PAOB TWO Canada s Anthem O Canada, our home and native land True patriot love in all thy sons comand. With glowing heart we see thee rise '. The true North strong and free, ( And stand on guard. O jCahada, i We stand oh guard tor thee, O Canada, glorious and free O Canada we stand on guard for i t thee, O Canada we stand tori giiard.'for . ! "' thee, I THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE KUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period; paid In advance .. For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year By mall to all other countries, per year ,- .,. ADVERTISLNG RATES Transient display advertising, per inch, per lw ertlon Classified advertising, per insertion, per word - Legal notices, each Insertion, per agate line , -,, Local readers, per insertion, per niie Contraci rates oh application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters' Telephone DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Barrio of Circulations QUICK ACTION VANGOUVEIt TOLtCE SITUATION JAPAN TODAY AND foSlbilffOW ..9 5.00 19? 3.00 9.00 1.40 i2 .13 25 Tuesday. Feb. 21. 1931 the Letter Box HASK CTI1 ALL CHAM PI 0 NS 1 II I Editor, Daily News: We wish to give the following information through the columns of your paper, for the benefit of ill basketball teams in Northern British Columbia. On behalf of the Y. P. E. A. tltleholders of Northern British Columbia, basketball championship. All basketball teams that wish to compete for the championship games may enter their teams to the Prince Riipm BalkWball AHttita-tion, not later than February 22, and all contending team nifty ptihv between February 22 and March 1 inclusive, at Prince Rupert. The" first series of championship I stne will be played at Part Sftnn-1 son on March 2, afti the second of the series wiN be played at-Prince! Rupert on the'fbllowai-; week. W are rineerety yours. W. E. KELLY. Sec HENUY HBUN, Ptes Young People's MsucaHanal As- sociation. Port Simpson. B.C. APPRECIATION' Editor, Dally News: I, hte 'barmdtah." appreciate your pluck and btaadmlndedness in publishing the tetter tigned "Paul Jackson" and I see no cause for alarm th the incident. Rather I think there Is reason ior thankfulness that a system that is offering itself as a friend is suddenly revealed In Its true aspect. I and many others I know 'are suffering Intensely under present conditions and looking longingly for some relief from the strain and want, but, If such Intolerant sentiments and such an attitude of bombastic bravado are typical of the! cause Paul Jackson advocates then we cry fervently "Not that way please Ood." We want reform and advance, hot retrogression. No doubt, the "Red" system has done wonders for Russia, but trip advance effected by reforms is rela -tlve to the conditions existing previous to the reform and what tn serfs would appear as glorious free There IS one trait about the American tieonlp! that Is dom to free men would be intoser- worUiy of emulation; When they make up their minds able bondage, theyjvant something they go after it ran!dly and effec- JdVAl tively. Thirteen years ago they, decided that they wanted and eagerly we investigate even prohibition of the liquor traffic and they soon had the proffered plan for improvement eighteenth amendment to the constitution passed to give out we want justice for an. Reason effect to the desire and arbitration, tolerance and The experiment was given a pretty good trial and, like ?J1! ii ..f, .. . ii , 1 . the weapons of force, soon may we all constitutional or other new schemes, was fDtind to have see tne mm wno Mn handle them defects. In this case they were considered SO serious that It is hard to work incessantly and nothing but repeal of the eighteenth amendment would sun not eiear enough to meet neces-cure them. The machinery of government, cumbersome slt,e-u ta hrdr to rffuw1 as it is, was immediately set to work and the result is that lri.! l7!!y . with all the world pooling over the r i i i a i .i Congress has done its part in amending the constitution, me question it cannot now be It now lies with the states and they are already busy with jong before some sane and just a view to backing up the action of Corigress. scheme is evolved m for intelligent In this matter of constitutional amendments It seems huj2n to that the executive heads of the federal or state govern- m " powerful- ments have no say. one-Jump-Ahead-of-the-Doie WILL II It AW TOfSETIIEIt . . , . . In the long run. nations Inevit- Pnnce Rupert people are taking a great deal of interest ably m tend to draw together, rain the situation at Vancouver in connection with the dis- ther than draw part.-cherie m. missal of Chief Edgett and the appointment of a sucees- sor. Colonel Edgett first appealed to the Supreme Court ior an injunction restraining tne commissioners irom appointing another chief until his claims against the city were heard. The judge refused the application so he applied to the Appeal Court at Victoria and they granted it, giving the Colonel until March 7. At the same time that the appointment was being made the court at Victoria' w'ftf granting the injunction. The city solicitor of Valicouvftr recommended that it would be illegal to sweflj in the n chief but he is already on the job and whetHer legally or not will doubtless carry out the duties'. ? kea ling 0 ?v (OA ream Ulenihoktm The newspaper "The Osaka Mainichi" has published "Jpd jtrof;; and is distributing a splendid English special number ' Oke 1 ".Tnnnn trtvlnv nnrl lnmnifmi' " n enmr nf whifVi Vina VPfn vn. ceived by the Daily News. It is a splendid magazine of information about Japan and the Japanese people and the progress they are making. It is fully illustrated with colored plate and half-tone pictures and gives a good idea of what the Japanese people are doing. However any of our readers may disagree with the policy of Japan iri relation' to China and her action at Geneva, we all have to admit that she is a virile nation with all the possibilities of great development. Her move in Manchuria is one sign of that' reaching out impulse. Most people realize the danger of such a policy if It goes unchecked1 and the impossibility of any disarmament scheme as long as it exists. Rut that little difficulty fihould soon be ironed out and Japan will proceed with legitimate development silottg; constitutional lines. We Wish hey every sUq-cess and fern sure the' book winch has jfct been Issued vill help make her and' her institutions better known and . MACt . ... IN CANADA THE DAI1.Y NEWS "TwerdayvFebrutirv ; mm nxAfvrasvi mamdanamuummt ii BwmnmiiJinttiiwnBi aria m sen u wmtuimnmwSmhmmtmmsxBi B News of The Sport Badminton Club Leading Results of badminton games played last ttfettt 'still tfve the Rwi "lub a good lead In the A Division ;U3 iWeelt Igfct in the ICWr, ftetults M last niahi s fixtures m the league at: Pflnce Hupftt Club 12. Sk-nn 2 C. N. R. A. H. Bkerna nnd Anli can 4 A League Standing Rupert Club M C N R A 35 Sk":-na . . 34 Skei-r.ri and Anttiic:n 7 K Lege 8Unstng R'ipert VtM M Moose 14 Hillside : 23 Rnnert cfcR M UnU allrCathollr til Ball Piayef in Films I L " 1 " i Ernie Or ill up" in-; :i fnr a Ruth1 in .tl!o. Vnr f.:. Ltuts Catilinnl outfielder u-'d t;n in a movie scene rtcently. OEMS FROM LIFE'S SCIcAI'.IlOOK PATIENCE ! i "They aian serve who only stand and wait." Milton. j ' "The principal part of faith to patience.' Oeorge MaoDonaJo, . "Patience and gentleness upwer." Leigh Hnt an "What I have done is due to patient thought "-r Isaac Mewton. "Thji lives of great men and women mre miracles of patience and perseverance ' -Mary Baker Iddy. j "The plant grows in the mist and ' i urr cloun as trulv as under sun- i shine; to does the heavenly principle within." Channlng. FREE FOR A FEW DAYS Manv people are offering bargains. Here Is an offer of advertising free. Just to test It oat the Dally Nws will during thr nixt few riayi give a free iaiflrtt advertisement up to 25 uord fnr anyone wishing to exchange articles. Kappns you have a table you do not want hot you nerd a rival i1. You aiUrrtNe your wllllnenrn lo rvrhante trlling what kind of a tablr you have. It may be artlrlc of furniture, radio, grnmaplinnes, Jrwellrrr. rrockrrywarr, mirror, flower poU. Ixxiki, nmcailnrs, automobllrs, or wlul have you? Why not change your usclrs artlrlrn for soinrthliif you could use. Don't try to trade au'av the baby, it's asninst the law, but almost anything else has txmlbilitlm. Trv it. All vOii have to d Is Urlfr tjir advrrtKrmrnt rarrfully and srnil or bring or mall It-to Mir Dally Nen office. We do Hie rest. While wc in nc.- -.ern cilm.v cotutuu '"' Hf- "B. down in M17 Ca!lfcrla they are got tn for he viet ynderwear And ports Metes tMl HMsU'on rateen ptayer ana nis ue. out for a hit of a ski Crilibage League i CfWbagsiamiing Gasars flayed M StH tad mtm-r Retail ami u.i Ore thai Gov Stttl I ? .nd Set! Cote stn tiv i te head of the CrttbaR len-u i a result of lat Mkritt's Orotto LOOJ". 'Vttadtan i ir.'aup a-ne. The results I Mores? v. .- fc.u-tw jllks Cana:Uu Uxion, IS; vrifts. 13. ftwlfU IOOJ". 13: Orotto. 12. Monse. 13: Eagles. 14. Seal Cove. 11: Blks. K. Empress, 14: Musketeers. BILLIARDS February 21 Les Canad!en Cold 8 to rage v Leajkn r. in t a n n M 14 71 A It n n it n M M ll M 91 W i BASKETBALL SCHEDULE fhrmiry 21 Kairnn vs Orottb. Warriors vs. Merchants: CawUnsbi . Comeu: Meteors vs. RAVtri. orld lat&ara tnsB iitnii ruKumtumtuxvi rm rni arm nsnsa oKmsmrntmam tmn kb iBTsrrnTOiMtas sre?rrs rajrawi nrioc Prince Rupert 1 Winter Goes South SPORT CHAT Knuse NysVni wit iti . the 18.kllomtlre croshc. :.u i .it tin- Prince o ... iieni. the t imc being 63 5 1 ; riaHt 1a.s second . P. S.nui: v. kvcnet ioi.1 Ui, J Ho skAe sbrtii In the )in.; cont'esusnU were placed n .fan1 dtMei C iHhl'' A ..jlsl, feiriuues. C. u..hi-).iM!he ClnssA with f i. HoIm and A Moon I . i ii. uned jorf 1 o.imjduII c.itch-i i. id by F W Tha. i nc Httrvurd basebull H7ii ;.. 1878 Th- flrot . .i r..ulc wiik Jain'' A Harvard In n gnme brtv.. ;atd ami Mi Live Oaks , Lynn, Maau . on April Hi :; Nortftje Hlineii, star r i. New York American I i. doc nsjt iikr to luvr Mi. anthem, ot the Unittl s 6antrla pluyed a' Uh m !om ii Li-avut Ku ne i-. )" .iila:- b; :i I Nrmi : 5u; tii' K wieniy bald jii. .k' oft l is black cap Lord Bunjhlfy 1M8(: j metre chum pi nn. and rn. . '110 and 4O0-metre r J 1M2 games. Is exiectri Iter comprtltlon he pi. 'Spring Jerry Come .. ;Uah tMfek star who n .. the 1 800- metre nlreariN : i Comes was runnrr-un :: pic IMtnaetre last - I'M Lutti BeeeaM. the It..h IK), winner M! t; ' Thf A A V of Our. ci adopted a new rule o. Bln race, ihe sthlei. j first to hit thr tapr ' taMead of thr thl :. N flrnt across tlie hn W face of the track. Had " 71 1 in efiaet kit A u lint lOO-metr race would i dead heat attveen Ralph E.CliNL RVTi teW YOIIlt Trh : rates here yisaWrdav so OMMdlan doUar 1 the pound sterltna Wealthy Tlll.MC hark over llir lat nix IiioiiIIin. 'I lie iliiyn Ihut yon vrre llir liupi!c wctc iluys stlirn lu-ullli wan at llir vruk. Enjoy more suiulilhy iluyn. 1'iHir Iical tli It so oflrn due to rommiin rnnitip'utloh. Yet this rouilitinii ran . lie over route liy iiiily ruling a tic liclous rcrcal. Ijilniralory Imcmlpalloiu lime pntvnl lliat Krllnpn' AlJllllA.N "l,ulk." lo cxcrriKe the iiilenlinm, uml slliiiiiln II In furllirr assist ejfiiilhuHiin. AlJlllUN UuImi twice u rirli in Iron a ua cijual Hciglit of beef Uvcr, When y tou3re. happy Thin Ml.ulkM In Al.L'llnAN Is oltnllur lo thai lit Irafy rgrtaliTrK. nioloelral lrt lime IrinoiilralcI ifmt ll Is milil in urtlon. Two laltlripopnfuls of Kcllopg's AlJnnAilallr are immlly siiiririrnt. Willi each nienl in chronic rjir. If not rrllevnl tlilt way, consult yrtiir iloclor, Isn'l lhl ilctan urrrV'nl way" heller than taklng'pllls ami ilrugs so oftcii harm-fill? Gel III ml-uiul-f(rrii purkiie at your grocer's. Muile hy Kellogg In Imdon, Ontario, ALL-BRAN M M, I I I fiV nbn u"ri lirHl yuro lPI" -llrnw r.u fl i ' ' "JJ ru bL jinJ 1 wl; ll ImmI you I14 ' , lll UhaUitrvU ll" "' ". 'i 1