pacji Trmra Ambrosia Combination Packagt FREE! $1.00 $1.00 Willi purchase of $1J)0 size of 100-page book You pay only $1.50 Size Ambrosia Cream . COUETTES A New Product of Johnson & Johnson Little pads of cotton convenient for boudoir and nursery use. 75c pads for 50c Ormesltd. Z7fut Pioneer Druggists Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St THREE GRADUATE PIIAKMICISTS Size Ambrosia Tightener Ambrosia Cleanser and new on skin care. for all four articles sulphate OF AMMONIA TRIPLE SUPERPHOSPHATE LEAD-ZING CADMIUM-IIISMUTH THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TK.WL IIKITISII COUMIIU Mnulurturers of T-I rnUA rVTT" AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE HL,crnn i Hi ami (ilLMICAL riUTILI.tllM 1 "Hirers St Refiners of TADANAC llr-mit r.LECTIIOI.VTIC Leave 10.00 l or Leates 10.00 at Foe South S.S. muvrr Victoria Rupert and 11.30 W r- t. Coastal STEAAiSiillQ Service S.S. "PRINCE CHARLES" Prince Ilupert Sunday p.m. for Vancouver, Stewart Saturday 4:0i) S.S. "PRINCE RUPERT" Prince Rupert Thurwlaya p.m. for Vancouver, calling Ocean, Falls and Powell Hirer. Anyox and Stewart Wednesdays at 4.00 p.m. f-Wtniglilly erlce to North and Ouren Charlotte Iilands-Particular on requeot, THI-CITV SERVICE "1'riuce Henry" leave Van. daily at 2.00 p.m. fur and Seattle. TRAIN SERVICE rattrnirr train leave Prince for Edmontftn, Winnipeg Mint East every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at a.m. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED strainers Irave rrlnce ttupert t or Viimrr; iamu rvtuv Ttxsii.W. ran p.m. Arriving Vancouver, via 0 Trails. TburUy Noon approi. Tits. t.lKlttNA KVKKV tltlllAV MIHMOIIT Arriving Vancouver Sunday midnight appro. YY'i'Mv sailings to Port Blmpxoii. Mice Arm Anyox, Btewart and Naas River potnU Sunday. 8:00 p.m. t i' on information regarding all lalllng and ticket at - I'M M l; K'rt:KT AOENl'Y: He nU Avenue. IMiune 5S NATURAL PURE Fresh Milk F " fMim any preservative or ,! '?nifnt whatever. Milked E- ! 'livrred daily from our fvvn cows. Four successive Oovrrnmont Grade A " " i'-;itc Health and BanlU-' A trial solicited. Batis-fr' uin guaranteed. PRINCE RUPERT DAIRY n 895 Phone 287 Infttrmntlfn mil m wtitt icmt m vw I me NrM uinin, nut rM. i.m. I'rlaoa HBOTt. U.I- LI SUITS Made to Your Order $27.00 TOP NOTCH TAILORS One price throughout Canada Your measure taken by us. LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Phone 619 Delicious Refreshing-Bouillon in a Second CORDIAL In 6 oz. or 16 oz. Bottles 105 Local Items Dinncrware, china, crockery, glassware, Ileilbroner's Store. ! Furs remodelled, cleaned anil repaired. An experienced cutter GoldblPom's Fur Shop. tt I ! This afternoon's train, due from the East at 3:30, was reported this morning to be on time. : Anglican Cathedral tea at the home of Mrs. F A. MacCailum, "Bank of Montreal House, toworrow afternoon, from 3 to C. 122 Rev. and Mn. W. H. Pierce of Port Esslngton, who have been attending the recent United Church Conference In Victoria, arrived in , the city from the south on the Catala Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. Blendheim an! child of Ketchikan were passenger s aboard the Princess Alice Sunda" afternoon bound for Seattle whence they will proceed on a trip to their native land in Sweden. At 12:30 test night radio broadcasting station KJR of Seatte played -m number requested by telegram from Prince Rupert. "It's c. Looesome Old Town," was one of trte local request numbers played. Any subscriptions to the Daily Newt over the counter this week j or mailed on or before the last day of the "month will receive the ben efit of the special offer and be eleglble for an opportunity to win one of the five dollar prises. tf There were 52 passengers aboard the steamer Princess Alice which was In port from 3:45 to 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon souttt bound from Skagway to Vancouver. Four passengers disembarked from th vessel here while five boarded here at this port. Your Captain ... is a genial man, within ir of quitt strength that compelt confidence. On his shoulders rests the responsibility for your safety. Imbued with the fin tt traditions of British seamanship, he has spent his lifetime mastering the moods of the seven seas. Silie5 wftMy fiom Montreal Csbin rsltt from .... $130 Touriil Third Obln . . . 11 0J Third CUit Round Trip 11 5 J Special Stsonl Third Clsil Round Trip Eacuuion Rt $129. normaiion from ill Hsriagt Jtrttr W. (Then Seymour 3481 Vonovsr or any steamship agent SAILINGS FKOM PKINCG liUPEKT To Ketchikan. Wrancell, Juneau and Skagway May 30. June 8, 16 To Vancouver,' Victoria and 3, 13, 30 PRINCESS MA KY lor Itutedale,' Ocean Falls, Namu,, Alert Bay, Campbell River, Vancouver, Victoria r Friday, at 10 p.m. Full Information from W. C. Orchard, General Agent Cor. 3rd Ave Si 4th St. Phone 31 Tint DAILY NEWB Tuesday, May 28; 1931 Feel Young Again Enjoy Hard Work Millions of men and women all over the world take Kruschen Salts daily Dot because they are really sick, mind you but because they know the little, daily time of Kruschen keeps them always fit, energetic and free from fat, and also keeps the system free from over-aridity. People who take Kruschen Salts in a glass of tt water every morning won't have headaches, and are always free from cm rtipation, depression, dizziness, coated tongue and unpleasant breath. Tliey have no poisons in tbeir system 1ecause the action of Kruschen Salt on the liver, kidneys and bowels causes perfect and regular elimination. If you want joyous health and glorious vigor if you want to work hard and enjoy your work try taking Knur-hen Salt every day millions of people are enjoying their daily labours, thanks to the "little daily dose" of Kruscheo, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Evltt left on Saturday's train to spend the week end at Terrace. W. It. Love returned to the city on the Catala this morning after a week-end visit to Stewart. A. Beaudln of Alice Arm and son, Robert, were passengers on board the , Catala this morning bound for a trio- to Vancouver. Owing to the holiday yesterday, the regular fortnightly meeting of the city council -was not held last night but will Jake place, instead. this evening. A. J. Curaon returned to the city on the Catala this morning aftc making the round trip to Anyi and Stewart on business. W. H. Tobey, C.N.R. divisions' superintendent,- returned to the city on Sunday afternoon's train from a trip to the interior on official duties, n Mrs. Martha Brew, for drunken ness. was fined $25. with option of thirty days' imprisonment, ov Magistrate MoClymont in city po lice court this morning. o?rai Landry, district superln- n ndmt of Government Telegraphs returned to the cny on Sunday af .'(-moon's train tram a trip to s;nith-rs on official business. i Miss R. M. Davlee and Miss Mu riel Collison returned to the ally r. Princess Alice Sunday after noon, having mad the round trio to Skagway following a visit in Victoria. Mrs William OQchrlst and daughter. Miss Margaret Oifchrfos. ' hau. ho-n mLIII. In n - - - ver returned to the city from th south on the Catala Sunday evening. Mrs. George Hills, Jr., and child arrived in the city on the Calais this morning from Stewart to pay a visit with Mrs. Hills' parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Casey, Seventh Avenue. Major J. H. Johnson of the Liq uor Control Board staff sailed by the Prince Charles Sunday niglit on his return to Victoria after a visit of several days here on off-la! duties. Rev. Victor H Sansum. United Church clergyman at Port Simpson, was a rMssrnier aboard the Catala Sunday evening returnm north after having attended tf recent Conference in Victoria. Tnsnortnr James M. Tupner. II. r M P.. returner! to the city on l"nnd:'v afternoon's tram from a 'rip to Vanderhoof on official dunes it w.i nC'-nrnpsnlrd by Mr. Tupper and two children. i j O W. Dunn In hr of tvf j Consolidated Mining & Snieltli"! Co.'s assay plant here returned to I thu lh Paffll.1 Citnlav At). enlng from a two weeks' trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in tn south. "Grand Trunk Pacific officials in Vancouver stated today that recent avalanches of earth alon the tins on the Skeena River are being . rapidly remojtvlSgme q1 the drifts are 100 Tect fefig. The work oi removal will cost $30,000." Twenty Years Ago tfclum Vancouver Province. Fred Bradahaw formerly a mem ber of the loeal staff of the Canadian Bank of Commerce and for the past six weeks Identified witi the staff of the Anyox branch. ' was a passenger aboard the Catala 1 :thla morning bound for Vancouver, having bc i; now Uansfor.-rJ i to t.hat ciiv Glasses fitted T registered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. Phone 32 Taxi for special rates, day and night, for large parties. Experienced drivers. tf This Is the last week for securing fifteen months for five dollars in prepaid annual subscriptions. tf Freighter Salvor arrived in port Friday afternoon from the south with coal cargo for Albert Si Mc-Caffery. Rev. J. Kimura, Japanese Missionary, arrived In the city from Vancouver on the' Catala yesterday afternoon. L. W. Patmore, well known local barrister returned to the city on the Catala Sunday evening after having spent the winter In Honolulu. Miss Mary Bsxthope of Booth Memorial-School staff returned t-j the city on Sunday afternoon's train from a week-end trip to Ter race. Mrs. T. Gorman arrived In thn city .on the Catala this morning from Anyox and will proceed by train tomorrow morning for a trifl o Montreal. Provincial Constable Lance Pot- terton arrived in the city on the Data la this morning from Stewart. Having in his charge a party of witnesses who will give evidence In a County Court trial here. Miss M. Ktnslor. who has been "Itwg here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Klnslor, sailed by the Catala this afternoon on her Tturn to Vancouver where she s taking a course of nurses' train ing. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Skinner af-n having spent the past two or three weeks In Ketchikan, were passengers aboard the Princess Alice Sunday afternoon bound for their home in Seattle. Mr. Skinnev is a member of the well known firm of SklBacr & Brtdy 'and is prominent la The Alaska salmon caniamg industry. . . . Delayed by having heavy freights to unload at waypoints, Union steamer Catala, Copt. N. E.. Die -on arrived in port at 7 o'clo- Sunday evening from Vancouver. sailing at 9 pm'. for Anyox. Stew art and other northern points whence she returned here at 11 o'clock this morning, sailing .it 1:30 pjn. for the south. .a... ANNOUNCEMENTS a. Eagles Social and Smoker. Fri- tay. June S. Elks' Show "The BeaHty Shoo: Capitol Theatre, June 9. Moose ptenlc, IHgby Island, June 21. Oartadtan Legion Picnic July 13 DR. 1111(1 1! L. DICKEY SPECIALIST Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat Eyes Tested For Glasses Al St. I'Jmo Hotel "BlTlLli 11. C. PAYROLLS" i Pacific Milk am Always ttUawwiTflr On Hand Mrs. William Johnson, writing from a small up country community, says Ithey order Pacific Milk by the case and have it always on hand. "It is richer milk than any we have ever found and we use it for every cooking and table purpose." That's it. Richness. PACIFIC MILK Factory at Abbotsford. Il.C. 100 Il.C. Owned and Controlled To Every Business Woman $50 a Month for Life ! Every woman who is earning her own living should provide a surplus so that she may secure independence in later life. The need ... the ambition, to enjoy retirement free from want and dependence means that a woman must save and invest wisely during ber earning yean. Advancing age and declining earning power will bold no terrors for you if you make certain of the following: Every month of every year Confederation Life Association Ckequt in the mail for a definite, noo - fluctuating amount. A monthly income at km as you Uvt, Confederation Life Association Toronto, Canada Without obligation, send me full information of your plan to provide "$50 a Month ... to Every Business Woman." Name (Mrs, or Hits) -,- Aidrtst. WALTEH PURKIS, Representative BOX 414. PRINCE RUPERT Mrs. G. W. Laidler sailed this afternoon on the Catala for a holiday visit to Vancouver. W. H. Manuel, CMR. travelllHj auditor, left on yesterday morning's train for Prince George. Mrs. B. J. Bacon returned to thu city on the Catala this mornlrs after a brief visit in Port Simpson. Dr. J. A. Lang of Anyox was p passenger aboard the Catala thi morning going through for a trip to Vancouver. Miss Lois McRae left on Satur day's train for a week-end visit in Hazeiton. She will return to ths city on this afternoon's train. Mrs. H. B. Rochester and daughter, Janet, left on Saturday's train for a week-end visit to Port E-rington with Mrs. Rochester's mother. Mrs. J. Brown. R. F. McNaughton. CNJt. district passenger agent, returned to the city on Sunday afternoon' train from a brief trip to the in terior on- official business. Mrs. Jack Wood (Annette Stone sailed Saturday evening on th Prince Charles for a brief businesj trip to Stewart returning to the city on the Catala this morning. Ernest Love, manager of th- Stewart and Hyder telephone company, arrived in the city on the Catala this morning from the north and will be here or the-next day or so. 1 Mr. and Mrs. McRae. of Sai Francisco, following a trip to Europe, were passengers arriving in the city on Sunday afternoon's train from the east, sailing th-same night on the Prince Charlo for Vancouver. Mr. McRae wu several years ago identified wi'h the Belmont-Surf Inet mine a Surf Inlet. Dr. Derome. prominent Montreal crimtnalogist, who has been at Prince George giving evidence at the murder case of Michael Sowrv-at the Supreme Court Assizes, ar rived in the city on Sunday after-, noon's train from the interior, sail-' tog the same night on the Prlnee diaries for Vancouver enroute back to Montreal. He was accompanied by Mrs. Derome. I il Schedule For the East Monday. Wednesday snd Saturday 10.31 .m. Prom the East-Sunday, Tuesday and Thun. 'ay 9.30 pm For Vancouvei Sunday B pjn. Tuesday 12:30 noon Thursday 9 pjn. Friday 11 vm May 3, 13 and 24 pjn. From Vancouvei Sunday 4 pm Wednesday 10.30 pm Friday pjn. Saturday 10:30 ajn. May 9, 20 and 30 pjn For Anyox and Alice Arm Wednesday 3 pjn. 8unday 7 pjn. From Anyox and Alice Arm Tuesdays 11.30 ajn For Stewart and Premier Thursdays 8 pjn. Sunday 7 p.m Wednesday 3 pjn Saturday pjn free from risk of investment low and unaffected by business or any other conditions. A tuaranteed, continuous income banishing all thought of future care . . . til worry, all fear, all chance of being in that dependent class which is now the lot of so many women in later life. Tkt Confederation Lift plan is tin safest, surest plan for building a permanent income. You can face the future with serene confidence if you decide NOW not to leave the matter to chance, but to avail yourself of the certainty provided by a monthly cheque for $50. Mail the coupon SOW for full information. Mrs. John Tuck arrived in thi city on Sunday's train from Ottawa, where she has been visiting, and sailed this afternoon on the Catala for Bella Coola. I The rcguar open luncheon of th? Prince Rupert Gyro Club was held today In the Commodore Cafe. The speaker was Rev. W. D. Gra::t Holllngworth. pastor of First Pres byterian Church. President C. C. Mills was In the chair. "THESE HARD TIMES" The bard times and scarcity of money makes it more important than ever to economize. One way I save on clothes is by renewing the color of faded or out-of-style dresses, coats, stockings, and underwear. For dyeing, or tinting, I always use Diamond Dyes. They are the most economical ones by far because they never fail to produce resulta that make you proud. Why, things look belter than new when redyed with Diamond Dyes. They never spot, streak, or run. They go on, smoothly aud evenly, when in the hands of even a tea year old child. Another thing. Diamond Dyes never take the life out of cloth or leave it limp as tome dyes do. They deserve to be called the world'a finest dyesf S.B.G., Quebec WEDNESDAY SPECIAL Lemon Pies Ready By Noon 25 cents The Electric Bakery We Deliver Phone GG7 HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Rupen's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all roomi A. J. rRUDIIOMMi:. rrop. Cor. of Fraser i nd Fifth Sts. Savoy J. F. Hallett, Hartley Bay; A Morrison, Port Simpson; Copt. C. M. Chapman, Oona River. New Royal Hotel I. 7-arrlU, rrop THE IIOTF.L VtOKTII WHILE Hot it Gold Water: Staara Jieat 75c PER DAY AND UP Telephone SSI Koyal Jas. Maloney, Henderson, Minn., H. O. Wilcox and F. Lobb, Vancouver; Harry Mitchell. Claude Druses, Charles Mclsa&e, R. F Rcep. W. P. Slwpo, A. Oam. A. Beck, V. Hoban. A Ellen berg, W. E. Wikatrom, Stanlry Oaksmith, jr.. Verne Stedman. Gnrge Northrup, W. Eckhart. William Ixndregan and H. Looney, Ket-hikan: O. M ir-tinson, Usk; 8. J. Edinondson. Ce-darvale; Oscar Larson and John Anderson, city; Rita Leask ari Hazel Leask. Metlakatla. Boston Grill Phone 457 I'rinre Rupert Large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night, 9 to 12 Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties WE" ! 1 He