Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue II. F. PULLEN - - - Manajlng-Edltor SUBSCRIPTION RATES v City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance 5.0) For lesser periods, paid In advance per week 10; By mall to all-parts of British Columbia, '.he 'British Empire and United 'States, paid In advance, per year '3.d6 By mall to all other countries, per year 8.00 ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per lneh. per Insertion 140 t.'lissltlcd advertising, per Insertion, per word notices, each insertion, per agate line ,. I Local readers, per Insertion, per line Con truck, rates uii amplication. Advertislnt and CiriuUMn Tehrptne 98 Editor and Reporters' Telephone M Member ol Audit Bsrmu af Circulations DAILY EDITION UT Wednesday, April 12, 1933 APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSIONER Whether the city council should allow municipal affairs to fall into a commissionership by failing to oppose the application now before the courts seeking the authorization of such a commissionership or -whether an effort should CHURCH NOTICES CATHOLIC CHURCH IIOLV WKFK SERVICES Wednesday Stations of the Cross, 7;30j Confessions Holy Thursday Mass at "7:30 ajn. Holy Hour. 7J30 p.m. '' Good Friday Mornlhg Service,.!) o'clock. Stations oi the Cross, 3:30 St 7:30 , Holy Saturday Morning Service. 7:30. Osnfessloru. 3 to 6 and 7:30. Bftster Sunday Low Mass at u ajn. Pontlflaal High Majsnt'l p.m. Rosary, Sermon and Benediction ot T.iO. REPLY TO AIR. IJERNARDSON Editor. Dalty News: If Mr. Bernardson wishes to make a detailed study ol "The Corporative Slate" he can get the book of Oswald Wesley en Fascism whleh h very informative. It Is the official publication of the f mi ruler of The British Union of Fascists. The bobkfc title is Greater Britain, the address- is l. Great George Street Westminster. London, England, price 2s. 6d. The book, quoted by Mr. Bernard-son, "Mussolini, the Wild Man of Europe" Is one of 2,000 publications on the subject of Fascism all over the world. Some time ago Lloyd George sakl that Mussoftnl was one of the only two men that really knew what was going on in the world. I presume that. If the author was to rewrite the book today, he would write about the "Wise Man of Europe." The reporter of the Son In his opening remarks about the speech of Lincoln Steffens in the Issue of the Sun, March 31 says, "A Vancouver audience listened for two hours in the Hotel Vaneoaver lost night to the alarming views of Lincoln Steffens on the tannortoae trend of world affairs antl Mattiied una farmed. But they went thoughtfully away minds full of his beMef that Fascism is our future, the last stand of capitalism and that it will sweep the world. "Hitler to all right," said Mr. Steffens to more questions. "He Is historical. He is doing exactly what was done In Italy and to the same end. You are going to have the sma t Kf vk In Pimi rukA eaaul lam rka It is a eheiee. that Is the modern be made, by opposing the commissionership application, to difference. Italy and Germany are mntiniiP thP nrpsnr mprhnrl nf oMn nflrmnftiitinn i a all future. They are ahead of us. question that is todav receiving much discussion with You are IT!lpopl!.,!n ?na ; A. . , ; , I. . t , . . you are still going uphill You eon strong arguments to be heard both for and against. where and Those m favor of tlje commissionership base their argu- went. Now you can see Italy and ment principally on the ground that the city cannot legally oermany going down the road, make any arrangement for a "new deal" with the bond- are p of our futur holders looking to some sort of temporary adjustment of S2JSnh ' JJSL SaeSiif bonded indebtedness payments AVhich would enable the JZSZ council to lower the mill rate to which the a point property go left, we Americana wui go the owners mijrht be able to bear. They say that, if the tax Fascists way -levy .is made on the basis of this year's committments, as 1 must correct one statement it is the legal duty of the council to do, it would be so high by Mr Bernartsonjwussoiini as to be prohibitive and confiscatory of property. Some lZLTZl V relief might be forthcoming under the regime of a com basso-bert niissioner who would be clothed with the authority to tThis dose the debate on thi make new arrangements for refunding. Further, the com- ubiect.-Ed. missioner, being responsible to no one but the government, would have the authority to invoke efficiency measures L.U0lt NOMINATION which the city council or its members might find it impos- Editor, Daily News:- ?ible, nnd at the best unpleasant, to enforce. Under the cir- with reference to your item re- cumstances, proponents of the commissionership argue, gardiag the committee meetine if U-nlllM hn hilt thvnMnrr nrnnH mnnov nftar hnd in nnimi!. htW in Uie Unemployea Hall a i u u siivi 'v aMW vju u i' iiu v ws tiiuiivi a-va ay cava sit uiii v7 . 7. . . A .4I IA aU.-A where ing a commissionei-ship which, at the most, cannot be long Jd?h' fiili "The world is ito new ideas 1 on it stutes deferred m view of the past and probable future default the actlon of lhc umpioy Opponents of the commissionership do not Wish civic ed in their nomination campaun affairs to fall into the hands of an official who would have i wouW 1,ke t0 Mr E,,1"M completely arbitrary powers with no local responsibility. thcre was no fm,te fltd b They argue that it would take the official, no matter how TvXL TSrewm. efficient he might be, a year or so to get the affairs of the any that committee of municipality in his grasp. Further there is the danger, as the socialist Party, they had no has occurred in the past, that an efficient commissioner authority to speak for the party, might be appointed In which case the city might be worse A " off without accomplishing anything that would be of fu- l tabo' wn ht,d,atn247 ture benefit. They claim that a strong council, such as the 7 8und"y Apr" 9 present one, could, with the aid of necessary legislation, ' j s. black. accomplish, if it would, anything that could be done by a secretary, commissioner. In addition, they feel, receivership is a bad socialist Party of Canada. Udvertifement from the effects of which the municipality would be a long time in recovering. . , . ; . f reuta,r ettag of re,, , i . ' . . , , ' ; board of school trustees was The whole question is a very interesting one to the Whole hew last nlght burineM at commimity and the attitude of the council will probably session, wr ich lasted for about an bO'decided within a few days. , ' jhour. being largely of routine na- I ture. Those present were: Arthur - - j Brooksbank. chairman; D. C. Sehu- j . . bert, II. A. Breen and W. O. Fulton. trustees; J. O. Williamson. se-;re- I wry, ati ur. e.. t. uucas, miss us. I A. Mercer. Miss 8 A Mills, Miss 'Margaret Palmer and Miss J. D. iMoffatt, principals. always opposed John Mascflrld. Diamond Colors! no others so rich so true and lasting Women often ask tfhy it I that they are so much surer of success with Diamond Dyes than with other. The reasnn is just thin: Diamond Dyes contain a greater amount of the finest niriHne eolnriutf matter nbluin:illc. That's the lieimty secret of , Diamond Dyes. Thai s why Diatnoad colors are so even, so live and rich! No streaks, no dullness. Have the full beauty of thee colors in vaur wardrobe, vmir home furniahinii. Diamond Dyes, you know, give permanent dark esters by boiling. If ym want'iWaty light shriVIe irilhnnl hailing, as for liniieric. dresses ami Uouses. um the lovely Diauwatl Tints. At utl drag stores. Diamond Dyes Highest Qmlity fr M Years (JUKSSWORK Acruiucy ami precision an' never arrived ut by guesswork Our new testing equipment enables us to eliminate guesswork from servicing. Wv would like to have you visit our shop and see the methods we use. Also, we have equipment to repair any electrical appliances. Qut of town work solicited. Superior ROAD COM-SURVEY OF low in alternate dtrecttana switchbacks Intelrtonbig. The propHaaJ la being advanced by the commrMee that tarbage at present being ttlaaosed nf far out on the Skeena Highway near the city limits could be profitably used as a foundation for the city's see-tiaji of the Mount Oidfteld read. Beyond the first awttrhbaek. the proposed trail or road would ran on strsetton woaJd be carried oat A Radio Service 3Ifl Seeond Avenue Phone ISlue 320 P. O. Rax 132 A O DARTLETT C. II IN.SfLANj..E,i. by the provincial government It to estimated that from the clearing of the right-of-way for the Mount OtdffcM road sane 5600 cords of eentweod would become easily available. Authorisation tor the public works department to carrv out the requested survey is exoeeted to be forthcoming very shortly. "Civil i Hon Is the hlsttrv o' surmounted difficulties " Herbert Hoo'",r nam. v g: aamvmairaT SAVE WRICUY Sc VRAPPtRS Write lor PREMIUM GIFT CATALOGUE KINC0L1TH feature of the aame berth teams' similar class of ball In an intermediate exhibition with 1 game the 'Warriors lost to the Tuxis by two points. 1ft-16 uiuusf jLrxmjuuKt r gr sums THRIFT Economy Specials For Thursday & Saturday PICNIC HAMS per lb. TOMATOES Nabob No 34 tins. S Out . SPINACH Mania's Bast No. t Una. per tin PEA8 Basign. ttrve No. 4 per tin 12ic 25c SOUP- Royal City, Vegetable Pea and Tomato. per'Un BO-OS Uulkley Valley Firsts, 2 dot. SPLIT PBAB 3 lbs. SHREDDSD WHEAT per pkg ORKEN PEAS 3 las TEA -B raid's with Cop and Saucer. Her H. coFPgE Draai's Big ftsur per 1 -lb. vaeuum tin . HTiLLE SOAP per large bar SUNUOHT SOAP rx'r carton FLOWER PETALS SOAP- 4 bars TOILET TISSUE 5 rolU BLACK FIOS 3 lbs SANTA CLARA PRUNES Sise. Fresh 9totk 3 lbs SALAD DRB88INO -Dest 'Foods. 12-oz. jars, per Jar CRAB M8AT per 'vlb. tin KINO 060AR SARDINES 2 tins TUNA ITS M Croat Drand it-lb. Una. per tin CORNED I1HCF Kxllent Quality, per tin 14c 12c 7c 41c 15c 9c 14 c 38c 35c 14c 18c 10c 14c 20c Nice 25c 18c 22c 25c 18c 11c STARCH Corn or Laundry Qp ' per pkg. . JELLY POWDERS Malklni 4 An or Empress, 3 pkga. PEACHES Lynn Valley No. 2 squat Una, 2 tins HONEY Ontario 2"-i-Ib. tins, per tin LEMONS Large and Juicy per doz. 111 33c 31c 24c Thrift Cash & Carry rhnne 179 101 Third Ave "CARRY AND SAVE" Mall Orders Have Our Prompt Attention J-t wish igimiitsri MANURE For Sale $2.00 a Load Dominion Dairy Phone Red OOS I THE DAIt.Y NKV7S Wednesday, Apm 2 ,,,,, f Mil TWO XI 1 1 e1! at 0 1 Palpitation of the Heart Nerves Bad-Could Hot Sice? Mr. Fred Bingham, Swift Current, ak., writes: "I w IMhrel with UpUtioa uf tit Lsrt, had uiy uert wore so tJ I ooul.l nut sleep. I waft getting: derrftte ud eosflded iny troobl to friend lu reuun4ed to uw MUburs's Heart md Nerve Pill. 1 pursued a Ui nd got fui-U relief I would gisul rteuim-metd them to sll wbs sr trtmbted i I ." . kf Tk. T. MUkw. 0., U4. . rr 4W M 0 r.( .i .HI Ur: .t -It Imk, OM. THE DAILY NEWS. PKINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA The Letter Box .MOUNT OLD FIELD MITTEE IS BUSY ROUTE BEING ASKED: IN McCLY.MONT PARK. TnntinueA from oage one) switchback and the seeastd raise wmlH iiiiiinnni n In an Mftatlv di IS BEATEN Groita Seniors Emerge Victors Over Visitors By Scant Three Points ! Score 32 to 29 ' NatflWas Close One'with Natives j Leading Tor While rection on a Sbaroer aseettt. The a third and fatirth taiaes naaW fol i The 0 rot to Senior League cageis tf this eHy ht trMMted to top the visiting Klncollth team 32-29 in a i fast basket ball game played in the Auditorium last night. The boys from the Naa River tillage played 'a wonderful game considering the fact that R was a strange hall to them. They are the fastest and rangiest quintette that has viMted here this year Depending a greut deal on long shots, they staged a fast passing game which brought START ( forward some vary goad plays On the other hand the tobacconist. played a wonderful checking game' but their offensive was weak Heavy chee Wb was the oromhaent FAMILY SHOE STORE Ltd. Shoes! Cjf our- Pre -Easter Sale Presents Many Money-Saving Attractions the Family TAKE Advantage of this event. Select .,. I'.aster Footwear" while sale w in prop.- EVERY PAIR OK SHOES Offer! art- ,., stmcted td pivo comfort and wear, compri - '1IARTT." "ONYX," "MURRAY" and iiiix'rior made quality Select Yours Now WATCH OUR WINDOW? FOR VAU l -Ihoncr)7 Hoxl"l IT PAYS TO PLAY TENNIS We Offer You FREE 2 Regular 60c bulls on the pttrxrha-of any racket up to KUKK 1 baMa with any raehet over $6 $6 Agents for Hentley.' SpaldMT aoafflMawntrrs FRESH COLOR FOR THE HOME Ask For Booklet un Heaaty VUh a Sponge FREE aponga with purchase ut 75c gck. Now Piw a 31 eotofsi COLOR IN THE GARDEN FIIKK Package of needs with aay purehns. 25C uf garuen Uiols over Our 8tack ta Compieta HIKE OI I ERS TIMS WEEK ONLY KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Kmllli ISIotk For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Rays Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor! (Irren 211 Phone Orren SIP Exchange lllock We DrliTrr Board Authorizes Repairs to Booth School Stairways The board of school traatsaa, at its meeting teat night, aathgtteed he Booth School committee to have John Hreianer proceed during he Eastet holidays with the mak-iriv ol repairs at a out uf g2t to the concrete stairways around that rhool As a raault of the replace ment of five steps and the patching f several others It Is expected the stairways of the school will or good for tinothei three years COAL! COAL! Our Famous Bdson. Alberta and flulkley Valley Coals are guaran-teed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No 1 nulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheal Oats and Iiarley PriRcc Rupert Feed Co. &g Phnnr WS Dr ritlNCE lU I'LUT IIUTi I and Mrs A t- r. j. whim- mx. Mrs n P M'i sou: L i.iftiUlor.i Jaaws Adam. Van- Ourd. Caasiar: J peg: A B. Lewon V.v madore Wnlter H r -ComnaarVer J t' Ft JONES' Famfly Meal Market me ing Veal, 2 lbs gOC Peas, 1 Un . Slioulder Vaal 5UC i lbs Leg of Veal JgC ! per lb. - Veal Clwt 35C 2 lbs - Bpaie Hlbo S lbs. ... Shoulder Of Larab Jgt ner lb -n Umb ClMH 2 lbs. 5l)C Peas. 1 Un Round Steak. 2 lbs 5Ut tfn Onions. 4 lbs. Sirloin Steak, 2 lbs 5"v fi Onions. 4 lbs. 3 dos 9,r7 Phone- 957-