f Lrsday. February 18, 1933 THE DABVT. NXWB PAOE THREZ STILL MORE CARE WU rOM CANADIAN COWS, TACKED IN CANADA IN CANADIAN-MADE CANS CARNATION is "Protected at the Source" throujjh the fostering of better dairy stock. Then, Carnation field men check and re-check dairying methods used to produce milk destined for Carnation con-denseries. And then comes still more scientific testing until the can is finally hermetically sealed. In cooking Carnation makes favorite recipes better. Use it with coffee, fruits and cereals. You'll find Carnation economical. Approv. ed by highest medical authorities for baby feeding that's how good it is! 1 A 7 SALE V -I arts AND UA5CS Gift Shop -(hold furniture. UDAY, FEBRUARY 19, il ' i: and will continue SATUtDAY AFTER- 00, AM) SATURDAY EVENING IM. Hunt Announcements I; C ! mnton Dance Feb. lo uin h supper Feb. 19. social Dance Friday i'1 dancing 0:30 to 130 Lad lea, refresh -L : vbody welcome. " mng dance. Feb. 26. B.inquet March 10. k Celebration, Catholic i 17 Women s League Spring I Your Back The Weak Point Th Dr. CK.I.', KlU.y.Llv.r run Wlih. TLnVf In .Perfect ntfm v, ", or your (ItlZVnl, m run down you If vm,, tlU,at your wwkspot, Vifn.v.ou..my upect that your Thh.V.!unot .n Pf?tt order. : there will im In in the the V ibThi "in, pains Tt. ?..:11,0.rd"!' j ths bladder. hdnrf V. ? "V to'regulstt th di...tj:u.?.MI,I. Chsss's hey are bound , r w" 5 l"s kidney!, Hv limiB.(i"u Mtbj fntur ths 01 P0l" om th n, 1 Writ lr ttt Ct$k Boh tni Btby Bttk Cinsition Co, Limited, 1 J4 Abbott St, Vancouver, B.C. Carnation. conJZjcovs" JVjLil,k Mountie Officers In Vancouver Now Serjeant Thomas Brice to Receive Treatment For Badly Frozen Feet Is Invalid Now Inspector T. V. Sandys-Wunsch and Sergeant Thomas Brice, both l the Ryal Canadian Mounted contents Ot t the u ; PoUce detachment at Llard Post, who passed through here at the first of the week, have arrived in Vancouver, Sergeant Brice, who was formerly stationed here, is suf-fertn&f&i&6evej3eroftrug and is a virtual cripple aT present. His feet were frozen last November while on patrol. As a result of treatment he is to receive in the south, it is expected he will eventually regain full use of the limbs. Sandys-Wunsch and Brice were brought out from Llard Post to Skagway by airplane. ANNOUNCEMENT Jasper Wildfire Coal Is now '.hi hottest in the domestic field. Oov ernment analysts shows it to be thi highest in B.T.U.'s and less ash. If .starts quick and lasts longer. Furthermore, for yeur benefit don't think for one minute because our coal is lower In price that we are giving you a cheaper grade as other roal dealers may state to you. Your next order "Jasper Wildfire." egg or lump. Note our adv. for cash prices and save your dollars tf' Hyde Transfer rhone 580 3 svi SV.H":tr 1 kxuj bukiv. SQUARE DEAL Meat & Fish Market CASH & CARRY Phone im Third Ave. THURSDAY & FRIDAY SPECIALS Weenies. 1 lb 3Qc f 4nd 1 lb. Krout V Uver, 1 lb. 25C and Vi lb. Bacon Beef Steak. 2 lb. 5Q( ana ids. uihoiw Lamb Chops. lbs, QQg and 4 lbs. Turnips Loin of Lamb. 4 lb. 1 Q0 nnrl 1 Cauliflower - Pork Steak. 3 V )Vt 45C and 1 lb. uara Shoulder Pork. 4 lb.F r'8()C and 2 lbs Rhubarb Spare Ribs. 8 lbs. 5C and 2 lbs. Krout Cottane Rolls- )C per lb. uifWDiw m wH'iiB UilH H"H l!I IU!B iiB ' 'iiB The nddrr is tl).' nlv virions sn liu found m 0t ai Butain LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Bert's Taxi, Phone 678. "Service" Is our motto. Give us a call. tl M&ise Badminton Club Dar DAne.e. tonight. Peppy music for dancing, table for cards. Good refreshments. Price 50c. All Welcome. 39 Bridge and badminton, ONJi. courts, Friday, 7 p.m., aid Crip pled Children Hospital Society. Admission 25c. 43 The provincial police boat P.M L. 4, in charge of Corp. A. W. Stone of Ocean Falls arrived in port yes terday afteroon from the Rivers Inlet area and will be here for the next several days. City Badminton Championship Tournament opens Thursday, Feb. 25. Enrtles for all events close I Wed., Feb 24. 5 p.m Players please note en trips ran be handed in at their own rlub.s 41 Judne II. A Hobertson of Prinrc George arrived m the city on th's morning's train from the interlo" to take some local County Court work for Judge F. McB. Young.; who is still away on sick leave CNJt. steamer Prince John Capt. Neil McLean, arrived in port at 5 o'clock tills morning from Vancouver via the Queen Chariot .e Islands and will remain over here until 10 o'clock Saturday night when she will sail on her return south over the same route. Rev. Dr. J. Wesley Bready of To ronto, who is here in the course of I a lecture tour of Canada under the auspices of the National Assoc h tion of Canadian Clubs, was the speaker today at Xhe weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Roti-y Club in the .Commodore Cafe, his subject being "Unemployment I.i -su nance and the Dole." O. H. Munro, president of the club, wr in the chair. ECONOMY STORES Ue were the first in the city to Introduce a policy that broujht down prices and lowered the cost of living. Consumers when making their purchases should bear this in mind and before buyine elsewhere give thought to the prices maintained by our stores. We quote a few ot our low priced foodstuffs iSggs Fresh Firsts 7fif I01 3 dos . otUge Roll lUm 4 nn X'i per lb Jrearoery Butter 45 C lime Graham Wafers 20C Sweet Mixed Biscuits Q'tp VOVt Fresh, 3 lbs Aylmer Brand Tomatoes (iQn ai'. 6 tin for Interior Potatoes Oood P CQ J.Jw v cookers, per sack Onions 25C Rhubarb 1 1UC Hp per lb Spinach Fresli and green Cp per lb. Sweet Potatoes 25C Lettuce "ifln AUU per head rnnBes Large and Juicy fJ?n per dosf - .r.t..- .ou will find our lines fresh, of i kood quality arid prices toijult today's' WetlUV Mussallem's Cash & Carry Stores "Where Dollars Have More Cents" No, 1 Store Fifth Ave. Phone 18-81 No. 3 Store 319 Third Av Hione 360 No, 3 Store 127 Third Av Phone 375 For Transportation to the polls Thursday call Citizen's Committee Rooms, opposite Commodore Cafe. Phone 73. . 40 Why pay more? Best Alberta rootless egg Coal $11 per ton. Albert & .McCaffcry Ltd. Phoney 116 or 117. tf Mrs. J. L. Jollymore of the Savoy Hotel, who has been on a brief trip to the interior, returned to the city on this morning's train Charles Wilson of Lake Kathlyn is paying a brief business visit to the city, having arrived on this morning's train from the interior. He will return to Lake Kathlyn tomorrow or Monuay. AMAZING NEW DOUBLE SIGHT GLASSES 5,000 OFFERED ON FREE TRIAL. Readers of this newspaper are invited to take advantage of the sensational oMer Of a large Toronto spectacle house which has perfected a new double sight spectacle These latest most up-to-date spectacles with large clear full vision lenses are guaranteed to improve the vision and enable wearers to read finest print, work, sew. see far or near. They are insured against breaking or tarnishing. Dr. Rltholz Optical Co., Dep; NX-43, 29 Mellnda St.. Toronto Ont.. are offering these $18.00 value spectacles at only $1.98 on 10 dc ; FREE Trial, with the understanding that they will amaze and d?-ight you or there will be no cos.. Write today for 10 day free trial giving name, address and age. Adv And Now He's His Mother's Pride and Joy "CHE LLntTtr raise him!" whii-J rcred the neighbors behind their fundi and indeed il looked like it.for Uihy Jim was tinjr mite ind didn't thrive 6n his bottle. Then his Mother tried Eagle Brand, and to everyone's astonishment Baby Jim ceased fretting and began to gain steadily. Grandfather now lays claim to his wonderful disposition but his mother smiles quietly and remembers Eagle Brand. Eagle Brand has reared countless thousands of infants to maturity over a period of 74 years. Experience has proved that it is reliable, safe and in entirely satisfactory food where the mother is unable to nurse her own baby. Write for Baby Welfare and Record Book. TV tofim ('. I ii.trd : Hw A.ad Bldf . cv S .fKUUVCf mt KRKK ...... IUI.v . tr.. 'J B' u n,l ttat.jr W .ll.ic B ik. A'ii ,1iJrt TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIitV FOR SKEF.NA nitAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FKESII PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City COAL SatLsfuctiun tuui.intee with Our Famous Fdson and Bulk-ley Vulley COAL. No. 1 Bulk-lev Vulley Wheat, Oata and Barley. Pratt's Chick Food, Seeds unii Fertllliers. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONE 58 &, S58 re throats Quickly relieved by rubbing on VICKS VapoRob Robert Ogllvie of Fort St. John has been aDDolnted a coroner, trtel B.C. Oazette announces. Di J. W. Vosburgh of Stewart has been appointed medical health officer and medical inspector of the school there. miKJ 13 nSXi BU YJ'BTfl'i Friday & Saturday VALUES In Quality Foods Corn Flakes Quaker Brand i per pkg tins tins Fancy BiscuiU per 1-lb. pkg Pickles Sweet St Sweet Mustard, per 38-oz. jar jQuality has 8c Minced Clams -I ; -Pioneer Cp .XUi P.r.mrt nor tin Split Peas 4 lbs White Beans 6 lbs Oxo Large OQn Small 25c 25c 13c 35c 32c SWIFT'S SOAP SPECIAL 2 tins Classic Cleanser 1 pkg. Quick Arrow Chips 1 large cake Maxlne Elliot Soap 1 large Rubber Play Ball "g 65c Pure Olive Oil Q-l (Z tfl.UD per -gal. tin Oold Dust Cleans St scours 9f per large pkg Sunlight Soap 21 1? per carton Sliced Peaches Aylmer 1 A7V' Qp choice quality. No. 2 tin? Bartlett Pears No. 2 tins -I On Quaker choice Quality, ea. Qreen Beans No 2 tins 1 JtvO OP Choice quality, each Fresh Hothouse Rhubarb -f "f p 'AAi per lb. Watts' Grocery PHONE 55 PHONE 56 THE REST FOR LESS m m tm iilh nn an Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot St Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. PER DAY AND UP J. Zarelll Trlfphon tSI BUY CANADIAN GROWN Sweet Pea Seeds Varieties and quality the WORLD S BEST Also up-to-date selection of DAHLIAS Including all the latest types. Write for our Free Catalogue CKOSLANI) llKOS. DUNCAN, IVC. H 71 m m i u Q a h a a a m a no substitute mi iinuniiii i - Annual Supper Baptist Church tomorrow "Friday i Feb. 19, at 0:30. 75c. Don't miss it. 0 Fleet Cafe, home of good eats, next to Hunts' Store on waterfror: reopens for business Monday morning, under same management 42 res h mm we qaraens Mi "DEMER'S" I February Sale ANOTHER SLASH IN PRICES THE MONEY $1.50 Weldrest Service Hose now . .' $1.95 Weldrest Chiffon Hose now $15.00 Silk Dresses now 6 Odd Dresses each 7 Evening Dresses half price, from WE NEED $1.20 $1.40 $19.50 Silk Dresses E4 9 QIZ ilX.0 now nmv 9.50 $4.95 at Sj M B 5 $7.50 to $17,501 M Come and See These Bargains s ummtrnmnxm n im mmernxmrn m imxmsm vm fanoraixi ta m UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED fttramfrs leave rtlnre Rupert for Vaneouvrr: T.8.S. (!AT-L. EVERT TUESDAY, J.J0 IVM. Via Ocean Falls, arriving Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.H.B. CAUDESA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT Arriving Vancouver Sunday mldrUght approx. Wekly aailuigs to Port Simpson, Alice Arau. Anyox. Stewart and Naju River points. Sunday, 9 pjn. further information rrsjardln all mUIocs and ticket at - PRINCr KtTKKT ADEMCY: Met l Avenue. rhone- MM End this scraping with an ELECTRIC TOASTER Why put up with the delay, annoyance and waste of burnt toast? Toast electrically instead and save countless footsteps . . . with every slice crisp, fresh, golden-brown and piping-hot, all ready for buttering. Toast this pleasant, easy way, right on your dining table. Models for jjfevery purse at very low prices, including1 the marvelous new NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY, LTD. Because it doesn't pay to advertise poor products, It does pay to buy those advertised. I