irrtay, May 6. 1933 Lastex Surgical Stockings HJwtaoie Hmbrwtell and become painful will find thU amazing new ?rfl h0U Ustex Yarn has a core of Lastex Rubber Thsaad astounding fine. Around this core is wound two tayew of fhree-jfy ,k- KoortleT h worn. Aik u for ejrlar ij Thermat Heating Pads No taetrtelty; no hot wafer; given 8 to 10 nours of steady eomfortln. warmth. Art to we thto Mafic Nev Self Heating Pad 1 25 Ormes Lid. The Rrxall Store SHINGLES I'rinre Rupert Aeenrv Seeond Aon. RENT A Radio, Sewing Machine, Typewriter McRAE BROS., LTD. EDWARBSBIJflG Pioneer Druqeyiats The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Siorage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. Made From Queen Charlotte Islands BEST CEDAR GIIM.N CI T AMI AIR IlRIEI) NOT KILN DRIED When Ordering Shtatko Rpeeify: tfueen CharMte Wand net No. 1. 3.x and fi Sales Tax No. 1. 5x .75 and G"r Sales Tax Arenl HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED wtin ktT. Prtncr nupm for Viiwmw - ts s. cAtam i:vi:hv ti:i.hay. i:K ivm. v arx-ran PMk and Way nnu 8a Vanaaavsr TtHgwday pm TVS CAMIJSNA EVPflY FMIOAY MIDNIGHT. I'ic Vanrouver Mondav m Ulna to fort aunpMin Mlcr Am. Anroi r irrinOUon iwrd:r Ml Mini tod urOou Btart sod Nut rhonr SC8 Regal Shop Orders taken for Knitted Ooods. Needlework. Etc Place your order for Tennis Sweaters and Socks ttes now. Your CANDY RCqUIKCMUVrS made fresh to order See Our Window R0WN BRAND CORN SYRUP (2pure, wholesome, and economicl table Syrup. Children lovo its delicious flavor. m "MnT,v ",f)A m nTlVlt farftTiftT Phones: 8 & 83 Ml. B. Meuse arrived In the e-ity i on the Princess Adda Id yester Mr ad Mi W O. Dremmer, Ocean Falun X dopwm and P. Kin-sefc. WtotUpeg ; George TyrreU Bd-montdn. W. E Brawn. Winnipeg; A. Pet-terson. Ounrar Aoge. R. Montgomery and Mr and Mrs. L. U. Wriatu 11 day afternoon from Vancouver andlkene is taking w residence here with I Mr and Mas. II. K. Chriattaascn. ! Fourth Avooue Bast. R Q. Johnston, manager of Inverness cansaiy, rotumod oa the Princaas Adototde yosUwday from a brW trip to Vtatena. being ac-eompaBSfd by Mrs. Johaston Who ! a-iU now take c rttfctence at Io-'vernets tor the smnuaer. TV PrBce Rapert Chamber of Commepoe, at Its meetUif last mtgA. dott with eeneapo6asce ijiaoarysd ffe Oiof Hanson. MJ.. n rogasa ce nanory mass-re ana foaei Um Regtna WosM'o Orain ExhlblUos) apd Conference ta re- ladiea gwd ta Jortr.cominr big iStM. MvonV TTnrlam-. n Ktt tTtK V-m . . ran daily mora - jAOZ THRU ler ITcirf W f Mk LOCAL NEWS NOTES Kama ttbf Uat CXJi.L. parice tonight, gooci mu- For day and te' rhone li; nirht fati just amveo large snipment of Itow at 9 pm. Good program. Pub-:'lfe H cordially InvRetf. All Interested in softbag please j attend meefef tonight at 8:30 fet Canadian Nettonel Recreation A-andatton rooms. OovumMa in renard to the beat time for holding the annual con vention of the Associated Boards at Smitr.fw The matter will be cosHideewi by the exeoutlve at an onrty date and representations made. Tins was decided on at the request of L. S. MrOfll, of Soil til ers, who attended the meeting. At the instance of O W Nlcker-on. the Prince Rupert Chamber of CooHneroe at ita meotlng last nisht. decided to write S. J. Hun-gerfnrd. acting prodent of the Canadian National Railways and A B. Warren, vice-president to charge of tte wjfttern rfgtoa, asking that the ineresto of Pflnee Rupert be P. Onnton. SonnyaMe; Bobbie osntfdered to connection yith the McKlnnon and L. Dottor. 8i-artV!eraftax Bf We drydoek and stenmsertp. This action was token in view of the recent change In ooqtrol n conneotton wHh the steaunahtos and Arrdoek Announcements UH .-:gliasi iM(.mi IxIiSr1 Oaimdlan Leglop Women's Auxll -1 We Are Here For Your Convenience Drop ln at our Confectionery next time you are down town for Coffee antt Tea, Ire Cream; Fruits ami' Air Varieties of Candies and Chocolates, j Milk; and Cream- j We will appreciate a vikit from you I itiy time and remember we are open from 8 u.m till midnight GlUt STOCK IS PltEtillt AND COMVLrTlK MIJSSAUEM'S CONFECTIONERY & DELICATESSEN tary Tea and Sale of Rome Cook- ling Armoury, ito 0. Oddrellows1 Satnrday. May S. 3 Olcf Time Dance. May 9. Variety Entortolnmwtf Riasby tertan Church May 12. Basketball Benefit Dane May 12 Philharmonic Soolety Concert on ' May 16. Sbi of Norway 17th of May eele-bmtioiv OddftfoW Hull Bl nance. Mpogi 11 mj u. BIHbHlon of uw Hall, May d-tWlng, Ocidto)- Ofrnbrai qiwpr Tea May 20. Sootoh Dance Mall. Mhy 93. Seal Dove Parish Moose dasce May jjt. I Football Sunday afternoon 2-30. OXJWL. vs. lament. TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Rent Rose, Cowan & Phone 231 Latta For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Viot Rays Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 241 Thones Green 519 Exchange Block Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks ToU capacity 20,00 tona Shipbuilders and Ship' Repairers tor Steel and Wood Vessels' Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding SO.tno Derrick for Heavy Liftf Sawmill and Mining Machinery Repaired and Overhauled a' Garden Earth, Manure, Phone 305, CWtey Cartage, Prompt Ser-; vte New Hats. AtftWUe's. St. AtWi 6ateu err - bsnooi wni meet 10 a.m. until fur- Paint. vamisK, etc. SHyersldes ther notice Bros. Spring Sate now on. tt i HfMimntg-noiMe U rooms, cheap, Propaganda meeting c. L. D. 1. furrarr beat, easy rent, pelter, fby Jugo Sferia orchestra. sort. 107 Moose Memorial Service tomor- lOCi Take advantage of the 26 bono sale on B-H" Oen trine painfc and ear -lines May list to 15th Jrtly. Gordon's Hardware. Vaion steaawT Carder a Capt. Bmaot Oooryeaon arrived in post at 1? 30 midnight last night fro the aonft and saAed a I a m . - her reUirn to Vareouver and war- . Corp. Ctarke RCJJ. returned pointa. to the elty on the Prtncoas Ade- teide yesterday afteraoon from a Archie Thompson arrived home brief trip to Oaoan PaMs an offl- on the Prtnaess Norah this mom- cial duties. tnf from his studies at the UnK1 veraity of Britlsr. Colaffbia to I Punean P. MHler of the lot! spehd the somrner vaaOoh with! cuvtoms staff tatted this morning t parents, tit ard Mrs. j H ! on the prinoes Nomh tor Stic- Thompson. where e will te stationed i i ior the summer as austoms offieer.f At She prhteo Ruoert ehumhpr - rOf Oirnce raeetisw laat algtt Alex Gordon, lately of the sa. It. F.' Pun drew attention to th- fsiaceM Kooa, has aasumed dnyr dettrabtmy f 1 sjsi h elose1 as cjtief rngMer on the sleamef toocn with the mining activttlea of Prtasess Adelaide in place or Ben the whole district with a view to Osborne wtjo ha been transferred- ceopenrtfcm with those "wfio are as ehlcf from (he Princf Adela- trying to open up these industries kde to ttve Prtneess Charlotte. I At the meeting; of the Prince Aa tafeyable dance unoer the ' Rupert Chamber of Commerce last iMPkca Df the- Canadlaa Laoor night copies of a new fokiM- r. Defence teagite was held Thura-, centry prepared by the publicity day night, a. (&od-sis1 audience committee were distributed among! oeina in atten?aQce Mane was Dv memoers These are for nnbll- a ridttve oreheara and A. Rush-. city purposes and were printed byj wood, M master of ceremonies Refreshments were hrongbt by the IaaUtnttng the company's W- ay spring schedale to Alaska. c. Going njor-ing wtthi Reamer princess Norah, Capt v r-liM-ni I m aallIr Aaafl am i passengers. ose. cowan and Latta The sum- marite very well the resource of Prince Rupert pi- r-i i. i .. . . Alhort nhllMn ajjtjl In rwvr it HMfr laL Li.L. t I Lr. V, ".. L ' VJ good-saed of passengers . Tllnno c-i ,v 1 110110 801 Limited to prospeat the 1 ttHea an hoar or sTlater tori " c Deliver eraohs near the WWle Paas and skawa- and other Aksfea noina a Vr.Lr-M Dvnl.u-.ia V& sv r j Tne vessel tod oft board quite "vwu. .u.n.v ,tanJe ft of ui off w not nn unnei ifWi Store and later at Aayox t Hofel Arrivals Pilncr Puprrf H. B Gaay. Prtoce Goorwo: Rev. Land Mrs. 8. V H Redman and son. faateJton; If. L Oray. Vaoeoaver; F M; DockrUl, Tegcwa; Mrtv . R. Agaf. Tewaee; L. 8 V?niner. Srai-thers. T 0 aarrett and C V 1oa-son. Vancouver. H. Pnttard. Cal--ary: J. 6 I!fek, Teieigrapb Creek Crntral' W SnWHc. AnyoiC 0nnar Magic and Raaittnaa Itatt! Orry; L. Oar-fin. CJ!R. Oaenr Cnmoa, 0. " Sawy ' kul Aaa. Royal: SPrrtSf e iv rnrcn n.. a ! ; Kea cod PUlets, per Jb tiauout FUlets. per jh, waiiout Cheeks 3 Iha The Prince Rapert Chamber of ! Sliced Halibut, ner In. Oomme-ee. at its meelteg laat Red Spring Salmon, per lb nisjht. decWed to make a reeon.-' White spring Salmon per lb mendation to the Associated Flounders. 3 lbs Baaeds of Tmde of Ontrai Brttlah c . . ... Phone 851 YE OLDT5 lr JSe lfle IScI 8ic 3 Second Street JOHN SOW outboard raotosa. New few prior. Write or cU tor oat-aloue. Let us demonarae. W. R. tdve Bleotrk Oompany. Prince Rupert, District Agents. I'm TENDERS' will be received until '1 1929 Model Six Sedan delivery aa is. Can be inspected at Kaiea Motors Ltd, adoxeas Katen Motor Ltd. Tender. FOR RENT H09SB6-F. W. Hart fully modorn House, fleam basement, tow raotot. 5W 8th Av-enue JWltst, Phone Btoo Wit. . , COMFORTABLE beoxoom to rent. ! rj Ctotc ln- Phooe Red 316. tf- MODERN HOUSE, frve rooms and , Bath, with Range. i W Phone 86. Mj FOR RENT Store on Thted Avenue in centre of bnetoea section. Will . renovate to tvtt tenant Thomas1 Mcdyaoat. tlt 1 TENNIS Chib member, adult wo man, desires woman partner. I member or willing to )oin Ap-i ly Box m, Oaily News. 166' j BpSlXESS OPPDttTUXfTy RELIABLE man to take oare route. Distribute and collect. New , ' product. Protected territory. Earn n AIR DRESSER TERMANLXT WAVING! -OU- S3-5T. 'nlnltte,, $100. Nelson's Beauty Shoppe TRANSFERS . CAMERON'S TRANSFER. Phone 177. Ohatw for rent. Bear bottlas bought. PAINTERS PAINTINO and Paperhang)n Moller. Phone Red 802. I LAMI ACT NuVe 0' lntrntln I apply la t In PTjiwr Rup-rt Uutd HMordtnf DU-Urt of Qum cnrlnttc lilanOa. atoO .KltUStr DtUIni U 90S. CI. 1 Tt oatssr tht J, S VIgrrU ot mm mtpt. mvupntton I mm u Kaply ' Mn. A. Blaek, Wallabnrg, Out, writes. "I tuffered from heart weakneaaj ahkky mttS, and rwtleaa aigbtt. I nt your drertlnmt for Idbura Heart sad Kerr PiS tad decidod to trythem althoogk I did sot har Bn eh ffith, bat sow I am very thamkful I Hi U they hare proved of wondorfu keif t n. Z ta mow strong sad well again, but am aerer without s Vox ii to bouae." Mr Ml rt U n at pml ; pat my w)r fcr Tfca T. HOara Oa, LM, The Annual Self Denial Effort Commencing May 2nd w ot H SM toeSlM ff.4 rlMUiw to the Boutno tbetlra roA rhatiw to tlx 4tknoc IS ottiu to ih North-WMt ik WOg oiga vmir nwrk to point ot oaceyyayatand conwniBg ao m- JOHS BLUB UORIUB, xy apru loth. ism. In Aid of Our Htime and Missionery Work The Need is Great WHEN CALLED OS PLEASE GIVE LIBERALLY TO THE SERVICE THAT SUCCEEDS Classified Ads ItEtP WANTED now to get a Free Booklet. Winnipeg. Government Job. The M.C.C. Ltd, AGENTS WANTED .LT Chevrolet J"! AOBNTS-ig money aentagShoe- astlc. Soles shoes at home for few eerto few aeienUrle compound applies like putty. Wears like leather. Everybody wants tt. Write Dept D7. Shoelastic Company. 1333 William St.. Montreal. tf; SALESMAN WANTED W-TY SALBBMN (Side Line) , Sells to any merchant Big commission Sels on gt Something new to Canada. Get in line on this, and make money. Apply to Box MX, Winnipeg. PERSONAL PMVA7E home Kindasgnrtenapay. We start you The Canadian Kta-dergarten InsUtnte. Winntoet. OENTLMEN Purchase Peraonal Drag Sundries by Mail Bargain Priaea. Assortment of fifteen High Orade BnroDean Iraporsa-ttons sent postpaid to ptftlh wranpar for SI. 08 catategue Proa. Adulu only. National ny, trtnntors. Boa 443. Htegtna. Snsk. PIANO TUNING 'IANOS Tuned SS.UO. sic Store PRICES Third News. tier Walkers Ma tf excellent weekly Income. Borland - ' Nut Co.. St. Paul, Minn. 106 CLEANING & PRESSING reasonaote Benkendari, Ave, next door td Dally LAN'll APT ( iiitriin to Apply to rwrraaar uina In Prtnr Rupert Laud fUoardlog Urlpt of Ruut Pour " ntr4 atwl ltut about n ate tram .rtlti ol Utr Kbutae BJVOT on UM BmS riSTk. T aonci iims L wnuoas Olwot ot vknoouvar. Be. uni iMimso, M- Oyenoor saasMb to apfSytor prrmlniun to puichoac Um folio wtOf QJQcWt lopQi tbSlffmXii O-tu-Sjisf th Wwt Me at Lot ITS; tfettMw vrwtrrlj SO rbuiu: thvnor souUmTI 98 chain; thrive aaurly SO ctaOSTM: Umoo norUtrrly 10 chaltu. ana OOO-Utloloa loo mm, noN or turn. wtujam LAonaisat oilbert -Anrtl 11th. IBM. The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping 6t General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me GEO. J. DAWES Phone Black 121