Phones 81 & 82 0 j a o Third Ave. & Fulton St. 3 ve Your Radio Tubes a Real lest "IVOW it is rosy to lie Mire of your radio tulv. Our liig Jewell Tube Tester will show yon tho rxurt condition of euch one of tlirm. You can read tho rrvtills kIiowii liy this nrriiralo iiivtrr for joilrsclf.'Tubo testing Is free. IlririR lit your radio tubes. Sift out the liad ours on this big tube tester. Wo bought this etpenshc equipment simply to gUc you the best tube testing service possible. You vlll be nmarril at the Improved performance inj our radio set when your ixHtr tubes , are eliminated. It Mill operate just like new. Don't pass up the treat of perfect radio reproduction, but bring hi your tube for testing at once ( UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED . Btramiri fv rrliwe Kupm "f or Vancouver: r.8.h I'ATUA rVKRY TUKKOAT. 1.30 lM. Via Ocean Falls, arriving Vancouver, Thursday Morning. TJJ.H. I'AHOKNA EVERY I'BIUAY MIIINIOIIT Arriving Vancouver Bundijr midnight approx. Wwklt sailing) o Port 8lmpon. Allc Arm. Anyox. Stewart and Nasi Hlver i-ulnti. Sunday. 8:00 p.m. Further information regarding ill aalllnga and MckeU at - finvr-r iMii-niT AllKNCY: Ser mid Avenue, I'liune MB If your papvr docs not arrive, telephone the office Local Items Glasses fitted by registered optometrist, at Hcilbroner's store. morning. .itev. P. M. Fosse of Belllngham, pie of days. and way points. Capt Harry Nedden, who has been in command of larger ships of the fleet during the past year or so, has returned to his old com- Considerable damage was done toj the attic and interior of the hnmej of Mr. and Mrs. J. Joy, sr., 549! Ninth Avenue West, at 12:15 noon! yesterday when fire broke out on the rocf as a result of a defective chimney, Th fire department wa ailed and. soon after Its arrival, the flames were in check. Much ol the damage was done through the effects of water. HsHflFTTTv m 1 1 n FROM MONTREAL TO IwSOOW-nEI.FAST.L!VER-TOOL Sept. 3S, Oct. 33, thu'.txvw or lUchmonil Cel. ,0 Ouchow of Bxdtorct Oct, 14 DuehCM of York Not. MontcUra TO LIVERPOOL SJrpt. 33 xNov. IS DuctttM of YurX xOct. a, xNo. 37 . . . Duehn of AUvoll xvu OlMgow-Drlfsft. To Havrc-London-Antwerp Oct. 8. Nov. 13 Montrose from quebec to ciierhourg-southampton Eept 38. Oct. 14 Emprm of Britain I ROSI VANCOUVER T' lUHHii-juiMiii-riiiiia-riiiiiiHiiiiM Sept. 20. Nov. 31 Emprcw of RumU nOct 10 Emprm of Japan Oct. 34 EmprtM of All xNcv. 7 EmpiYM of Oansds xtneludlng call it Honolulu. AdoIt to Aaenu terrwhr or . t t. I'OKSTER 8tfanwhlp 0ul Pm. Aqtnt c; P rt 8tion. Vancouver. Telephone Trinity 1131 FootballRegiment vs. tomorrow afternoon at 2.30 Frank' M. with option Berry was fined $10. of .seven day impri- who has been in the city for the'sonment. by Magistrate McClymont past couple of days in connection - in city police court this morning with Lutheran Church missionary i for assaulting Mrs. M. Sorenscn by work, sailed this morning pn the hitting her with his fist. Princess Louise for Ketchikan. , 1 M. L. Btepp, United States cus D. S. Cameron, fisheries lnspec- i toms officer at Ketchikan, who was tor for central division with head- formerly located here, was a pas Quarters at Swanson Bay. arrived . senger aboard tho Princess Louis in port last night aboard the fish-! this morning returning norjh af- erles patrol cruiser Senepa and , ter a trip to beame. will be in the city for the next cou Mrs. Stephens sr., mother of M M. Stephens, returned to the city Miss Jessie Rothwell and Miss on the Princess Mary yesterday Caroline Mitchell of Booth Memo- afternoon from Courtenay, Van. rial School teaching Staff, who have couver Island, where she has been been on a tour to Japan, China and paying a visit with, anotner son. the Philippine Islands, returned to : the city on the Prince George this ! E. E. Gregg, assistant district for- mornlng. ester, returned to ine cuy on inc Princess Mary yesterday afternoon .rt hv hniinff hfiri salmon from a trip to Ocean Falls pn 'Official business.' ; While in the to lo'ad on the way up the coast. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. An-1 Ocean Falls district. Mr. Gregg drew Johnstone, " did not arrive ' twisted his knee . severely and . ii i i t.a, from the south until 5:30 this crutencs are now, rvquireu lur uuu morning. The veasel sailed at 6:45, w 8" arounu. a.m. ou her return to Vancouver Staff Captain Joseph Acton of I BARRIE'S BANKRUPT STOCK Provincial Constable II. L. Mc-Kenney of Terrace arrived in the city from the interior on yesterday afternoon's mixed train and returned this morning to Terrace. John A. Anderson, road superintendent for Atlln district with headquarters at Anyox, sailed on the Prince Louise this morning for a trip to Telegraph Creek on offi cial business. ' I Announcements Wrangell, divisional commander of ' the SalvaUon Army for Alaska Eagle Social Dance, Friday, Oc-and Northern Brljlsh Columbia, tober 2. ( will arrive In Prince Rupert next Wednesday afternoon on the as. .United Church Supper, Oct 5. I Princess Louise fr6m the north which arrived In port this morning ' from the south. J,' A- Crawford, on the Prmce Henry for the past year and a-half. Is now purser on the Prince George. Inspector William Splller, provincial police, left on this morning's train on his return to Prince George, escorting Carl Fredericks. Oerman. who will face trial at the Prince George Assizes next week on o charge of murdering two countrymen. Max Peters and Herman jWestphal, at Trembleur Lake Its June of last year. C PU steamer Princess LouUe. Capt Arthur S!atr, 'arrived In pun at 9:30 this morning from Vancouver and sailed at 11 ajn. for 'M.mway and other Alaskan point, whrnrc she will return here soutn-rounthbound next Wednesday afternoon. The vessel brought very few passengers north but expects to have a good list southbound. GENERAL WORK BOAT Towlm Freighting, etc. Good Cannery Boat. Length. 42.7 ft. fleam 11.9 ft. Depth 4.8 ft. Gross 18 tons. Net 12 tons. Engine 3 cyl 55 H P. Union Full Diesel. Price, terms and photographs on " request NORTHERN B.C. TOWER CO. I.TIJ. Prince it u pert. n.C. 1 Sad Utltrl Sick rcireiiiif mimic, uck tlds itlttiiif tid cl(nii(l- Babyvs cOwn Iv Individual (ortoni DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING ladies' & Gentlemen's Tallor-inj Reasonable Prices M. T. LEE COMPANY 323 3rd Ave. W. Phone C63 HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hote Prince Rupert s leadJngM ily hotel. Hot and cold wattjr in all rooms. A. J. PKUDHOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Filth, .gts SAVOV .Mona Lawson. elty. O. Casslar Cannery. 1 Eyford, New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot to Cold water: SttXmlleat 75c. TER DAY AND UP J. Zarrlll Tfl''tion tSl ROYAL Oeorge Kailmlr and J. F. Hage-mann, Vancouver: Mr. and Mm A. F. Kcnneson, C Nil.; Song How. city. Gyro Fau noeuown. uctoDer id There will ... . be special' meetings MKh oaeh Mooae Hall. nleht that Staf f-CaDtaln Acton. who Is to be accorrroanled bv hH 0 l.O D.E. Bridge and dance '" ' ' ' ' October -30! wife, U here. . FOR SALE Boat "Bilmore" I Moose Carnival and Dance No. 112 and 13. Anglican vember 10. Cathedral Bazaar, No- MttrHria.-. xiiii mi musws ms i 1 uejon Cash and Carry I'll ONE 933 rilONE 933 : Wc Deliver $2.00 or Over Free Aylmer Ild Plums per ttn'U Australian Peacheis 2Va's per tin 10c 25c Or. Grove Golden JJantam OCp ' ' uov Corn S tins Dutch Maid Salad Dressing, 23 C 11 -u. t Eggs Fresh Pullet Extras, perdoz Cream of Wheat Per 5-lb. sack Malkln's Best Pure Strawberry Jam 4-lb. can Red Arrow Whole Wheat Fig Bars 2 ban, for Malkln's Best Coffee Per lb i Campbell's Tomato Soup I per tin ;nray Bentos Corned Beef JC l i a . Ripe Olives r per tin fMacaroni, Spaghetti, Verma 4 fTp VelveeU Cheese Vi. per pkg. ! Regal or Windsor Salt Per pkg - 29c 29c 59c 33c 43c 9c 20c 18c 10c Last Opportunity for Preserving Peaches and Prunes Peaches, per crate $103 Prunes, per crate $1.25 nil rani ft , The Sale you have been waiting for Watch for further Announcements CHURCH NOTICES FIRST UNITED CHURCH ;. Pastor. Kev. A. Wilson. U. A. ' ' . . V Morning Worship at 11 'o'clock.- Subject "Recovering Lost Things." Sunday School at 12:15. Evening Service at 7:30. Sermon subject, "Liberty," the second In . ' a series on great words in religious experience. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE (Christian Science Society, 215 Second Avenue West) Tills Society Is a branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of ; Christ, Scientist, in Boston. Mass. Sunday services at 11 o'clock. Subject. "Master." Sunday Bchool at 12:15. Testimonial meeting Wednesday at, 8 p.m. Reading room 245 Second .Avenue,: open on. ,. . i i Moniya and "Thursdays from 3 to 5. , . i. , : i.,.,! ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of England) Very Rev. J. B. Gibson. Dean , 8 ajn. Holy Communion. 1 1 a jn. Morning Prayer and Sermon. Preacher, Rev. Leonard Hales. 0 12:30 p.m. Sunday School: . ' 7:30 pjn. Evening'Praycr and Sermon. Preacher,1 Rer. Leonard Hales. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SllnlstVr, Rev. W. O. Grant Hollinrworth. BJ. Organist, John E. Davey 11 an. Subject, "Burden Bearing." 12:15. Sunday School, all classes. 7:30 pjn. Subject, "Playing the Fool." Male Quartette, "Christian Seek Not Yet Repose.' TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, IJ.C. PHONE 649 Steam Cleaning and Pressing . Alterations Made Collection and Delivery Free! LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Phone (19 COAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Casildy-Welllniton In any quantities. Also Bulkl'ey Valley 1 1 ay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 38 AND SSS ttt V .PI PAQB THRM THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, September 19, 1931 '"ll''i;t: The finest quality tea you cast buy Yellow label Salada 6Gcts a lb Brown label Salada 70cts a lb 'Fresh from the gardens Salada 'Tea is sold by Mussallcm's Cash & Carry Stores Week-End CANDY SPECIAL Chocolate Covered Brazils, lb.,. . 50c Nut Buds, per lb 20c Take a Pound Home Ormes It Zlfiu Pioneer Druggists Adolph Molvar, for drunkenness. was fined $25, with option of. thirty Dinncrware, chini, crockery glassware. Ileilb'rgner's store. D. Ralcieh of Old Massctt wan ,an arrival in' inc-cny irom me D. Zarelll returned to the city on Queen Charlotte Islands yesterday the . Prince George this morning from, a brief business trip to Vancouver and Victoria. . Frank Waterhouse freighter Wa- ol Mrs. P. I. .Palmer, Fourth Av tco, Capt. Ogden, arrived in port enue East, this morning from Anyox. belneon her way ib Vancouver. The. Catholic Women's League is holding, a tea and sale of home cooking, this afternoon at the home 1 1 'i Provincial Constable Brufytnn has arrived In the city from Princeton tc Join the city detachment of the provincial ppllce,. .replacing Corp days' imprisonment, by Magistrate Barber who has gone to other du- McClymont in city police court this ties.