April 1M3 Thr IicxaU Store thm dailt rows PAGE THREE LOCAL NEWS REFURNISH For day and night Taxi Mr-vice Phone 32. tf C.L.D.L. Darxe April 13. good and NOVELTIES music. 81 I For the Easter Coat see Wa!-j laces. m i an riA rnunn ror niinrpn tB 5 OWN TABLETS in ... ,,uil I WiU Mt i). " Hvr livm tbtm ... i .ur ihWrB livm rU dm oi tf mwi hy I w ' v iiW'S TABLETS to . . ,-. ih tan l fivro i'1'v lu -vrn the VWH' rrcuaartyird tbrm l.ittaer Far hiWrrn'. i! ij.ii tt.mk thrir n4i1.1I ntr- Mr- Ll.'Ui: . It- Urut. N - sn-l DR. WILLIAMS' Mjle and keep CfciMren Welt As Molhsrs Know IMON STEAMSHIPS LIMITED H'MWfi ! Print Ruprrt for vnou?r; TS? f TLA F.VFUY TUESDAY, I'M P-M. I'Ki rhsne 95 e Jongs .wmuik m.aia v and Saturday , :.: 25c 25c Apncou 27c Marmalade JQ Pineapple 25c Ustkaman 8i;i;i)i.i:ss IU1SINS. ,10 soc : i 29c 1 imily Size 22c in prr pkit 45c 1 i ' urn Rolled 29c 'b suck ' Purr Red 39c 4 lb pail I 'i.is in tor 49c 8i.o 2 32c 22c Easter Eggs, Bunnies, Chickens and.Egg Cups, Easter Egg Dyes We Are Now Showing These Linos For Raster Prices Range From 5c to 25c Ormes ltd. 3fut Pioneer Druqgiats nuny xr Motton rttau abatisr ei-prrimcc u matins Uwtr cattdrra. BABY'S OWN TABLETS art mn-mrmlnl b rlHttl Malta tar imh-iag ievrrt, eafcfe, cask. rnHrntinn. dfaordmd tftcmkn Md -mkw. Thr Tablet ir iiwtpmdvf. ray to Utr sad thofawrtrty rrlisbtr Ad thev r atcetutrH MFE r rfl Hm i)unt or mam driialr rhiU. Sec rriinct ( jul)ttt In cm J?-ent l Allure ii-t k and Way Points. Due Vancouver ThurMi.iv pin & VFNTlllE EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. Monday a m. '. .. P .n Bluipnn. AHe Ana. hmi nn aart Km In the County Court cax of W. II. Malkln Co. Ud. vs. L. B. War ner of Smtthers In which the plaintiff is clalmlni ttt.M from 4e AmU for goods sold and de-livfred. L W Palmore counsel for 'the defendant, yesterday aaked for dUmlsaal of the action on ground of MHttJt Decision was reserved by Judge W. E. Fisher T W. Brown i appeal ric aa ounsel for ptaln-lllf , Announcements aOBBBBB SSSBSBBaBMiaHninBlBHBMWMWMBM a Presbyterian Bprtng Sale April 13 Rebekah hard time dance SSc.. Aarll IS. Oka' D. April IS IJalagno'a OrtheatW.' 1 queen Mary ChaHar QaffoaU JaC April 17. loose Danee. April IT. ; Catholic Spring flal tnd Soelai Apr isui Anglican Spring lato and tea. pnlted Church Kastar Sale April 30. Rerstlrm Club Scotch dance Apftl 31. SU Pwtort Church Bprtng 8al April 27. Meeilaf . Women's Auxllsary Oa-judlan Legion. April 20. Iglon Room. 8 p m AnfUoan V P A play April 27-M. niHey Jlomc bniumr. May -United church May 4 59C nd 5 I Variety Sntertalnment Preahy-! terlan Church May H- Phones 81 and 82 Commodore Waller Hose Chief of Naval Stall. Royal Canadian Navy, and Lieutenant Commandei J. C Edwards. botft oi Ottawa arrived In the city by train early this imornl f from Ottawa Conuoodort Hose will Inspect the lo.ai unit of the R.CJJ V.R tonlaht after which hr wrtl leave or the s,.jib on I he H M C S Armenth-rres WATTS' Values For Thursday & Saturday HAM wif fa Oveniaed Half or Whole Iter lb. 21c BACON SwUl s Ovutiaed Half or Who)? per It 26c. tooS-wiit s Extras 23c per dot. TOMT(MB -Hoyal City 34c No. 2 tins, I Una C USTARD POWDflR- 10c atrd s, er ptM. FRY'S COCOA 24c per 2-lb. Ua NABOB TEA 39c per lb PICKLES -Sweet or 8weet 33c Mustard, par M-os Jar OOUUM BANTAM COKN- 27c Royal Otty. 2 Una APRICOTS Del Monte QAn Fancy, per No. S tin BAKIXa POWDSR Nabob 01n m. is- i UX ra aav-wsw. imi 69c per S-lb. tin ROLOCRSAM OATS 25c per large pkg. (?LAM8-4taowcap Mluced 35c 2 tins PINK SALMON Oboiee 9c 1-lb. tins, per tin TOMATO JDIOS Libbys 9c No. 1 tins, per tin OOLO DUST 24c per pkt AMO-CLOUD Liquid 19c Ammonia, per bottle APKIOOTS Oiioloe 29c Dried. I lbs. AYRSHIRE HACON Re Id's Seotch Cure. Sliced 32C aw- Watts' Grocery IMIONK 55 PHONE 5o THF HKST F1R LR8S" COASTAL S I? H V 1 C K From I'riiirc Rupert Tor Oremi Fall, P..rll ltier, ami Vaiiriimer 1lnirljr. 10.(10 p.m. For MrMsrl ami uut liirlay. t.Wl p.m. IMW TM tty t iiMiitrt. Y wartku ft, tram .! A X A Bl I A X IS AT I OXAL E. Bvenaoa left on the Cardena yesterday tor Vancouver. Tea and sale of X Bum, Baptist Church, tomonow afternoon. Onrden Earth. Manure, Phone 903. Casey Cartage, Prompt Service, tf Seasoned ttoxends, $1.99 per I load. Albert & MeCalfery. tf. For the Easter Oast. Hat Otoves, etc.. see Wallace's. Prices were never so reasonable. 87 Take advantage -ol the low prices on Kitchen Oreclce? at Gordon's Hardware McBrtde Street. i Canadian Lag ion B.EAL halt . yearly Bveeeirai. Wednesday. April 12. 8 p.m. Bieeilon of officers. Mrs. W. N Foremao of Eamon-J ten is vleitt.- here with her soq: and oauffhter-tn-bw, Mr. and Mrs. ! James Foreman, of Allln Avenue. Harry Rebb of the looaJ R.ON.V. R . who bat bean training at Us- ' .utmait for the paat two ar thrie montiia. taturnefl horoe on thej Prince Oeargc this marning. j Oood Friday evong at 8 p-ra.' he Baptist Church presents "Re-j tease " a Lenten Drama In one act, augumented by Camecpo's Orehea ira and soloists Tickets. 3 Sc. 37 ' lepartment of ttfct Oaoaobto Ka , j tlonal Railways was a passenger ocj -re rrurae oeorge arrmng uns noming irem Varcouver. The aatotd budget for the. month if March totalling $443433, in- luding In aceoufik ad 1 325 M in salariea, wan passed 'fori mant at but ntght's regular; nnriiuy neei!ij f uie uwru as jhool trusteea. " ; The school btrd wut Informed' u its sat sting Hut atehiihfltdUst Wrote, doroeseic slence ftwtrue- :ss. had reeenUy depoAled with he city treasurer a sum oT $3.10, ben. a ttoe proceeds of a Uo and tale hM lat September by the tome economira department. The snourtt will be errdrted M the schools account. Bringing north a, fairtted lUt of rms naory C N R. ateaMer Piinre Oeorge, Ospt H. E..Neddr. rived in tsort at 10 a'Wldkk this morning tram Vancouver, Powett! River and Ocean Falls 7nd, salktl his after oon (or Anyoxand Stw-. art ThU la the Prlnee Oeorge'; first voyage on spring schedule af.iCassiar ostraery arrived in the city er having been tied up -tor the winter at the lodal dry elt where v. j . . iAij.'...j IK unaerwri anmui loycrnatu ihe replaces the steamer Prlntf Rupert wktah is receiving; annual overhaul at Vancouver '- It was anneuneed at y&Mcrday's uncheon of the Prince Rupert Oyro Club that O. O. '.McQeft, K C, prominent Vancouver bar rtater and authority on economic nrnblema. had accented an ihvlta tion to address Hie club , In the urse of an Impetvolng northern tour. The club rwlvedreports from 8nm Jnbotir with respect' to the recent ampalgn to collect books for the Prince Rupert Public Library and from Dr. L. W. KcStln In regard to the proposed tall up Mount Oldficld. Past President William Crulckshank occupied the chair In Uie absence ct president T. W. Brown. The board of school trustees, at its meettotg last night. Instructed the secretary to reply to a mother who had written to the board as Ing that she be pwmUtedto eeR her fourteenoold daughter home, from school to assist with tho housework while she tfic (mother was ill that the board had no authority unoer the School Act to grtnt such permission, the Aei re qilrl" that It was compulsory for children between the ages of six and sixteen to Attend sahool. The mothtr iurUier advtted the .board that Uie girl's father was out of ork and It would be IniposJlble, anyway, to supply hex wjyj .bibles next term. There is really little cost to "doing over" a room if you go at It the right way. The job is half done when you put a sparkling new Congoleum Gold Seal Rug on the floor. At their new low prices . . . tbe louett in biliary . . . these beautiful rugs leave plenty over for other things. Refurnish on this economical plan, for a smart, attractive, colourful home and for the comfort and convenience that flat-lying, casy-to-clcan Congoleum always brings. Genuine Congoleum, the world's greatest value in home furnishings, is guaranteed to your satisfaction by the Gold Seal on the surface. The new Congoleum patterns are now on display at all dealers. Klt tUu Bat fain Prkes Taw Louetxt in History Siu Pritt Via fen $ 4.v a 9 fttt &m Ts fm ?. 9 x 9 fact 9-On 9 XlOftftM M.M xl2 feet 11.00 For Itat New Easter Bennett see Wallace's. 87 Mrs. A. Nets returned home on PriB moraln ip U Vancouver. w. ana mis. moms m on thePrinee Oeorge this morning enroute to Oaattar after apendinc the winter In the south. A. J. Phlttipaon. well known local fur dealer, who bas been a patient ftn the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hot- pMal for sosne time, was operated upon this moaning fnr the removal ot a toe. Villw SWriey NtcSwen arrive - ha thikity on the Prince George this frier fling to spend the Easter holiday! with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. II. McEwen She is attending school In Vancouver. Miss S. A. Mills, principal ot Borden Street School, to her monthly report at last nlghfa meeting of the school borad. referred to a persistent case of truancy at her school in connection with which no satisfaction could be obtained from the parents. The board decided to communicate with the chief of police requesting that some 'real action" be taken In connection with the case. An after of Watts' Grocery to supply thirty Rations of Imperial Oil floor oil the regular pnre of which Is SOc per gallon, to the schools at $12.90 for the lot was accepted by the school board at Its meeting last night. The secretary was authorises to purchase to the beat advantage a small quantity of sundries which are required by she janitors and for use In the schools generally between now and the end of the term. GoUStJKK NOMA"NMJ. (ONGOLEUM Rugs s e a l NOTE: Mute sure ion actiul-It let Ibe GU St J . . . it is swr prtttttiaa suins4 JUppmmlimt mhttitultt. CONGOLEUM CANADA Classified Ads FOR SALE l FOR SALE English Baby Pram. good as new. Phone Green 589. FOR SALE 1 Connor Electric Washing Machine, nearly new, prior reasonable. Apply Blue 444. Bl FOR RENT NEWLY Renovated., modem? flat. Rand Block. MavlUcilbrorup t ti FOR RENT Modern stucco bouse on Dlggar Place, Phone' Green ' 378. tf FOR RBNT Newly renovated house. 1807 7th Ave. Bast. Phone Bhie 697. 89 RENT reduced to $18 a month. Apply to owner, Suite 4, Levin Apartments. dw FOR RENT Fine Bungalow, modem, oak floor, prominent cor ner. Half price. See Hart. tf FOR RENT Store on Third Avenue In centre of business section. WW renovate to suit tenant. Thomas McClymont. (tf) HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING! "OH" 51.50 "Kliitlrtte" $5.00. Nelson's Beauty Slioppc CLEANING & PRESSING PRICES reasonable. Benkendorf, Third Ave., next door to Dally News. If V COL MAL I I II mmm 11 LIMITED MONTREAL SALESMAN WANTED MSN wanted In every town to hkodle Pyramid sales plan. Oood Commtaston. E. M. Howe I tie. i6- Dundas 8t . London. OflV, "piano TUNING IANOa Tuned $3.00. Walker's Ma sic Store. it PAINTERS "A1NTINO and Paperhanging. MoUer. Phone Red 802. PRINTING Office Supplies Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone tit The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping St Oeneral Furniture Repairs LUt your goods with me GEO. J. DAWES Phone Black HO During 1932 there was an Increase of 4 W00 Boy Scouts In the Empire, making a total of 883.204.