"it 0 . ' M r ru t, Kaien Motors Limited General Garage and Service Station CHEVROLET and BUICK Open D-ty and Night Phone 52 Third Avenue 21 Indigestion So Bad Was Afraid To Eat Mrs. A. T. Bowau, 1ST Kabeaea Bt, Hjuaiuon. Ont, writes I "I k4 been, troubled, for years, with Indigestion and suffered so badly I u afraid to est I id n third bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters, and ean now eat aarthiaf I like without distress after, and can enjoy my sleep very sight without fear 0 suffering. I oanaot praise B.B.B. toe highly far what It has dons lor ne." ij t U dror sad watrsl itri auaaiaetaM, fee the past SI. re, ea IH&iira C, U4, Tereate, Oat Uncle OAZAZUS Is coming! 1 . ' -r l . t" : The Dally News can be pur- chased at ! Post Office News Stand. 325 ' Granville St, Vancouver. Karl Anderson, Prince ) Oeorge, B.C. R. W. Rllev, Terrace. B.C. t General Store, Anyox. Smlthers Drug Store. SmlUi- ers, B.C. Have you enough Life Insurance? No matter how large or how small your estate, it will suffer heavy deductions before It readies your wife or family. Doctors, nurses, hospitals, undertakers, lasers, etc, not to mention succession duties, if the estate be considerable, wilt reduce the net amount namalMe- tii yiRir heirs WBanyfhing from 10 ,tq 25,', . 1 t V . 1 l". - j"'". i ''lii ' 3SL'..: laKtj- your pencil anu a sirnpte aufyi , iji upiinicut, 'Uslhgan actual cae ac an ejampfe: : Ja y. y.'f.' - fypiaal Case in Total fe value of all my life isMuranct) polirks - 5W0 Estiottted vsu of nsy real eetalt, securities and other sweats, l-W.- Teul,... - tim- Less. Us indicated above St.OM TaUlswtate (net) VHO Invested ie 94 securities at 5 this should yMd say family an annual, income of $297.50, IS IT ENOUGH? FiU Mi unLmail Ik attacked coupon: i $. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA HEA;D OFFICE. MONTREAL Please:sed Me your pamphlet, "la-It Enough?.', advertised ia (Nunt Psprt) t Name- (Mr., Mrs. or Miss) 1. Date of Birth '.(Month) (Year) I Address (Street) JCity) 'jg S. J. JAB0UR NORTHERN B. C. REPRESENTATIVE Station Wins in Softball Defeated Rounrl lloue 10 to 5 C. N. R. League In' In the playing last night of a Ca- tnadlan National Recreation Asso- elation softball sim" oosfjor.-d 'ftvim Ttterday ntgn the Station df-fated the Houn J Ilou:c by a jcor A 10-.';. Thr Round Hous- had th' Lad until the sixth inning when ilir station Ued with them, and, in the axentn. th 8U!!n took anotv "four run: fjlvlnc th:m the lead which th-y held til! the end Botl. teams pl .yed good bull, with Morrison and KtuV st i:vmt for th 8lallon and Tulloch and Ungcr to, the 8h.ip: A sood Mxrd crowd of fan w1'r.':-d t-te rame. The nex: tasne will be played Friday niaht hetw-on tl'.' UounJ House and the Qfrtau. QattetrHn were: Stution SUtes and Bkattiol. 1 Bound House Tulloch and Pater- sn. 1 League Standing 1 W. L. Pts. Station 5 i S j Offlees 3 3 2 Round House 14 1 DREAM WAS SHATTERED .Seattle Man Fills Royal Mush as Poker Table is Robbed SBATTLS, My 28:-John Mc-aulre had (teamed for many yearn of holding a Royal Flush In a poker game. Last night he was dealt Ace, King, Queen and ten mid then filled with the Knavr At 'I i1 moment a bandit entered uiul cleaned up all of a substantial amount of cash on the table leaving a single dime THE DAILY NEW8 cLARNIN CAPTURES EASY DECISION FROM PETROLh INTERIOR DECORATING, PAINTING AND SIGN WRITING Very moderate prices. Easy Terms JOERGEN P. MOLLER Painter and Decorator Phone Red 802. 7th Ave. W. S. E. Parker Ltd. Ford Dealers Cars Trucks Tractors Tires Accessories Gob & Oil Flat Rate Repairs Wrecking Service Third Avenue Phone 83 COAL Buy the real Coal our. famous Kdson and Cassidy-Wellington In any quantities. Also llulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co IMIONKH 58 AND 55H HONORS CINCHED High School Assured of Rochester Shield, Emblematic of Junior Soccer Championship I High School cinched the second half of the season and the Rochester Shield, emblematic of the year's honors, by defeating Borden Street School by a score of 3 to 1 in the Junior League football fixture last night. High School had already won the first half without a single loss. All four goals in the game were scored by Walter Cross, full back for High School, the one counter for Borden going accidentally into its goal. Two goals were scored in the first half for High School, both coming as a result of effective combination play. A fine pass from Marshall aided the second goal. For High School's third goal, Cross made a fine individual run right through the Borden defences Corss was, undoubtedly, the best player on the field. High School played an aggressive and determined game. Practically all the play was in Borden territory Effective defence by Borden back and goalkeeper prevented more goals being registered. William Barton was referee. FOOTBALL OPENING All In Heartiness For Match Tomorrow Night Mayor to Kick Off lOOAard Sprint to be Held After having lapsed for a year. Senior League football will be reopened In Prinee Rupert at the Acropolis Hill grounds tomorrow ever ;ning when Canadian Legion and ' Regiment clash In the first game of the Oilhuly Cup series. Mayor C. H. Orme will kick off and It Is expected that there will be a bumper I muster of soccer fans to cheer the jgame along and lend their moral 1 support As an added attraction. It has been arranged to hold at half-time a handicap 100-ynvd sprint. This event will be open to all and entries are being Dtceivfd tav f E Wermig. secretary of tho Prir.cc Rupert Foul-ball. Association. Vancouver Boy Had Best of ; Battle With Fargo Express ' At All Stages Last Night NEW YORK, May 2& Jimmy McLarnin, smilinc Irish lad from Vancouver, B.C., won the decision by a long mar gin of joints from IsiIIy I'etrolle of Fargo, North Dakota, liis conqueror of last November, in a 10-round bout at Madison Square Garden last night. The Vancouver boy turned loose all his punching power to hammer Petrolle REGIMENT LINEUP The following players will represent the Regiment Football Club 'or their game with Canadian Le-;ton on Friday night: Laldler. Kel-ey. Ross, Bdgecumbe, Watson, Red-ath, Wilson 1 captain), Lyons, Jioss, DeJonx. Wingham. Reserves, Thurber, Doherty and Smith. All layers are requested to meet at the umory prior to the game. Ba.be Ruth, popular liome-run klnu. pictures ui the dugout at Yankee Stadium. New York, when he returned to the Yankee lineup to play in his first ball game following hi mjury this spring. The Babe hit two singles which helped the Yankees obtain an 8 to 3 victory over the Boston Red Sox. SOFTBALL ; SCHEDULE May 29 Drydock vs Roundhouse. June 2 Drydock vs Station. j June 5 Station vk Roundhouse. June 0- Roundhouse vs Drydock. JBOVRIL strengthens Soups and Gravies p . -f SUITS Made to Your Order $27.00 TOP NOTCH TAILORS One price throughout Canada Your measure taken by us, LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Phone 019 NATURAL PURE Fresh Milk Free from any preservative or treatment whatever. Milked and delivered dally from our own cows. Four successive years Government Grade A certificate. Health and Sanitation. A trial solicited, Satisfaction guaranteed. PRINCE RUPERT DAIRY Box 895 Phone 287 Unto defeat. There was no doubt of the issue at any. stage of the game; McLarnlu's victory was undlspu-- ted and his redemption was complete. He won a unanimous verdict. Thli victory places McLarnin In direct line at last to meet Black Jack Thompson for the world's welterweight title. PRESIDENT OF LEAGUE William Ilerridge Named Head or American Baieluil Circuit CLEVELAND. May 28: William lerrldge, secretary of the American League, was yesterday elected president of the league In succession u the late E. S. Barnard. He was inanlmously chosen for a term of i three years. Herrldge has been iden- ifled with organized baseball for ' 15 years the most of rfie time with I Jie American League. He entered the league as secretary to the late Ban Johnson former president, be-omlng secretary when Barnard succeeded Johnson as president. FOOTBALL May 27 High vs. Borden. May 30 Booth vs. High: T. J. Shenton. inspector, of mines, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Pfiijps Rupyrf- tor a trip .ta 8te waH on official duties. f-A GROVE WON OFF YANKS Athletics Southpaw Fans Ruth and Gehrig Giants Go to Top In National PHILADELPHIA, May 28: Letty Orove pitched Philadelphia Athletics .to victory, oyer" the New Xork Yankees yesterday, fanning Babe Ruth'and Lou Gehrig one after the other In doing, so. Washington Senators moved into , second place ahead, of the Yankees by taking a double-header front Boston Red Sox. New York Oiants replaced St. Loul Cardinals In first place In the National' League, the former winning from the Boston Braves while the latter lost to Pittsburg Pintles. Yesterday's score: American League Washington 11-4, Boston 3-3, Chicago 5-0, Detroit 4-1. Philadelphia 6. New York 5. Cleveland 5, St Louls.4. National. League j New York 7, Boston 4. Pittsburg 4. St. Louis 0. Chicago 8, CinclnnaU 4. BasebaKStandings National League. W. L. Pet New York 32 0 .710 8t. Louts .19 9 .5f9 Chleago 17 14 4 Boston 17 ! Ml, Philadelphia 19 18 .411 Mttsbutg 1 18 Al UrooJUyu U 20 .419 Cincinnati 7 26 012 American League w. l. Pet. Philadelphia, 3A S .750 Washington 32, 14 .611 New York 30 14 .008 Cleveland . XI 20 ,4W Chicago 16 SO .444 Desvelt 18 23 .439 St. , Louh 1 .21 .384 Beaton . 31 364 Rep. Quart Rep. Pints $1.50 f5A 10ND0N BUYGIN 3 ttKsass 'iTtmj,r VTN .... TEMPERQTune rtVil?? J .aasas inn OF tup Saul ia ten cents : r mail you a ccc i Know" cards- -six and curious farts n W'slV- Oriwr-you the sixty canli ,m,,,,. : . l album ia whiih the caras ,r a prrmaoil oJlc I .i, A :. Tuciett TuUcou . 1 . tUi. Ilucklpsham irsr. '1. . ... refmlunc blrtij vl i U' treated ujr powerful ui". Thrre is Domoremrlln . na the sun. IliK'lunKliaiK-. :.-: giant sun lamps, are rMiisrU . c varjrina; in quality, patkt.! 'mkn I U the patented sralnl pa ur- TELEPHONE 6S7 VALENTIN IMlrtY FOK RKEENA I1IMM) Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese ntF.su pastei itiro M1U AND CRFAM !All Earlv Delivery Thrnuiksti the Cltv Ernest Love ifi i couple of days u: t!:- .-s "tl the Prince Ruoert v r'la'. a!wl neon on his return t' .-:iear hands of yin -but only o f Condon, Vry LONDON DKS" GIN Thlt,Advertltiinint is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the ;vrtim' of British Columbia jsBBFBaag