Monday, December 15, 19019 so Pa . THE DAILY NEWS ——— ao ae ———_$. ee i aaa a\_ RUPERT MARKET NABEL NORMAND IN| — i : OFFERED MO ve tos voneral These Wrist Watch i : RE In “When Doctors Disagree" She ese risi alc es 4 A THAN SEATTLE is Simply Excruciating. Will S { Pl t Hie Mabel Normand achieves dis. I ure y ease E linet originality in her newest p)e 7 . Fish — Satisfied Here meeties aoe aaa ae We have such a variety this year, ake Less in Seattle. Isagree, whieh is to be seen a the Westholme tonight. Not only | every taste should be suited. i ) | harae av , ° y ‘ar joads of halibut i8 the character essayed by the rn oy B > b 6 Verne shipped from Prince Rupert Comedienne out of the ondinary, Octagon, Square and polygon Shapes, 4 last wee hinkine the priee of bul the play itself is genuine farce round and oval shapes, in both gold and | @ @ lered too low several of the large Of the most amusing sort. am boats. left for Seattle with their Miss Normand has been seen gold filled---with ribbon and with bracelet. + if} catelye At that . — before as a rural schief- ker i H iat port thew wer is a rural mischief-maker, : i tigi wife biterdd wilt teas byt never with the opportanities All the best makes such as Gruen lhe Voluntees was in yesterday that Millie Martin finds. Her es-| Verithin, Waltham, Champ and others. i i d whieh was “apade at the May party, her lat 41 d 8e to the Cold ae 7 a — a Prices all the way from railway rp she takes with her r Vhe ' » called with 90.000 father are only a prelude to the $15.09 to $90.00 id but she. sold only her °Xeruciating situation which econ- i i load of 15.000 Ibs. for 14.86 (ronts her at @ sanitarium. Si Dozens of Watches and we guarantee | ke to the Gold Storage and §8 te be operated upon, thanks to every one to be good value. | ired f s j with the rest, the order of a self-styled physi- Ihe ¢ lian Fish & Cold Stop. Clan, because she has swallowed rt © trawle \ Kelly arrived ® toothache uemedy. It happens JOHN BULGER i vest vith 160,000 Jhs. of te ne . acne qate * os father's Jeweler wf fish choicest chewing tobacco, . { The climax is exeruciatingly The Gift Store Mh mat ee em eermermermcmomemccmigg UNNY. \. _ lt, At the Empress is Hier Great enaiiti pins DON'T PAY 80c en you can get Our Own Brand BUTTER for 70c., none better Ne ee OLIVES ON | SALE, 25c VALUE, SELLING 2 FOR 25c. ~~ GASH SPECIALS jap Oranves now selling tor . : $1. 00 eter ewes (iene |... ons'ssd eRe ess 3 desen for $1.00 New Malaga Grapes in barrels, per Ib . 40c Big Pancake Syrup Special 40c botties for 25c brooms, remular 81.00, on sale tor 75c¢ fresh ground Colfee, Special. 3 ibs. for $1.35 Purity Tubes. 100 Tubes on sale at. 2 for 55c These are the ge@ular 35c¢ stoc! n Meal, Special. 5 ibs. for 35c { » Catsup now selling for 25c per bottle. ee PORK & BEANS SPECIAL gular 2 tins fi me, ile for 10c or $1.00 per doz. SOUPS Hemz, regular 2 for 15¢- Libby's 2 for 25c Hamsterly Cherry Preserves, 4-Ib. tin Regular $1.35—on Sale for . : $1.00 Castile Soap, sinal!l bars .7 for 25c ne just Received a Large Consignment of Rice, Will Sell till All Gone at 15c per Pound—Order Your Sack Now. Malkin’s Best Coffee 1-Ib. tin, 65« aba 66c 2 for 1.15 Matkin’s Best Tea, 1-tb. 1 7 il 65c 2 for 1.25 , f Mil tall tins, Sy 9 tins for $1.00 Ouaker Flo 9-lb. sks, $3.25 val $2.90 in One Shoe Blac 2 tins for 25c Kidney Beans, Spee 3 Ibs. for 25c Ma Leaf Milk, pe ise $5.50 Milk, per cas: N l $5.25 boiled Cider, regular { 2 botties for 5c Largest Stock of Xmas Crackers, Xmas Stockings in the City. Lowney’s Ch®colates in Boxes at Ridiculously Low Prices, Also a large Assortment of xmas Candy—Buy Now. 2 TF ww + ee HAVE YOU MADE YOUR DEPOSIT: me ee this happened during the game jon Page 5. iyetween the Drydoeks and the! = " ‘| Sons of Canada on Friday even-! ; ) | ;iing Anderson and Currie of the! Synopsis ef e sons were checking Clementson} vho had the ball. Clem was lend Act Amendments dribbling with both hands and Anas mm went to take the bail] iway and the impact of rushing sgiuoed te W'an nore . —- ; tens to meet the big fellow made him an acre. jrun directly into his own team wee confined to eur- rite Records will will be granted covering only . . . land suitable for agricultural purposer The winter sport season can be ang which is erahip pre-emp tions. abot said to have fairly begun now. but parties not more than ee ’ for em motions With last week's cold there” was with Joint residence, but ech me ng plenty of skating at the Salt Lake, starring Alice Brady. Sport Briefs } Chance, ; BE ee mee eres ee eS R.W. Cameron & Co. Beg to announce that not being able to obtain their old corner on Second Avenu», at the head,of what used to be C-ntre Street, they have opened on Third Avenue, No. 626, with a carefully selected Fir irm quisites, Cutlery, Cut Glass, ete. All fresh from the factories, and are now ready to welcome their new and old time patrons in their new store at The return of the old mules in JESS WILLARD 1S A dribbling in the basketgall gaine this year is receiving a good PROFITEER SAYS deal of adverse criticism. It ap pears that this new rule, or ines FEDERAL WARRANT jreturnn of the old one, is now in __ lvorue generally and has been i KANSAS CITY, Dee. 13.——A fed- serted in the general rules. Now eral warrant charging profiteer- i player is allowed to dribble the ing in the sale of cord wood has iball with both bands for an in- heen issued against Jess Willard, definite distance where formerly, former heavyweight champion, by ihe ball could only be held by a the United States distriet attorney |player for two steps and then'/for Kansas. j}must be dribbled with one hand. It is allewed that Willard asked ey. . |Andrico $3 a cord for wood stump- [his new rule takes away from! age on his farm near Topeka, an jthe game a good deal of its skill amount the distriet attorney as- and neatness and tends more to'serts is double what it should the cultivation of mere strength. have ‘been, Combination is practically killed | _ — j}and the players cannot keep their | When you have read the news positions so well, An example of |Jook through the classified column | After this present soft spel| Morse enna t occupy claims for Creek will flood so that it can be} value of $10 per includat: . ised for skating. The dam is} 'g,8n¢ cultivation of at least § acres led Whe receiving Crown Grant. i "al t ‘ i Ss sede : t eady and all that i neede 1S} ee tet oa gocuane not that it till up before the next cold or ae. be- spell and more cold may be ex- p—-. XA a 5 or coma, 5 jpected before long, ogee ane Sanita his > mete he lssued” provided : \Vilh a rink in town it is quite] cant makes improvements to extent of likely that some of the local] year. ure to make improvements hockey enthusiasts may engage eu ee wae will - AS W HETHER you want a hot water bottie, a bath-spray or anything else in the rubber goods tins, you can make your selection here, knowing that the quality of the items purchased is of the very best pose'bie Hi and that the price is as low as mi ? quote on the quality offered i Now is the time to make your selection \ om our new stock of— Hot Water Gotties, Rubber Gioves, ce Bags, Face Bottles, Bath Sprays, Fountain Syringes, Etc. The Prince Rupert Drug Co. FAMILY CHEMISTS ° Third Avenue, opposite Second Street. PHONE 134 Mail Crders Given2Prompt Attention a eo P.O. BOX 215 FIRE. INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC 4 Room House and Lot 7th Avenue $1600--- Cash or Terms SEE DAVID H. HAYS General Real Estate Agent in a few games, Hockey is goimg years, and lapgvovemente .| of $10.00 per acre, including 6 acres ight ahead at Hazelton and other} cleared and cultivated, and residence of at least 2 years are ulred. points up the line and although Seed © se ‘ there have been no inter-town may record another pre-emption, he res n games the local teams have been pe any ene act Gaesad have been getting in a lot of good] Vided statutory ‘mprovements made and residence maintained on Crown granted land. rractice. I ‘ Unsurveyed areas “uot onpe leased . . . acres, may as ihe Whist League has been tite io Ue obtained after fuldilh having its xegular Wednesday “For graai G28 industrial p jmeets, Phere is a good deal olf ‘ Sooectian 640 acres may be feaeee by one person or co: r interest being taken in the prog- oo factory or indus oes on ress of the games and it is very may be pupchased: eo sae iard to say whe will win the Dyb- oegmment of stumpage. 4 havn Cup. The Oddfellows and the Sons of Canada are now in the e » St. Andrew's One] Toad, pet enoceding half of lead, tly dre s — & game here will be no eit 3 & emer ° January 15. ORS oe GRANTS by existing roads may be conditional nm construction to them. Rebate of one-half of cost of with = behind. more games until § a ee ee cine 40 2 enlarged to ing with Hle Majesty’ ‘ Ume inte be ce or conte of a deceased may for title under Pthis woot Re from for one year from the death of such person, as formerly, until one year after the conclusion of the present war. This privilege is also made re- Ohiliieies season the various games will be dropped, probably, for a while, but it is expected that the sport will begin early in January. i Qhver the in real earnest “proceed tne} *We'tas ‘or “oceeding n ie © fees relati. - Work is proceedit g oO | due oF “payable emptions are dressing roms and gymnasium @ smptions recorded ‘= Teeth, eS . ‘ > “a ares are remitted for ff the Exhibition Hall and the Ath Tewdiee “te return of moneys ac: letic Association will be ready to ? erect, due and been paid since A ire nm acco start classes thene after the first] @» taxes on soldiers’ pe eee Interest on agreements to purchase wee, eity a by members of es, or depen ts, acquired direct or indirect, Fomiited from - listment to March & . 1920, ” sus. saeinaehie oF co LANDS. now rete made for issuance of ts to sub-purchasers = nda, neguirten rights beats of January. PRICE OF COAL UP IN ONTARIO PHONE 57 Cor. 2nd Ave. and 2nd St. P.O, BOX 1535 1epectet Wes GG OH, Cengrenae? Serchase, levelving, fortelture marth OTTAWA, Dec, 13.—The price} Bilment 6f conditions of purchase, th. — of coal to consumers in Ottawa] 0°35 See Galen whole or wmcPunchae: ; went up 25e. a ton and threatens i “wees, < due pertionately” may oe B24 Cor. Fulton and Sixth i, eo still higher, unless the pre- mote x, * sppiteas Cons aunt be National Grocery Co. VEGETABLES A SPECIALTY Motor Delivery Prompt Attention ee ——E vading abnormal gate of exchange between Canada and the United ern, states rights itself shortly. livestock fae sabia aereroynt iniatretion Lz pro- and | ange ib ner. \. W. Givin, yepresenting the nual wosee Permits bus T ay lor F orbes Co,, dealers in Hanes owner, block owners "nay heating supplies, is in the oity stock of Back Jewellery, Watches and Clocks, Toilet Re- No. 626 Third Avenue Opposite Dominion Telegraph Office sree Georgetown Lumber Co. PHONES 130 Bt 423. P. O. BOX 1632 Largest Assortment of Lumber in Central B. C. FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY SPRUCE FIR CEDAR Consult Us. E. H. SHOCKLEY GENERAL CONTRACTOR Oflice and Shop Fraser St. Sash, doors, mouldings and all interior finish lumber al- DEPARTMENT OF LANDS Ways in stock,’ NOTICE Agent for J. Fyfe Smith's hardwood. APPLICATION FOR GRAZING PERMITS FOR . tHE es UP oe ue plications for permits to graze e- a on the crown range within each REPAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN grazing district of the Provinee of British | Phone Green 269. Columbia must be filed with the District Foresters at Cranbrook, Fort George, Kam- oe mination loops, Nelson, Prince Rupert, Vancouver Estimates Given, and Vernon 2g a een Vien = : Grazing, Parliament Bulidings, Victoria, (un or before February 29," 1920. ; Phones 41 and Red 391 Blank forms upon which to submit ap- | } For Hire by the Hour, Day or Week plications may be obtained from the Dis- trict Foresters at the above named places or from the Department of Lands at Vic toria, B. C. G. BR, NADEN, ° “of Land Minister of Lands. Ali Department nds, L ‘ h ce Victoria, B, December bib, 1049. auLe ; ° SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTAICT vt QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that Charles BE. Burgess, of Bay Point, California, hotel-Keeper, in- tends to apply for a licence to prospect for coal and petroleum over the following de ; scribed lands on the West Coast of Moresby island, British Columbia, commencing at a post planted about 200 yards from the southerly shore of Canoe Pass and 4 miles east of the northeast corner of Robert Reid’s coal and petroleum licence number 10460, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to the point of commence- Pienic and Fishing Parties Trips round Harbor J. MYHILL-JONES FOR SALE Seven-roomed house with ment, CHARLES, ©, BURGESS. a bath and finished basement. . eu . ent. ‘ 7 Loe ated October Oth, 1019. Newly painted. 8th Ave., W. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND bis- raiet RECO Tre = T OF SKEEN TAKE NOTICE, that I, Peter Piombo, of reince Rupert, B. &., prospector, intend to apply for a Heenee to prospect for coal, oul and petroleum over the folowing «kc scribed lands on the West Coast of Gra ham Island: Commencing at & post planted at three miles north of the north east corner of Lot 2437, thence 80 chains north, thence 380 chains west, thence 80 chains south. thence Sv chains east te point of com $2875.00 Very Easy Terms. DOUGLAS SUTHERLAND 523 Third Ave. ee Chil Con Carne Kot Tomales At the CHILL! PARLOR - 835 Secca’ Avenue Delivery Service Extra Phone 557 mencement, VE io PlOMBO, Located July 27, 101 Dated September ‘doen, 1919, IN THE suraas COURT OF BRITISH OLU LUMBEA. IN THE MATTER OF oF TRE “ADMINIS TRA- TION ACT” and — IN THE MATTER OF SELDON EDWARD TEDBINS, DECEASED, INTESTATE, TAKE NOTICE that by an bho of His Honour F. Mes, Yoong: 19th of December, A.D, 1917, Ay appoln administrator of the estate of Seldon Ed- ward Stebbins, deceased, and al! parties bereby claims against the said Sine iene a Phon® Green 607 1017 Grd Avenue Dalgarno & Watts BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS ecialista ta Lieht and Heavy Ggn- struction, Repairs end Alterations, First Class § Work and Estimates Gheerfully Given BRICK AND CONGRETE HVILDING December, and all i day in- 5 debied tw the esta the amount of their indebiednss to me forthwith. 2 © MenU * OfMetat Pee letrator. Rated thie soem Novermper, 1910. Never forget to look through Siig Coe ON on a business trip, jthe classified list on Page 5. on