U 11 N'P paoe rwo THE DAILY NEW3 NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third AvenU' ' H. P. PULLEN - .-, - Managing-Editor ' . SUBSCRIPTION RATES City dellveryi by mall or cartler, yearly period, paid In Sflvaric'e" j;:s. For lesser periods, paid In advance, per month .....,.. By mall Ul all parts of Northern dnd Central British Columbia; paid in Advance for yearly period .. ..... '.. By mall to all other parts of British Cbl'umbla, the British Empire and United Sta,te4, paid in advance, per year i By mall to all other countries; per year . e ul ADVERTISING RATES ' Transient display advertising, per inch, per ihseftloh' i. .;. -Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word . Ltifcsl readers, per "Insertion, per line" ..n.'...:is.gt...... Legal notices; each -Insertion; per agat6 line jUifi'- Contract rateS on application, Editor and Reporters' Telephone Advertising and Circulation Telephone .... , Member ol Aodlt Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION fkKi ..as ..98 5.0(J 50 3.00 DO G.OC m .02 .25 .15 u Wednesday, July 22, 1931 MliS. BUTCHART'S WdRK Victoria people have" publicly acknowledged the splendid work Mrs. It. P. Butchart is doing for the .country by allowing visitors in any number1 from all over the world to visit her beautiful gardens at Brentwood. It is one of the beauty spots of the island. It is the one pldce outside victoria visited by all tourists. Victoria dashes in on it to the extent of many thousands of dollars annually and it is a special boon to those who cater to the tourist trade. The Native Sons and Daughters of B. C. made no mistake When they awarded her the medal ' , tJsUalty work is whit people try to avoid bill just now it is1 the onfe thing they desire. A k THE BBAUHAHNOIS ODOR The word Beauharriois is belfl telegraphed to all parts of the country and the name is beginning to ha,ve a very disagreeable odor. -Not only wet part of the brbf its of the cWtipariy diverted to political purposes but Individuals iiiade much more than a legitimate gain therefrom, according to the reports which come from the nation's -U METHODS HAVE CIlANtiE'D 'Edmonton Journal) The Vegreville Observer, iq recalling ft by-election that was held in that constituency during the summer 0 ltJOfj, notes that it then had the first of the tlisciissioris with the Jourrial that have lasted for twenty-five years; It is ihit pressed by the fact that this newspaper "used more vigorous language in those days than it ventures to use now, ' Liberals were called "pettifogging politicians" and 'ir-resportslble demagogues." If these are typical examples of the terms employed at WrUHEOWElilNtt: DISCOUNT ON COAL For CiiW H lllc lta( t 5(lc l'cr T(iH Alberta Lump, $13.50, fof cash, $13.00 Alberta Egg, $12.50 for cash, $12.00 Pembina Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 HYDE TRANSPER PHONE 580 PHONE 580 SHOT AND SHELL ON YANGTZE Red Bandits Bombard River Ship tearing canadlarand other Passengers BOt TELLS STORY 6f Tldf J JENSHOW, China, July 22: ri6w! td elude bandits' and Communists) along the battle-torn shores of the j upper Yangtze River was aisfccv-l ered recently by a Canadian lad who 1 journeyed from Tbrbntb to Western ' Chifia. The follbwIHg article describing his experiences was" wHt- teli far The ddttaaiah Pres bf JU-1 lius Paul Jolliffe; 13-year old son of ! ' Rev. C. J. P. and Mrs. Jolllffe of the United Church of Canada Mission: "We arrived at the river port of Hankow. Officials of the bbat com-' pariy tbld Captain MicklOw that a rlVer steamer which arrived the day ' before reported it had been fired; bn. Our steamer was owned by an Arrfefacfln company ana therefore i was guarded ort her passage from Shanghai to Hankow by marines from the American gun-boat. A new gudrd came on board at Hankow. They carried about fife ! rifles, tWo Lewis guns, four long- 1 range Brownies, and three1 of four Thompsons. Each guard also had a .45 .revolver and some riot guns for: close range. Besides this the captain's cabin was protected with armor-plate for the passengers' re- i fuge If need be. "The guards did nothing while they were on duty but clean their1 guns and smoke their pipes. When not on watch they would borrow j the captain's gramaphone or have a snooze. They were quite gobti-1 naiurea ana oia noi minu ine siums I gave their couhtry. in which we weht back as far as 1812 in our disputes. "The next morning the captain told us ail to keep1 on deck near the bridge, because firing was expected and he wanted us to be ready to go to his cabin, where we would be pro- h is io De nopeu tnat the committee will keep at work tected by the armor, his orders Uhtll everything is laid bare in connection with the COh- seemed unnecessary because all ctrn and its manipulation- ' . v. looked so peaceful around us. Noth-; AbDarentlv the farmers fppl insr ha filifilv hhhiit ihn marketing of their product as do the fishe'fihellj fl&tli find : it tlifficult to get along just How and the refit of the rjom iriUnity is in the same jackpot. evif. ahd at nooh the captain de-, tided It would be tjulte safe for us (0 take liinch In the saloon, which was just below the bridge. 1 "We wefe busy eating when we heard something suddenly go 'Pop!' 1 Twas' a bullet from the Redi before , Hhybbiiy eodld say Jack Robinson. ; Oilr gtiatds had all b'eebftie attert- j ive and gave the Reds such a reply am sure they wished they had htit lrtd the first shot, while we In the dining room took refuge bn the! floor. "The hfext morning the guards ! were 'Cap and 'Brownie.' The latter hid hUmberiess freckles, blertty bf avoirdupois, and a boastful tohgUe. the rfcst bf the guards were' on deck or sleeping, except tor one who was enjoying himself in the bath tub. At this time we were then. It cannot see that by resorting to them it would be ahythln8 0, this when suddenly . . .' ucijnu tuijr tauMj uiui it cJiainpions. nor uoes 11 DeiieveiCrdck! Crack! The pood man In that fiiiy large proportion of its readers would approve of ; the tub must have been greatly a return to the slangwhilftging methods that were at one ; embarrassed. He immediately jump-; time commonplace in political controversy. Most htws-,?. papers have in recent years concluded that mere abuse of; rlVwf ai on d?ck and H did , uiui,e wun wnom iney disagreed uiu not serve any gooa ! nbt take us whg to look tor a safe purpose. The Observer itself has proceeded On that theory, i pot. Most of our company quickly Iri reading the extracts that are published On this p'agb from the files of the London Times of a centUr dgb, OHe must be struck by the contrast between the violence of the language of the editdf of that day and that used by his present successor. But this does ndt mean that the latter fa any less vigorous, ih the expression of his opinions. There are some who call never distinguish between Violence and. vigor. But there really is a difference. e city treasurer reports that so far" taxes are coming in wel, so it is clear that some people have money today. If the city taxes are paid, the municipality will be able to carry on without calling 111 outside aid to mdriage its affairs. That's some comfort. 1 - laj flat bti the deck behind the Smoke-stack, while I, who was talk-' trig tb the guards, wlthes&ed the two 6f therii JUmp tip. Brownie yelled, tibmi bn guys, here's some frldre fuh.' whereupon he rah to the btldgS with me at his heels to glvfe thi? Iteds a reply. I stumbled over Scjme gGhs which made Browhle rather angry, and he made a few ejaculations I will not repeat. I amused myself by picking up cartridges, which were falling oh the floor like ralh and still hot. Then I crept lhtd the captain's cabin where all Were Assembled. In a few Soon ilnutes the cdptuin carte, saying, It is all over now but we will have It again in a little while, so stay where you are.' With that he walked over to iiu buteau. which was built in the wail, and took out twd black teVblVet-s and two bbxes bi cartridges. The guards hid brdered coffee, but the boy wilb brought it sdw they were firing at the time ahd thbught It Was fof Us. When we passed the spot they looked fdf their coffee. 1 That nliftt we Werit oter a very shallow spot on which we could hear I tile boat scraping the bottom. Next ddy we heard another boat Just behind Us got stuck at this place. The iteds govet trlfcm a reception they had not expevted. In order to get away they had to throw overboard halt of their cargo, and the Reds sent them a letter asking them to surrender, which of cdiib'e they did not do". They were rescued by a" British funtfokt. j "The n6xt rriorriing we passed Temple! Hill, which is known as the Redsf headquarters. :ilere we had atMher lively" time; ltlas a cahriori they fired at us this time. The cap tain, who was on the bridge, said hei fcfnplf lit rtivifttXr Ub tfolH lh hnit i had pf&sed a cotffflS 6f yards abWe the bridge. As for the rest of the trip it was uneventful, "I have heard that the Chinese government Is doing its best to put down the" 6ombiuriist activities In this locality." y P. Docker, log scaler from Ocean falls arrived in the fcity today on the Prince de&fge. , Italian Consul Great Speed In Visiting West Railway Work Leaves Jdsper Park LMgt For Pacific Coast Today JAdPERi July 22: The Conte R. til VliJahova of Ottawa, Italian consul general to Canada, left today over Canadian tfatib'rtal Railways forjthe Pacific Coast after a day at Jitsp'er Pafk Lodge wh'fee he greeted more thaii A dozen Italian rrieniberS of the lodge staff at an Official reception, which was tendered them in it charming gesture on the part of the diplomatic: chief. The Cdtfsuf Mcfcofipanled by the tionteM Ejl'Villlnova. t , ft t" A . Mi.!. - - He offers you stronger fires- -greater values LONDON. July 22: An import- iif ..o-f nt thp phpme for recoti- Bllb JAv StrftcHfrg P?.ddlnitbfl Station was begun and completed. In -three hour- cf huttle. Between, one and four o'clock In 'he morning a gang of 100 men removed sections of old tacki arid crossing pbihW, laid new tracks, demolished pottlons of the will of No. 8 plitforrrl. Hug teiifihes lor tHfe new piatfoffii wall. ;emov"fd tfi mortal, lowered hew iectfdns of concrete platform Into position, moved large quantities ohmaterlal I into position. The work ft claimed !te be ttne of the lafgfcstpeflulbns ever concluded hi three h"6urs. Seat of H 4 Wednesday, July 22, m CIATICA? riere is a nevcr-falling form of relief from sciatic pain:' Tike Aspirin ttbUis and you'll atold hfelleM suf(rrinf( from wHatira llii iiTo and limilar Mrruciatinrf paint Thfj do relieve; th don't dJ any hnn. Jui t rhake ure it l ghuinr. Agpiftinf TRADt MARK tllO. Made In Canada GAMBLING Jlh wealc", worn-down fires may result fn a serious accident . . may even coif you your life. If the tread of your tires won't 'hold Ort sllptafefy pavbments . . . If you are running, the risk of a blowout at high speeds . it's ' f ' tirno for you tb ted the Dominion .Tire Dealer near you. He offers you Dominion Royals which havo proved in rigorous tests to be unexcelled for strength You need this extra strength to give you peace of rnirid whfen you drive your car hard and fast. You heed this extra strength to froo you from tire trouble and to give maximurri mileage. You want this extra value. The Dominion tire Dealer also offers you tho gfbatdst tir6 Values tri tho world .it for bominion Tires arid Inner Tubes are priced no higher than tires of inferior strength Buy Dominion quality! Another Reason Whu THE BIG SWING IS TO DOMINION TIRES Strength DT.7