your grocer. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. F'SPIES 1 Typewriters for Rent by day, week or month Rose, Cowan & Lalla Phone 234 C.TOOMHS Radio Service Radio Sales and Repairs All makes of radio work guaranteed. Phone Blue 901 508 4th Av. E. Silversides Bros. PAINTS WALLPAPERS GLASS Third Avenue WELL KNOWN COUPLE WED Mrs. Isabella Tait of Fort Simpson Ilecomes Bride of Samuel Bennett The marriage took place at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon in First United Church, Rev. Alfred Wilson officiating, of Mrs. Isabella Talt and Samuel Bennett, both of Port Simp- ton. Mrs. M. I. Dacon was matron of honor while Louis Oosnell attended the groom. After the ceremony, the bridal party and aarge-number of friends, repaired to the Boston Cafe where a wedding supper was served, after which several speakers referred to the esteem In which both bride and groom are held by the native people of Port Simpson and dlsrlct. Mr. Bennett has for many years been an active worker in the Meth-. odlst, and later the United. Church. Mrs. Bennett has been an equally valued worker in the Salvation Army. Friends of Mr. Bennett feel that the new partnership will u-nd to continue hU usefulness In Chris tian service despite the handicap of falling sight. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett will' proceed shortly to Port Simpson where they will make their home. 1931 Monday and Tuesday TWO SHOWS - 7 & j pu Feature starts 1:10 and iZ Admission - !oc & First Showing In Hritish Columbia The Great Race fiorje Romance "SPORTING BLOOD" With a Wondi-rfu) tut Clark Gable: Mail, .- r.... Ernest Torrence. Mane Pr(rt Lew Cody You'll Love and Thrill and Weep Over It Comedy "WHAT A IIFAD Fable -LAUNDRY nilts- Sporllight - Rai kettm Tennis Wednesday and Thursday "Young Donovan's Kid' CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPEHA TINU il. T. I'. 20.000-TON FLOAT! NO DKYIKKK Lngineer. Machinists, llollermakcra, ItUrknmitlis, I'attern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Klc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 nmMimusmJuim TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK CO! Prepared Dally By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT; H.C. WE ARE OFFERING: DISCOUNT ON COAL For Cash at the Rate of 50c Per Ton Alberta Lump, $13.50, for cash, $13. Alberta Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12. Pembina Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12. HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 NATURAL PUKE Fresh Milk Free from any preservative or treatment whatever. Milked and delivered dally from our own 'cow Four successive years Oovernrnent Grade A certificate Health, and Sanitation. A trial solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. ntlNCB ItUPEUT DAIItY o -riionc 287 Car Owners Our repair scVvlce is pi' "'!)' , efficient and court""s . RUPERT MOT0KS Distributors of DODflE & PLYMOUTH CABS Phone 5C6 - Night Call" l1