PAOB THREB Salada-the byword for tea in Canada and; .IJmted States. Try our new Yellow Label 'Fresh rom the gardens9 "FREE! FREE! iti One Tin of After-Shaving Talc With Every Purchase of One Tube of Klenzo Shaving Cream 50 cents Ormes IM. Ztfia Pioneer DrUg&ists Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. THREE -GRADUATE- PHARMICISTS OUR COAL IS IN A DRY SUED When you are buying coal look on the economical side of life. If you buy wet coal, you are losing 10. So start today and burn dry coal and sec what 10 means to you. PEMBINA EGO Delivered, Per Ton $12.50 MINEHEAD EGG Delivered. I'cr Ton 1W0 MINEHEAD LUMP Delivered, Per Ton 13.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 5S0 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamer Irate lrlnc Kuprrt t ur Vancouver: T-s.s. catala n:nv tikmuv, tj Arrtvtng Vancouver, via Occar. FalU. Thurtday Noon appfoc. IAN. 1 AKDKNA CVKKV IRIOAY MIIIMtlllT Arriving Vancouver Sunday midnight appro. Weekly iUin(i to Part Stmpwu. Ail or Arm. Anyox, Stewart and Naaa River pomu Sunday. IM p.m 1 irthrr information regarding ail wUlns and ticket at ritlNCt ItlTtltT AOINCV: Crnnd Aienur. I'lHHte 58 A Silent Partner :i;.J irf'T..r:.vr.rf;a "pAKE a silent partner Into your business Ope able and willing to stand by you and yours when necessity arises. One that will give yoa a certain fixed sum at a specified time or bring you a regular income when you are no Innrter arile to earn Of trO SfeSMfi vide for those vou love when V ' Life Assurance will do all this for you and more Get details from your nearest Sun Lift Reprtuntathe. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL Local Items Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware, Ilellbroner's Store. ffHIs aiter$q6nM fratn, cpe front ;v the Easr"at 3:30, tos repojrted this morning to be on time. Applications for positions came before the school board last night from an art teacher and a physical instructor. Mrs. T. M. Spencer presided at the school board meeting last night and there were present also Jrusteer J. J! Glllis, W. i Greer, and Earl Barrle, Secretary J. O Williamson and Principle Miss S. A. Mills. A letter from Mrs. E. Knight of Canterbury, England, read at last night's meeting of the Hospital Board, expressed appreciation for the kind way in which her son, Reginald Knight of Premier, an accident victim, has been treatei at the local hospital. The letter was filed. At the school board meeting last night correspondence was read from the Department of Educa tion along the lines published In reports of the city council meet ngs showing an increase in the grant to the city from the govern ment for school purposes amount ing to something like $2,900 e year. a. P Tinker, president of the hospital board, reported at last night's meeting of the board that t was expected td have for tho next meeting of the board a report on isolation hospital matters The long-planned conference between city and hospital representatives is planned to be held soon. The regular monthly meeting of h Honittf Board took plaie last night in the hospital. President U P. Tinker .was in the chair and others present were: Aid. 8. IV Macdonald Robert Gordon Aid. O VY. Rudderham, Wra. Brown. Prank Dibb, G V Wilkinson R E. Ben jaoi-jarfr-j fttjfajason and Dr i. v. cade, directors; H w. Bin managing secretary, and Miss Jean Harrison. RJi.. lady PRICES! THAT MEAN Substantial Savings O.N QUALITY FOODS Friday & Saturday Strawberry Jam Empress CQp Otix Lh hrr.t nr l.lh tin .xaooo Tea or uonee Buy now. we anticipate an advance AQn shortiy, per lb IOC Pastrjr Fkwr Wild Rose 10 s ! Q r Med in II r. nr aafJr Palnr&Uve Soap 4 ban Ashcroft Catsup per s-ps. bottle Gorgonzola Cheese fpel OWITBOa 6 bars ... Olacier Sardines In Olive Oil. per tin i 23c 25c empress Marmalade Made from Australian Oranges QQa-s pr 40-os. jar oOl Outdeor Rhubarb 3 lbs. Soup Royal City, Pea, - and Tomato I tins Peanut Butter Squirrel Brand, per 1-fb. tin 25c Vegetable 25c 19c . ake Icing Chocolate, lemon, or vanlUa. per pkg. ... Whole Wheat Fig Barsf- per lb. .v California Grapefruit good size, 4 for , Fresh Spinach 2 lbs 5c 25c 23c 25c Quaker Oats Quick coasting 32c QOn with rhlnaware. tier rJkir v 55c 24c1 11c l j Watts' Grocery i PHONE 55 PHONG 56 HIE III ST FOR LESS" TOE DAILY NEWS Kneumaiism Quick relief from rheumatic pains without harm: To relieve the wont rheumatic pain it a very aimple matter. Aipirin will do it every time! It'i tomething that you can alwayi take. Genuine Aipirin tablttt ' are harmleu. Look for the lleyer Cross on each tablet ASPIRIN TRADEMARK RIQ. Billiard Cup match tonight- Tinker vs. Balagno, at the Empress Social Club. Public Invited. See the wonderful display of Oruen Watches in Bulger's windows today and Friday. Hundreds of new models. AU the latest styles in pocket and wrist watches. 83 Complete satisfaction was expressed at last night's meeting of the hospital board by Miss Jean Harrison, lady superintendent, and Dr. J. P. Cade at the new lighting system that bas been installed in the operating room at the hospital Vancouver papers report an ac cident at the Nanaimo Lumber Co. ' sawmill near Nanaimo in which Bert Gear, one of the mill employees, suffered four broken ribs. Oear is well known in this district, having been through hero a number of years ago. At the school board meeting last night a letter from the minister of education inquired how much coal used in the schools was produced in the province and asked that re- t ords be kept showing exactly how much B. C. coal was used and how much coal produced elsewhere. Evidence and, argument of consul was concluded yesterday in thf case of Chin Ylng, who is charged with violation of the Weekly Hal' Holiday Act and Magistrate Mc- prosecuted id the case while T. W Brown appeared for the defence. Frank Dibb. chairman of the finance committee, expressed the opinion at last night's- meeting oi the hospital board that $140 pc month was a rather large bill foi power supplied to two electrK i ranges in the hospital. It was decided to have a committee consisting of President O. P. Tinker Mr. Dibb. and Managing Secretary H. W. Birch interview the Power Corporation in regard to prices be- charged the hospital for power Miss Harrison, the lady superin tendent, win also keep a close tab on the consumption of power fen the stoves In question. 4- 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS Moose Whist Drive and Friday, April 17 t;i:i;it I 4 Catholic women's League Sprine. Sale April s. United April 9 Anglican April ft. Church Baster Batmai Cathedral Easter Sat: Dance. Presbyterian Easter Sale April 10 Oyro Uoedown May 1. EASTER SPECIAL PERMANENT WAVE Mi lady Ileauty Shoppe Phone C53 Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Ilellbroner's store. Today's meeting of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club was devoted to club business and there was no speaker. The donsUoa;byi Dawes Furniture Store of 37 feeding cups was acknowledged at last night's meeting of the hospital board. I The fire department had a call I at 11:30 last night to the Travel-'lers Cafe on 81th Street where there was a chimney fire which did no damage. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Sunday ss: Pr. Charles 10 pjn. Tuesday as. Catala .1:30 pjn. Thursday- ss. Pr. George 10 pjn. Friday ss. Princess Mary 10 pjn. SS. Cardena, midnight. April 1 ss. Princess Norah 5 pjn. April 12 ss. Princess Alice 5 pjn. April 22 as. Princess Alice 5 pjn. From Vancouver 8unday ss. Catala 4 pjn. Wednes. ss. Pr. George 10:30 ajn. FridayT-s. Princess Mary 4 pjn. Cardena ...... pjn. April 8 ss. Princess Alice ... ajn. April 18 as. Princess Alice ... ajn. Aprfl 29 as. Princess Alice For Naas River and Port Simpson Sunday ss. Catala 8 pjn. From Naas River & Port Simpson- Tuesday eq, Catala .. .11:30 ajn. For Stewartand Anyox . Sunday ss. Catala 8 pjn. Wednesday ss. Pr. George 4 pjn. From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday ss. Cauia 11:30 ajn. Thursday ss. Pr. George 8 pjn. For Ocean Falls-Tuesday as. Catala 1:30 pjn. Thuraday-lss. Pr. George 10 pjn. Friday ss. Princess Mary 10 pjn. From Ocean Falls Wednes. ss. Pr. George 10:30 ajn Friday ss. Princess Mary 4 p.m. rnaay ss. uaruena pjn For Queen Charlotte Islands-April 4 ss. Prince John 10 p.m. April 18 ss Prince John 10 p.m. From Queen Charlotte Islands April 2 ss. Prince John . a.m. April 16 ss. Prince John ...ajn. 1 April 30 ss. Prince John i For Alaska Clymont reservej? his decision -Lpju til tomorrow nwnal&g. B. F. nef $8: SjpcesAlte pTmcew Alice FSFflal ..from 82.50 ond mony other change! ond impi ovementi for your comfort ond snv;nin;. J20 view roomt oil with both v a x o i v i: irs it i: v r t i i i l a.m. a.m ad Colds Vapors inhaled quickly dear head VffCKS VapoRub HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel Hot .ind cold water in all roomt At J. rKUIUIOMME, Prop. Cor. of Frastr i-nd Fifth SU Savoy F. Patterson. Surf Inlet; J. M Carter, Port Essington; Mrs. J. P Hanson and son, Oona -fWrer. New Royal Hotel I. Sajrill. I'r;. . Tiir. iioirx' woktii iviiu.k Hot Cold Water: Stram Hoat Wc PER DAY AND UP T Irphorw. SMI Royal S. Vandt. Vancouver: R. Mont- Cttb and WhLst Vwgw Banauet,,!"'ry and D KUscn' Ptlnce Ru" Oommodore Cafe 'AprH 10. pert. Boston Grill Phone 457 Prince Rupert Larce Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Merit, 9 to 12 Dance, Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties i Thursday. April 9. 1031 i , " - " ' i . . Jabour Bros. Limited $7 &riin r SPECIALS GIRLS' SWEATERS Colors, blue, grey and fawn; Q QP size, 24 to 28; Special t vlwtf GIRLS' SWEATERS Colors, blue, grey and fawn; OS size, 32 to 36; Special Q&i&O COYS' S WEATERSr In all sizes; extra special Special 95c LADIES' SILK and WOOL PULLOVERS Color, ffifl aa blue, green, fawn, yellow; size. 34 to 40; reg- $2.05 ..... Vf SMALL GIRL PANTIE DRESSES Size, 3 to 6; 'washable material; Special $1.00 DULL FINISH CHIFFON HOSE Good color range; flfl Special ?1UU BRUSH WOOL TAMS Special BABY RUBBER PANTS Very good quality; sizes, smalls raediumand Jarge; Special , 75c 15c These, Hems are Limited Quantity and at Very Low Prices " 'We jtfsk You 'to Pay 'Us a Visit and See For Yourself wrjrwsEsxsmaamm i2a HsH 9ofequxiJxled PRODUCED IN CANADA Milk from Ct4um emt fckti In Ctntdm in Cn4Un tint m4 tmi Carnation is the safe milk for babies heat-treiting destroys all germs, air-tight sealing Jteep it ssfe. Carnation it easier to di'test than any other form of cow's milk. It contains all the minerals and vitamins that any milk is depended on to supply. Give your baby Carnation Milk and you will be following the lead of the greatest authorities on baby-feeding. Writ for Cok Book, anj Baby Book CARNATION CO, LIMITED J 14 Afcbon St.. Vucsmat, B.C 1 "from Contented Cows'7 Sale! Sale! Sale! Furniture Special on Saturday Only. APItIL 11th THREE ONLY THREE ONLY CHESTERFIELD SUITES 3 CHESTERFIELD SUITES 3 pieces. Usual price. $160. pieces. Usual price. $175. S125 S135 TWO ONLY THREE ONLY BEDROOM SUITES 5 piece. BEDROOM SUITES 5 piece. Two-tone Walnut. Usual Two-tone Walnut. Usual price, $115. Qft2? price. $1(0. Cash price vOtl cash price Terms can aba be arranced Dawes Furniture Co. Phonct IUack ISO Federal Blsek zam-bu K Used To-Night Will Heal Your PMADDCn U A BJHC Cracked Lips wiini I bU linilKJU or Cold Sore J. .VWiJsvu j.sBBjBjuaiJMWm-Mw