FA.as.Foaa Murderous Attack Ends Fatally For Aged Head of European Republic (Continued from page one) lent Paul, was born In the little ' town of Aurillac, province of Auv-ergne, March 22, 1857. His father, who had started as a railway track worker, was boss of a section gang when his son was born and earned The reason for that was. perhaps, not far to seek. A classmate of his, Anthenor RIchel, at whose home he used to study, had three sisters, the eldest of whom was particularly attractive. Young Doumer ventured to ask for her hand in marriage. His prospective father-in-law, a retired school teacher, laid great stress on education. A few months later he won his degree. The Impecunious young wooer used to walk 28 miles to the nearest railway station in order to go to Paris and see his fiancee. As soon as he had passed to a higher grade In the teaching hierarchy they were married. They lived in Mende two years, the young professor using his spare tune In studying law. He knew that was the real gateway to a political career in France. Newspaper Editor Although named to the college at Remlremont. in the Vosges, in 1879 Doumer, thanks to his. father-in-law. obtained an introduction to the historian Henri Martin and was maa bjl r4redltorta-cto,t.:of party' 'newspaper in the department ot Aisne, which Martin -represented In the senate. On the death ot his sponsor two other senators from the same region tried to make the young country editor modify his radical views. He refused and was discharged. Thereupon he founded a rival sheet, the Tribune of the Aisne. He was his own circulation and business manager'and principal writer. So hard did he work for his political Ideals that the candidates he backed made a clean sweep In the 1885 legislative elections, beating those patronized by his former paper. Doumer came out of the melee an alderman and assistant mayor of Anlzy-le-Chateau. Three years later, at 31. he was elected to the chamber ot deputies. where he soon distinguished him. self by his grasp ot financial ques Hons, One ot his earliest successes was engineering a reform in France's treasury system that sav ed the- nation $400,000,000 a year. He was beaten for re-election to the chamber In 1889 by a supporter of that picturesque figure, General Boulanger. Doumer found a berth as principal secretary to Charles Floquet then speaker of the lower house, and In It completed his political education. Doumer was returned to the chamber at a by-election in the Yonne department In 1890, being I defeated In 1895. Jules Mellne, "the father of French agriculture. succeeded Bourgeois and, atloough Doumer 1 - UU4. t af 1 t which was overthrown to make way "J" u uulcr "W0" " mm for Clemenceau. ithe governor-generalship of Indo- Doumer was In eclipse then until !p,hlna: tnat new Premler itnou8ht he wouJ a danger-made 1921, when Brland, as premier, ' ous adversar him minister of finance. He held the same office In another Ruled Indo-China Brland government In 1925 and In ; Doumer Indo-Chlna iMi was maae president oi tne , seven years, reorganizing the great senate- ; colony's administration and fin- Born in Small Town j ances, quelling local uprisings and juatpn Ainanase uoumer, to give uuruuucing jaoor-saving iarm ma-i him the baptismal name which soon chinery. On his return to France was. discarded for the more conven- . his old department of the Also sent him back to-the chamber. In a short time he was chairman of the bud get committee. Three years later. In 1905, he wa. elected presidentor speaker of the lower bouse. The nresidentlal election nt tonfl Doumer proved to be one of the most democratic ot French nresl dents, having an abhorrence of the formalities of the office. He was the first to emancipate himself from red tape and to go and come as he pleased without official escort or outward honors. Despite his reputation as a frugal liver and a rigid economist in state affairs, he entertained amply and well and did all that was required of him as official host of the republic. INTERIOR MEN STRESS RUPERT AS MARKETING CENTRE FOR DISTRICT. (Continued from Page 1 the beet because of Its high quality and to encourage the feeding of cattle for the market. This beef would be offered tor sale in Prince Rupert within a week and he hoped the chamber of commerce would boost Bulkley Valley beef. This shipment was in the form of a demonstration arid he hoped it would stand the test." He suggested the holding ot a Bulkley Valley beef week. Mr. Bowman went on to say that Prince Rupert was the market town the farmers were looking to. He would be pleased if steps could be taken to create a demand for high quality products. President J. II. Plllsbury urged that members ot the chamber boost the Interior product. Frank Dockrill seconded Mr. Bow man's request for Deferential treatment tor Bulkley products, and especially tor this beef. The prosperity of the farmers and Prince Rupert were bound up in each other. Mr. Moore invited lnsnectlon of the abbatolr at Cow Bay. President Plllsbury. In doe lrur. raid he felt sure Prince Runert would get behind this effort. I Announcements J i Legion Band Concert May IX 87 Eagles Butterfly Dance May 13. Ladles refreshments. Gentlemen 50c. Spring Sale, May W. , St.. Peters Church Elks' BaUoon Dance May 20. LOCAL ITEMS Baptist tea May 17. Chimneys swept, stove pipes anis 4utt8rsclin8d.J'-bona-5 -ittf ate, defeated him for the presidency re-elected In 1893. Two years later, ! of the republle. In 1912 Corsica at only 38, he was mlnlstef filn-AWhyirWrA a( ton. fffftfc for pound chose him as Its, senator. ance In Leon Bourgeois' all-radicalparcelsTiPhon-ele'ssenger 131. tf) Lst Four Stns cabinet. " wa ta lare " du to the The war years tool; heavy- toll of the Doumer family. Three of hu ; energetic young mlntater' pushing for the option of the tacome tax, five sons were killed In battle and a fourth died soon after th armls- a.lwayj. abhorrent to the French, that tnat the tne Bourgeois tip from wnnnru Th .rin fo. Bourgeois ministry 4 V A, tmwnm Wn.. U ..U U - ...141. "'CI WiW UU3JT UUUUgU MIC WiUl j miiinr anvArnmnf nnct o nlthincrVi ! he held a ministry without port- fniu In 1.a n.ul.... 1. 1 . .a n , r. was Trade your old- coal range In on a new Beach Eleefcrlcv Latest Mo I dels. Terms. See our windows. Oor-1 don's Hardware. tf O. A. Woodland, local agent of the. Imperial Oil Co.. returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoons from a brief trip to Ocean business. Fans, on company i -Dale L. Pirt, general manager ot the Premier Gold Mining Co.. wheJ has been here as; a witness In a case at the Supreme Court Assizes, for1 Hi sail by the Catala tomorrow nlgHt on his return to Premier. F. M. Doekritt, wen known rancher and wal tame operator, is payinz a brief business vMt to th city. He arrived from the interior oa last evening's freight and wltt return to Telkwa on Monday af ternoon's train . Alfred Young arrived In the dty a few days ago from Vancouver. 50 cents a day. The furnished room saw Doumer pitted against Fal' ner ne 1133 Deen attending th wherein the child first saw the light "eres, then president of the senate., U"1 British Columbia, and was rented for 11 a month The latter beat him bv 449 vnr f wm aa- summer vacation at Soon afterwards the family 371. Thereafter his political star moved to Paris and settled in an old w'a rather in the descendant. In house, now torn down, on the hill , 1912 he forsook the chamber, being of Montmartre. j elected senator to represent Corsica. When Paul's father died his mo- Already an acknowledged expert ther became a day household hel-, on financial questions, Doumer be-per, earning two cents an hour by ! Sar at that time the serious con-sewing, cleaning and mending. The , slderation of military affairs. He boy won his school diploma, first of d,d much to fortify France's pre-his class, and at 14 went to work as war army. supporting the- three naval headquarters with his par eruts. Chief Petty Officer Instructor and Mrs. A. H. Young. A letter was read last night at 'the meeting ot the Chamber of Commerce from 01r Hanson. M P.. In which he told of the difficult? In securing copies ot the Gibb re- ' port. He sent copies of those parts aDnrentlce to an ernrravir His inhi years' service hill, the nn roHr, r. r""cc "llP" nugni De n,irt htm m . , ,k. i an extra nrm JZT interested. Appended to the letter those days enabled him to spare his vldlng for new Infantry and artil aging parent much worry. me Doy was amDitious. Alter iu : war r luuim nun acting as a hours a day in the shop he attended J sort unofficial government corn- a technical night school. Then he i mlssary with General Oallienl. who took up chemistry in his few spare " military governor of Paris, hours and studied Latin and one of the principal artisans of the Greek, for he wished to acquire a 1 victory on the Marne university degree waa a newspaper article stating ;lery regiments. The outbreak of the I t rir" WT De .aeMl ! wlth at th tenriri fH k. -I Present se:on of par liament. There was a considerably larger attendance at First, Presbytertatr Church last night tor the second night's presentation of three plays by young people of the church under the auspices of the board of managers. The entertainment went off very smoothly with all participating acquitting themselves well. Miss Molly Lawrence substituted tor Mrs. J. S. Black lit icoompany-rog Miss Nellie Lawrence's violin pupils in their orchestral Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert May 7, 1912 The Baptist Brotherhood here is. rounding out a very successful Burns ComDanv which had nalrt I season. A social was h3 last night premium over prevailing prices fori m tne McIntyre Hall and there was a huge attendant. Fred Clarke, veteran manager of the Pittsburg Pirates, champions of the National League, declares that good athletes should not use cigarettes. If they must smoke, a pipe or cigar is much to be preferred to cigarettes. Theo Collart Is the author ot a long and Interesting article descriptive of Northern British Columbia, Prince Rupert and Fori George which appears In the Economic Financiere. a Brussels financial publication. La Casse Bakery Phone 190 BREAD 4 Loaves for 25c Phone For Delivery Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot it Cold water: Steam Ucst 75c. PER DAY AND UP J. Zarelll Trltpltune tSt Mr. and Mrs. Matof, Calgary, Harry Bowman, Prince George; Claries Deaf&ry, Terriwe. are Invited. THE DAILY NEWS- Saturday Ml Monday Special Areood Mincmeeat QET Munro Bros. Mr! and Mrs. James Brbugh returned the eity on this morning's train after a visit InSmlthers. C. A Bryant returned to the city on this morning's train from a brief visit to Terrace and Laltelse Lake. li Mis.. C. H. Sawle, who'haa.beeaJ visiting for a few days in the city. will return on Monday., a f tern oonV ton. to her home at New Hawl The Prince Rupert Unemployed' Association will hold an important Imeetlhg tonight at 8 at 835 Second Avenue, to wteieh all interested R. O. Johnstott, manager of In vecneas cannery, pasted through Mie city on the Cardes last night enroute to Rivers Ink en can fcnery business. M. A. Bur bank, dMstonal engl neer for the CatotJm Nattenal Railways, seturaed tt the city on this morning's train from one ot hLs psriodtrat trips up the Jtee oa official duties. , Union sSemr Gardens. Capt Ernest Geecgeeoat with mails a4 passengers, arrived In port at 11:30 test night frem the .south aruk atted at 12:45 midnight on her "Hum to Vancouver and wajr- 9e4nfe. At the meetteg' f the Chamber at Commerce lst Bight. Preststent Pilkbury told what the spktal ! .'onualMee had done to eombat the statements made by Sir Alexander j Olbb In regard to a proposed port! monoply tor Vancouver. Considerable Uwerest. has been Tridsnead by local fishermen In he article in the Dally News yesterday referring to the possibilities of commercial snark fishing. A number ot fishermen Intend to make further investigations along this line. A letter was read last night at the meeting of the Chamber of Commgqte from the Marine Department at Ottawa stating that it could not this year undertake the dredging of Metlakatla Bar. Th? suggestion was made in the letter 'hat the channel would be used in$y by sen ill boats, that only ralf-an-hour would be saved on each end and that there would be consist t able upkeep cost. Clears Skin of Blemishes Tk Perfect Antiteptle Treatment It U w Mr t rid mr akin l HtWt, bhkf. blratabM, jMt gftfj Iks pen not. la llqukl D.D.D. Clter iDd lUlokM, Ita uataktc rUfumla pmauate wa ikht awl euirMr ,lrt awar lh IrrltaHw. ITCHIXd srttrs I N'STJUNTLT. A tV botlla protM Itt .mtrtt or roar drnitKt trt Tow aiaatr bai l. McClTCHEON'S DRUG STORE ORMES LIMITED km i HALLERAN'S PAYAN TAKIT 2G Phones 27 Friday & Saturday Specials Pitted Dates Sanitary wrapped in 3-lb. blocks Braid's Coffee per lb 39c 50c Buy i wo pounds and get one free Granulated Sugar 50C V 1U1 Peas Good quality per tm Tomatoes First , Pfrun j Best Quality Po per sack 10c fft 10c "$1.40 Bulk &ap Chips For your 4 4 p washing machine, Der lb. Swert Fancy Mixed Pickles JJCJ g Hmi I cqi.li Waxrd Paper per toll 8c All Orders Over $2.00 Delivered Free wirt tj'Ni iri 'i wTpjiiwi'ifi! mri wpwj Moose Cinderella Dance Enjoyable One Hundred and Fifty at Affair .Last-XtehtI'crc.v-CaineriMi is Winner of Ilaffle A very enjoyable Cinderella: dance was held b the Moose Lodge in the Moose Hall last night, about 150 persons being in attendance. Splen did music was furnished by Bob Greenfield and his orchestra and B. J. Bacon was a genial master of ceremonies. H. Loakes presided at the door. Percy Cameron was the winner In the raffle of a spring Ottoman. Sons of Norway Social Enjoyed Dancing Indulged in Last Night Following Regular Business Session in Metropole Hall Members of the Sons of Norway Lodge enjoyed a social following the regular business meeting last night in tee Metropole Hall. There was a good attendance and the evening, was enjoyahly spent in dancing, ac oatdlon music being provided by Pete Fossum. Delicious refresh aunts were served. F. S. Walton, roadmaster for the Canadian National Railways, returned to the city on this morning's train from a trip up the fine as far as Pacific on official du ties. BABY FRETFUL, RESTLESS? Look to this cause When your baby fussw. tosses and seems unable to sleep rrstfully, look for one common cause, doctors tay. Constipation. To (id rid quickly of the accumulated wastes which cause restleMnnn and discomfort, give a cleansing dose of Castoria. Castoria, you know, is made specially for children's delicate needs. It is a pure vegetable preparation; contains no harsh drug, no namitits. It h so mild and gentle you can cive it to a young infant to relieve colic. Yet it is as ellective for older children. Cas-torta's regulative help will bring relaxed comfort and restful sleep to your baby. Keep a bottle on hand. Genuine Castoria always has the name: CASTORIA D MI-LADY Beauty Shoppe Kotcx Special. 10c Permanent Wave $5.00 Ladies' Hair Cut . . 33c Children's Hair Cut 25c Phone 655 Plumbing Prices Reduced Why Send Outvof Town For ' Plumbing Goods? i-Piece Plumbing .Outfit Complete with QCl1? trimmings ?IO Compare this with Eaton's catalogues and remember, we pay the freight.' Labor diaries reduced frem J1.5ft to $1.23 per hour Smith & Mnllctt Ltd. Phone 171 P.O. Hox 17 1 CHURCH NOTIC CHRIS TIAN SCIENCE (Christian Science Society, Third St., Besner Blotk) This Society is a branch of the Mqther Chui : h, trw f Church of Christ. Scientist, in Boston, Mass suh. lng service at It o'clock. Subject. "ADAM AN!;. 1 MAN." Sunday School at 12:15. Testimonial menm. ui nesday at p.m. Reading Room, Third Street, B -,aci fik open on Mondays and Thursdays from 3 to 5. ST PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURC Cornel Eighth and Ninth East ' Rev. P. M. Fesse has arrived Servicea in St. Paul' Lutheran Church Sunday at 11 u.m una: Morning Norwegian Evening Engh J Fx'RST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH iturusicr, uev. w. IK urant llolJingworth, UA. Organist, John E. Davey .11 A,M, Service tor young and old The Sunday School will attend this service in i body I Speaker, Mrs. J. R. Morlson 7:30 P.M. SPECIAL MOTHER'S DAY 8ERVICE Preacher, The Minister All visitors welcome ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of England! Very Rev. J. li. Gibson. Dean SUNDAY AFTER ASCENSION 10 A M , Sunday School li A M . Morning Prayer and Sermon T 30 P.M.. Evening Prayer and Rern'. 1 1 wM H. S. OLSEN WATC1IMA1 tXPlRT IKER Five years' apprenticeship at the Royal Danish W School at Copenhagen, then 12 years abroad w .ur In the big cities ot Europe Ail mail Orders Promptly Attended to. Prices Resuna TERRACE, HRITISH COLUMBIA Dr. Maguire - Dentis ROOMS 7-8-9, SMITH BLOCK 525 - Phone - 525 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Vu Own r)' rrtvn Vncouw Thi'rJy p tn T.H.M. f'AKDEN A MEKY IIUIUV MIM4lIT Arriving Vancouver Sunday midnight t parol Wltlj MlUnga to Port Blmpnou. Alio Anyx. 8t , vA I'lllMt HUt.UT AtU.NC'Y: Xwmid Ar.-. I't ;s. Send your Warn to me For Estimate on Repairs by Rett? Our new low prices will surprise)' Thirty years experience in watch, clock and optical repairs A. E. IRELAND 9 Watchmaker, and Optometrist ; I 331 Third Avenue Prlnef FPI Rccausc it doesn't pay to advertise poor pro,hift U does pay to buy tbose advertisetl.