enday, February 34, 1932 Convalescence is hastened nil - inia. L. Lt w 1 ,1 1 1 11 1 llt-JlALJ ARE COSTLY - Cranbrook Board of Trade Which Would Abolish Mining Men t F b 24: Abolition of ts in British Colum- i .sof economy and the ! their work by the T r . . iiBlneera, the resolu- c , : in had been appotn-i MMTtlng and prospec-I !!, ! that the prospector r' J:r j; '. ned because of pes- T . f ... -i . dc 'its of mining engln-p: w rties after a "super-igation." The cost of -"3 hese engineers was Hockey Scores 1 r madlens 2. :k Rangeis 3, Boston 0. 4, New York Americans 4. tner Robert Henry of rrUorlal leader of the Army for Canada Weal Hmry were passengers Princess Norah Uils to'-ind from Vancouver i.k.ui They will return Kttday afternoon and 1 meeting in the local night, vlslUng Port net other "DotnU in thj I jreat" for the bene-' ' Reports of engineers ' '""''il after a brief exam-' reports by geologist v ivies on investigation, ion urged other means now employed to re-n in mu industry. OVfl LTI NE' TONIC FOOD BEVERAGE STI ,;,;;,K.IITOI.mBI.l.l.l.lI,Mmi,,:,Tli! Demers February SALE Sale Ends March 1st Last Week for Bargains in Coats, Knitted Suits, Dresses, Lingerie, Hosiery, Hats, Etc. Greatly Reduced Prices S0V! IS THE TIME TO SAVE MONEY. CO.ME ONE COME ALL COAL ; : m guarantee with 1 o;:; F.tmuu; tason ana huik- I V- ' COAL. No. 1 Bulk-l- Va. " Wheat, Oats and p B-.. run s uuck tooa, Ee l and Fertilizers. I Pnnce Rupert Feed Co rilONE 58 & 538 TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIItY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City Frank Vickers is Acting Treasurer Is Chosen Ity City Council to Act For D. J. Matheson Who Is On Trip to Montana Frank Vickers, city cashier, was appointed acting city treasurer by the city council last night to act during the absence of City Treasur ... r n J Malhwmn who Ik on a trln ' i nrs ana nis agenis, .. ..... . w ionna. air. vw w, w , the : r, solution from nominated by Aid. Rudderham and xb.-,,rd of trade which i. vi bv the council of the "cc-noed by AW. Linsey. was given u powers as city treasurer. : : Thursday and passed r.:mng and industrial j consideration and article IS DOING fionn (Continued from Page 1) modlUesr Let us face the. facts as they exist. The railways at present are reaping the benefit of a long haul. Edmonton Gets Benefit Edmonton la securing at the pre sent time the benefit of thU country's trade and Is in no hurry to lose even part of it. Vancouver, naturally, would like to see us linked up with P. O. E. lor their P"-cular benefit Now. what do we want and Just what would be of the most benefit to Uie whole Peace River country, both in Alberta and British Columbia? A railroad to the coast, by the shortest possible route with the easiest grade that can be found i this Information is already In the hands of both the C. N. R. and C. P. R tnrougn me react Pass. Where both systems, the C. N. R. from the south, the C. P. R. from the north will Join up the C. p. R. headed for Stewart and the C N. R. for Prince Rupert At some point near Hudson Hope, or west of there, a thriving business centre is bound to be developed. This with these coast towns and other smaller places along the route will develop a market for the farmers' produce. There are two coast ports open to ,,. stwart and Prince Rupert. The latter already has one of the mot More TetatJJyjMijp;totrf elTU wttii every thing already to ao ouwn. neas Interests would very soon de- Mvi .... . . . U.tnn h. name facilities at blew- m. wil VVU rtr Mttnl nf I .aMVIvf . s!d, . , v"JJVir' "'" art Now let the whole country gei I. h'r" S'K eS one scheme and leave in m, ,, , ..... . .. .. oil other side Issues aione. " ;' in iuctiiirin nr inn riiv iuu United, we can secure m wo- i Jftutlct, with both Prince Rupwt and .,. St',,.. r riiifttilvUnttfttitefr&r the I ilffitBW also rv Tha follnwtn i. ik.1.). a .i-t ...tHoruklnit that would charges made for readlnjr . provide work for the unemp oyed noticei i: Marriage ogc and ana t;: P.n t . lnouncemi.nt. o "'in Notices 60c. Fancral Notices $1. rds of Thanks, $2. , ""erai Flowers 10 same. per .nA hA a navlng proposition, not only opening up this agricultural area for greater development but also the timber and mineral zones already known to exist The prosperity of this country depends on ft coast outlet The great wall of China Is iiW to represent the labor of 7,000.000 men for ten years. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Bert's Taxi, Phone 678. "Service" Is our motto., Give us a call. tf. Mrs- W. W, Noonan of Telkwa arrived in the city from the interior on yesterday's delayed train for brief visit to town. Bigger and Better than evtr Elks' Dance Friday, Feb .26. Adm. 50c. Refreshments. 43 Angelo Pognotto returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a brief trip to Van couver and Victoria. George J. Dawes returned to the city on the Prince Rupert th:s morning from Vancouver where he has been receiving treatment for several weeks in Shaughnessy Mil itary Hospital. Bert F. Smith, assistant manager of the Premier Gold Mining Co., U a passenger aboard the ss. Prince Rupert this afternoon returning to Premier after a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. There were forty passengers on board the steamer Princess Norah which was in port this morning northbound from Vancouver to Skagway. One pasienger disem barked from the vessel here, this being R. Young who went south recently from here. Mrs. Charles Eklof, who arrived !n the city on the Catala yester day from Anyox where her hus band is mine foreman for the Granby Co., left on this after noon's train for St. John, New Brunrwtek, where, on March 4, she eommlsstoned in service tomorrow A Ford sedan automobile to J. W. Moorehousc was removed last evening from its park ing at the Sand Pit on Eleventh Avenue and driven around Am- ANNOUNCEMENT Jasper Wildfire Coal is now the hottest In the domestic field. Government analysis shows it to be thb highest in B.T.U.'s and less ash. It starts quick and lasts longer. Furthermore, for your benefit don't think for one minute because our coal is lower In price that we are giving you a cheaper grade as other coal dealers may state to you. Your next order "Jasper Wildfire." egg or lump. Note our adv. for cash prices and save your dollars. tf) Hyde Transfer Phone 580 Announcements Elks' opening dance, Feb. 26. Moose whist drive and dar.ci-March 1, 8:30. Eagles' Social Dance Friday March 4, dancing 9:30 to I'JO Gentlemen 50c. Ladles,- refreshments. Everybody welcome. Pioneer Banquet March 10. St. Patrick Celebration, Catholic Hall, March 17. Catholic Womens League Spring Sale April 7. Queen Hatchery 36 W. Cordova St. Vancouver, B.C. Baby Chicks, Queen Quality Leghorn, Rhode Island Red, Barred Rock, of high egg production. Catalogue free. QUEEN HATCHERY 3G W. Cordova Stn Vancouver couver. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Dan Jabour returned to the city on the Prince Rupert tills morning from a brief business trip to Van Why pay more? Best Alberta ootle?s egg Coa $11 per ton. Albert & McCaffery Ltd. Phonce" 116 or 117. t tf Delayed by slides on the Skccna River between Kwinitsa and Sha mes, yesterday's train from the East finally arrived at 6:20 ,,last evening seven hours and forty minutes late. Stanley Alton, pivate secretar to D. L. Pitt, general manager of the Premier Gold Mining Co., Is a passenger aboard the Prince Ru pert today returning to Premier after a brief trip to Vancouver. for rub on Colds. Sore ihroat mill MAM IN CANAO A. W. Llpsin, who has been on a two weeks' business trip to Van couver, SeatUe and elsewhere in will embark on the steamer Mont-1 the south, returned to the city on rose foi Glasgow, enroute to her home in Aldcrshot, England, where she will pay a visit. John W. King, port steward for Canadian National Steamships, arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver, being here in connection with the outfitting of Uie steamer Prince George, which is to be rc- the Prince Rupert this morning. Morris Dahlqulst, who is engaged In the pole business at Cedarvalc arrived In the city on last even ing's train for a brief business visit to town. He returned to Cr- darvllle on this afternoon's train. R. O. Wilms, who has been ac tive for several years in connec tion with gold mining in the Atllu evening after having undergone and Dease Lake section, is paying annual overnaui in tne local ary.a visit to Vancouver, accompanied dock.' by his wife and two dauehters, Norman L. Freeman and F. H Bell of the International Ftshcrier Com mission sailed this morning on the Princess Norah for Alaska, the former going to Juneau and the brose Avenue to the Junction of, latter to Ketchikan in connection Sixth Avenue near Hays Creek with the inauguration of new reg-where it went off the road, sus-: ulatlons covering halibut fishing talnln slight damage. It had net! which have been promulgated by been Jearned up to this morning who were the persons responsible for removing the car. the Commission. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOST Man's Gold Wrist Watch with metal strap. Finder please return to Dally News. 50 Bryant Company Limited Quality Men's & Boys' Wear We can't change the habits of a lifetime we're still Just as fussy about fabrics. Just as fastidious about design and cranks of the first water when it comes to style. We Haven't Changed a Bit Even If Our Prices Have You will find our spring lines lower priced. You will also find that same high standard of quality that has always characterized BRYANT'S STORE. (Established 1911) Sixth Street Prince Rupert Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot it Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. PER DAY AND UP J. Zarelll Telephone Z8t H. Logas, Hulatt; W. C. Kinj. city: J. Sovurdlc, "Shames; Charles Desfary, Terrace. J. J. Payne returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a briof business trip to Vancouver. R. E. Moore, local manager of P Burns Ltd., sailed by the Catala yesterday, afternoon la. business trip to Vancouver' . Charles E. Barnwell of the local Dominion Fisheries office returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning after having spent x holiday In Vancouver. The regular monthly dinner meeting of the Prince Rupert Re- tall Merchants' Association ws postponed from last night until Tuesday evening of next week. J. O. Wilson, Prince George, bar rister and brother of Mrs. H. G. Kennedy of this city, arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a business trip to Vancouver and proceeded to the interior on this afternoon's train. Capt. William 8trong, veteran trader and transportation man of the Stlkine and Taku Rivers, was passenger aboard the Princes - Norah this morning bound for Tel egraph Creek after a visit to Vancouver, Seattle and elsewhere in the south. Resuming service after havlnz been laid up for several weeks to undergo overhaul following a stranding earlier in the winter, C. Pit. steamer Princess Norah, Capr. William Palmer, arrived In port at 10:15 this morning from the south and sailed a couple of hours lata for Skagway and other Alasln points whence she is scheduled to touch here southuound next Sunday afternoon. Staff Captain Joseph Acton, di visional commander of the Salva tion Army for Alaska and Northern British Columbia, and Mrs. Acton, who have been on a trip to Vancouver and Seattle, passea through the city on the Prince?! Norah this morning bound for; Ketchikan. They will be here In a few days to pay a visit befors proceeding to Wrangell where they make their headquarters. DRAPERIES MADE NEW "When we resumed housekeeping a month ago I found my draperies had become creased from packing. I hung them out on the line, hoping to remove the creases. Then f forgot them. The result was they became badly faded and sun-spotted. "I was heartsick until the happy thought struck me to dye them. I just dyed them a deeper green, and as I used Diamond Dyes they look gorgeous and new. I have never seen easier dyes to use than Diamond Dyes. They give the most beautiful colors when used either for tinting or dyeing and never take the life out of cloth as other dyes do." Mrs. J.F.T., Montreal A Cold Colds are common because people are careless. Prompt use of Aspirin will always check a cold. Or relieve your cold at any stage. And Aspirin can't hurt you. Take two tablets at the first indication of a cold, and that's usually the end of it. If every symptom hasn't disappeared in a few hours, repeat. Aspirin does not. depress the heart. Take enough to give complete relief. And if your throat is sore, dissolve three tablets in water, and gargle away all soreness. In every package of Aspirin are proven directions for colds, headaches, sore throat, neuralgia, neuritis. Millions who used to suffer from these things have found winter comfort in Aspirin. At drug stores everywhere. ASPIRIN (MADK IN CANADA TRADC-MARK RES.) ALL OUR COALS ARE IN A DRY SHED Delivered Dry to Your Bin. You are assured in getting full weight JASPER WILDFIRE EGG Per Ton, $12.50; Cah Price .. . $11.50 JASPER WILDFIRE LUMP Per Ton, $13.50; Cash Trice .. li50 PEMBINA EGG Reg. Price, $1240; Cash Price 11.50 Dry Jack Pine and Cedar HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION PARES. Effective November lt (Oou4 to February 39. 1933. REDUCED FIRST-CLASS RETURN PARES. Prom PRINCE RUPERT (Including UeaU txl Berth) To Vancouver and Victoria f4u.ou rr TO PRINCE RUPERT llucludlns UMU and Berth) From OCEAN PALLS S31.3! ret. From ANYOX ....11335 ret From STEWART S 16.70 ret. SU-ameni leave Prince Rupert lor Vancouver -EVERT TUESDAY 1:30 p.m. I SS. CATALA.) EVERY FRIDAY MIDNlOHT (8J5 CARDELVA.) Full Information, reservatlona and tirkcu from R. U. SMITH. Prince Rupert iEfiirj. Srcund .Uetxie. rhoue SfiS "How do they do itl" Among your friends there's sure to be at least one smart young married couple who arc the envy and admiration of all who know them. With an income that is frankly abbreviated, and with no benevolent Aunts in the offing, they still have a home that is correct and comfortable in all its appointments, a home that is admired and copied by their friends. "Yes, Jane is a remarkable little manager," will probably be the young husband's proud answer; And there is little doubt about it. THEY DO IT THIS WAY Take a look around that home and you will find no end of well known advertised products. For Jane is an efficient little manager. She can't afford to take chances that must only be debited to "Experience." When she buys for her home she must get tried and tested and trusted products which carry an honorable name to guarantee her satisfaction. You will find that Jane is a consistent reader of the advertise mcnts. Arc you?