AUL' rwo la&icturl, for Dizzy Headaches and Fainting Spells Mn. Lloyd Babcock, Uartingten, Ont.. writei: "Some time ago I wae all run down ia health. I hnd diizy l.t.iija- he, and aulfeied a preat dmil with fainting apella. I wj adriwd to try Burdock Blood.. Bitten and after taking- to, lotU'.;clt l.lg a new person. "M.r husband watr)bed with Indention, after.-u.eJi, ''and euH get nothing to; do blni kny pood until he took B.B.M " h j til (1 fttrt, tnjj Ij Tit J. MlJlra Oe, 14, Toronto, OpV THE DAILY NEWS. I'UINCK KUrEKT - UIUT1SII COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCKIPTIOX RATES "ity delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period.'paid in advance 5.00 For lesser perltds, paid in advance, per month 50 3y mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia. paid in advance for yearly period 3.00 By mail to-sll other part of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year . $G.OO ay mail to all other countries, per year .'. 9.00 DAILY EDITION "5r?j7u Thursday, April 23,' 1931 GOVERNMENT SECURE So far the Bennett government feels itself quite secure in office with the support of a good majority in the House of Commons. There has been no suggestion of any weakening in the House even if there has been considerable criticism outside. On the whole the government seems to be trying to carry out its program and is succeeding pretty well. It looks as if it will remain in office to its full statu- MONTON Men's Raincoats Very Special ! Waterproof Musher cloth lined Men's Black Crocodile Pattern Raincoate, 3 only Thi $7.45 Mens Tweed Suits Imported English Tweed, finely tailored Men's 3-pieceSuits,7only Q- j ffA Site 38 to 42 J Tennis Shoes Men's and Boys' Tennis Shoes, brown and white, iriott atfzes are represented in this Qftaf lot.. Per pair VCV, THE DAILY NEWS Thursda, Ap. fc tory period, if it so wishes. After that much will depend upon the condition of the country. Men's Dress Sox Men's Silk and Silk & Wool Dress Sox, in snappy patterns, much less than wholesale JjQ Stanfield's Heavy Sox Stanfield's Pure Wool Heavy Sox LKf Per pair s Sweater Coats Men's Pure Worsted Wool V-Neck Sweater Coats in heather shades $2.75 Boys' and Girls' Sweaters Specials in Boys' and Girls' Sweaters at prices cut to the bone. V WHY NOT MINES HERE? Since the time when John Houston established his newspaper on a mining claim in the heart of Prince Rupert, people have not looked seriously on anv attemnt to look (for ore in this neighborhood, the idea, being prevalent that ; this district was outside the mineralized zone. Now it is f oreibbf 'brought to attention that there is ore close to the city and finds are being reported in various directions. Any one v ishing to be convinced can see samples of the Mount Morse ore in the Daily News office'. It certainly carrie.a lot of mineral and has all the appearance of containing what the owners of the claim state, that is zinc, lead, cooper, silver and gold. Possibly there are other undiscovered mines right on Kaien Island which may develop into valuable properties and make their owners rich oyer night. Just across on 'yox and a good road has been built to the property. If the ! ore is there and on Mount Morse and iiv the mountains 1 around Denis Arm, why not anvwhere around here. It mignt pay ior careiui prospecting. TS. TU A CANADA OUR COUNTRY j Some people who live in Canada, makintr their homes ,here and having all their interests here, still fail to con-I aider themselves Canadians. They think of themselves as (English, Scottish, American, Norwegian, Swedish, Italian ' or German. If Canada is good enough in which to live and make homes, we should lie proud to call ourelvos citizens of the country and on occasion to express ourselves openly as Canadians. One way in which we can dp that is to join in singing the Canadian National Anthem, "O Canada," or at least to stand when it is being played or sung. No person can be really loyal to the British Empire unless loyal to Canada while living in the country and making a home there. kas8iBBEBBE3SBMBBHaWHaMWBHB BHBaiBlalLLaVaUlSkUBBaQBBd STORMS IN CALIFORNIA Seventy-Mile Gale Sweeps Coast Damage and Loss of Life Feared SAN FRANCISCO. April 23 Swooping down from Wirhi" ' 70-mlle gale yesterday swept Wnvii ineton. Oregon and Californi Heavy property damage and loss o life was caused, disrupted communications making it impossible to ob tain full reports. The highest humidity in five years was reported and there was a great fire hazard. Two men art reported killed In Washington and one In Oregon. There were hundreds of brush and forest fires from British Colum-bia to California. Three buildings were destroyed in Orandview. Wash. WEATHER Con-t'tlftrts Can Now be Jud;fJ for Several Months In Advance WASHfNOTON. April 23 Efforts to forecast weather conditions several -nonthr. in advance seem to be wf'ne with tveesr Dr. Adams of theySulthsonlan Institute has been rak'n experiments along this line for some Umc and so far this year they are stited to have been successful. The forecasts are based tip-on "laminations of the sun's FVADAQAT Hit PRODUCED IN CANADA The beat of milk, safeguarded it the source by clean housing ok clean herds, and by milking with clean hands into clean utenaili, and era. porated to double rlchneis and con. veniently packaged in hermeticjll. staled cans to protect its purity until it reaches you that'a Cam, tion Millc Moreover It gives cooking results unequalled by milk in any other form. Writ frCoh Bok anJBaby Bl, CARNATION CO.. LIMITED 1 M Abbott Si . Varwn.rt, B.C. rill fv (ittf&MA ft t'. Milk I torn Ctntdita cowj ptcked a Ctntdt ia Canadian cam and cases. ff voiir naner does not arrive, telephone Ibe offjre ALVAGE CO.T We have Bought Curzons Stock ANKRU AND ALSO PT 25c. ON THE Men's Overalls Men's Full cut Bib Overalls, all Q-t ff sizes to 46 ?J..UtJ Caps! Caps! Caps! A Snap! New patterns in Caps for ft A spring. Each pJL.UU Boys' Golf Hose Boys' Golf Hose, roll tops, sizes 7 to 11 ff ffp Per pair OOx Work Shirts Verv full cut Wool, Flannel and Musher Cloth Work Shirts, all sizes fif Off Each t?X.i5t ST0C From Woodlock Sales Company, Vegreville, Alberta, at AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE MONEY! Men, this is the right place to buy your seasonable needs in Dress Shirts, with attached or separate collars. Fancy pattern Dress Sox, new lines of Neckwear, Hats, Caps, in fact, to save money on any of your $1 Mothers, we have splendid values in kiddies Hose, full length, and roll lop for the smaller children. Also a larpc selection, of girls' and boys Sweaters. The children will need all these for the fine weather. Our stock of pure thread full-fashioned silk Hose is complete in new shades and all sizes. Ladies' Silk Hose Ladies' Full-fashioned Pure Thread Silk H--. new shades and all sizes. A few silk and w will be included with this lot. ff ff n Per pair DOC Canvas Gloves Savehere! Heavy Canvas Gloves with A (.11 leatf " ' covered lace C 3 Per pair is is not just another sale, but a genuine opportunity to profit by the present business depression pair $1.00 ' Broadcloth Shirts A real opportunity! Plain colored Broadrl..' bhirts, collars attached, 04 off 14H to 1G Each t)l.5D tUfti 101 ,v.;;: . " MWwoluu ; To be sold commencing, FRIDAY, APRIL the 24th Every Article a Bargain All New Stock must be sold CURZON'S STORE Next to the Post Office Second Aveuue, Prince Rupert