FrW,' May l mL w Ex- t tit: Dr. RENT'iw. Coon breed Ull! ti t4 7 I'll!'. I) Htni (,': .. Mf'ltaV TH2 DAILY I7KW9 PSOU FTT8 hy Not Let People Know Of Your Needs Today? Rent That Room, Secure Help, SelLFurniture, Real Estate, Etc., Through ,a Classified Ad. t I fCLASSlFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR KENT TOR RENT Modern Apartment ;Vr uluver Building. tt fOH RENT -Furnished 4 room flat wj'li bath. Phone 547. tt Li FOP bu: roomed flat for rent, steam ,, Phone Blue 345. tf Furnished 5-room Phone Red 699. tt TOY- RENT Furnished room bo.ifi if desired. Phone 543. 1OT FOR RENT Five-roomed fum Isiied apartment. Apply Mussal-lcn, - Phone 18. tf FOR RENT Clean, well furnished i!. m apartment. Palmer Ap-srtmrnts. Phone Bed 444. For RENT Nice cosy completed furnished apartments downtown : :...:iutes from fish dock. Dre-xi. Apartments, 140 Second Av-t! ,i' Phpne 943. tf FOR SALE S A. Yorkshire suckling weeks old for sale Corley. Pacific, B.C. tf a bargain! 26-ft. Cabin it sixteen h,p. engine. imk: seven knots Boat and f:; -'in.- A-l condition. Phone hr.i: W 107 -ALE cheap. 18-foot open lifeboat style, 4 -. Lasthope engine, moveable .uiv.i otjver. Apply really New,, ' - . . For: f ALE or trade good building Ju ab i 2x8. 3x6, 1x12; ihlplap, .'!.'! 80i) feet flooring. This Is all :, vi condition. Also 1800 used t)i! t: .it half price of new. Ap-ri v m Berry. 19 Dyer Apart- ti,.:.- tt ( . t ' Public Stenographer MURIEL. MORRIS, office" Westen-I'.iwi Block. Phone 782. tf PRIVATE sirurtor ii'i 6th Stenographer, Ex-In-in Commercial Subjects. Ave.. West, P.O. Box 304. 18 TAXI & MESSENGER TAXi and Messenger Servlee. Pi -li- 078. Day and Night. Dar-It Bert. tf THE MARKET Following are retail prues current hern today: Apples Vfiii-., Newton, fancy box $3.00 'm i.m s Wlnesaps, fanoy box 2.85 Mp. fancy box 350 D1'1 '"us. fancy . 3JJ5 Fruits N.iv, i orange 20c to .85 lf 8unklst. doz. .40 f'"'U4 Qrapefmlt j,12J(ic to W tj ilu Orapefrult to .10 Bananas. 2 lbs. ' .... .33 Aili.i ir.i HrnrtM ner IH r .40 -r-f-w f v , w . '("ted honev. tier lar i.j..55 honey bulk, lb. its. bulk, lb. , Llriprl fi-i,. LtM n and orange peel ng Cur lir mta, lb , t'li ai peel W1"tf tigs. lb. ; "i'pi-s. aried .., Ftacuea. peeled Apiirots, lb. .. WUHPs r rrunt t0-70, lb, 30-40, lb, 40-50. lb, J"1 No. 1. Jb. ""''ting chicken, ""Hers .. "n :.iiced. firs grade picnic, first-grade ,. .35 .nv, .. .15 . 0 . .13 . .15 . M . .15 . 50 . M . 2Q . ilO . vU3 .12 ln""ai." rolls, lb .30 '-"i. side, sliced best grade iS SITUATIONS WANTED RELIABLE woman wishes hotel work, cooking, or day work In or out of town. Phone Blue 629. - BOARD AND ROOM ROOM 129. AND BOARD. Phone AUCTIONEER Red tf PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy. wll or exchange any kind of furniture or household goods, musical Instruments, ma-chlnery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone BlacK 120 and we will call. G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer Federal Block. tf SHOE REPAIRS 331 Second Avenue West. Box 3C, Prince Rupert, B.C. tt MISS 236. PALMISTRY MRS. JAMES CLARK, Palmistry and Crystal Reading. Wallae-Block. Telephone Black 037. FURRIER MRS. O. FOWLER. 501 Sixth Av enue West. Phone Blue 153. tf DRESSMAKER N. ROQERS. Phone Blael: HAiiVA(JK ANU TOWING "If It's on or under the water we do If Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Kul!y Equipped for Diving and Ueneral Salvage Work AgenU for KA STROP P. ENGINES Boau and Scows of all descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canos for Hire Bargains In Gas Engines Northern D.C. DistriDutors Coolldfte Propellers Band tnd Oravei Jr. any quantity, delivered nywhere by water Phone. Iy nr Night 5fi1 Pfl Hot .4 CHIROPRACTIC Sunshine and (ted Ray Treatments Nervous, Female and Children' .Diseases Specially Treated W. C. ASPINALL (Chiropractor) Phone Green Z41 Si 7 Exchange Blk. tOpp. Orme's) TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177. Dry Birch, Cedar and Jack Pine. tf RED'S TRANSFER. Furniture Moving. Cartage arid Phone 204. tt M1NEK.U. ACT C'rrtlfiralf f Improtemrnt NOTICE Pol OD - FrftCtton&J Mineral Cllm, alt-uatc in Um AUln Mining Dlrlakm ol i Caatiar Dtotrlet. Whfre located: About one mil' INouberlr from tb Eaglneer Mine nC d joining the Speculation SweepaUkc . , . 'and Iron Mart Mineral Clalmv 1 TAKE NOTICE that I. John Dunham rno e-,.,., ttf-u r ni. ouim FOR Finest Work Louis try Shlbl(r,1PrM mat? omneat No 35446 o Intends, tlxtjr day from the date hereai to apply to toe Mining Recorder tor u CfttUleate of Impravtanenu. for tb-aopoaa of obtaining Crown Oram o: rbr above claim And further take notice that action under neetfcm 84. muat be commenced tefot tbe lMuaiKt of such Certificate mt tetproveotent. Datod thta iat day of May. A.D. 1931 II MCN. FRASER, Agent BfiXAA. PINK ROSE. COPPER CLIFF KBT. LAST CHANCE OF THE PINK ROSS OROUP OF MINERAL CLAIMS eMiMted In the Coaat fikeena Mlnln DivUlon ai bawl of Klekane Ulet. TAKE NOTICE we W H Maaon. fre miner'! rertltleate 4787. France Nlcoll Utm o1mt'4 oerUIloale S5318D. Alexan-IlimifA'rW'raAtelV'cerurhmtc J4 TaOD. R A. Honeyman fre mlner'a ter-tlflcaie S47S4D. Intend, alxty daya from date hereof to apply to the mining recorder for errtlflote of Improveenecit for the purpose of otoUlnfag crwu Stantt tor the above claim. And furUter uke notice that action uader eectton 84 of the Mtaeeaf Act muat be oomraenewi before the laauanct- of aateh rertffleatea of buprovetnenu. Dated Utto ITth day oi April. 1B31. The Dally News .canJie pur- chased tit 4 ' Post Office News Stand, 325 Granville St., Vancouver. Karl. Anderson. Prince Oeorge, B.C. . R. W. Riley. Terrace. B.C. r Oeneral Store. Anyox. . 4 4 Smlthers Drug Store, Smith- 4 4 ers, B.C. 4 4 Feed I Veetable Wheat, No. 3 Alberta 1.95 .Texas New Potatoes, lb .15 No. 5 Alberta l0;pototoei, netted jems, 9 lbs. 2i Oats 1.83 : sack iioi Bran 1-50 i Potatoes Shorts 1.W Asheroft. 8 lbs. 3! Middlings - 2.101 sack . .-.W0 Barley 1-73 'sweet Potatoes, 2 lbs. J2i Local new laid, dot , Parsley, bunch ......... 10 t nvimr xfath 3.10 -California Celery, head ,25c nd .30 Oyster Bhcll epinacn. uaiuornia, 2 ids, Beef Scrap ..! 3.05jOarllc. imported, per lb . around oil cake 455 j Leeks, bunch Fine oat chops 300 Parsnips. 4 lbs Crushed oats 2.00 Carrots, 5 lbs Fine barley chop lJ5j Beets, lb Nuts-Almonds, shelled valencias .60 California soft shelled walnuts M Walnuts, broken shelled .45 Unlnntl thllM) huIVfiS M liuuiunt Peanuts .15 uaODage, uaiuorriw Onions. 4 lbs .... California head lettuce. 2 hds. Victoria hothouse tomatoes' lb. Oreen Peas, lb nhborbj outdoor, 4 lbs BRINGING UP FATHER KMOB MKT eOP' I CALLEO TOOT SOME H4TS THAT TO 8 nSTLmM&D .25 .40 07 J2S .25 .hi JOS Frank H. Coon PALMER GRADUATE Doctor of Chiropractic Office Hours: 11 to 12 2 to 5 7 to 8 Saturday and Sunday by appointment. Consultation free. Phone 857 Room 15 Besner Blk. House, Blue 529 Silversides Bros. PAINTS WALLPAPERS GLASS Third Avenue Singer Sewing Machines On Easy Monthly Payment As low as $3.00 per month Cneaper to ouy than rent All makes of machines repaired. McRAE BROS. LTD. INTERIOR DECORATING, PAINTING AND SIGN WRITING Very moderate prices. Easy Terms JOERGEN P. MOLLER Painter and Dfccorator Phone Red 802. 7th Ave. W BLASTING AND Earth Work NELS ROKKJAR 811 Fraser Street Phone Blue 823 Evenings FURNITURE USED CHESTERFIELD AND TWO CHAIRS FOR SALE CHEAP JIACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Phone 775 QUEEN CHARLOTTE SHINGLES BEST IN B.C. Our Prince Rupert Prices: No. 1 5x per M $3.75 No. 1 3x per M 355 No. 2 perM. 2.75 ROBERTSON & SIMPSON Agent Massett, B.C: ' Hyde TranSferPlionc 580 , 1 " lii' J'1 - 8CALK OF OIIAKRES The following Is the scale of charges made for reading notices: Marriage and Engagement announcements $2. Birth Notices ROc Funeral Notices $1. Cards of Thanks, S2. Funeral Flowers .45' name. J2Q .25 '. 10c per- R I i i , 1 4 apaHaaaajajjM DO NOW! This Offer Wilfbe Withdrawn May 30 Special Offer 15 Months' Subscription For the Ordinary Yearly Price of $5.00 in Prince Rupert -or- $3.00 Anywhere in Northern B.C. Outside of the city limits For the East I Monday, Wednesday and Sal-; uray 1030 ajn.j From the East I Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday 330 pjn For Vancouver Sunday 0 pin. Tuesday 12:30 noon Thursday ..., H n n Friday , , - 11 tun. May 3, 13 and 24 .pjn. 1 From Vancoutei i Sunday- . 4 pjn Wednesday 10.30 pjn , Friday pjn. Saturday 10:30 a.m. May 9, 20 and 30 pjn. For Anyox and Alice Arm '.Wednesday 3 iwtn. Sunday 7 pjn From Anyox and Alice Arm Tuesdays 11.30 a.m , FREE! To the fortunate holder of each Twenty-fifth receipt as advertised above, on subscription accounts and issued from I . our office wc will present a chequc'.for-- $5.00 -4 PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS LTD. This Offer Will be Withdrawn May 30 Mail Schedule "Northern" Rubber Footwear For general outdoor work and tha utmost fa foot comfort ask for "NORTHERN Boots sod Lumbermen. Waterproof Coldrnool "A Rubber for Ev4ty Pur " Tan Blk Laathar Top, Brown Duck 6l 11 Bottom, Koll.d Kdgt Sola, Solid Tka "PraapMior" LOOK FOR TUB TRADR klARX THE NORTHE TlM"Biulimaa" AH tLmhhm, I m4 Ufc bdato A compUle range of "Northern" Roots and p,b. 1 la on hand to meet your ijk1 at RiabtMn By George McManus yes OMOTHt MBXV.O-JEHRV-THE aakc, upstair. My 6V6TEM JO4MA WORK? I I PVT l anr. MB OU III nampapav Hill m I at a an I BBBBBl A JT - V I Jw ' - - SaaaaaaaaSBaal I Sal aVaaVSmV VUa V mm i aa II "1 I h rr 1 ku j 1 aal anil 1 muffb- i mt vsyr av ssn . 1 aaavsavi rw TAKE TAKE THEM THEM ALU ALU BACK BACK H 6.R1 f MA? V . IT WORKED AU. RlCHT . Wiy7L)P i rwA. Wsv 1 mil crrss dzMWWv x ! :,jw mm -terv LET ME DOWN ih ana jai i i vm -vri 11 i jrvn 1 11 uirann. i - i raamawii a i i -v-ys.7sv , r tv j n n it . jbbbv .3aaaa.. here -Jerry OLD PLr r ' 1 " s t jtM jap ii 1 - jj h JiLM wmm, "urn wika m n Ce0ttWe .... H f 5 J 1 VtT txf "j" V ; I LJ 1 B 101a ,40 I -tJ ' JttSjatjajettaM .-bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI