!em Grocery. nur m x ENT Cosy cottage, Thir l r - . 1 1 U ; looms. Appiy uauy news lit r.L'NT Red 107. : R 244. I I.Ml CT Why nui get the best in Shoe Repairs for the same price? LOUIS SIIIIIIO 118 Sixth Street Advertise in the tmtly News. tf Intention In Apply to rr lOIIKftffKK i rtct Lnd BMOftlnc 8- Rupert, B.C.. Ukd UMW hi Ocbom Point Jum (nd-D Htftry Pmmf. ind in front pari of L cout dUtnrt " ihM W. imperial Ol .i.irouvr. BjC cccupatior ii- in tr nd to applT fcr & 'r.liawlng dmeribed iupdn t t post plumed nt ' and (4 B E. Corner u.' H 'u 5. cmu district, then-e I ' t hence 10 chain Nrrth 'nalnt Weat, thence 10 f ullo lig and eon lalnl x ur leaa. the abore line at ' ;Ohh of coramenecBent. IMPERIAL OIL LIMTTKD pr M. A. Oerrard. 'i 10 103 Afetlt Linn .rr of Intention lo apply to !ee i jinn h ft 'ta Chartotte liUatf tHauIrt trding Dlatrlct of Prince Ri-Htuate on Um Southerij part lalaud. Parry Paaaage m foreahore adjolnlni the half of the fractional Bout'i ter of Vat 611. Queen C'Aar- '' !ld Dlitrlrt ..-tioe that th Home Oil Oia l.imtted of Vancouver. DritlaM ccupat4on a mercnandit.'i ii intend to appif 'or ' following dtcrHx-a land iiclm at a poat planted at the cirtier of the fractional ' of tlx fractional South-earn f Lot 674, Queen Charlott. I'-rlct. thence South one chain iu to low water mark; tijeno- 9 low wal, mvl, In a Anutli. dlreeWon 20 chain more or lew ' South of the Bouth-weat cor-i aald fracllnriAl Weat hulf or :unai ooutn.-aat quarter of Lnn ' lone Nertll one chain m-.rt I: a to nid 8outh-t corner, North-eaatofljf following the u boundary of the aald Lot 8M. A friAfa .v a a, aulH ma.m . Irffj -WPl . M J a - .H nU ron i mining two ii iOfe or jrs. TUB HOMES OIL DlSTRIBUTOnS LIMtTETl. Itku, TwT ntiion i rag. Agent. rbrury 7th. 1BS2. The AUCTIONEER nu Qeneral Furniture Repairs List yr)uf fcobds With me f Ef. J. bAWpS-Phone Black 110 SALVAGE & TOWING ... ... hR PENT -Prices cut In several Qeneral Salvaee Work 1 , , apartments. Westenhaver , Arcnls for EASTIIOPF. ENGINES B; fLUHOI.AS AND DAHLIAS tf r RENT -Steam heated apart- sr five large roomi, kitchen , rurally located: $30.00 1 p: mouth. Apply, MtCaffety.l I G.ubrms & Collart Ltd. KOR SALE L I? '"S GLADS. 100, assorted . my $2.50; 50 for $1.50; i? assorted $3.00; 0, $1 ' " F .paid. O. Dodds, Sorrento. 3. i iB F ME or t?rms, Gas M-'RF.LS Mull eaoim, length beam 10 feet, draft 3'. wer 16 HP.. Llthfop en- j F irt-class condition. Ap-1 Lord. P. O. Box 214 .j B6ats and Scows of all deserlp tlonj for Charter Row Boats and Canoes fcr Hire IIAHOAINS IN GAs ENGINE'S Northern B.C. Distributors I Coolldee Propellers PRINTING OFFICE SUPPLIES Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 334 AUCTIONEER List you goods with us Prince Rupert's leading Auctioneer. G. M. HUNT 3rd Ave. Phone Ued C37 WOOD FOR SALE Any Length Apply T. Cltnn and It. Vierrck T. &. It. TRANSFER Phone Oreen 609 Reasonable prices Orders Promptly Attended Chesterfield Special REDUCED FROM 20 TO 30 One 3-Plece Suite, Mohair, Walnut Facings QI'iI Now v- One Suite Mohair. Extra C Iff Special Value. Now VXf One 3-Ptece Suite 6 1 ft il uu Now "SPSr 5213.50 Terms Arranged MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE rhone 775 IHMZZ1 SR Painting and Paperhanging By Day or Contract Charges Reasonable J. P. MOLLKIt Phone Red 802 CHIROPRACTIC 1 . W. C. Aspinall Three Year Graduate Chiropractic Modern Ray Treatments Given Phone for Appointment Green 211 and 519 ii ii s on ot unaer the water ue.Onpn Hwninoa Four-room flat, fully do it" 1 partly furnished. Phone paclfc Cq m j i uuy riquippea ror Diving aud For the Cast- 6 Excnange Dlk. TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer Phone 177 for Dry Birch, Cedar and Jack Pine. tf Mail Schedule I Sand and Oravel in any quantity : CLOSES AT TOST OFFICE: ! delivered anywhere by water rhone Day or Night 561 P.O. Box I5B4 Monday. Wednesday and Fri day ..: 2 p.ni From the East- day For Vancouver-Tuesday 12:30 noon Thursday 9 p.m Friday ll'pjn. March 13 and 23 ..a pm. From Vancouver- For Queen Charlottes March 5 and 19 9 pjn. From Queen Charlottes-March 3. 17 and 31 a.m. For Alaska March 9. 19 and 30 a in. From AIaka March 13 and 23 pjn. Guide to Correspondents The Dally News welcomes correspondence on live topics of the day or any other subject of public Interest, but letters must be brief and to the point. The long-winded correspondent has no place In modern Journalism. Every letter must be signed by the writer, not necessarily for publication but as a matter of good faith and courtesy. All unsigned documents go to the waste paper basket. Letters of a caustic character must have the signature appended for publication. Letter should be written on one side of the paper only. Correspondents must avoid personalities and the language should be such as would be allowed In the ordinary rules of debate. "TJLllE THE TOILER" r .A. . WO tU. -AU. "HI- J T A AAA ill MVTM of iiuudaiiuo ui i cupie fieaa ine Mvernsements on ims rase every my RENT THAT ROOM, SECURE HELP, SELL FURNITURE,, REAL ESTATE, ETC., THROUGH A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS r-. , for sale and all other km.ill n .!.,.. Ho. . ... - n mis tection chared at the . .. ; rate of 2 cents , word p Insertion with Six Insertions for the price of tout. By the month the charge is 25c a word. FOR RENT .M,v.tcmcni wKen lor less than 50c. WANTED' hUR OB five roomeaiurnisn,,.., EXPERIENCED Truck driver wants lap.,; uwni. mua.- . jod. Apply p. o. Box 833, (09) THE MARKET Prices current on the loca) retail market today are as follows: Butter Fancy car.toned, lb, ., .30 Nd. 1 Cfeanlery, 3. lbs. .80 v Flour. ,: . si Flour, 49's, No; 1 hard wheat .. 1.00 Pastry Flour, 10 lbs .50 Fish Smoked Kippers, lb - .15 ; salmon, fr&h, lb". 25 ; Halibut, lb. 15! ' Eggs j B. C. Fresh Pulleta, do .28 B. C. Fresh Firsts, doz 50 ! B. C. Fresh Extras, doz 34 j Local, new laid, wzr , 40 ; Meals" " Fowl, No. 1, lb. 30 1 Roasting Chicken, Jb'i 55 j Ham, sliced, first grade 40 i Cottage Rolls, lb. .22! Ham, picnic, first grade, lb 50 j Bacon, side, sliced, best grade .. .35 Pork shoulder, lb 15 ! Pork, lolrl. lb 22 Pork, leg, lb 50 Pork, dry salt, lb .. 55 Ayrshire Bacon, lb. JO Veal, shoulder, lb. 20 Veal, loin, lb JO Beef, pot roast, lb .15 1 Beef, boning, lb., 10c to 15 Saturday, Tuesday and Thurs- I Beef, roast, prime rib, lb. 20c to Buik Turnips, 10 lbs. Carrots, 8 lbs. ..:rfc. Cal. New Carrot, 2 bunehes ,. Parsnips, lb , Currants lb Citron Peel White Figs, lb Apple, dried Peaches, peeled Apricots, lb. Prunes, 60-70, lb. .. Prunes, 30-40. lb. .. Prunes, 40-50, lb. .. Raisins, Cal. seedless, 2 lbs. Sugar Yellow. 100 lbs ( OU. HULLO K.lfMSV vexi V TMSffJC VMC j I SIC' MAIi. r-OO. Wi TV4C ! rn f MSOlMS ALL QWTHT. ...Jt 55 .10:40 a.rajLamb, shoulder, lb, . 20 Beef, steak, lb. 25c" to - 20 I Lamb, leg, lb. 30c to 2i Lamb, chops, lb. 50 Mutton, shoulder, lb.. .15 VegeiaMrs Sunday .. pm Potatoes. 12-15 lbs 55 Wednesday .....10:30 ajn. ' to 2- Friday pm'0- c- e18' buIk- 6'los M March 9, 19 and 30 ajn,! banch J., 10 For Stewart and Anrox OftHfOrnla Celery, hjtd 59 Sunday 8 pin, j Brussels Sprouts, B.Cj. lb. 18c to .20 Vedne8day 3 pjn. 8plnaeh, Cal., lb rj 50 From Stewart and Anyo joarllc, Imported, pelb 40 Tuesday 11:30 aJn. Cabbage, greeh '.. .05 Thursday 8 pjn. (Calif. Head Lettuce, head 12c to .15 For N'aas River and rort Simpson , Mexican Field Tomatoes, 30c to 55 Bunday 8 pjn. I Cal. Cauliflower, 25c to 55 From Naas Hirer and Port Simpson Sweet Potatoes, lb. ipwuujr ix.u a m. wiuuxia. iu. . ..m.......a..... 10 .05 56j 55) .35 j .051 Leeks, bunch , JOi Hothouse Cucumbers, each . .. 55 j Apples Delicious, fancy box 355 1 Newtons, fancy, box .. 2.90 ' Newtons, C grade, box 2.80 Newtons, household, box . .. 2.10 JWlnesaps, fancy, box 2.90 jWinetops, C grade, box ... 250 j Fruits Valencia Oranges. doZt 25c to. -. -70 Lemons, California, large 40 Grapefruit, California, 5c to .... Orapefrult, Florida, 12&c to .... California Emperor Grapes, lb Bananas, 2 lbs. . Rhubarb, hothouse, lb Dried Fruits Extracted Honey, per Jar Comb Honty .. Dates, bulk, lb, 8c to Lemon and Orange Peel Black Cooking "Flip, lb-' .10 50 Phone 98 White. 100 lbs. .12V4 tvaying Mash feed 20 1 Wheat No. 3 Alberta .. Wheat, Bulkle'y Valley "No. 5 Alberta !Oata 25 j Bran 55 1 Shorts .15 Oyster Shell .30 1 Beef Scrap .15, around Oil Cake 50 Fine Oat Chops .... 50; Crushed Oats 50. .10 Fine Barley Chop . Lard 15! Pure, lb. 13c to to Compound, lb. 13c to -35 j nuts i Almonds, shelled Valendas . 5 00 ' California soft shelled Walnuts The C411 She' Missed!; IVJMAT li eLAZS S U THAT THAT OPt'K OPt'SATOQ ATDQ THAT THAT .rc ne Ti Ptrti cvfl ivif cau. calls 1 I Ort ;l4V 'f 0" I A6KCD HER Tb put mV LOCAu. CALL IN V T e Daily News The paper that Northern and Central British Columbia people look to to keep them informed on World news and the problems peculiar to the north. The Only A. B. C. paper north of Vancouver and West of Edmonton. The Daily News goes into all the- TOWNS AND VILLAGES MINING CAMPS LUMBER CAMPS PAPER MILLS FARMING CENTRES FISHING CAMPS It is the paper that is read by the fishermen, miners. Workers and operators throughout a district twice as large as the three Maritime Provinces of the east. When a person wishes a message to go to the people of Northern and Central British Columbia there is only one way of sending it, and that is through the columns of the Daily News. t The future is full of hope. The Daily News ii making plans to keep pace with the progress of the country. No one can afford to be without it. . - : --tr . . The cost is small. Delivered by Carrier, in. Prince Rupert, pery week, 10c. Mailed to any address in Northern or Central B.C., $3 a year. ?.t Mailed to points in Canada, Britain or United States, $6 a year. 5.50 Walnuts, broken shelled .40! i Wainuls, shelled halves M ... Pe)ihUU.. .151 1.00, 1,75 - Cheese 1.65 Ontario solids 175 Stilton, lb 155 1.40 i ; .15 Middlings 1.85 j , 53 Barley - 1.70 2.65 1.80 2.90 3A0 1.85 U5 1.80 .15 .15 .50 55 The following Is the scale of charges made for reading notices: Marriage and Engagement announcements $2. Birth Notices 60c Funeral Notices $1. Cards of Thanks, $2. Funeral Flowers 10c per name. I VOUVi 'PHONE 55 Indigestion Whtn chronle, Ii bait relieved by Dr. Chaa'i Kldnty-Uvtr Pilli In most cases, Indigestion results from torpid liver and sluggish bowel aetkxi. Tablets for the stomach and aids to digestion fail in this chronic form of indigestion. You must get the Altering and excretory organs right before you can expect permanent re lief and this is best accomplished by the use ot Dr. Chaso's Kidney-Liver Pills. Chronic indicestlon is a very com mon condition. On this account many suffer for years not realizing that relief Is at hand in the form of Dr. Chase's Kldneyliver Pills. Headaches, biliousness, spells ot constipation and diarrhoea are among the accompanying ailments. What a relief it would be to be free of this condition which makes one feel so miserable and it is so easy by using this well-known regulator of the Ever, kidneys and bowels. By Westover- I'M KEEPIM& ITC3TBA4 FOG A CXSTAWCt? CALL I EXPECT TO 6ET FROM SEX CARLTOM II ;fci-:afij