Lursday. January 28, 1932 1 Ormes Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert January 28, 1912 h c ici' Doughty of Grimsby, - iiui his son. Wilfrid Vere !. urman of the board of .!,! xeneral manager re- i the British Columbia i i which company has ; : formed with capl tall-' m JdO.000 to engage in if the Northern Bri-) h i roast, arc expected re shortly. They will j cannery, saltcry and t : Simon Fraser St Co. in i Inlet and also plan! " i. nes developments In t Cii'nc! -,; 'TP steamer Henriette iiom Vancouver with md other equipment; increase In the cur-, n of the city electric Cow Bay. 4 ouu PRIME STEER BEEF .:;"""u 25c f'i'i.'l l'l int.. Ulk.. ,l ii tir , pci ih. SuC ""J 'V' ii Roasts -f C? P" ih JLOK M.'i Tips Roasts 23C ,u,! i' Roasts ()An per lb AUG 'a.sts of Mutton QAn It, d pork ' rt 1 'y Biu-stKe Made drily l-M Our i . ... . . rurrs delivered free Ij... "n Avenue l'hnne n n,i n I ! from Montreal says' !! has been settled upon "lirrn terminus of the' N il them Ttatlurav amri I ' i the Peace River dls- MUSSALLEM'S Sanitary MEAT MARKET Friday & Saturday SPECIALS! GRAIN FED PORK 90c r"K 90c 'I Pork Embarrassed By Pimples on Face JL"; Benn. Beal Core, N.B., wntfa: I wm In Terr nerroun! rundown condition, and do my own werk. Mr fire wu covered with plmpUa which wu yerr annoying ,d ein-bTMiDf to ma t times. . A'trI 1 three, bottle, tt 'Bur. dock Blood Bitter. I can do mj " - i. . .11 Ant anrl atnuttl Lor: mtfmf&atnr4 tL. . . - ORMES' NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL Vitamin Tested This oil lias been tested and is guaranteed by us to be fresh and pure and of high standard At Bargain Prices 8 oz. 35c 16 oz. 60c Ha Jjie Pioneer Druqgists THE REXALL STOKE Phones 81 and 82 Third Ave. and Fulton St. THIS YEAR CRITICAL Plenty To Happen in 1932, Iar-isiene Clairvoyant Predicts PARIS, Jan. 3: The year of 1932 wiU be a critical one. 'dlsquet-Ing. filled with accidents and difficulty of al laorU," in the belief of Mme. Therese airard, a well known Parisian clalrvoyante. Slnc she was the foreteller tt the death of Marshal Joffre. the exile of King Alphonso and the proclamation of the Spanish Republic, on the threshold d 1931 the superstiuously inclined are prone to take her prediction seriously. Among the more specific of her predictions are: Momentary" settlement of the Chloo-Japanese conflict. Two outstanding bank failures tho she believe that "the epoch of financial scandals seems closed for the time being." The death of a "great French soldier." 'General Pau died early this month) The deaths of two notable French politicians, "one of whom occupies a particularly elevatrd position." i The French Minister of War died recently.) The presence in the French premiership of "a man whose influence will be happy." In Italy. Mme. Olrard looks for renewed volcanic activity by Vesuvius, "and also a grave attcmp' at assassination, which will g wrong." (Vesuvius is erupting more actively now.) In Britain she signals the appearance of a new politician whose action will be beneficent. For her own country, she predicts some landslides, but main-tains that the "aura", the lum inous something hovering over France us she sees It. Is a fornvi1 indication that otherwise all wi!; be well ANNOUNCEMENT Jasper Wildfire Coal is now the hottest in the domestic fide! Government analysis shows it to be the highest in B.T.U.'s and less ash. It starts quick and tests loncer Furthermore, for your bervflt don't hlnk for one minute because our oal is lower in price that we are living you a cheaper grade ns other 'oul dealers may state to you. Vour next order "Jasper Wildfire." egg or lump. Note our adv. for ash prices and save yo'tr dollars aft Hyde Transfer Phone 580 Get quick result with a want ad Pol Phone 933 ds Checked By modem vaporizing ointment 'Just rub on V ICKS VapoRub Judge H. A. Robertson of Prince George arrived In the city from the Interior on this morning's train tc preside today over a session or County Court at which Frank Su-chet is being tried on a charge of attempted suicide. Alberta Sootless Egg, $11.00; ulklcy Valley, Lump, $12.50. Nanaimo-Wcllington Lump, $13.-50. Phone 116 or 117 Albert & McCa fiery. Miss L. McNair, R.H who for the past two years has been lady superintendent of the Burns Lake Hospital, arrived In the city fmm the interior this morning and wll: sail tonight by the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where she .will Rev. Paul Mathers and party o! natives from New Metlakatla, A" aska, who have been on a two weeks' visit in Metbtfcatla and Ki'-katla in this district, sailed by the Princess Mary last evening on their return home. A. D. Matheson, manager of tnc Canadian Fishing Co.'s cannery at Carlisle on the Skeena River, who has been on a trip to Haaelton on cannery business, arrived In the :lty from the interior on thi morning's train and will saU to-nieht on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Aylnier Catsup 2 bottles for Blue Ribbon Matches per pkg Red Arrow Olnger Snaps-f Fresh and crisp. 2 lbs. jfe Aylmei Red Plums 2 2 tins for Del Monte Prunes 3 lbs. for Fairy Soap 7 cakes for Phone 933 Cash and Carry Friday & Saturday Specials Purity Quick Oats With coupons, 2 pkgs. for Orchard City Peas-Sieve 4, 3 tins Sunnybrook Butter per 3-lb. brick .'laser Valley Pure Red Plum Jam 4-lb. pall tied Arrow Sodas Dollar size, per box B c. Eggs Scott s Fresh Extras, in cartons. 2 daz Malkin'a Best Spinach 2'a's, per tin 25c 28c 79c 36c 41c 45c 19c 27c 29c i 25c 21c 25c 25c Free Delivery on Orders of $2.00 or over THE DAILT liKvvR PAGE THREE LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Classes fitted by registered optometrist at Hcilbroner's store. E. D. Hogan of Porcher Island cannerygwi an overnight visitor in town, Tif F. R. Wilson of Inverness who hai been on a trio to Vancouver arrived from the south on the ss. Princess Mary last evening. Billy Bacon, who has been In Vancouver for the past few weeks on Bacon Fisheries business, re turned to the city from the south on the Princess Mary last evening Miss Annie Walker of the Prince Rupert General Hospital undergraduate nursing staff will sail on the Prince Rupert tonight for Vancouver enroute to Tranquille Sanitarium where she will take a three-months' course In tuberco-losis nursing. Bert's Taxi, Phone 678. "Service" is our motto. Oive us a call. tf Buy Bulkley Valley Coal The better Coal. , Mr, and Mrs, p. W. Nickerson will sail on the Prince Rupert to night for a brief visit to Seattle and other cities In the south. Every ton of Bulkley Valley purchased gives , more - employment in your own locality. Keep your feet, warm, and dry. Men's, women's, misses' and chil dren's Rippers, Rubbers and Rub ber Boots at 35 less than at any other store In the city. The Cut- Rate Shoe Store, Meeker Block. 22 Hold tonight open and come to the Eagle's bigger and better Smok-jer commencing at 8:30 p.m. In the I Eagles' Hall. Program of Boxing. 'Music, etc.. and refreshments. Ad- I Admission $1.00. 22 I Charles Haecker, well known pioneer of the city, is reDoried to be making satisfactory progress hi the Prince Rupert Qeneral Hosp'-tal following .a serious operation ! which was performed last Satur- Iday. There were only 18 passengers aboard the steamer Princess Mary which was In port from 5:40 to 7 o'clock last evening bound from Vancouver to Skagway. Three persons disembarked from the vessn here. Harold McEwen. CUM. division freight and passenger agent, who has been on a week's trip to Prlnr-j George and other interior points, returned to the city on thl.--morning's train from up the line He was accompanied by Mrs. Comfortable Rooms NEW LOW WINTER KATES $9 per Week $25 per Month Krrtf appoint-mtnt and arnir la ma.rry mi al nml rcaaooabl prtrea. Sale Anrll 7. -nr! i at. 9V uiosvenor tJtefriendltj Hotel VANCOUVER,. B.C.,.. E. E. Oregg. who has been transferred from the position of assistant district forester here to thai of district forester at Prince George, and Mrs. Gregg will be leaving on Monday next to assume their ntw residence In the Interior R. B. Oreggor. assistant district forester at Williams Lake, who wilt be Mr. Gregg's successor here, is expected to arrive from the inter lor on Saturday morning's trail accompanied by his wife. Announcements Eazles Blseer and Better Smoke: January 28. Admission $1:00. Eagles' Social Dance Wednesday. February 3. dancing 9:30 to 1:30. Oentlemen 50c. Ladles, refresh- merits- Everybody wfcvjme. " C.NJl. annual dance will b held In Moose Hall "Friday, February 5, 1932. Moose Valentine Dance, Feb. 12. Moose Badminton Dance Feb. 13 ' i Catholic Women's League Spring LOCAL ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Macauley will sail on the Prince Rupert tonight for a month's holiday in Vancouver. Judge H. A. Robertson of Prince George was the speaker today at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club. G. H.i Munro, president, was In the chair.! Norman Taylor Is now relieving Arthur Graves as purser aboard the steamer Princess Mary on the Alaska route. He was here aboarJ the vessel on his first trip last cv-' enlng. 1 nwiuiMJi'.mmiims.mxMimuxmmsv ECONOMY SPECIALS for Friday & Saturday oranges Sunklst, Juicy Navels, 3 doz Quaker Oats Quick cooking, per pkg jQtiality has 71c 20c Lard Gainers 1An 3-lb. tin .'. IVK, Lard Swift's 5-lb. tin Pineapple Marmalade Malkln's Best, 4's, per tin IMIOKF. 53 66c 67c Salr Date-Freh stock 25 C Pork Si Beans Aylmer 9p' UOK, 3 18-os. tins Rowntree's Cocoa 1111 H(P 1-lb. tin 1 Stoned Wheat Thins A new health biscuit, ask for sample 4 per pkg JL"V'; Brooms 5 string, a good QQp' Rogers Golden Syrup per 2-lb. tin Choice Cooking Figs 4 lbs 19c 25c Malkln's Best Loganberries Pac-! ked in heavy syrup 90 O .V. WW. Singapore Pineapple 9Qn No. 2 tins. 2 for Ol. Chocolate Ginger A dell- Qflp' clous confection, per lb. U U i Quaker Cake Flour 99p! uuXn per pkg Vinegar Crosse & Black- OHp ' well's 2-oa. botUe . ' Corn on Cob Aylmer p! Golden Bantam, large tin GtJ'! Del Monte Prunes 1 Hp 1 per lb. XUUj Watts Grocery '. PHONE 56! THE BEST I'OIt LESS b ebkb k;b ! ; m ru mm ouxiisb Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THfc HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot & Cold water: Steam Heat ' ?5c. PER DAY AND UP J. Zarelll Trlrphone tSI A. Manelelaris, Vancouver. Westiriglioiise Washing Machines Vacuum Sweepers , 'i Flat Irons 3Iazda Lamps, etc. McUAE HUOS., LTD. no substitute TgQ, "Jnesfljromiie gardens ninitiiiDiiiiiimim ; P 9 in m EMERS argain Sale Dresses $5.95 to $15.00 Coats, tip from $10.95 if Hosiery, Chiffon (Welldrest) $1.50 Hosiery, Service (Welldrest) $1.25 Hats $1.00 Everything to Clear ftl.CBl:IXBI.I.l.Bi'l l!BlKB1ll:l9l'Ht!El!BXIi:K?.l:KBi'81!BlXZ:arli;a1B: UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leaf Prince nnptrt (or Vancotier: r.S-. CATAI.A EVERT Tl'ESDAV, 1J0 P-U Via Ocean Falls, arriving Vancouver. Thursday p.m. T.A.H. t.ARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT Arriving Vancouver Sunday midnight approx. Weekly Ulnji to Port 81mpon. Alice Arm. Anyox, Stewart and Hui River points. Sunday, 9 pm. Kurtber tnlormatlon regarding all aaUtsga and tleketa at PBIMT Rl'PEKT AGENCY; ee oqu Atrnue. Phone 58S NESTLE'S MILK ' (UNSWEETENED) EVAPORATED 'AVE yourself the bother of waiting for milk deliveries. Keep a supply of Nestie's on your shelf- use as needed. WHO wig? 6i NEsni's rrw Largest Producers and Sillers cf Condensed and EtvptratedAlili. BABY SIZE SX HT7 Convenient ! Economical ! Keeps indefinitely in its scaled, airtight container always pure and sweet when you open the tin. ai would let their liaii tliiwaij? Your pride prompts you to keep your linir well groomed ... then for the tame reason smarten your dull, unpolished shoes regularly with a glosy "Nugget" shine waterproofs the shoes as it polishes ttS NUGGET SHOE POLISH (jlie NUGCET TIN chjD mill a UM s 1 i i Em g m r.