PAGE SIS THE DAI1T NEWS Nones on cic. A hi;id that throbs. Y"i r;m't slop work, but ycui tan Mnp the p;i!ii in u hum-. Aspirin will do it every time. Tate two or three tablets, a swallow of water, and you're soon comfortable. There's nothing half-way about the action of Aspirin. You will alwavs St complete relief when you take these tables. These tablets should be in every shop, oflke, and home. Heady to relieve any sudden aehe or n;iin, from a grumbling tooth to lumbago. Don't suffer wiih that neuralgia, neuritis, rheumatism, etr.; or lose any tune because of cnlds or sore throat, (iet some Aspirin and just follow those proven directions for instant relief. Aspirin tablets cost very little, especially if you buy them by the bottle. Any doctor will tell you they are harmless. They don't hurt the heart. They don't upset the stomach. So take them as often as you have the least need of their quick comfort. Take enough for complete results. On sale at drug stores everywhere. Madefn Canada. ASPIRIN X; (TRADE-MARK REG.) (jet ike ju 7 acts on w TWO FILMS FEATURED "Cisco Kid" and "The Brat" Offered in Double Bill at Capitol This Week-End In this issue you will find a number of advertisements of real interest to you. They offer for sale a variety of products that arc often enough vital necessities. Sooner or later you will have to buy many of them anyway. You will undoubtedly buy sonic of those we WHY? Wc recommend these heartily because wc know from long experience that when a product bears the name of its maker and finds a friendy market throughout the country it must have survived the most exacting tests as to quality, desirability and Value. In this day when a manufacturer or merchant reaches the point where he is willing to offer his wares for sale through the advertising columns of the press, you canulepcnd upon it that it must be worth purchasing . . . because otherwise the business wouldn't last long! Daily News Want Ads. Bring Quick Returns !is fast, funny and. sometimes, furious and represents a new type of 1 screen entertainment. Miss ONeill , plays the part of a penniless Cinderella and the supporting cast Includes Alan Dinehart, Frank Al-bertson. William Collier Jr.. Virginia Chcrrlll and June Collyer. J Mr. ad Mrs. Matof of Calgary ar irlved In the city from Vancouver (on the Princess Adelaide yesteiday I afternoon and. after a brief visit i here, will make a trip to Skagway. A y MADE IN CANADA TEFORE yon invest in any electric refrigerator know why Ccneral Electric hat an uneqnallrd record of expcnM free performance. Ak about the 4-Year Service Plan which protect errrr new borer against all teniee expense on the 3 Ion! lor Top mrchanltm for 4 years. Y-S2X NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY, LIMITED WE RECOMMEND THESE PURCHASES WATERFRONT WHIFFS Canned Salmon Moving Repair Work at Dry Dock Halibut Landings I Two 'Splendid' feature pictures are , , . t , A ... . I ibeing a, double bin at the j- There was considerable rush toward the end ot April in capitoi Theatre here this week-end getting reserve stocks ot canned salmon wnicn naa Deen , and both are very entertaining, j &ove( jn canneries in Prince Rupert district out of the ' with the virile Warner ( Baxter . t ore new regulation? of the British Columbia in regard to canned salmon inspection be-cavalry sergeant, the leading char-! came effective on May 1. Henceforth, all salmon packed; actcrs of "In Old Arizona." which ion the British Columbia coast willK - lt will be remembered was adjudged! have UK-undergo rigid inspec Hon not been very husky of late, chlc-j jone of the outstanding pictures of .befort: bedie marketed. I kens receiving from 2.1c to 35c, ithe year in which it was produced,, mediums from 3.3c to 4.5c ana large aDDear once more in a new new and uonSKierRDie smaii repair wuik-z.ic. ine rrospcruy a., wnicn re even more thrl'.:ng tale of the Art-1 has been going cn recently at the "fused 35c and 2c here, sold at Van 4 i f i a I 1 1 J 1 I. A n t TVin Mtnir(n 1 zona Doraer enuuea ine uiscouwai ury ouc !Kid." ConchlU Montenegro, who ! cial police cruiser P. M. L. 8 was on has leaped to fame within the past 'the pontoons for painting and re. year or so, plays her second featured role in this picture, taking the Dalrs to her sumwood shoe. Ihe fisheries; cruiser Itlvidls has been on part of a border entertainer whose j the pontoons undergoing a general affections are divided between Bax- overhaul and having some plank- couver on Monday of this week for 2.1c, 2.7c and 4c. Installing New Engine A new four-cylinder two-cycle : alrbanks-Morse diesel engine Is being installed at Vancouver in the ter and Lowe. Nora Lane plays the !ing renewed. The halibut boat Eur-, seineboat Zenardl belonging to! other chief feminine role. leka had a broken propeller replac j Oammon & Watts of Prince Rupert.1 I In the second week-end feature led. The Covenant has been docked The engine is of the open-head type '"The Brat," the attractive Sally I to have stern bearings rebabblted. of 100 h.p. with built-in reverse gear' O'Neill has the title role. The story; The three packers of the Canadian, and swinging a three-blade Cool-! Fish & Cold Storage Co. Chiet ; tage wneei oi 4-incli diameter. Beegay, Chief Tapeet and Chief 1 Legale have been painted and re- With due apology to Rudyard , paired. Taive Cold Storage scows Kipling and full credit to an un-j have also been docked for overhaul known poet we present: on the trolling grounds. .A fool there was and'he went to sea Even as you and I, Removal bf the old commissary And he chose a life of misery, building at the tocal dry dock was Though the poets call It brave and recently completed and, as a result, quite an improvement has been wrought generally around the yard. Some Improvements have also been made to the road at the en-trance-of the yard. A gridiron has been Installed in connection with the Canadian Na tional Recreation Association's floats on the waterfront. This will morning when he showed up for breakfast he had two fine bass, one on each hook. Who said Ananias was dead? Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders nd Ship Repairers" for Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and Mining Machinery Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-tnn Derrick for Heavy Lifts free. But a fool he was and a fool he'JI be. For only a fool would follow the sea, Even as you and I. A fool there was and his life he spent. Even as you and I, In a vile hole that was never meant For a thing that Ood his Image lent; prove handy for the boats of the But we go to sea by our own consent railway fleet when it is necessary , For only a fool knows a fool's con to carry out painting dltionlng. and recon- In Manltou Lake the principal fish Is the wall-eyed pike, and at a certain camp a fish box Is main tained so that guests can have fresh fish by dipping them out with a net. Too many fish accummulatcd In the box so, that the chef turned out a lot of ,them. among them a giant pike who every morning returned for breakfast. The chef got an Idea and make a harness -which he slipped over the head of the pike, attaching thereto two long lines with a fish-hook at each end. The hooks were baited and the pike turned !oo?e. and on the following tent-Even as you and I. Oh, the love we lost and the loy we ' lost And the light of the home we planned Were won by the man who stayed 1 ashore, Who had brains and sense and a. whole lot more Of the things we don't understand. i For the world reject us derelicts When we turn again to the land, With our withered minds, as men-! tal wrecks. With a cold disdainful hand. All he has left is his foolish hide. That Is carefully fleeced and flung' aside. I I To sink or swim on the deep sea I tide. I Halibut prices at Vancouver have .Where some of him lived but most' Generators from $4.50 New Guaranteed Batteries $7.95 Lighting Plants Quoted on Application VANCOUVER' AUTO WRECKING CO. 1219 Granville St, Vancruver of him died, Even as you and I. Liquid rubber has been developed in the east which can be applied to ship's bottoms to give protection against corrosion and electrolyctlc action. The rubber brushes on like paint, and adheres permanently to Iron, wood or steel hulls. It Is applied cold and cures itself on exposure to the air. The compound, which is ninety percent pure gum, is already being successfully used as a bottom coating on liners, freighters, tankers, fishing vessels and tugboats. Bottoms coated with the material need no scraping when docked because no marine growth can form on it. Ships bo coated also need less docking. In natte form the ! material can be used for nrotectlon 'm of propeller shafts and toll shafts. Halibut landlnas at the nort of Prince Rupert for the week up to and including yesterday totalled 459.200 pounds of which 230.700 pounds came from, Canadian boats and 228,500 pounds from American. For the season up to yesterday landings had aggregated 3,432,150 pounds of which Canadian boats had landed 1.599.750 pounds and American boats 1,832,400 pounds. These figures showed an Increase over last year at similar date when 2,731,340 pounds had been landed including 1.469.600 pounds , from Canadian hpats ' and 1,201,740 PPRQdsJrom AtOfillQart, Prices remained at a low level throughout the week. Again Canadian prices attained no higher than 35c and 2c and 3.6c and 2c while the top bid for American fish was 5.3c and 2c and the low 3,5c and 2c. Old putty may be softened by. iJiavitiK in uuiiiug wuier mm, auow lng to stand until it is cold, I mnBianiuiiinininDiii Ei M I yU.UIU& TW Saturday May , lBTOtBaBSK:t:.. Friday & Saturn,,, o snows 7 SATURDAY MATivr-r. . " Admission i5c 4 uisco nicr starts at j:4( TWO SHOWS FOR ONE A GUAM) DOUBLE BILL Warner Baxter and Edmund Lowe in "THE CISCO KID" With Conchita Montenegro, Nora Lane Gay Cavalier Chivalrous Bandit B And the Added Feature "THE DRAT" Starring SALLY O'NEILL and Orcat Cast A Saucy, Snappy, Delightful Comcdy-Komance METRO NEWs Admission 15c & 50c "CISCO KID" Starts at 8 10 and 10 n ALL OUR COALS ARE IN A DRY SHED t I f . a m a nl- V . i i A.m . ,U nr.n nui i4it m M'i'i iiiu ivu, Vsmil I r ire (11,54 a,ii ii sill- - w rr a sin i . - ivbIaa These Caals are from Alberta. Dry Jack Pine and Cedar HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE TheFish which made Prince RupertFamom "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily lly Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Satisfaction guaranteed with our Famous Edson Alberta Si Bulklcy Valley Coal. No. 1 Bulkley Valley Timothy Hay, Wheat. Oats & Barley. Prutts Baby Chick Food, Seeds it Fertilizer. Prince Rupert Feed Co I'lIONK 58 & 558 TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOB S KEEN A BRAND dreamery IS u iter 4 Cottage Cheese I ltESIl I'ASTEI RIZEI) Mill AND CREAM DAILY ririy icnyrrj inrouiuuw the City their lives! THATS what grateful mothers often write us . praising Carnation Milk for baby feeding. Famr-us specialists recommend it because of its purif . uniformity and safety. Carnation is heat-treat, i forming finest, softest curds in the baby's stomach. And homogenization breaks up the coarse fat globules into easily assimilable ones. This maki-J Carnation super-smooth in rookery, too. Splendid when creaming coffee and for use with fruits and cereals. Economical because double-rich. Writ r Ift Baby B$k and Ctk Bttk Cirntticn Co., Limited, 134 Abbott St, Vsneoavcr, B.C. Carnation "from Contented Cows" Milk UUX FROM CANADIAN COWS. PACKED IN CANADA IN CAN AD IAN-HAD' CANS AND CASES Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results